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International Students Course Progress & Attendance Policies & Procedures

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 TEL 61 2 4228 6011 FAX 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au EMAIL stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

COLLEGE COURSE PROGRESS AND ATTENDANCE POLICY COURSE PROGRESS Students studying at St Mary Star of the Sea College are accessing either the NSW Record of Student Achievement (RoSA) or Higher School Certificate Courses. The majority of courses are delivered by teachers at St Mary’s College. No more than 25% of courses may be studied through external providers. 1

The College will monitor, record and assess the course progress of each student for the course in which the student is currently enrolled. a. The course progress of all students will be continually assessed as per the Board of Studies requirements, following the College Assessment Policy. b. Students will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if in the Principal’s view, the student has: - followed the course developed and endorsed by the Board of Studies - applied herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided by the College - achieved all or some of the course outcomes c. To demonstrate satisfactory course progress, students will need to achieve competency in at least 50% of the courses studied. d. If a student does not achieve competency in at least 50% or more of the courses studied, the Year Coordinator will meet with the student to develop an intervention strategy for academic improvement. These may include supervised study periods, individual tutorial assistance and other intervention strategies as deemed necessary. e. A copy of the student’s individual strategy and progress report in achieving improvement will be forwarded to parents/guardians. f. The student’s individual strategy for academic improvement will be monitored over the following semester by the Year Coordinator and records of student response to the strategy will be kept. g. The Year Coordinator will monitor academic progress and attendance continually for each student and will speak to the parents/guardians of any pastoral concerns of which they are aware h. Bi-annual written reports are given to students i. Students will be issued with initial Warning Letters for unsatisfactory Academic results or Attendance using the appropriate forms j. ‘N’ Award Warning Letters are also sent if the student is deemed to be at risk of not meeting attendance or progress requirements. These are issued by the Subject Coordinators in relevant subjects. k. If the student does not improve sufficiently academically and achieve satisfactory course by the end of the next assessment period, St Mary’s will advise the student in writing (Final Warning Academic Results) of the intention to report the student for breach of visa condition 8202, and that she has 20 working days in which to access the College’s internal Complaints and Appeals Process l. The College will notify DIISRTE via PRISMS of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress as soon as practicable where: • The student does not access the complaints and appeals process within 20 days or • Withdraws from the complaints and appeals process or • The complaints and appeals process results in favour of the College 15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 TEL 61 2 4228 6011 FAX 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au EMAIL stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

2. Completion within expected duration of study (Course Progression) a. The College will monitor, record and assess the course progress of each student for the course in which the student is currently enrolled. b. Part of the assessment of course progress will include an assessment of whether the student’s progress is such that they are expected to complete their course within the expected duration of the course. c. The College will only extend the duration of the student’s study where the student will not complete their course within the expected duration due to: • Compassionate or compelling circumstances • Student participation in an intervention strategy • An approved deferment or suspension of study has been granted in accordance with St Mary’s Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy d. Where the College decides to extend the duration of the student’s study, the school will report via PRISMS and/or issue a new COE if required.


It is the policy of St Mary Star of the Sea College that students are to attend the College for the full duration of each school term and that punctuality and reliability are to be fostered. The College considers that the development of these habits will contribute to the development of responsibility and self-discipline in each student and to an orderly College routine.

PROCEDURES 1 ATTENDANCE AND ROLL MARKING a. Students in Years 7 to 10 are required to attend from 8.45 am until 3.15 pm. b. Each student is to be in her Tutor group at 8.45 am. c. Students in Years 11 and 12 must attend all timetabled classes and must be present at other times as defined by the College. d. The Tutor Teacher marks the electronic roll (a hard copy of the roll is in the folder). e. Students are marked present at school or absent from school. Any absence notes are placed in a folder. f. Rolls are marked each period and absences recorded using the attendance module in TASS 2 ABSENCES a. The College expects a parent/guardian to inform it, before 10.00 am, if a student is to be absent on that day. b. A student who is absent from the College on any day is required to present to the Tutor Teacher, on the day of their return, a note from a parent/guardian explaining their absence. This note is required irrespective of the required phone call. c. A formal letter will be sent to parent/guardian regarding frequent/unexplained absences. d. It is the role of the Tutor Teacher to monitor and follow up absences. e. A SMS message is sent to parent/guardian for any unexplained absences at approximately 10.30am. f. Notes are checked to ensure that each has the following details clearly written: student’s name, tutor group, date of absence, reason parent/guardian’s signature and, if necessary, the times for partial absence. 15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 TEL 61 2 4228 6011 FAX 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au EMAIL stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

g. Tutor Group Teachers are required to keep a record of unconfirmed absences. Unconfirmed absences are recorded on Student Reports. h. Any enquiries about unconfirmed absences are to be directed to the Tutor Group Teacher. i. Absences are checked by Student Office each day. If there is any cause for concern, the parent/ guardian is phoned and/or emailed. j. Reasons for absence are entered into TASS by Student Office staff who will alert the Year Coordinator when phone calls or notes are questionable. These instances are then checked immediately. k. The Year Coordinators monitor lateness and unexplained absences and parents/guardians will be informed when a student is consistently late without adequate explanation. l. 5 consecutive days of non-attendance per term without prior consent or without doctor’s certificates will result in a first letter of warning. m. Students at risk of breaching St Mary’s attendance requirements will be counselled and offered any necessary support when they have absences totlling 5 days in a term. n. Students who fall below 85% attendance per term (8 days absence per term) and are at risk of breaching their VISA will be notified in writing and their guardians/parents contacted.This will be a second letter of warning. o. If a student’s attendance falls to 80% (10 days absence per term) and there are no compassionate or compelling circumstances, the student will receive an Intention to report letter through PRISMS. p. Parents are also contacted by phone. Failure to comply results in being reported to Immigration by the Director of Admissions q. Students have 20 days to appeal (See Complaints and Appeals Policy).

NOTE: The College will not report a student who: • is able produce documentary evidence demonstrating that compassionate or compelling circumstances (eg. Medical Certificates) that explain the absence and • has attended at least 70% of the scheduled course contact hours in each enrolled course and has made a serious attempt of the course requirements.

3 PARTIAL ABSENCE a. A student seeking partial absence is required to provide a letter that states the student’s full name, class, date, time of partial absence, reason for absence and signed by the student’s parent/guardian. b. Such letters are to be handed to the Tutor Teacher at roll call each morning. c. A partial leave stamp will be placed in the student’s diary by Student Office when the student leaves the College. d. On her return to the College, the student’s re-entry is noted in the database by the Student Office. 4 ABSENCE FROM ASSESSMENT TASK a. If a student is absent from an assessment task, a medical certificate (or such other appropriate document explaining the absence) must be presented to the Tutor Teacher on the first day of the student’s return to the College. b. If a student in Years 11 and 12 is absent from an assessment task, she is required to follow the procedures outlined in the Assessment Handbook. 5 ABSENCE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS a. Where a student is to be absent for an extended period of time, the parent/guardian must seek permission for that leave (in writing) from the Principal before the leave is taken. b. If leave is granted, the student is responsible for completing any missed work. 15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 TEL 61 2 4228 6011 FAX 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au EMAIL stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

6 LEAVE FROM SPORT A student seeking leave from sport is required to bring a note explaining their absence to the Dean of Pastoral Care on Thursday or Friday morning before 8.40am. 7 LATENESS a. A student who arrives at the College after 8:45 am must obtain a late stamp in her Student Diary from the Student Office. b. The late stamp is signed by the subject teacher, and the student takes the stamped diary home to obtain a written explanation and signature from their parent/guardian. c. A written note is to be returned to the Tutor Teacher on the next day of attendance as a record of lateness. d. Late arrival will be recorded and will be included in attendance calculations.

DEFINITIONS a. Compassionate or compelling circumstances-circumstances beyond the control of the student that are having an impact on the studen’ts progress through a course. These could include: • serious illness, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring their emergency travel that has impacted on their studies • a traumatic experience which has impacted on the student (these cases where possible should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports) • where the College was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit • inability to begin studying on the course commencement date due to delay in receiving a student visa

For other circumstances to be considered as compassionate or compelling, evidence would need to be provided to show that these were having an impact on the student’s progress through a course.

b. Expected duration - the length of time it takes to complete the course studying full time. This is the same as the registered course duration on CRICOS. c. School day - any day for which the College has scheduled course contact hours.

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 TEL 61 2 4228 6011 FAX 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au EMAIL stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

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