2 minute read
ASCE/NYSATE - Strategic Energy Management for Water Resource Recovery Facilities
Presented by
Andy Fraser, Engineering Operations Manager Monroe County Department of Environmental Services
Corky Kelsey, Chief Operator Monroe County Department of Environmental Services
Andy was the Energy Champion for the duration of the 2018-2021 SEM Program run. Currently the Engineering Operations Manager Assistant at Monroe County Department of Environmental Services
Corky Kelsey is currently the Chief Operator for MCDES FEV & NWQ WRRFs and also a key role in the success of the SEM Program.
This presentation discussed the Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program implementation for the Frank E VanLare (FEV) Water Resource Recovery Facility and Northwest Quadrant Treatment Plant (NWQ). The two Monroe County facilities participated in the pilot SEM program (funded by NYSERDA) in 2018. The SEM purpose is to align energy efficiency with business practices. It's benefits include finding ways to; improve control and operation of facilities, reduce risks of violating permit, extend infrastructure and equipment life spans, identify operational issues and drive energy savings.The SEM team at the Monroe County DES were trained on the program, energy consumption at the facilities, simple calculations to estimate energy use/cost, and how to implement the program. The team then organized "treasure hunts" at each facility that included operators, mechanics and HVAC staff where they identified SMART (Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely) ideas to save energy. The team gathered the ideas and placed into four categories according to effort/ cost and energy savings; Quick Wins, Gems, Don't Do, and Strategic. There were ten Quick Wins identified between the two plants that were able to be implemented right away! Some of the challenges for the team that were overcome were: employee motivation and changing staff culture, tunnel vision – assuming past practices are best, making time, combating capital projects, understanding external effects on energy usage, and data collection.
The four processes requiring the most energy at either Plant are Aeration,
HVAC, and
Solids Handling