29 October 2010 Dear Parents and Carers Re: Work Experience Program for 2011 The College is introducing a Work Experience Program for all Year 10 students commencing in 2011. The students will participate for five days commencing on Monday 14 March to Friday 18 March 2011. All students will be given the opportunity to participate in the Work Experience Program. However, students will be required to demonstrate their interest, responsibility and commitment to the program by completing a number of tasks and meeting set deadlines. Your assistance at home is sought in discussing appropriate career choices with your daughter and offering support and advice. However, the actual job selection and the contacting of employers should be done by the student, as this is an important experience in the student’s vocational development. At this stage, students are asked to think carefully about their job choice and to contact the employer to organise their work experience. Students are required to arrange a time when they can visit the prospective workplace and obtain the host employer’s signature on the Student Work Experience Record. Once this is completed, both parent/carer and student should sign the form and return it to the College by 19 November 2010. It is extremely important that all students meet this deadline. Once the student has returned the completed Student Work Experience Record, the Post School Advisor will contact each employer by telephone and confirm the placement in writing. Students can choose from a range of options for work experience, but there are some restrictions. In the Illawarra, Year 10 students cannot do work experience with the Police Force, at a local Fire Brigade (they can go to Sydney to the Training School), at Bluescope Steel (only Year 11 permitted) or at the Illawarra Mercury for Journalism and in any other occupations considered to be extremely high risk.
Some work experience positions are coordinated by the Post School Advisor. Please note that the following organisations have requested not to be contacted by students or parents. They will organise placement only through the Post School Advisor. If a student wishes to work at one of these organisations, they should pick up a green application form from the Post School Advisor’s office by 29 October 2010. Students and parents should not contact these employers directly. When applying for coordinated positions, students must have a specific job in mind. It is not sufficient just to say for example, that they want to work at the University. University of Wollongong
Wollongong City Council – includes Beaton Park Leisure Centre and Russell Vale Golf Course
Green applications for positions with either of the above organisations must be handed to the Post School Advisor by 5 November 2010. Selection for these positions will be on a competitive basis. All other completed Student Work Experience Records are due in to the Post School Advisor’s office by 19 November 2010. This gives students three more weeks to organise a placement. Students interested in working in public hospitals should also refer to the attached Immunisation Student Placement Record Form. This form is required to be completed by the 19 November 2010. There are strict rules about immunisations when participating in work experience in the public hospital system. Further documentation will be forwarded to these students. If any student experiences difficulty in obtaining a placement she should see the Post School Advisor early in the process and well before the closing date. The policy for work experience is that students will only be permitted to work outside the local region if their chosen occupation is not available or is difficult to find locally. Students interested in working outside the region should discuss this option with the Post School Advisor as soon as possible. A copy of the Parent’s Guide to Workplace Learning accompanies this letter. If you or your daughter require further information about any aspect of the Work Experience Program, please do not hesitate to contact the College. Yours sincerely
Pauline Judd Post School Advisor