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Greg Ginley Selected Works

Contents 01 Insertion 02 Plane 03 Fold and Edge 04 Armature 05 Folly 06 Drawing 07 Film Institute 08 Kunsthaus Bregenz Art Museum

Insertion Assignment: Construct

a space that inserts into the

Alms Building



that will provide a function to the occupants, increasing the

usage and enjoyment of the building.

Concept: I used the terms clamping and nesting at the inception of this project as the means of inserting my space into the south side of the Alms Building.

through my exploration of manipulating light through shutters,

I discovered how natural light can control different func-

tioning spaces to create new neccessary environments while creating tension and yeilding to circulation.

To begin I made 7 models, each representing a way of insertion and a means to do so within the floors of the Sketch model o. I choose the clamping method; The space occupiable became nesting.

An Exploration of Light

Although I wanted the design to consist of rotating shutters that could be manipulated based on the solar path of the sun and the users preference, much more clean and efficient.


discovered that attatching them would be

Having the two louvres be interactive would lead to frequent-

maintenance and the risk management involved would outway it’s efficiency.


two critique

spaces will aloow students and professors to critique work nearby to the working environment and the center balcony will allow for much needed breaks where one can expirience nature.

Plane We

were given the task to experiment with intersecting planes to create

unique moments and interesting spaces.

I utilized my idea of keeping a grid

overlay on my planes so when i ommited quadrangles one could easily view my faces and see clean unity.


strategically placed apertures

allowed for ones eye to navigate through moments of the spaces.


rendering the one point, two point, and section perspective the viewer recieves a better understanding of the cube and can envision it as a potental building

A Study of Apertures

Fold and Edge I started with a pyramid. As sketch models advanced I decided on my language of pointed architecture. I evolved two folded frames attatched to eachother into an object that had one central moment and a few other interesting spaces.

As the hierarchy began to develop I

expirimented with adding and removing panes and facets until i reached this balanced composition of points and voids.

A Study of Facet

Armature To begin I recreated my Fold and Edge model in foam for the first step of the Amrmature project is to create the balance block. I cut away on six sides to leave me with a

6in by 6in by 6in cube that expressed my most dominant moment. I then poured plaster into the foam

core mold i made by applying paneling thoughout the entirity of the block and removing the foam inside. base that

Next I chose a point to be my

I could envision my block balancing on and I sliced precizely enough to allow my point of balance to be a rectangle roughly

1/2in squared. Using Sketchup I began expirimenting with ways to expand my balance block and make a pedestal or enclosing apparatus that would showcase my block while also expressing a continuation of the original moments.

I decided on the Sketchup design on the right as a basis to go off of for it emphasizes the diagonal language and the pocket of space where the two diagonals meet.

I wanted to keep the diagonal language moving through the base and into the ground so I expirimented

with a table-like pedestal.

An Extension to Something New


exploration led me to a

very interesting shape.

As I

expirimented more and more


lost my original moments

in the array of multiple moments running wild through the wooden armature sketchup model and foam iterations.

I reached a peak of discovery and realized


need to back-

track for even the wood shop employees said my ambitions were incapable of being created in wood.

Using my earlier

skecthup models and physical foam iterations

I decided on a

structure that would encompass my plaster piece and allow my central moment and diagonals to continue

My Armature four pieces of

was composed of

Bass Wood. The

crown piece, the pointed chevron, the table, and the thin slab that held the top two pieces to the base.


design is successful because it pays homage to the plaster piece by continuing the language while also expressing the original discontinuing from day one. each piece of the armature could have extended further to create points but



signed them to appear chopped off to further express the dimensions that the armature had to fit inside while also portraying the unresolved nature of the plaster piece.

Folly This group project of 8 people was a very enjoyabe and educational process. From inception of the first design to raising the roof I was present, but to allow for a smooth work flow the work had to seaparated daily.

Each of us rotated between drawings, physical models,

and drafting but by the end of the project we discovered eacho of our strong suites that we utilized for the that was used and tested by passersby in the engineering quad. the structure represented by many drawings and phsical

My duties for the final leg of the project were to do the section details and

1:1 scale details. These details consisted of every joint of this folly. I sucessfully-

cided, presented, and executed the best way to join the upper for seating and circulation.

8ft by 8ft by 8ft construction

2 by 4 and MDF half together and the 2 by 4 base that was enclosed in MDF

We began with 2 by 4 on the top half and mdf on the bottom half with one main sitting surface in the center.

Realizing that this

would allow for only

This was achieved by flipping the heights of the base so

one person to sit com-

that the right angle bench was taller than the square.

fortably we redesigned

The square became where the occupants feet would rest;

the base to allow for a

The seating was rotated outward to allow interaction

group of people to sit.

with other folleys.

A Manipulation of Circulation and Occupance

The Final Construction


finally came and for two weeks we were in the wood shop creat-

Folly. My part was taking the 2 by 4s that were cut and ing our

making all the lap joints for the vertical beams and making all the triangle cuts for the horizontal stabilizers.


allow for the

triangle cut outs






to be screwed against it creating a facade that can be viewed as a grill from one direction or a solid from the other direction.


ability of the louvres to be a solid from one angle and become a void as one

peruses around it was the language that directed viewers from the cement path to the inside of our folly. inside.


The flat facade intrigues you to leave the path and discover whats

entering you chose a path that leads you to a comfortable lounging

area and a great view of the other folleys.

Architectural and Charcoal Drawings

Free-Handed Renderings

‘Lift’ Still Life

Hanging Cloth render

The Fin


Judgement Detail

‘Suit Up’ Still Life

‘Emma Watson’ photo replication

Film Institute - 1405 Walnut St.

This semester long project takes us through the design process from inception to presenting a completed building with diagrams to a potential funder.

We started with site analysis along with visiting the site to fully understand the site that our building will be inhabiting. By recording

nearby precedents and schematic information we began the programming process and developed every space that is required inside the institute.

The collage of the collaged rooms allowed my to expiriment with circulation throughout the building as well as planning out what

rooms go on what floor and where. at

After many massing studys were implemented and brought to the third dimension, I came up with a design

1/16th that will closely porttray the final model at the end of the semester. I am using precedents of pointed architecture for my facades

and exterior for

I am intrigued by the use of chevrons to manipulate the eye to think the building is larger and taller than it actually it.

Extension of nearby horizontal language

Study of Vegetation, Wind, and Solar Path

1/100th Scale Street Density and Bus Stops

Creating an Institution

Scaled Perspective Collage Programming

Plan View of Current Model

Kunsthaus Bregenz Peter Zumthor/ Art Museum I was given the assignment to study, diagram, and replicate sections, plans, elevations, and axons to use the knowledge I gained about the art museum to use as precedent for my personal film institute. My role of this two person project was to create axons, sections, plans, and to analyze detail. The most interesting characteristic of this building is the frosted teal glass facade that wraps the entire building. I analyzed these clusters of four panes and created details.

Site Analysis


Axonometric Space

Elevation by Azrien Isaac


Section Detail

Glass Curtain Four Pane Analysis Diagrams

Studying a Precedent

Thank You Ginleygt@mail.uc.edu 440-781-2651

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