Assessment Notification HSC Assessment Task 2011
Course: Advanced English Date of Task: Thursday 24th March Venue: Classrooms (see schedule for details) Topics: Critical Study of Texts - Hamlet
Task Task Number Weighting Timing Total Marks
2 15% 5 minutes
Component: Speaking
Outcomes The student: 7. adapts and synthesizes a range of textual features to explore and communicate information, ideas and values for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts 8. articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretative and imaginative texts from a range of perspectives 10. analyses and synthesises information and ideas into sustained and logical argument for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts 12A.explains and evaluates different ways of responding to and composing texts 13. reflects on own processes of learning.
Task Description: You are to present a speech in response to the question below.
Question: “Though Hamlet is the centre of the play, he exists in his relationships, familial, social, sexual, political, divine…” Philip Edwards editor Hamlet Prince of Denmark page 40. Do you agree with this evaluation of Hamlet? Explain and support your opinion with close reference to the character of Hamlet. In your speech you will critically analyse and evaluate language, content and construction in order to analyse Shakespeare’s portrayal of character. You will also refer to other interpretations and how they have shaped your understanding of Hamlet’s character. Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.
A hardcopy of your speech (not your palm cards) is to be handed into the student office before school on the 24th March. Put your name (not your student number) and your teacher’s name on your transcript. You are to have your palm cards and marking criteria with you when you present your speech. Your speech is to be 5 minutes in length. One bell will be rung at 5 minutes and two bells will be rung at 5 minutes and 30 seconds. A continuous bell will be rung at 6minutes and no more time will be given. There is no penalty for going over time but if you fail to make a point or give a conclusion within the time frame given this will be reflected in your final mark Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to: critically analyse and evaluate how language, content and construction contribute to construction of character in the play use appropriate examples to support an argument organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form Reflect on one other interpretation and how this has shaped your understanding of Hamlet’s character Make effective use of volume, pace, pitch, eye contact and body language to convey your speech within the allocated time
Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.