Year 9 Assessment Task Notification 2011 Course: Year 9 5.2 Pathway Mathematics
Date of Task: 21th March 2011 ( Week 8 Day 1 ) Period: 1 or 3 (in your normal Mathematics lesson) Venue: The room of your Normal Mathematics lesson Topics:
Task Task Number
Number - Directed Numbers (+,-,x, ÷) - Decimals (+,-,x, ÷, recurring) - Fractions (+,-,x, ÷, simplify, improper and mixed numerals) - conversions of and calculations involving percentages - Index calculations and evaluations - rounding and significant figures - Rate conversions Algebra - Generating and simplifying algebraic expressions - Expanding and factorising algebraic expressions - Substitution - Number patterns
Component: -
Non – Calculator Section 10 mins (10 Marks) Calculator Section 30 mins (25 Marks)
Weighting Timing Total Marks
1 15% 40 minutes 35