Newsletter 7 2011 - 1 June
girls’ resilience, their capacity to put up with a little discomfort and their good humour throughout the camp experience. I congratulate the girls and I thank the staff who also spent three days away from their families and who looked quite exhausted on their return on Friday afternoon. Dear parents and carers, Last Sunday our Church celebrated the Feast of Pentecost, one of the most ancient feasts of the Church and mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles and St Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians. Pentecost Sunday is the 50th day after Easter and it supplants the Jewish feast of Pentecost, which took place 50 days after the Passover. This feast is often called the “the birthday of the Church” as this day is recognised as the day on which the Christian Church was born. This Pentecost, the Catholic Bishops have summoned the Church in Australia to a Year of Grace. By doing so the Bishops are calling the faithful to undertake a spiritual retreat from Pentecost 2012 until Pentecost 2013. The Bishops believe that we must return to the very basis of our meaning as a Christian community - reflecting, contemplating and addressing seriously who the person of Jesus is for you and me. The Christian community is being challenged to keep coming back to see where the face of Jesus is in what we are doing as a Church and as a community. As the beautiful song from the musical Godspell makes clear, we are called to see Jesus more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly day by day. I was delighted to welcome back our Year 9 students last Friday after their camp. The girls experienced the great outdoors in a fairly basic fashion as they camped out, cooked on a bush stove and generally “roughed it” for the three days of the camp. The staff members who attended were greatly impressed by the
The students are in the midst of exams with Naplan and half yearly exams being undertaken over the last few weeks. Teachers are busily marking exam papers and beginning to prepare reports and to finalise assessment tasks. Term 2 is traditionally a very busy term and this one is certainly no exception. The college is also putting the finishing touches to Godspell, our production which will run from Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 June. This will be a fantastic show and I encourage all families to come along and enjoy the talent of St Mary’s students and staff. It really must be seen to be believed. Recently St Mary’s was very well represented at a Service Award ceremony recognising the work of staff members in Catholic schools in the Diocese who had given at least 25 years of service to Catholic education. College staff who received awards included Mrs Mary Boyle, Mrs Terese Coleman, Mrs Pam Halcrow, Mrs Marie Pulford and Mr John Phelan. On behalf of the college community I offer them our congratulations on being recognised for their service and my thanks for the wonderful work they do at St Mary’s. A further reminder that Friday 8 June is a staff professional development day and there will be no lessons held at the college on this day. Parents are asked to make other arrangements for their daughters on this day. I wish you and your families a safe, happy and relaxing weekend as we begin to see the arrival of the cooler weather. Yours sincerely,
Frank Pitt, Principal
Year 10 reflection day
8 June
STAFF PD day - no classes
11 June
Queen’s Birthday holiday
14-16 Jun Godspell - college production 19 June
Year 11 parent interviews
22 June
Last day Term 2
16 July
First day Term 3
For student enquiries and notifications, please ring Student Office on 4226 3969
Students are integrating “Godspell” into their practical studies. Students from the VET Entertainment course are designing lighting and sound, crewing and running technical aspects of the show, and helping build the sets. The girls recently visited TAFE instructor and set constructor, Jeff Williams, at Woonona to assist and observe some intricate set work being done offsite. The production allows the school to provide hands-on experience that reflects industry practice. We also learn from Tobi Pinazza of IPS and from our own staff experts, Mr Claude Nughes and his team, the IT Department, Mr Dan Oakleigh, Mrs Meegan Knight and the Creative Arts faculty. In fact, “Godspell” will draw upon the skills and support of every section of the school, plus the P&F, and of course the large willing cast and their families. A real community event! Come and enjoy it. Tickets available on college website. Steve Goldrick 14-16 JUNE
Love of God · Love of Learning · Hospitality · Stewardship · Peace
Last week we formally farewelled our exchange student Vilma at the school assembly. Vilma will be returning to Finland during the next school holidays, having spent 12 months with us. Illawarra Sunrise Rotary Club was her sponsoring club.
The Polding Learning Centre has been a busy place over the last couple of months: new furniture has been ordered, parts of the library collection have been moved and the PLC Moodle page is now ready. Thank you to all the students who participated in the planning of the new furniture - delivery date is during the next school holidays so it will be an exciting return in Term 3.
Although we are sad to see Vilma leave, we know she has had many happy experiences, learnt a lot about Australia and made many friends. She had been a model exchange student in all respects and St Mary’s has gained much from her presence. Vilma spoke to us about some of her experiences. Aside from seeing landmarks of our beautiful country, her language skills and confidence have improved. We are still working on her indifference to vegemite! No doubt there will be many farewells for Vilma in the weeks to come. Our best wishes go with her. Vilma assures us that she will return in the future and her parting words, “once a St Mary’s girl, always a St Mary’s girl”, were most appropriately articulated. Liz Davis
The PLC Moodle page is now ready, and it is great to see students already using it. Here is an outline of resources available to students on the PLC Moodle page: • About the PLC (PLC and textbook information) • Assessment guides for tasks (recommended websites, journals, book lists and other useful resources) • Bibliography and referencing (bibliography guidelines, scaffold, examples, Harvard referencing) • Books and reading (new fiction lists, book reviews, suggestion box) • Online resources (include ANZRC, History Reference Centre and Science Reference Centre) • Research and study skills (links to useful websites such as studyvibe). A reminder that the PLC is open until 4pm each day - a great time for students to work on their tasks after the busyness of the school day. Christine Rutherford, PLC Coordinator CAREERS
Vilma (centre) with Mrs Davis and friends FREE ITALIAN CLASSES FOR PARENTS WITH CLUB CAPPUCCINO Would you like to learn Italian for travel or just for fun? Would you like to take a little weekly trip to Italy and learn simple, practical conversational Italian in a relaxed, fun atmosphere whilst sipping a cappuccino and savouring Italian culinary delights? Would you like to learn more about Italian customs and culture? Thanks to the generosity of AIS funding, a free beginner’s Italian course, “Club Cappuccino ”, is offered again this year in Term 3 to interested parents. The course will run from Tuesday 17 July to Tuesday 4 September, starting at 6pm. The course will consist of 2½-hour weekly classes for eight weeks. No previous knowledge of the language is required and there is no homework! For expressions of interest or further details, please contact Rita Giampieri: rita.giampieri@ stmarys.nsw.
WORK EXPERIENCE: Our Year 10 students will be participating in work experience between 30 July and 3 August. Students are currently in the process of contacting employers and paperwork is required to be returned to me on 8 June. DISCOVER ENGINEERING DAY: Engineers Australia will be running Discover Engineering Day on Wednesday 8 August at the Illawarra Senior College from 9.30am to 2.30pm. Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 are welcome to participate. Students who are interested should see me. ENGINEERING CADET CAREER SNAPSHOT DAY: BlueScope Steel and the University of Wollongong are offering students an opportunity to learn about Engineering Cadetships. Students will be given a guided tour of the BlueScope Steel Research facility, a guided tour of UOW Engineering faculty and lunch at Australia’s Industry World with several engineering cadet representatives These Snap Shots will run from Australia Industry World on 3 and 10 July, which is in the school holidays, commencing at 9am and concluding at 1.30pm. If students are interested in attending please contact me. Pauline Judd, Post School Advisor
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE “IT’S NOT OKAY TO BE AWAY” To continue with our focus on school attendance and new legislation, over coming newsletters there will be information relating to school attendance. This week I would like to draw your attention to periods of extended leave for your daughters. This would include leave of more than five days for things such as family holidays. LEAVE REQUESTS: NSW Department of Education legislation limits periods of extended leave and requires particular processes to be followed and completed. Leave requests are to be directed to the Principal, by the completion of an “Application for Period of Exemption” and a covering letter. When this period of leave is granted, students will then be issued with a Certificate of Exemption and an Extended Leave “form” which will enable them to collect details for work and assessments which need to be completed. It is appropriate to provide a reasonable period of notice of approximately 3-4 weeks to ensure this process can be completed in a timely manner. If you have any questions relating to extended periods of leave, please contact me at the college. Emma Magill, Dean of Pastoral Care Dear parents/guardians/grandparents, The college is seeking volunteers who are able to assist with the supervision of examinations throughout the year. This could include the supervision of class exams or the supervision of students with special provisions. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Mrs Natty Apolo to provide contact details and available days. Gerry Sozio, Dean of Studies
LEARNING AT ST MARY’S Students at St Mary’s are encouraged to be independent and reflective learners: to think about their learning and to acquire specific learning strategies to assist themselves with building up their capacity. Students who are active participants in their own learning are self-regulated learners. Following are some strategies, with specific examples for each, as to how students can become more self-regulated in their learning (Lavery, 2008): Year 12 students working hard at the NSW University Museum of Human Disease. The girls are completing their HSC Biology topic “Search for Better Health”. The excursion has helped students to see the effects of both infectious and non-infectious disease on the human body.
Check work before submission Help seeking Find a study partner or ask a teacher for help
Rehearsing and monitoring
Write a maths formula down so it is remembered
Goal setting/planning Prepare a study to-do list
I learnt how much outdoor adventure can relate to our life. I can apply the idea of positivity and confidence and respect that everyone is different. Camp inspired me to be outdoors more and to appreciate nature.
Reviewing records
Review class work before going to the lesson
Track own performance
Task strategies
Create mnemonics to remember facts
I learnt that I can challenge myself and that I can do it with the help of others, helping me. I learnt that our class gets on very well together and that we help each other.
Create or recall vivid images to assist learning
Time management
Schedule daily studying and homework time
I felt fun in lots of things about camp. I learnt that friends in class are pretty awesome at all the activities.
We seized the day. Camp was challenging and enjoyable. These activities made me trust my peers. I can put more trust in other people now and I have more faith in myself and my ability to overcome challenges. The mountain bike activity made me feel free as we were in the bush going at our own pace and being with friends which made me feel safe. When I go camping with my family and friends I will know how to put up a tent, start a fire, cook a meal and how to stay nice and warm. I learnt that I don’t mind camping and I like having a campfire and looking at the stars as you can see a lot more than at home.
Complete work before going out with friends Self-verbalise the steps to complete a given task
We got on the bus at 7am and drove 20km inland to Coolendel camp site, west of Nowra. We arrived at camp at 9am with 18 of us, Mrs Thomas and Ms Goodman, had morning tea and began setting up our tents. Our first activity made me feel strong and proud as I had achieved something.
We conquered our fear of heights by abseiling down a cliff and climbing up a rock face. I got an adrenaline rush cycling down hills We experienced beautiful scenery by kayaking down the river.
Make an outline before writing an essay
I felt connected to the group of friends I spent my time with. I felt I really challenged myself especially at the abseiling. I really pushed myself and made the most of everything. I felt that even the people who may not be my closest friends also encouraged me.
Well done to all students for their commitment to their studies so far this term. In recent weeks, students have completed Naplan exams and assessment tasks. I encourage students to learn from their assessment tasks and class activities, and to give and seek feedback to gain further advice on how they can better achieve the learning outcomes. Gerry Sozio, Dean of Studies
The Challenge is on again this year. I would encourage students in Years 7-10 to consider being in a team to represent the college. Team selection will commence shortly. Tournament of Minds is a problem-solving program for teams of students. They are required to solve demanding, open-ended challenges from one of the following areas: Applied Technology, Language Literature, Maths Engineering or Social Sciences. It is an opportunity for students with a passion for learning and problem solving to demonstrate their creative skills and talents in an exciting, vibrant and public way. The regional finals are held in Nowra on the weekend of 25 August. Interested students are asked to attend our first meeting on Wednesday in F107 from 1pm. Please come along and express your interest in participating. Mary Boyle, Diverse Learning Coordinator
Jeff Phillips and Year 12 VET Entertainment students with the Godspell tardis and scale model
On 18 May a team of 31 students represented St Mary’s at the Diocesan Cross Country Championships at the very challenging Willandra course near Nowra.
On 23 May our Year 9 students embarked on a “new” adventure to the Biloela Bush Camp site in the Southern Highlands. The program provided the girls with an opportunity to take full advantage of the outdoor education and adventure facilities available which include water activities, abseiling, camping, team building challenges and environmental education.
The team was very successful, winning the Champion Girls School Trophy for the second year in succession. Congratulations to all team members for their commitment to representing their school and participating to the best of their ability. Special congratulations to the following girls who were selected in the Diocesan Cross Country team. These girls will participate at the NSW CCC Cross Country Championships on 15 June at Eastern Creek.
Our students experienced two nights at Biloela with one night in an architecturally designed eco cabin, while the other night was in a tent. The conditions were tough, with the cold and rain contributing to a rugged experience but one that was very worthwhile in the end. One of the themes of the camp was that of “challenge by choice” where the students were encouraged to participate to a level which was outside their comfort zone. Many students embraced this challenge and participated in the activities on offer with great success and a real sense of achievement. A big thankyou to all the staff who participated in the camp, it was very much appreciated. David Woolnough, Year 9 Coordinator
Hannah Preeo (13 years) 1st; Elizabeth Gandy (13 years) 4th; Rachel Murphy (14 years) 5th; Roisin Concannon (15 years) 3rd; Kristen Martinoski (15 years) 6th; Siobhan O’Brien (17 years) 5th; Siobhan Ryan (18 years) 4th; Sally Dwyer (18 years) 6th. Deborah Preeo, PDHPE Coordinator
“Looking over my time at camp, I would have to say that most of the experiences I had were good ones. My favourite part was the opportunity to do the activities we were provided with such as abseiling, flying fox, canoeing and low ropes. I also enjoyed the bushwalking my group did throughout the three days. The scenery was amazing especially at night when we convinced our camp leader to take us on a bushwalk after dinner! I had never been camping before (unless you count sleeping in a tent in a friend’s backyard) so this was a great experience. I learnt how to pitch a tent, to trust myself and others in activities like abseiling and to not care about getting my clothes dirty! There were many pros and cons about camp but overall I think the girls who attended will look back on camp fondly. “ Olivia Panozzo, Year 9
Our cross country team WORLDWIDE LAM AWARENESS DAY FRIDAY 1 JUNE Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare, progressive and frequently fatal lung disease that strikes women. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, coughing, collapsed lung, chest pains and/ or fatigue. LARA is funding to find a cure for LAM. You can help make a difference: visit All donations over $2 are fully tax deductable.
Year 9 camp activities
Sample answers for the 2011 HSC examinations are now available on the Board of Studies’ website for most HSC subjects: http://news.boardofstudies. Sample answers are developed for some examination questions by the examination committee to ensure the questions will effectively assess students’ knowledge and skills.
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