Assessment Notification St Mary Star of the Sea College HSC Hand-In Assessment Task 2011
Course: Music 1
Date of Task: TRIAL PERIOD Period: See Trials Timetable Venue: N/A Topics:
Core Topic
Task Number
Weighting Timing
10% Approx. 60 minutes
Total Marks
40 (10 marks per question)
Component: Aural Outcomes: The student: H4 Articulates an aural understanding of the musical concepts and their relationships in a wide variety of musical styles. H6 Critically evaluates and discusses the use of concepts of music in works representative of topics studied and through wide listening.
Task Description: Students should be able to: write a written response to four excerpts that are representative of the topics covered in the Music 1 Course. demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts of music in relation to the given question. refer to a range of musical concepts in the answer to support the explanation. provide detailed descriptions of the use of the concepts in relation to the given question. demonstrate evidence of focussed listening and a significant number of well supported observations in a suitably structured response use well labelled diagrams to aid explantions. Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to
describe aspects of music using correct musical terminology or detailed descriptions of musical events. demonstrate evidence of focussed listening through well supported observations and suitably structured response. refer to a range of musical concepts to support an answer. effectively use labelled diagrams to explain an idea. demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts of music.
Special Provisions Notification Complete for each student with Special Provisions and provide Mrs Bate with a copy. Student’s Name:
Task Venue:
For illness/misadventure on the day of the task please phone the college by 8:30am and obtain documented evidence as stated in the illness / misadventure policy in your assessment manual. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items, including mobile phones, should be left at the front of the room. Watches should be placed on the desk. Students must use student numbers for all tasks. .