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Assessment Notification HSC Assessment Task 2011

Course: HSC Biology Date of Task:: Period: Venue: Topics:

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011 Period 3 and 4 SGN Hall

Skills Maintaining a Balance Blueprint of Life

Task Task Number



30 %


80 minutes

Total Marks

50 marks

Component: 9.1 9.2 All dotpoints 9.3 Focus points 1-3 (to be confirmed based on sections completed in common to all classes)

Outcomes:               

Evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking ( H1 ) Analyses the ways in which models, theories and laws n biology have been tested and validated ( H2 ) Assesses the impact of particular advances in biology on the development of technologies ( H3 ) Assesses the impacts of applications of biology on society and the environment ( H4) Identifies possible future directions of biological research ( H5 ) Explains why the biochemical processes that occur in cells are related to macroscopic changes in the organism ( H6 ) Analyses the impact of natural and human processes on biodiversity ( H7 ) Evaluates the impact of human activity on the interactions of organisms and their environment ( H8 ) Describes the mechanisms of inheritance in molecular terms ( H9 ) Describes the mechanisms of evolution and assesses the impact of human activity on evolution ( H10 ) Justifies the appropriateness of a particular investigation plan ( H11 ) Evaluates the ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations ( H12 ) Uses terminology + reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information + understanding ( H13 ) Assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information ( H14 ) Explains why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team ( H15 )

Task Description:

HSC Style Half Yearly Exam

Total of 50 marks 

Part A – Multiple Choice Questions

[10 marks = 10 x 1 mark]

Part B – Short Answer Questions

[40 marks = questions ranging up to 8 mark value]

ALL questions are to be attempted and answers written in the spaces provided. Students are required to bring the following equipment in a clear plastic sleeve : ~ student number ~ board approved calculator ~ pen / pencil / rubber / ruler

Marking Criteria: You be assessed on your ability to:   

Correctly complete the examination questions. Marks will be awarded for the level of understanding, knowledge and skills shown. Questions will require full understanding of the BOS examination verbs ( eg. outline, compare, evaluate etc ) in order to achieve full marks. Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

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