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St Mary Star of the Sea College

Monday JAN 23


JAN 30 (Day 1) Yrs 7, 11, 12 commence FEB 6 (Day 6)


FEB 13 (Day 1) 3

FEB 20 (Day 6) Yrs 7-11 House debating 16s Hockey Trials (10 students)

TERM 1 2012 – Student Event Calendar

Tuesday JAN 24

JAN 31 (Day 2) Yrs 8, 9 & 10 commence

Wednesday JAN 25 Staff Return – PD

FEB 1 (Day 3)



JAN 26 Australia Day Public Holiday


JAN 27

JAN 28/29

FEB 2 (Day 4) Photo Day

FEB 3 (Day 5)

FEB 4/5

FEB 10 (Day 10) UOW Discovery Day (All Yr 12) Yr 11 Hosp B exc to Novotel (all day) Sport

FEB 7 (Day 7) Yr 12 HSC Drama evening Sydney Theatre Co (Pygmalion) Yr 7 Parent Info 6.30pm SGN

FEB 8 (Day 8) Extended Tutor Group

FEB 9 (Day 9) Yr 11 Hosp A exc to Novotel (all day)

FEB 14 (Day 2) Yr 11 Drama Sydney Theatre Co (Pygmalion) Yr 11 Parent Info 6.30pm SGN

FEB 15 (Day 3) Year Assembly

FEB 16 (Day 4) Opening Mass 9.30am

FEB 21 (Day 7) Pancake Day

FEB 22 (Day 8) Ash Wednesday P2 Liturgy/House Assembly

FEB 23 (Day 9) Swimming Carnival UOW (Yr 7 + competitors)

FEB 17 (Day 5)

FEB 24 (Day 10) Caritas Just Leadership day, Chevalier College (for senior students)

FEB 11/12 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (11/2)

FEB 18/19

FEB 25/26

4 College Assembly (2011 HSC Assembly awards)



FEB 27 (Day 1) Yr 11/12 D&T Powerhouse Museum exc all day (TBC)

MAR 5 (Day 6) CCC Tennis Dio soccer backup Yr 12 Textiles workshop all day (16 students) MAR 12 (Day 1)

FEB 28 (Day 2) Extended Tutor Group Yr 11/12 D&T Powerhouse Museum exc (alternate date)

FEB 29 (Day 3) Dio Soccer (75 students)

MAR 6 (Day 7) NSW All Schs triathlon (24 students) Indonesian cooking display

MAR 7 (Day 8) Year Assembly Open Day Tours NSW All Schs Triathlon (3 Students)

MAR 8 (Day 9) Dio Tennis (4 Students)

MAR 13 (Day 2) Yr 7/10 immunisations

MAR 14 (Day 3) Tennis B/up Dio Swim (40 students) Yr 9 Poetry workshop P4 in PLC

MAR 15 (Day 4) College Assembly (SC 2011 Awards) Yr 12 Geog fieldwork trip

MAR 21 (Day 8) Extended Tutor Group Yr 10 Geog ½ of year exc

MAR 22 (Day 9) Yr 11 Legal Stud B exc

MAR 23 (Day 10) P1-3 X Country (Yr 7, + competitors 350 students approx) Sport

MAR 28 (Day 3) Year Assembly CCC Open N’ball (2 students) Yr 7 MIDS + 12 P/T interviews 3.45-7pm

MAR 29 (Day 4) Yr 11 Geog fieldwork trip all day

MAR 30 (Day 5) CCC Swimming (approx 10 students)

APR 4 (Day 8) Last day of classes T1 College Assembly (Principal’s Awards) Easter liturgy

APR 5 (Day 9) Holy Thursday

APR 6 (Day 10) Good Friday


MAR 19 (Day 6) St Joseph’s Day 8

MAR 20 (Day 7) Yr 10 Geog ½ of year exc Yr 11 Legal Stud A exc

MAR 1 (Day 4)


APR 2 (Day 6)

MAR 27 (Day 2) CCC 15s N’ball (6 students) Yr 12 Adv Eng Hamlet workshop P3&4 (PLC & Marian hall) Brainstorm Cyberia Yr 9 @9am SGN APR 3 (Day 7) Yr 7 MIDS + 12 P/T interviews 3.45-7pm

Jnr Netball Clinic/Camp & set up SGN for P/T

MAR 2 (Day 5)

MAR 3/4

NSW Age Surf (until Sun) Yr 7 Camp/Yr 12 Retreat

MAR 9 (Day 10) Yr 10 /Yr 11 Ital & Yr 11 Vis Art exc Canberra Art Gallery Sport MAR 16 (Day 5) Yrs 9 & 10 Music Powerhouse exc

MAR 10/11 4pm Sun (11/3) P&F Yr 7 BBQ

MAR 17/18 St Patrick’s Day (17/3) Youth Mass (18/3)

Café Mediteranee Evening

MAR 26 (Day 1)



MAR 24/25

31/APR 1 Palm Sunday (1/4)

APR 7/8 Easter Saturday Easter Sunday

[Updated 09/02/12]

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