Back Cover of DVD
Spine of DVD
BLURB OF MOVIE A short description of the movie’s storyline. That is, what happens in the entire movie.
Eg. This film is the story of . . .
Remember to include the names of the
characters (including the ”actors”/student who play them) in the film
Eg. Starring ____ as ____ and . . .
[1 mark]
EXPLANATION OF MESSAGE An explanation of what the main message of the movie is and how the message of your reading is matched to the storyline and the scene on the front cover.
Eg. This is a film with a message of . . . Based on . . . the DVD cover shows . . .
[1 mark]
T I T L E O F M O V I E (Vertical Orientation)
[2 marks]
Directed by : (type your name)
[1 mark]
Front Cover of DVD NAMES OF THE ACTORS and CHARACTERS IN MOVIE (ALL students in your group) [2 marks] [ 1 mark]
TITLE OF MOVIE (placed over or above your scene; clearly relevant to message of bible reading; font large and easy to read; font colour matching to scene/theme and clearly visible) [7 marks]
PHOTOGRAPH OF SCENE (may be altered/cropped/photo shopped/etc; should include ALL students in group, clearly show the bible message, use props and costumes effectively) [9 marks]
OVERALL FORMATTING OF DVD COVER (landscape orientation with placement of all items as shown on this template) [4 marks] OVERALL PRESENTATION For all writing, consider font size/style/colour for ease of reading and overall theme. Consider visibility over background. Text boxes should be filled or shaded to match. Spell check and proofreading is required. [6 marks] Bible Reference [2 marks]