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St Mary Star of the Sea College Assessment Notification Course: Preliminary 2U Visual Arts


Date of Tasks: Part 1: 24th May Day 2 P.2 2011 Part 2: 26th May Day 4 P.3 2011

Conceptual Framework / Frames – Short answer and extended response


Critical & Historical Study

Task Number Weighting Timing: In class exam Total Marks

2 Theory 15% Term 2


Outcomes assessed: P7: explores the conventions of practice in art criticism and art history P8: explores the roles and relationships between concepts of artist, artwork, world & audience through critical and historical investigation of art. P9: identifies the frames as the basis of exploring different orientations to critical and historical investigations of art

Task Description On the 9th May Day 1 Period 6 You are required to respond to:

1. Two short answer questions about unseen art works. 1a. /5: 1b. /15 On the 26th May Day 4 Period 3 You are required to write an essay (prepared):

2. World events and the prevailing social climate have an impact on periods in art, artists and audiences. Discuss this statement in relation to Modernism and at least two artists and their art works. In your response refer to one artist from the John Kaldor Collection in the Art Gallery of NSW. / 20

Marking Criteria: Section I: In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:   

write in a concise and well-reasoned way present an informed point of view use the plates and other material provided to inform your response

Section II: In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:   

present a well-reasoned and informed point of view apply your understanding of the different aspects of content as appropriate (Conceptual Framework and the Frames) use relevant examples

For illness/misadventure please phone college by 8.30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in task must be submitted at the student office by 8.41am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of room. Paper will be provided for all HSC in class assessment. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.

Marking Guidelines Descriptor

o Response reveals a comprehensive awareness of Conceptual Framework,

Mark Range 19 - 20

demonstrating extensive knowledge and understanding of the works selected, including a sophisticated understanding of the artists’ intentions and how these are represented through materials, techniques and visual codes o

Synthesised, employing higher order thinking, analysis and interpretation in a logical and persuasive argument

o Appropriate art terminology is employed fluently and persuasively

o Response reveals a thorough awareness of Conceptual Framework, demonstrating

17 - 18

sound knowledge and understanding of the works selected, including a good understanding of the artists’ intentions and how these are represented through materials, techniques and visual codes o

Some analysis and interpretation used in a logical and well developed argument

o Appropriate art terminology is employed competently

o Response reveals a developing awareness of Conceptual Framework, demonstrating

11 – 16

satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the works selected, including a more limited understanding of the artists’ intentions and how these are represented through materials, techniques and visual codes o

Simple analysis and some interpretation used in a more descriptive manner

o Some appropriate art terminology is employed more naively

o Response reveals a limited awareness of Conceptual Framework, demonstrating

6 – 10

simple knowledge and elementary understanding of the works selected, but showing little understanding of the artists’ intentions and how these are represented through materials, techniques and visual codes o

Descriptive and naive with little or no analysis or interpretation

o Little attempt to apply appropriate art language

o Limited, poorly researched or prepared, or revealing a foundational understanding of


the Conceptual Framework and of the works selected,

o Little or no attempt to apply appropriate art language

For illness/misadventure please phone college by 8.30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in task must be submitted at the student office by 8.41am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of room. Paper will be provided for all HSC in class assessment. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.

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