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Year 9 Catholic Studies Task 1 Beatitudes & Commandments Task: Design a wiki using wikispaces. An email from your Religion teacher has been sent to you, with the name of the wiki already created. On your wiki page you are expected to include the following: 1. Collect an image which best portrays the above chosen Beatitude or Commandment and use this as an image for your wiki. Use ‘Manage Wiki’, look and feel, and upload the image in logo. 2. Create your home page on the wiki (automatically generated) and on the home page give the correct bible quote which contains your chosen Beatitude or Commandment and underneath explain the meaning of the Beatitude or Commandment. 3. Using the new page function on the wiki, create a new page for each of the three people (other than those covered in class) who have lived out this Commandment or Beatitude. You should include any evidence or proof of their actions or deeds that demonstrate how they have lived out the Commandment or Beatitude. An image of the person needs to be included on each of the pages. 4. Think of a person in your own life who lives their life by following at least one Commandment or Beatitude through their example. This can be different to the chosen beatitude in part 1. 5. Interview them about what values and beliefs which are linked with the Commandments or the Beatitudes that help them to live their lives. (Create a new page called Interview with …….. and name the person interviewed). A script with questions and answers will be reproduced on this page. 6. Produce a bibliography at the end of each page which references the sources of information you have used to complete the task. You MUST follow the College diary. 7. Email the link to your completed wiki to your Religion teacher by the due date. 8. Remember copying and pasting information from other sources is plagiarism and is seen as cheating. Please ensure your work is original and your own. 9. Tip 1: Using the ‘Manage Wiki’ function, scroll down and select permissions. Set your wiki to ‘protected’ to ensure no one can tamper with your information. Tip 2: Using the ‘Manage wiki’ function to change the colours, style and appearance of your wiki.

Assessment Notification Due Date: before 8.45am on 25 March 2011 Submission method: Email the link to your wiki to your Religion teacher by the due date. Weighting: 20% of your yearly assessment (total marks 30) Your teacher will give you two class lessons to work on this task, however, there is an expectation that your research and production will be done out of class using your laptop, the library computer resources, or a computer at home. Technical difficulties will not be an acceptable excuse for late submission. Limited



Home page Limited 0-1 marks Selection of Bible quote and The Commandment or explanation of the Beatitude is explained in a brief Commandment or Beatitude way, with little understanding of the values on which the Commandment or Beatitude is based.

Satisfactory 2-3 marks The Commandment or Beatitude is explained to show an understanding of the values on which the Commandment or Beatitude is based.

Excellent 4-5 marks The Commandment or Beatitude is thoroughly explained, showing both the value on which it is based and how it is expressed or not expressed in the world.

Selection of Well-known People People chosen to exemplify the Commandment or Beatitude + appropriate image of selected person

Satisfactory 2-3 marks (x 3) Appropriate people chosen and their relationship to the Commandment or Beatitude is made clear through the narration. Appropriate image.

Excellent 4-5 marks (x 3) Appropriate people chosen, and the narration makes clear how their decisions can be analysed to determine their values and the enactment of a Commandment or Beatitude. Appropriate image

Limited 0-1 marks (x 3) People chosen only relate to the Commandment or Beatitude in insignificant ways. No image.

Personal Choice Limited 0/1 mark Selection of a person from None selected, or poorly the student's life to illustrate related to the commandment a commandment or or beatitude. beatitude. Presentation Use of colour, typeface, design

Satisfactory 2-3 marks Excellent 4-5 marks An appropriate person selected, The explanation demonstrates the with a clear reason for choosing students' appreciation of how this this person. person's life has been shaped by the values in the Beatitudes and Commandments.

Limited 0/1 mark Satisfactory 2-3 marks Little or no change from default Some use of colour, typeface setting and design that makes reading the information easy and well set out

Bibliography Limited 0/1 mark Follow the college diary for Limited sources referenced or the correct formatting of all referenced poorly. sources

Excellent 4-5 marks Uses colour, typeface and design in an excellent manner which creates a well designed wiki which is easy to navigate about and informs & engages the reader.

Satisfactory 2-3 marks Excellent 4-5 marks Some/most sources referenced Consistently followed the College appropriately. diary in constructing the bibliography.

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