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St Mary Star of the Sea College

Monday JAN 23

TERM 1 2012 – Student Event Calendar

Tuesday JAN 24

Wednesday JAN 25 Staff Return – PD


JAN 30 (Day 1) Yrs 7, 11, 12 commence FEB 6 (Day 6)

FEB 4/5

FEB 10 (Day 10) UOW Discovery Day (All Yr 12) Yr 11 Hosp B exc to Novotel (all day) Sport

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (11/2)

FEB 17 (Day 5)

FEB 18/19

FEB 20 (Day 6) Yrs 7‐11 House debating 16s Hockey Trials (10 students)

FEB 21 (Day 7) Pancake Day

FEB 23 (Day 9) Swimming Carnival UOW (Yr 7 + competitors)

FEB 27 (Day 1) Yr 11/12 D&T Powerhouse Museum exc all day (TBC)

FEB 28 (Day 2) Extended Tutor Group Yr 11/12 D&T Powerhouse Museum exc (alternate date)

FEB 22 (Day 8) Ash Wednesday P2 Liturgy/House Assembly College Assembly (2011 HSC Assembly awards) FEB 29 (Day 3) Dio Soccer (75 students)

MAR 5 (Day 6) CCC Tennis Dio soccer backup Yr 12 Textiles workshop all day (16 students) MAR 12 (Day 1)

MAR 6 (Day 7) NSW All Schs triathlon (24 students) Indonesian cooking display MAR 13 (Day 2) Yr 7/10 immunisations

MAR 7 (Day 8) Year Assembly Open Day Tours NSW All Schs Triathlon (3 Students) MAR 14 (Day 3) Tennis B/up Dio Swim (40 students) Yr 9 Poetry workshop P4 in PLC

MAR 8 (Day 9) Dio Tennis (4 Students)

MAR 15 (Day 4) College Assembly (SC 2011 Awards) Yr 12 Geog fieldwork trip

MAR 16 (Day 5) Yrs 9 & 10 Music Powerhouse exc

MAR 20 (Day 7) Yr 10 Geog ½ of year exc Yr 11 Legal Stud A exc

MAR 21 (Day 8) Extended Tutor Group Yr 10 Geog ½ of year exc

MAR 22 (Day 9) Yr 11 Legal Stud B exc

MAR 23 (Day 10) P1‐3 X Country (Yr 7, + competitors 350 students approx) Sport

MAR 28 (Day 3) Year Assembly CCC Open N’ball (2 students) Yr 7 MIDS + 12 P/T interviews 3.45‐7pm

MAR 29 (Day 4) Yr 11 Geog fieldwork trip all day

MAR 30 (Day 5) CCC Swimming (approx 10 students)

APR 4 (Day 8) Last day of classes T1 College Assembly (Principal’s Awards) Easter liturgy

APR 5 (Day 9) Holy Thursday

APR 6 (Day 10) Good Friday

MAR 19 (Day 6) St Joseph’s Day

MAR 1 (Day 4)

MAR 26 (Day 1)

MAR 27 (Day 2) CCC 15s N’ball (6 students) Brainstorm Cyberia Yr 9 @9am SGN

APR 2 (Day 6) APR 3 (Day 7) Yr 12 Adv Eng Hamlet Yr 7 MIDS + 12 P/T workshop 11am (PLC & interviews 3.45‐7pm Marian hall) Jnr Netball Clinic/Camp & set up SGN for P/T

FEB 24 (Day 10) Caritas Just Leadership day, Chevalier College (for senior students) Sport

MAR 2 (Day 5)

FEB 11/12

FEB 25/26

MAR 3/4

NSW Age Surf (until Sun)

Yr 7 Camp/Yr 12 Retreat

Café Mediteranee Evening


FEB 3 (Day 5)

FEB 16 (Day 4) Opening Mass 9.30am



FEB 2 (Day 4) Photo Day

FEB 15 (Day 3) Year Assembly



JAN 28/29

FEB 14 (Day 2) Yr 11 Drama Sydney Theatre Co (Pygmalion) Yr 11 Parent Info 6.30pm SGN

FEB 13 (Day 1)


JAN 27

FEB 9 (Day 9) Yr 11 Hosp A exc to Novotel (all day)



FEB 8 (Day 8) Extended Tutor Group



FEB 1 (Day 3)

JAN 26 Australia Day Public Holiday

FEB 7 (Day 7) Yr 12 HSC Drama evening Sydney Theatre Co (Pygmalion) Yr 7 Parent Info 6.30pm SGN


JAN 31 (Day 2) Yrs 8, 9 & 10 commence


MAR 9 (Day 10) Yr 10 /Yr 11 Ital & Yr 11 Vis Art exc Canberra Art Gallery Sport

[Updated 10/02/12]

MAR 10/11 4pm Sun (11/3) P&F Yr 7 BBQ

MAR 17/18 St Patrick’s Day (17/3) Youth Mass (18/3)

MAR 24/25

31/APR 1 Palm Sunday (1/4)

APR 7/8 Easter Saturday Easter Sunday

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