Assessment Notification St Mary Star of the Sea College
Year 8 Middle School Assessment Task 1 - 2011 Mathematics Topics and content: Percentages
Percentages as fractions Percentages as decimals Fractions to percentages Decimals to percentages Finding percentages of an amount One amount as a percentage of another Applications of percentages Algebra Using pronumeral Investigating patterns and rules Substitution and evaluation Working with grouping symbols Simplifying Expressions Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing algebraic expressions (not including fractions)
Task Description:
In Class Task- Middle School Room Section 1: 20marks – non-calculator (20 mins) Section 2: 15 marks – calculator (20 mins)
Date: Timing and Marks Weighting
Week 7 Day 8 - Wednesday 16 March - Period 2,3
Blue or black pens * working out paper will be supplied ** Carry all equipment in a clear plastic sleeve *** CALCULATORS
40 minutes 15% of end of year mark