ST MARY STAR OF THE SEA COLLEGE YEAR 8 ITALIAN 2011 OUTCOMES Demonstrates understanding of the interdependence of language and culture. Demonstrates knowledge of key features of the culture of Italian speaking communities. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of appropriate use of language in diverse contexts. Explores the diverse way in which meaning is conveyed by comparing/describing features of Italian TOPICS
My stay in Rome as an exchange student
Friday 13 March, 2011 (to be emailed or handed up to the teacher on a thumb drive) Moving between Cultures
Description of task: As an exchange student, your Italian host family from Matera, in southern Italy took you to Rome for three days. Your assignment consists of three parts. Parts A and B are to be done with Powerpoint. PART A - PRETRIP PREPARATION. By answering the 10 questions provided you will write down the down important information you needed for organising your trip before you left for Italy. PART B - Create a VISUAL JOURNAL of your three day’s stay in Rome. In your Powerpoint Presentation include written diary entries in English on the famous Roman monuments you saw, what you did and what you ate etc. You may also include any other interesting observations about the Romans and their way of life. Don’t forget to add Italian expressions or words you have learnt in class. Each day presented must contain at least 3 pictures 1 observation 2 comments. Attached is a stimulus page which will help you to complete Part B. PART C - Design an authentic postcard of Rome and write it to your family back in Australia in English. Be informative (approximately 50 words) Hand in a hard copy to your teacher.
Your performance will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate a knowledge of Rome, and its attractions demonstrate an understanding of Italian culture and lifestyle answer the questions in Part A (10 marks) present your trip journal in Part B (30 marks) design and write your postcard (10 marks)
PART A PRETRIP PREPARATION You’re leaving on the 17th June. What season will it be in Italy? (10 marks)
What is the time difference between Australia and Italy at this time of the year? Answer the following questions in English.
What is the luggage weight allowance for you as an economy class passenger?
What airline will you be travelling with?
How much will the economy return plane ticket cost if you are leaving on the 17th June and returning on the 18th September?
How long will the plane trip take? Are there any stopovers?
How do you obtain a passport?
What currency will you be using in Italy?
How much is the exchange rate of the Australian dollar in Italian/European currency? (Give the source of the information)
If you have $2000 to spend, how much will that be in the new currency?
Il cappuccino Calcio – Roma (Soccer –Roma)
Traffico di Roma (Roman traffic)
motorino (motor scooter)
Calcio – Lazio (Soccer – Lazio)
ragazzi italiani (Italian boys)
Shopping - Rinascente
Dolce e Gabbana
ROMA, CITTÀ ETERNA Previsioni del tempo : 18 – 20 giugno Roma : molto caldo, sole, 32 gradi (weather forecast for Rome in June)
Il Vaticano (The Vatican)
Il Foro Romano (The Roman Forum)
Il Colosseo (The Colosseum)
Piazza San Pietro (St Peter’s Square)
Basilica di San Pietro (St Peter’s Basilica)
Piazza di Spagna e Scalinata (Piazza di Spagna and the Spanish Steps)
Fontana di Trevi (Fountain of Trevi)
Il Pantheon (the Pantheon)
Monumento a Vittorio EmanueleII Castel Sant’Angelo
(Monument to Victor Emmanuel II) (Castle St Angelo) SPECIALITĂ€ ROMANE (Roman Specialities)
Acqua minerale (mineral water)
Cioccolata calda (hot chocolate)