Assessment Notification HSC ASSESSMENT Task 2011
Course: PRELIMINARY ANCIENT HISTORY Date of Task: 17th March 2011 Period: 3 & 4 Venue: D201 & D202 Topics:
Task Task Number
Investigating the Past: (a) Archaeology, History and Science (b) Case Study: Homer and the Trojan War
1 20%
50 minutes
Total Marks
50 marks
Knowledge and understanding Source based skills. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation
Outcomes: The student: P. 1. describes and explains the contribution of key people, groups, events, institutions, societies and sites within the historical context. P2.1. identifies historical factors and explains their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the ancient world. P.3.2 identifes relevant problems of sources in reconstructing the past. P.3.3 comprehends sources and analyses them for their usefulness and reliability. P 3.4 identifies and accounts for differing perspectives and interpretations of the past. Task Description: Part A: Investigating History: Archaeology, History and Science. Students will be required to analyse and respond to questions based on their own knowledge, visual and written sources relating to the nature of investigating the past. This section contains multiple choice questions and short answer questions and one long response. All sources which may be used are attached to the notification except for an unseen statigraphy exercise. Part B: Case Study – Homer and the Trojan War Students will be required to respond to questions using the attached sources and their own knowledge of archaeological method and the case study. This section contains short answers and extended responses. All sources which may be used are attached to the notification.
Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to
Interpret and analyse source based material. Provide clear, comprehensive and accurate connections between the sources and techniques of investigating the past. Correct use of historical terms and concepts. Clarity of expression in explaining and discussing sources.
Special Provisions Notification Student’s Name:
Task Venue: