Assessment Notification St Mary Star of the Sea College PRELIMINARY EXAM 2011
Course: MODERN HISTORY Date of Task: Refer to Exam Timetable Task : Final Exam Task Number Topic: The World at the Start of the Twentieth Century Weighting
4 35%
2 hrs
Total Marks
Outcomes assessed * P1.1 describe the role of key individuals, groups and events from selected studies from the 18
century to the
present * P1.2 explain the key features of selected studies * P2.1 identify forces and ideas and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the selected study * P3.2 locate ,select and organise relevant information from different sources * P3.3 comprehend and analyse sources for their usefulness and reliability * P3.4 identify and account for differing perspectives and interpretations of the past * P4.1 identifies different types and varieties of sources * p4.2 evaluates sources for their usefulness and reliability in relation to specific investigations
Task Description Exam: (i) Source questions requiring multiple choice and short responses (ii) an extended response
Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to:
*Respond to source questions using multiple choice and short answer responses * Compose extended responses using information provided from the sources in addition to your own knowledge * Create logical and well-structured responses
For illness/misadventure please phone college by 8.30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in task must be submitted at the student office by 9.00am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of room. Paper will be provided for all HSC in class assessment. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.
For illness/misadventure please phone college by 8.30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in task must be submitted at the student office by 9.00am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of room. Paper will be provided for all HSC in class assessment. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.