2 minute read
IEEE - Electrical Vehicle Charging Topologies, Technologies and Future
Presented by Sreeram (Ram) Dhurjaty, PhD President of Dhurjaty Electronics Consulting LLC
Ram has several years of experience designing medical devices, power supplies and various other devices. He has occupied senior positions in industry at Eastman Kodak, Bose, and Analogic Corporation. Ram retired from Kodak as the Technology-guru and senior fellow. He has designed a CT-scanner and MR front ends, Fetal Heart monitors, ultrasound imaging systems, patient monitors, and defibrillators. He invented the World’s first hand-cranked defibrillator.
Ram has 17 issued patents in various areas of medical devices. He is a Life-Senior member of the IEEE, Past chair of the Rochester Section, Distinguished speaker of IEEE Consumer Technology Society, and IEEE R1/R2 Historian. He is also a member of SPIE, AHA, AAPM and RES. Ram is a private pilot with a commercial certificate and holds an extra class HAM radio license (AD2BW).
This presentation discussed various present-day EV charging system topologies - AC Level 1 (Residential install), AC Level 2 (Residential and Public install), DC Fast Charger (Public and Commercial install) and Wireless Charger (Residential and Public install). Ram reviewed the technology of the various chargers, their deployment (connectors and wiring), standards (US and global), efficiency, losses and issues of compatibility. Charge management and the roles of smart grids was discussed as this is one of the things that will be critical to the future of widespread use of EV's. Bidirectional chargers, that can use the EV as a power source to a home/business, and wireless chargers were also discussed.