Assessment Notification Stage 5 Assessment Task 2011
Course: Information Software Technology Date of Task: Part C.I. Tuesday 26th April 2011 Day 2 Handin during class time. Final Submission - Thursday 5th May 2011 – Day 9 Handin during class time Topics: Core: Issues Design, Produce and Evaluate Data Handling
Task Task Number Weighting Total Marks
Option: Authoring and Multimedia Digital Media
1 30% 50 marks
Outcomes: 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3
Task Description: Part A - Time Management. I. Create a timeline in the form of a Gantt chart planning out the time for your project II. Create a checklist of your tasks to check off as you complete each task. Part B - Create a 30 second animation showing part of a nursery rhyme. I. Planning – create a storyboard showing the progression of your animation. II. Create your animation - Your animation should have a background and numerous moving objects and characters. Sound effects will add another dimension to your product. Part C - Create an A4 page flyer promoting an animation. I. Design – create a labeled sketch of your flyer showing your intended layout, explaining colours, graphics, text and other design features. Include a paragraph describing what you are expecting from You will be given another students flyer design. II. Create a flyer – using Photoshop to create your flyer from the design given to you. You can reuse graphics from their animation in the flyer. Part D - Evaluation How can your project be improved? Discuss this in terms of: Time management Planning and design, were you thorough in your design process? Did you know what you were trying to achieve by the time you were making it? Your finished products quality and effectiveness. Does it look good? Does it meet your aims? Identify the staff that would be utilized in each stage of your project.
Note: 10% deducted for each day the assessment task is late as per assessment manual .
Assessment Criteria St Mary Star of the Sea College Year 9 IST Topic: Take 1 – Action! Outcomes 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3
Gantt Chart
Task No: 1
Student Number
Weighting 30% Total Marks
Criteria Thorough Gantt Chart showing all tasks and realistic time planning
Mark 5-4
Gantt Chart with most tasks and plausible time planning
Vague Gantt chart and unclear time planning Thorough Checklist with dates of completed tasks. List of tasks matches Gantt chart
Rough checklist, tasks completion not totally clear. May be discrepancies with Gantt chart
3 -2
Partly completed checklist or no evidence of task completion Thorough storyboard, labelled where appropriate shows the major movements of characters on the screen. Another person could take the storyboard and create the intended animation using it.
Unlabelled or vague storyboard that another user could fully create the intended animation with.
Storyboard that shows little detail that is of no real use for another user to follow. Visually attractive animation that conveys the story affectively. Animation is smooth. Has audio that is appropriate, uses voice over or captions to convey details of the story. Content is original, and created free of copyright restrictions.
2 -1
Good story, animation may not be smooth throughout, could be lacking soundtrack or captions or voice over.
12 – 8
Incomplete or extremely poor animation, no audio, no captions, no voiceover
Your Mark
15 – 13
Note: 10% deducted for each day the assessment task is late as per assessment manual .
Flyer Design
Thorough design, shows details, well labelled
Design may be lacking some details, is a bit vague. Another person would not be able to create the same Flyer using the design.
Design is only a rough sketch with little attempt to add details Well created flyer following the design and achieving a professional look to the designs full l potential
Flyer may not be appealing and did not follow the design guidelines
Irrelevant and poorly implemented flyer Evaluation examines all areas of project, discusses positives and negatives of the project, and makes recommendations on how the project could be improved, identifies most staff titles who would work in each stage of the project
3 -1 5-4
Evaluates most of the item listed above.
Evaluates on only a small part of the project.
10 - 8
Note: 10% deducted for each day the assessment task is late as per assessment manual .