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Assessment Notification Year 10 Assessment Task 2011 Course: Food Technology Date of Task: Hand in: Monday 6th June (Day 1) Week 7 (Hand in to the student office before 8.45am)

Practical: 10EFOO B Mon 30th May P3&4 Wk 6 10EFOO A Thurs 9th June P3&4 Wk 7



Healthy Living For Life

Task Number Weighting Timing Total Marks

Two 30% Hand in & practical 75

Focus Areas: Food for Special Needs Outcomes assessed: 5.1.1 Demonstrates hygienic handling of food to ensure a safe and appealing product 5.1.2 identifies assesses and manages the risks of injury and OHS issues associated with the handling of food 5.2.1 describes the physical and chemical properties of a variety of foods 5.3.1 describes the relationship between food consumption, the nutritional value of foods and the health of individuals and communities 5.3.2 justifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits 5.4.1 collect, evaluates and applies information from a variety of sources 5.4.2 communicates ideas and information using a range of media and appropriate terminology 5.5.1 selects and employs appropriate techniques and equipment for a variety of food-specific purposes 5.5.2 plans, prepares, presents and evaluates food solutions for specific purposes 5.6.1 examines the relationship between food technology and society 5.6.2 evaluates the impact of activities related to food on the individual, society and the environment.

Task Description: Part A -Investigation 1. Select ONE of the following special food needs:  Allergies  Intolerances  Recovery from Illness  Camping  Bushwalking  Athletes  Plane Travel  Cultural or Religious Influences Explain the specific food needs of the group. (10 marks)

Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

2. Explain an organisation or network that provides support for individuals with the special need selected. Provide an outline of the services they provide. (5 marks) 3. Identify 10 examples of foods or meals that are in their natural form, home prepared or processed to suit individuals with the special need selected. You do not have to include the full recipe, but include the main ingredients when listing the food. With each example you also need to include an evaluation of how each item suits individuals with the special food need selected. (10 marks)

Part B -Menu, Product, Presentation 1. Design and create a 7 day menu card (1 pg, A4 size, landscape orientation) for a person with the special need selected. Include breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner for each day. Ensure the menu is easy to follow and includes basic cooking instructions if necessary, such as, poached chicken and ingredient types, such as skim milk or gluten free pasta. (10 marks) 2. Select a recipe that could be prepared by a person with the special need selected to prepare in class. Make adjustments to the recipe as needed, including the number it serves and ensure the recipe can be completed in your lesson time. Provide a copy of your recipe in the written work. (5 marks)

Food Orders Due: Thursday 19th May Provide a full recipe to your Teacher; you will be cooking individually so the recipe must serve ONE person only. If you do not provide a recipe for the food order by this date you will need to purchase and supply all your own ingredients. 3. Practice the recipe at home and take a picture of the finished product. Provide a copy in your assignment. Plan your presentation, list the items required (eg, tablecloth) and draw a sketch of your table layout. (5 marks) 4. Prepare the food item at school on your own in the allocated lesson. Present your food on a suitably set table with decoration. (25 marks) 5. Include a bibliography of at least 3 sources; refer to the College Diary for the correct format. (5 marks)

Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to o Select a specific food need listed and explain the specific food needs of the group o Research & provide and outline of the services provided by an organisation / network which assists individuals in the selected group o List and evaluate 10 food items (meals) that are suited to individuals in the selected group o Design and create a 7 day menu which includes basic instructions for individuals in the selected group o Provide a suitable recipe with necessary adjustments (2 copies) o Practice the recipe at home, take a photograph of the finished product, plan your presentation -include a sketch of the table layout o Prepare and present food item at school considering safety, hygiene, co-operation with others and presentation o Include a bibliography of at least 3 sources – refer to College Diary Your name should be at the top of the first page. Submit your work in a plastic sleeve. Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

Assessment Marking Criteria Year 10 Assessment Task 2011 Course: Food Technology Topic: Healthy Living for Life Focus Area: Food for Special Needs

Task: Two Weighting: 30%

Name: _______________________________ Marking Criteria PART A 1. Food Needs 2.



Food Items

PART B 1. 7 day Menu




Plan and Practice


Prepare and Present




Explains in detail the specific food needs of selected group Explains moderately the food needs of selected group Explains generally the food needs of selected group Outlines basically the food needs of selected group Explains in detail the services provided by an organisation / network which assist individuals in the group Explains moderately the services provided by an organisation / network which assist individuals in the group Outlines generally the services provided by an organisation / network which assist individuals in the group Briefly mentions services provided by an organisation / network which assist individuals in the group List and detailed evaluation of 10 food items that are suited to individuals in the group List and moderate evaluation of 7 or less food items that are suited to individuals in the group List and general evaluation of 5 or less food items that are suited to individuals in the group List and basic evaluation of 2 or less food items that are suited to individuals in the group Detailed 7 day menu with clear instructions suitable for individuals in the group Moderately detailed 7 day menu with basic instructions suitable for individuals in the group Clear 7 day menu with some instructions suitable for individuals in the group Basic menu with or without full instructions, may be incorrect or incomplete, mostly suitable for individuals in group Provide a full recipe with necessary adjustments, serves one, quick, easy to prepare in time, suitable, food order in on time Provide a full recipe with 3 of following: necessary adjustments, serves one, quick, easy to prepare in time, suitable, food order in on time Provide a full recipe with 2 of following: necessary adjustments, serves one, quick, easy to prepare in time, suitable, food order in on time Provide a recipe with 1 of following: necessary adjustments, serves one, quick, easy to prepare in time, suitable, food order in on time Practice the recipe at home, clear photograph of finished product included, plan presentation – neat and clear labelled sketch of table layout included Practice the recipe at home, clear photograph of finished product included, plan presentation – basic, labelled sketch of table layout included Practice the recipe at home, photograph may or may not be included, plan presentation – basic sketch (may or may not be labelled) of table layout included Little evidence of practicing the recipe at home, plan presentation –very basic sketch of table layout may or may not be included Prepare and present food item considering: uniform, safety, hygiene, co-operation with others, presentation of food item, timing and cleaning. (See separate marking sheet for practical task)

9-10 7-8 4-6 1-3 4-5 3 2 1 8-10 6-7 3-5 1-2 9-10 7-8 4-6 1-3

Bibliography of at least 3 sources, accurately documented Bibliography of at least 3 sources, some inaccuracy in documentation Bibliography of less then 3 sources, some inaccuracy in documentation Limited evidence of variety in research

5 4 3 1-2


5 4 3 1-2 5 4 3 1-2 25

/ 75

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

Practical Assessment Marking Criteria

Year 10 Assessment Task 2011 Food Technology Task 2 Students

Uniform /2

Safety & Hygiene /5

Co-operation /3

Cooking Procedure /5

Presentation /5

Cleaning /5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.

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