Assessment Notification Year 10 2011 Course: Textiles Technology Topic: Create your space – Textile Arts /Costume Hand in Venue: all work will be submitted in class period 3. In class test : period 3 room B212
Date of Task: Term 3, Week 9, Mon. 12 Sept. Task Number 3 Weighting 40% Timing Hand In In class Total Marks
Outcomes assessed: 5.2.3 investigates and applies methods of colouration and decoration for a range of textile items 5.3.2 evaluates the impact of textile production and use on the individual consumer and society 5.4.1 selects and uses appropriate technology to creatively document, communicate and present design and project work. 5.5.2 selects appropriate techniques and uses equipment safely in the production of quality textile projects 5.5.3 demonstrates competence in the production of textile projects to completion Task Description: Design, produce and decorate a textile item from the Textile Arts/Costume focus area – this may be wall hangings, fabric-based artworks, embroidery, wearable design. Document your process in storyboard form. The product: Produce using a pattern - commerical or your own design Decorate in some form e.g dying, printing, embroidery, applique, application of beading, quilting. incoroporate and demonstrate accurate and appropriate manufacturing technqiues Storyboard and display: Produce a storyboard to communicate your design ideas and production process for your project work. The storyboard will be displayed in the classroom. Use no more than 3xA3 pieces of cardboard/paper. You must address: page 1: Design Inpsirations – sketches, colours, designs page 2: Method/methods of decoration used: definition, history of techniques, suitability for your fabric page 3: Final design – your project sketch and justification of materials, construction techniques and colouration methods used Display your storyboard.
Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.
Assessment Feedback YEAR 10 2011
Production time
Sub total Design inspiration – 1 x A3:
Method/methods of decoration 1x A3
Final design 1xA3
Display your storyboard Sub total Total
Name: _________________________
8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 8-7 6-5
Excellent decoration High standard of decoration satisfactory decoration poor decoration Excellent construction with appropriate manufacturing techniques High standard of construction with appropriate manufacturing techniques satisfactory construction with manufacturing techniques poor construction with manufacturing techniques Excellent time management of project at school Very good time management of project at school satisfactory time management of project at school poor time management of project at school
Excellent storyboard of Design inspiration, with all factors detailed Very good storyboard of Design inspiration, with majority of factors detailed Satisfactory storyboard of Design inspiration, with most factors detailed Poor storyboard of Design inspiration, with few factors detailed Excellent storyboard of Method/methods of decoration, with all factors detailed Very good storyboard of Method/methods of decoration, with majority of factors detailed Satisfactory storyboard of Method/methods of decoration, with most factors detailed Poor storyboard of Method/methods of decoration, with few factors detailed Excellent Final design, with all factors detailed Very good Final design, with majority of factors detailed Satisfactory Final design, with most factors detailed Poor Final design, with few factors detailed Excellent Display your storyboard Very good Display your storyboard Satisfactory Display your storyboard Poor Display your storyboard
Yours Mark
4-3 2-1 4 3 2 1 20 5 4-3 2 1 5 4-3 2 1 5 4-3 2 1 5 4-3 2 1 20 40
Hand-in tasks must be submitted at the student office before 8:45am. Tasks submitted after 8:45am will have a late submission receipt attached to them and signed by the Student Office Staff. This will be handed to the Academic Care Coordinator who will note its receipt and pass it on to the relevant KLA Coordinator. If you are unable to hand the task in on the due date, follow the illness / misadventure policy outlined in your assessment manual. This includes phoning the College by 8:30am and obtaining documented evidence.