Assessment Task Notification Course: Mathematics
Preliminary Assessment Task One 2011 Date of Task: Period: Venue:
10th March 2011(Day 4) 2 SGN
Topics: Arithmetic & Algebra - Review of arithmetical operations on rational numbers and quadratic, Surds. - Inequalities and absolute values. - Manipulation of and substitution in algebraic expressions, factorisation and operations on algebraic fractions. - Linear equations and inequalities.
Task Task Weighting Timing Total Marks
One 10% 40 minutes 35
Component: Knowledge, understanding and skills: Reasoning interpretative explanatory & communication skills:
8 out of 10% 2 out of 10%
Outcomes: The student: P2 provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context P3 performs routine arithmetic and algebraic manipulation involving surds and simple rational expressions P4 chooses and applies appropriate arithmetic, algebraic, graphical and geometric techniques Task Description: Written Examination Marks for each question and part marks will be indicated on the examination paper Equipment Writing and geometrical instruments Board Approved scientific calculator allowed Marking Criteria: You will be assessed on your ability to
Calculate accurately Substitute correctly in appropriate formulae Approximate appropriately Describe /explain mathematical situations Justify answers using appropriate mathematical language, notation and symbols Apply skills and knowledge to solve problems
For illness/misadventure please phone the college by 8:30am and obtain documented evidence. Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office by 8:45am. For in class assessment tasks ensure all equipment is in a plastic sleeve. All other personal items should be left at the front of the room. Paper will be provided for all Mathematics assessment tasks. Students must use student numbers for all tasks.