Sports SSelection Insttructions Please N Note: If you n need to go back to a prevvious page during the booking processs please use e the systems inbuilt Backk button not the Browserr (Mozilla,Chrome, IE) back button. Open the St Marys W Website Click on the Sports SSelection Linkk under the SServices Colu umn on the lleft hand sid e circled in rred below.
Login wiith your netw work usernam me and passsword
You will see a list of Events, thesse are your c hoices for sp port.
On the rright hand sid de you will see a bar thatt shows how w many space es are availa ble for that ssport. As can be sseen in the example below, there aree 26 spots avvailable and 2 2 have been taken. To se ee who is enrolled d in which sport you can click on the nnumber 2 an nd it will disp play the list oof students e enrolled in that ssport.
uper Circuit. Below iss an examplee of what students are ennrolled in Beaton Park Su
To makee your selecttion click on tthe event yoou wish to en nrol in. Please note that iif the sport iss full you will not be able to m make the boo oking.
Once selected, fill ou ut your Tutor group and Year Level. TTo complete our sport seelection clickk on the button. ‘Book’ b
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE ONLY ENROLLLED IN ONE SSPORT. The system will let you selecct two e closed you w will be place ed in your firsst selection. We expect yyou all to sports but when enrrolments are show go ood stewardsship when m making your bbookings. Selecting only o one sport wiill allow the ssystem to show other studeents correct e enrolment n umbers. To checkk your booking select the e ‘My Bookinngs’ Tab, you u will also recceive an emaail confirming your selection n. MAKE SUR RE IN MY BOOKINGS THEERE IS ONLY O ONE SELECTION LISTED I F MORE PLEASE REMOVEE YOURSELF YOU SHOULLD ONLY BE EENROLLED IN N ONE SPORT T
If you neeed to changge your selecction go to M My Bookings and select th he event youu wish to cha ange. Click on the ‘Delete Booking’ buttton to confiirm the delettion and starrt the selecti on process a again.