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International Students Formalisation of Enrolment

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

Date: Mr & Mrs Address Dear

Re: St Mary Star of the Sea College– Formalisation of Enrolment This letter is to formalise our prior correspondence regarding the enrolment of into St Mary Star of the Sea College. As this letter constitutes the formal offer of enrolment with agreed terms and conditions included, the signing of this offer letter by the College and your acceptance by signing in the designated space as the parent(s)/legal guardian of , together with the prior payment of fees will constitute the formal agreement between the parties. Student Details Name: Address: Phone No: Email Address: Course Enrolment Course Type and Entry Level Junior Secondary (Yrs 7 to Yr 10) Specify Entry Year Senior Secondary (Yrs 11 to Yr 12) Specify Entry Year Course Start and End Date Course Start Date: Course End Date:

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC


Conditions on Enrolment Information has been provided regarding English Language ability. It is confirmed that the evidence supports a waiver for AEAS or IELTS testing.

2. College Policies As a condition of enrolment, the student agrees to abide by all school policies for the duration of their enrolment. Detailed copies of these policies accompany this ‘Formalisation of Enrolment’. These include: a. Course Progress, Promotion and Attendance Policy There is a requirement under the DIISRTE (Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education) National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 (Code), Standards 9, 10 and 11 to document process for completion within the expected duration of study, monitor course progress and monitor attendance for students in the College. Course Progress All NSW syllabuses are followed and meet the Board of Studies requirements for the NSW Record of School Achievement (RoSA)and the Higher School Certificate. Visit the Board of Studies website for more information. Assessment manuals are available on the College web site www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au. They outline the requirements for each course. Students will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if in the Principal’s view, the student has: • followed the course developed and endorsed by the Board of Studies • applied herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided by the College • achieved all or some of the course outcomes Students who do not complete a course satisfactorily will receive an official warning letter. The letter will indicate the areas of concern and students will be given some time to show improvement. If the student does not achieve satisfactory progress after the appeals process, DIISRTE will be notified through PRISMS. See the Course Progress and Attendance Policies and Procedures document for more details.

Promotion Policy Promotion to the next year level is based upon satisfactory academic progress. If in the opinion of the College, a student is unlikely to experience success in the next year level, the College reserves the right to direct a student to repeat the current year. Attendance • The student must be present at school every day of the school year. An explanation from parents/ guardians must account for any absences. • Truancy will result in a detention or loss of privileges • 5 consecutive days of non-attendance without prior consent or without doctor’s certificates will result in a first letter of warning. • A student whose attendance falls below 85% (8 days absence per term)and are at risk of breaching their VISA will be notified in writing and their guardians/parents contacted. 15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

• It is an Immigration requirement that attendance must be maintained above 80%. Failure to do so could result in: a. An official warning & counselling (There will be 3 warning letters until Immigration is notified) b. An inability to move to the next level of study c. Termination of study d. Being reported to Immigration

The student has 20 days in which to appeal any decision to be reported to DIISRTE for unsatisfactory attendance. This is to be done through the Complaints and Appeals Process.

NOTE: The College will not report a student who: a) is able to produce documentary evidence demonstrating that compassionate or compelling circumstances (eg. Medical Certificates) explain the absence; b) Has attended at least 70% of the scheduled course contact hours in each enrolled course and has made a serious attempt at the course requirements.

• For students who are genuinely sick, the parent or guardian must contact the College by 10am on the morning of absence. Phone Student Office 0242 26 3959 • If a student becomes ill at school, she needs to report to Student Office. Students cannot leave the school grounds without permission.

Punctuality Students must arrive at school on time. If late, the student must report to Student Office immediately.

The College will notify DIISRTE via PRISMS when the student is not achieving satisfactory course progress or the school decides to extend the duration of the student’s study or the student is not achieving satisfactory course attendance.

b. Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy St Mary’s College is a College established by the Good Samaritan sisters in the Benedictine tradition where respect for the individual is paramount. The care and welfare of all students is of primary concern to St Mary’s College. The College will grant a deferment of studies for compassionate and compelling circumstances for both enrolled and pre enrolled students.

Where the College excludes a student from class, or the College initiates suspension of studies or cancellation of enrolment, the College will document and communicate its reasons to the student and parent/guardian. An appeal process is to be available to students and parents, for decisions made by the College.

c. Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures The welfare of all students is of primary importance and a complaint or a grievance will be dealt with it promptly, respectfully, fairly and confidentially.

If a grievance or complaint can be resolved informally through discussion with an individual teacher

This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Policy on Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation following.

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

or Coordinator this is the preferred action. The teacher must document the discussion and outcome and communicate this with the complainant, in person.

Those with a more serious grievance or complaint must provide all the relevant supporting evidence for an investigation to take place. Without supporting evidence grievances or complaints not submitted in writing will not be investigated.

For the duration of the appeals process, the student is required to maintain enrolment and attendance at all classes as normal.

d. Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct Students are expected to abide by the College’s Code of Conduct which is listed in the Student’s Diary.

e. Uniform Policy Students must be in correct school uniform at all times. Blazers must be worn with the winter uniform, to and from school. Details of correct uniform are available on the College website.

3. 4.

f. Accommodation and Welfare Policy The care, accommodation and welfare of all students are of primary concern to St Mary’s College and all students must be in the care of a parent or guardian who is a suitable relative.


Refund Policy a. The Application fee is non refundable. In the event that a student applies for enrolment but fails to be accepted for enrolment, prepaid fees are refunded, less the non-refundable application fee of $100. b. All notifications of withdrawal from a course must be made in writing to the Principal

g. Student Transfer Request Policy When a student or parent informs the College of their decision to transfer, defer or suspend their studies at the College, they are to complete the relevant form and provide any supporting documentation. In the case of transfer, the student must provide a letter from another registered provider confirming enrolment and student’s accommodation. If under 18, written confirmation by the student’s parent or legal guardian supporting the transfer is to be enclosed. Course Fees and Other Charges as invoiced are paid by you to cover: a. Fully inclusive fee of $16.000 per annum which covers: tuition fees, excursions, technology levy, laptop and capital levy b. Overseas Student Health Cover c. Higher School Certificate (BOS Charge) if applicable Payment of Course Fees and Refunds a. Fees are payable 12 months in advance upon enrolment and subsequently in two installments at least 6 months in advance. b. All fees must be paid in Australian Dollars c. If the student changes visa status (eg becomes a temporary or permanent resident), she will continue to pay full overseas students fees for the duration of that calender year d. Refunds will be paid in accordance with the following policy. e. Refunds will be paid to the person specified in writing by the parent/legal guardian, and will be paid in Australian dollars.

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

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c. Where a student’s enrolment is cancelled for any of the following reasons, a cancellation fee of 100% of the current semester fee is applicable: Failure to maintain satisfactory course progress (visa condition 8202) Failure to maintain satisfactory attendance (visa condition 8202) Failure to maintain approved welfare and accommodation arrangements Failure to pay course fees Any behaviour contrary to St Mary’s Behaviour Policy/Code of Conduct d. If a course does not start on the agreed starting date or a course, which was to be provided, ceases to be available, all prepaid fees will be refunded. e. If an enrolment is cancelled due to the student’s failure to comply with course requirements, no refund of pre paid fees will be made and an administration charge of $1000 will apply.

For St Mary Star of the Sea International Students Fees and Refund Policy, see the document supplied in the Enrolment Package. This agreement and the availability of the complaints and appeals process does not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. Appeals against any decisions concerning refunds should be made to the Principal, St Mary Star of the Sea College. 6

Change of Address The student is obliged to notify St Mary’s College of any change of address while enrolled at the College. This is to ensure that any notifications sent to the student advising of visa breaches are sent to the student’s current address.

St Mary’s Policy on welfare and accommodation arrangements requires that the student reside with a parent or designated relative. Any changes to welfare or accommodation arrangements require the approval of both the College and the parent.


Privacy Privacy Information is collected as part of the enrolment process and during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2007; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian Immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007. Information collected about the student and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurances Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. In other instances information collected during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.

This formalises our offer of enrolment for which I am authorised to make on behalf of the College. Your completion of the Declaration and Agreement following and receipt by the College of a returned copy will constitute the formalisation of enrolment into the College. Yours Sincerely Marie Pulford Director of Admissions, Marketing and Development 15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

Declaration 1. • • • • •

I confirm I have received and understood information from the school regarding the following: The course in which I am enrolled Conditions on enrolment in the course St Mary’s College Refund Policy The sharing of personal information Grounds on which my enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled


I/We agree to support College policies in relation to program of studies, sport, pastoral care, school uniform, discipline and the general operation of the College.


I/we agree to honour the financial commitments required by the College as per the Schedule of Fees and Charges.


I/We understand that the information that I/we have provided must be kept up to date throughout the period of enrolment, eg change of address, court orders.


I/we agree to support our child’s participation in the religious life of the College including liturgies, retreat programs.


I /We understand that my/our presence is expected at meetings called by the College directly related to my daughter’s education, eg parent/teacher interviews, year information meetings.


I/We give permission for my/our child’s photograph to be used in publications Eg College website, newsletter and newspaper publications. Yes  No 


I/we give permission for an SMS Text message to be sent indicating student’s unexplained absence from

school. This will be sent to both parents/guardian unless stated otherwise.

9. 10.

If, in time of emergencies, accidents or serious illness, I/we cannot be contacted I/we give permission for the Principal (or their representative) to seek medical attention for my child as required. This may include transportation to the nearest hospital, medical centre or doctor by ambulance or private vehicle. Yes  No  I/we have read all of the information in the Formalisation of Enrolment document and understand the policies that we will need to abide by.


I hereby declare the information supplied by me is true and correct.


I agree to pay all fees owing and by the due date


I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the above conditions of enrolment

Signed (Student)


Signed (Parent(s)/legal guardian)


Yes 

No 

15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au stmarys@stmarys.nsw.edu.au ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC

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