Assessment Notification St Mary Star of the Sea College HSC 2011 Course: Society and Culture
Date of Task: Wednesday 9th March
BEFORE 8.45 am at STUDENT OFFICE Topic: Personal Interest Project Component: Methodologies and Oral Presentation
Task Number Weighting th Due Wed 9 March
2 15% 8.45 am + Orals all week
Total Marks
Outcomes assessed: H6 Applies and evaluates the methodologies of social and cultural research H8 Selects, organises and evaluates information and sources for usefulness, validity and bias H9 Plans an investigation, analyses and synthesises information from a variety of perspectives and sources H10 Communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms
Task Description:
Present a written outline of the development of your PIP so far. You will need to include: 1. A topic statement or question and a synopsis of your PIP content (100 Words). 2. A proposal for your completed PIP chapter outlines (300 Words). 3. Details of your planned or completed research methodologies and justification of their use (at least 3 and max. 300 words) 4. A list of relevant concepts and theories and explanation of their relationship to your PIP (at least 20 concepts and/or theories and few sentences describing relationship to your PIP). 5. Identification of Cross-Cultural perspective (100 words). 6. An annotated resource list (at least 6). 7. A detailed time-line for the completion of your PIP by the due date.
Oral Presentation: 5 minutes. Present to the class the development and progress of your PIP. You will need to explain: 1. A summary of your log entries so far. 2. The topic statement or question and a brief overview of your PIP content. 3. Details of your planned or completed research methodologies. 4. Concepts or theories which are relevant. 5. Identification of your Cross-Cultural perspective. 6. An overview of what you plan to do next.
NB- include a transcript of your speech when you hand in your proposal You MUST be at school ready to deliver your speech when called. If you are away, you will need to bring in a doctor’s certificate or have documentation providing proof of misadventure.
Oral Presentation:
Audience relationship: Awareness of Audience; Clarity; Fluency Content: Understanding of Topic; Depth of Investigation; Inclusion of all Information; Relationship to Syllabus Presentation: Use of Language; Supporting Materials; Organisation; Timing; stance
For illness/misadventure please phone college by 8.30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in task must be submitted at the student office by 8.45am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of room. Paper will be provided for all HSC in class assessment. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.