Assessment Notification St Mary Star of the Sea College HSC Hand-In Assessment Task 2011
Course: Music 1
Date of Task: Wednesday 10th August 2011 Period: All day Venue: N/A Topics: Elective Topics
Task Task Number Weighting Timing Total Marks
5 25% (in total for the 3 electives) See in Task Description 20 per elective: 60 total
Component: Performance, Composition and/or Musicology Outcomes: The student: H1 Performs stylistically music that is characteristic of topics studied, both as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble. H2 Reads, interprets, discusses and analyses simple musical scores that are characteristic of the topics studied. H3 Improvises and composes music using the range of concepts for familiar sound sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied. H4 Articulates an aural understanding of the musical concepts and their relationships in a wide variety of musical styles. H5 Critically evaluates and discusses performances and compositions. H6 Critically evaluates and discusses the use of concepts of music in works representative of topics studied and through wide listening. H7 Understands the capabilities of performing media, incorporates technologies into composition and performance as appropriate to the topics studied. H8 Identifies, recognises, and experiments with and discusses the use and effects of technology in music. H9 Performs as a means of self-expression and communication. H10 Demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities. H11 Demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism. Task Description: You will present your 3 elective topics. Below is the task description for each possible elective. PERFORMANCE Perform all your elective performance piece/s as a soloist or in an ensemble that is representative of the topic/s studied. Maximum performance time: 5 minutes per performance. MUSICOLOGY Present a Viva Voce of no longer than 10 minutes for your chosen topic area. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of music in the topic studied and use relevant musical examples. Present a summary sheet that outlines the area of study to be presented in the Viva Voce. Submit a portfolio for the musicology elective that includes the following: * Topic overview * Background listening, musicological observations and research within the topic * Evidence of listening actvitites in relevant style, period or genre * Concept based analysis and discussion of works studied through listening and notation * Score based analysis of relevant musical examples * Discussions of plans for the Viva Voce * Bibliography and discography of resources used * Evidence of the development and resolution of ideas and the conclusions drawn.
For illness/misadventure on the day of the task please phone the college by 8:30am and obtain documented evidence as stated in the illness / misadventure policy in your assessment manual. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items, including mobile phones, should be left at the front of the room. Watches should be placed on the desk. Students must use student numbers for all tasks. .
Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to PERFORMANCE (20 MARKS) demonstrate a high level of technical skills stylistic interpretation of the chosen repertoire develop a sense of musical expression and sensitivity to the chosen repertoire demonstrate solo and/or ensemble skills see attached marking critieria MUSICOLOGY (15 MARKS VIVA; 5 MARKS PORTFOLIO): Understanding of musical concepts and the relationships between them Musicological understanding of the chosen topic supported by relevant musical examples Skills of critical evaluation and analysis in chosen topic See musicology marking criteria distributed to you at the start of the year
Musicology Portfolio: Processes used to develop knowledge and understanding in topic area Detailed list of listening examples relevant to topic area Plan of Viva Voce outline Clear evidence of understanding of genre and style of music
Special Provisions Notification Complete for each student with Special Provisions and provide Mrs Bate with a copy. Student’s Name:
Task Venue:
For illness/misadventure on the day of the task please phone the college by 8:30am and obtain documented evidence as stated in the illness / misadventure policy in your assessment manual. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items, including mobile phones, should be left at the front of the room. Watches should be placed on the desk. Students must use student numbers for all tasks. .