International Students Student Support Services
15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC
St Mary Star of the Sea supports their international students to adjust to study and life in Australia, to achieve their learning goals and to achieve satisfactory academic progress towards meeting the learning outcomes of their course. It is hoped that their stay is an enjoyable one. Location and Environment St Mary Star of the Sea College is situated in Wollingong, a coastal city approximately one hour from Sydney. The College overlooks the beach and is a five minute walk to the centre of the city.
St Mary Star of the Sea College
Information on Wollongong and its surrounding area can be found on Weather Wollongong has a mild, sunny coastal climate with winter temperatures averaging 17 degrees and a summer average of 27 degrees tempered with sea breezes. Most rainfall occurs between February and June. Modern Facilities The facilities are modern and constantly updated. Students have access to: • Beautiful Learning Centre with many resources • Comprehensive wireless system for internet and intranet • their own laptop as one of the many learning tools available at the College • Specialist rooms for Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Design and Technology, Information Technology, Food Technology, Textiles, Music, Science Laboratories • Multi purpose Hall • Outdoor BBQ and two all weather courts • local sporting facilities, museums, art gallery, theatre and much more and they are all within walking distance of the College Transport Students travel to the College either by walking (if they live in close proximity), bus, train or via private transport. The College will assist you with the best way of getting to and from school each day, depending on where you live. Emergency numbers: Emergencies (ambulance, police, fire) PHONE 000 Doctors - Wollongong Medical Centre T: (02) 425 426 00 Dentist - Dr Karwarz T: (02) 4226 9899 M: 0412 182 9260
15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC
The College will conduct an Orientation Program with new students on arrival and will provide each student with: • A Course Handbook relevant to each Stage, which details course requirements • Reporting and assessment information • A College diary which contains relevant information such as: * Positive student behaviours – Living our values * Policy against bullying and harassment * Student Counselling and support service * College uniform expectations * Safety at the College * General procedures regarding attendance, absences, excursions, use of mobile phones and MP3 players * Homework policy * Guidelines for Computer and Internet use Included in the orientation, will be information about: • support services available and personnel involved in delivery of these services • legal services available • emergency and health services available • facilities and resources • complaints and appeals processes, and • visa conditions relating to course progress and/or attendance. The College will provide the opportunity for students to access these services to assist them in meeting course requirements and maintaining their attendance. These services will be provided at no additional cost. If the College refers the student to external support services, the College will not charge for the referral (although the service itself may involve a cost to the student/family). St Mary Star of the Sea College has a documented Critical Incident Policy, Plan and Procedures that cover the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident, required follow up to the incident and records of the incident and action taken. St Mary’s College employs a body of appropriately qualified staff to meet the educational and welfare needs of all students enrolled at the School. St Mary’s College ensures that staff members who interact directly with students are aware of the College’s obligations under the ESOS framework and the potential implications for students arising from the exercise of these obligations. This information is communicated through induction, staff meetings and inclusion on the College’s intranet.
15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC
PROCEDURES 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3
Arrival in Australia Interview with the Director of Admissions, Marketing and Development and to purchase uniform. The student and parent/guardian will be given a brief tour of the school. The school bus system will be explained to the student and the parent/guardian so that they know when and where to catch the school bus. (The student will be assisted for the first few days of school, by the Year Coordinator)
2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9
Orientation On the student’s first day at the school: The student will be met at Reception at a designated time by the Dean of Pastoral Care, Director of Admissions and the Year Coordinator. The Director of Admissions, with the Year Coordinator, will review information regarding the ESOS Framework including visa conditions relatoing to attendance and progress and the complaints and appeals process. The student will be provided with her timetable, the College Diary, Course Handbook and Assessment Manual (for Years 9-12 only). The Year Coordinator will go through the College Diary and general procedures at the College to ensure a smooth transition for the student. Support services available to the student will be explained to her including First Aid, careers counseling, the College counselors and Family Liaison Coordinator. The student will also be introduced to relevant College staff eg Principal, Dean of Studies etc. The Year Coordinator will arrange for a buddy to accompany the student to Tutor Group and all her classes, and to meet with her at recess and lunch The student will be shown her locker and receive her combination lock. The student will be taken to the library to receive her library card and her text books Laptop orientation will be conducted and the student will be issued with her laptop
3. Day to Day Welfare The Dean of Pastoral Care, Dean of Studies and the Year Coordinator are the key student support contact persons at the College providing daily support within the College to all International students and overseeing both their academic progress and their personal welfare. The Director of Admissions, Marketing and Development is available to students during the school day. 4.
Course Advice Students at St Mary’s experience a range of formal and informal career development and orientation activities during their time at the College. Information evenings about secondary and tertiary school study and subject options as well as parent/teacher interviews assist students to make informed choices and decisions.
In Years 11 and 12 students have regular form meetings with the Careers Advisor and individual career counseling sessions are held during Year 12. Year 11 and 12 also have the opportunity to meet with many outside specialists, career and tertiary education providers, former students and other speakers at regular formal events and informal occasions. The College also holds a Careers Expo at the College to assist students with career
15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC
options. The Careers Advisor works closely with the Dean of Studies to ensure that students have the best possible advice on University courses available to them.
Counseling & Support International students at St Mary’s are supported in their social, emotional, spiritual and academic growth through the Tutor Group teachers, classroom teachers, the Dean of Pastoral Care, Dean of Studies, Dean of Mission and Innovation, Pastoral Care Team and the Director of Admissions, Marketing and Development.
• Enquiries concerning a student should be directed initially to the student’s classroom teacher or the Tutor Group teacher • Following this, enquiries of a pastoral nature should be made to the Year Coordinator who will follow up any concerns with the Dean of Pastoral Care • Enquiries of an academic nature should be made to the relevant KLA Coordinator who will follow up any concerns with the Dean of Studies
15 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500 T 61 2 4228 6011 F 61 2 4229 8555 ABN 70 309 539 954 Temporary CRICOS PROVIDER NO 01369C CEC