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Stage 5 Assessment Notification Year 10 Assessment Task 2011

Course: English

Date of Task: Exam period, week 5 Venue: SGN Topic: Area of Study: Encountering Conflict

Task Task Number Weighting Timing Marks

2 25% 80 minutes + 5 minutes reading time 40

Component: Listening, Reading and Writing Outcomes: A student: P.1 responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure P.2 uses and criticially assesses a range of processes for responding and composing P.3 selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning P.4 selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences and contexts, and describes and explains their effects on meaning P.5 transfers understanding of language concepts into new and different contexts P.8 investigates the relationships between and among texts

Task Description: Section 1 – students will answer questions in response to an audio extract related to “Encountering Conflict” Section 2 – students will write an extended response that displays an understanding of the concept “Encountering Conflict” and ONE piece of related material studied in class.

Equipment: pens and stapler Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to:   

demonstrate an understanding of how the concept of “Encountering Conflict” is presented in the audio analyse and evaluate the relationships between language, text and context organise, develop and express ideas for a specific audience, purpose and context

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