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Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy

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RES News - Tutoring Team

Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy, during the Pandemic…

“Hybrid Learning” continued at our School, through the end of this past school year. The students were there for in-person classes, two days a week (Monday & Tuesday), with remote learning on the other two days (Thursday & Friday). The amazing DWCA Faculty made it happen, working with individual students and families, to keep them “connected”. These same faculty are busy assessing where the students now are, academically, so that they can begin developing “catch-up” lessons for this year.

Several of our RES Tutors met very challenging assignments, during the sixteen-month pandemic, as “virtual tutors”. They completed approximately eight weeks of direct, virtual interaction (Remote Tutoring) when the students were at their homes.

As of this writing (September 14th), we are hoping to resume in-person tutoring, at our School, later this Fall. We met, in late September, with Administrators and Faculty, to discuss integrating the RES Tutoring Team into a return to “normal” at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. The process of identifying those students who are in particular need of tutoring takes time; it will be several weeks into the school year, especially with the “lost time” that occurred for many, with last year’s “remote learning”, before this assessment is complete.

Meanwhile, we are beginning to assemble our Tutoring Team, for the 2021-22 school year… The classroom teachers will, again provide each of our Tutors with a daily plan for each of the students with whom they are working. Tutors could be supporting teacher-conducted classroom lesson activities, working with small groups, or (more likely) working with just one student at a time, on a prescribed learning exercise.

Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Scholar…

Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at…Rochester Engineering Society (585) 254-2350, or via website: www.roceng.org, or via email: leeloomis46@gmail.com, (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text).

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