Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
PLAYBOY SUPER HEROES The notion of a Playboy/girl Superhero is enough to make anyone smile. And the more I think about this campaign, the funnier these scripts become. The world of Superheroes tends to involve super serious, epic life changing missions of high drama. However the world of “Playboy” revolves around playful sensuality with a hint of naughtiness. So while this blend is clearly full of amusing possibilities, my feeling is that the real humour lies in presenting beautifully rendered films that initially viewers believe to be of the Superhero genre, only to find they’re actually a hilarious if not ludicrous, (albeit premium looking) twist on the genre. Essentially our films will look and feel just like Uber cool, slick and sexy Hollywood blockbusters. But as each story unfolds, absurd situations are presented as ordinary everyday occurrences. Amusingly understated performances see super powers played with and epic catastrophes simply shrugged off. Luckily I love to work with this style of comedy. Artfully augmented and very witty, I expect these spots to viewers smiling and transported to a place that given half the chance, they’d give anything to enjoy.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
SUPER COOL HUMOUR The Marvel Comic/ Superhero genre is filled with moments of hightension drama and explosive action. In recent years we’ve also seen a very cool nonchalant attitude inhabit Superhero characters. Out of this laconic vibe emerges wonderfully dry humour. Films like The Avengers, or Ironman are peppered with hilariously memorable oneliners that offer the perfect foil to ridiculous situations. Also prevalent is a world that never looks or feels too far removed from reality. Although it does tend to be a slightly aspirational version of real life with outrageous futuristic technology thrown in. I see it being the same for this campaign. Here reality, fantasy, surrealness and total coolness all share an equal footing. As such, an understated approach to the humour is important. Go too far and it can all become a bit corny. However down play our Superheroes’ reactions to the madness, and the funnier (and cooler) the insanity becomes.
The up side of understated performances is that it actually enables us to be playful with how outlandish we go with the situations. For instance, the villain hacker in the Super Playgirl version perhaps only has half a mangled face as if he has been in some diabolical accident. And when Sidekick gets done over, maybe it’s in the extreme. Though where we’re a bit drastic in some cases, it could be funnier to opt for a more subtle approach in others. Downplaying the annihilation of earth by the meteor could be really amusing. As if the attitude to it is “Ah well, whatever.” And while our cinematography and music score might closely emulate Superhero film style in terms of grandeur and high production value, imagine the VO weighing in more like a tennis commentator perhaps with a hint of tongue in cheek irony to his delivery. Overall, incongruous layering of farfetched situations will cleverly blend to create an unexpectedly funny, irreverent, super cool take on the classic Hollywood Superhero blockbuster.
For instance picture our Hero guy carrying off his cheeky X Ray vision peeping Tom act with 007-style smoothness. And although what he sees is pretty breathtaking (from a man’s POV!), maybe his reaction is expressed only as a slight upturn in the corners of his mouth, or a twinkle in the eye. Throughout the VO helps to underscore what’s going on so the message is always clear. Even the emergency call taken by the Sidekick can be totally downplayed. Our hero’s indifference to it will nicely contrast Sidekick’s jaw line tensing as he placed into the proverbial firing line.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
THE VO For me the VO is a crucial comedy element. And whist I don’t think our VO tries overtly to be funny in a big way, certainly his read can reinforce the funny side or irony of what we are seeing. For instance, when he says, “You don’t need your X-ray vision” (which is where the hero spies a man in his underwear), the subtext of his read is “Yikes” or “Yuck!” And because the viewer hears this, our hero need only substantiate it with a subtle reaction of distaste. Something like a slight gritting of the teeth and or the widening of his eyes followed by a slow blink as he looks away does the job. Imagine the VO as self assured, clever and witty with an air of authority. In fact, why not consider having a really big actor like George Clooney read this. It’s the kind of thing that will leave viewers cocking their ear and guessing as to whether it’s him or not. Whomever we get though, they must be the calibre of actor who truly understands the nuances of the read in order to provide variations that will help to deepen the humour and give us choices.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
THE SUPER HERO As mentioned earlier, I see the Superhero world being very much in tune with today only a touch heightened. For example, the party takes place in a spectacular luxury apartment with views over NY to die for. It’s full of A list beautiful people –types that are beyond mere models and who possess an aura that puts them in a rarefied league. So not only is this world aspirational, it’s shot using cinematography that one would expect of a slick, sexy Superhero movie. Imagine majestic camera sweeps, 360s that swoop us in, around and through spaces at breakneck speeds, or ultra slow motion (Matrix style) that indulges moments in such a way they become otherworldly. We go macro, micro, zoom or glide scaling buildings or flying effortlessly. Taking the time and the effort to shoot, cast and perform this artfully well will pay off handsomely. Therefore a DOP like Tom Segal who shot Superman and X Men would be great for this project. If not him; then we should consider someone of similar quality. I also envisage an opulent colour palette with deep contrasting light, beautiful reflective surfaces and lush/rich colours – a bit Avengers in tone and also very Playboy. When it comes to the special effects, I think we veer away from heavy-handed post trickery and opt for staying in-camera where we can. But when we do need the helping hand of post, it will be invisible to the eye. Background compositing will be seamless. Perhaps too the asteroid hitting earth has an edge of realness that’s more aligned to Lars Von Tier’s final scene in Melancholia. And while the robot dancer is kind of mad, his unique possessed quality is both amusing and artful. After all, the real joke lies in fact that she’s being playful with her powers.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
CASTING AND STYLING Suffice to say these roles demand experienced actors and while we won’t have big names, our cast should certainly feel in that league. I’m veering toward a Scarlett Johansson type for the girl (smouldering and sexy yet not entirely typical) and perhaps a Robert Downey Jr. sort for the Super Playboy. Superheroes have the art of the deep and meaningful LOOK down pat. The way they carry themselves and the intelligence in their eyes provides them with unique screen presence. Beauty is part of that for sure, but this rare breed must be the whole package of brainy, super fit, sexy and ultra smooth. Undeniably these Demi-gods types exude an aura of undeniable confidence both men and women are drawn to. Later in this treatment I go into more detail in regards to our two main heroes, but surrounding them are support cast that also require strong acting experience. Casting some stuntmen/women will be important but it can also be funnier when you cast people who aren’t highly proficient at Superhero actions. Styling is really important. The cut/design of the suits, the party wear, richness of the colours, hair, makeup...must all work together to reinforce Superhero status and ambiance. Let’s go for breathtaking art direction with ultra stylish wardrobe that superb attention to detail and exciting design exudes quality.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
OUR HERO Who is he? Well as mentioned earlier I see him being similar to Robert Downey Jr from Ironman, attractive rather than the typical male model type. He’s more likely to be in his late 20s early 30s with an air of worldliness and mystery about him. He’s expressive and can capture the power of the Superhero steely stare. All of which makes him even more alluring - especially to women! With confidence, elegance, intelligence in his eyes and a wit that can effortlessly be read from body language (like a quizzical raise of one eyebrow) this guy certainly turns heads. Casting wise, I’d like to see accomplished actors who possess that rare mix of a likeable personality with striking enigmatic screen presence. Dressed in a Tux, he looks like any of the other guests, perhaps it’s only when we see him display his powers that we understand his Superhero status. We could have a clue on him, a cufflink with an emblem or something very understated. His Sidekick might be in a more Superhero suit – let’s explore what works best be it a long black leather trench or a black on black very subtle emblem woven onto the back of his tux.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
WHAT HAPPENS Okay so this is one stunning party set within an ultra luxury apartment set against a twinkling backdrop of Manhattan. From the get go we glean the grandeur with our hero greeted at the door by a drop-dead beauty, maybe a Naomi Campbell type. Along with him, we glide through this spectacular world of sensuality and glamour – a bit 007, but even cooler. Beautiful guests sashay through frame noticing our hero with admiring sideways glances, which on occasion, he returns… Perhaps we pre-empt or parallel the X Ray vision announcement from the VO with a super quick cut to (and into) the retina (eye) of our hero. We see it suddenly glow and then cut back to see what he sees only in X Ray vision. I suggest we give this sequence a visual hint of something unique and otherworldly… For example, when women shimmy by him (only wearing lingerie), perhaps there’s a slowing down of the film speed as if he’s savouring the view. Also we could add the slightest hint of a glow/ shimmer in their wake…I’m only suggesting a visual tweak that helps to heighten his altered vision. They do something like this in Lord of the Rings when Frodo places the ring on his finger and becomes invisible.
Of course when the man crosses his path wearing only underwear, he calls a halt to the effect…as the VO suggests. For the speed chatting sequence, perhaps we combine sped up film with an elegant glide of the camera circling him in a 360 arc. During this orbit we can seamlessly quick cut to him chatting to one girl then to the next as he clearly speaks super fast. Or maybe because the VO tells us he’s speed chatting, we could truncate time through clever fast cutting, maybe adding a blur to his gestures while the background party activity remains in real time. Let’s explore the options together. For the emergency call, perhaps the hero sees the call come in and nonchalantly passes it the Sidekick as if he’s far too intrigued by the present female company to answer it… Then we cut to the Sidekick being totally beaten up and giving us a final scared look just before being thrown over the side of a high rise. We witness his POV of the fast approaching rubbish skip he is heading toward…or something like this.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
I love SuperShrimp and think he should be a hybrid superhero with a shrimp head (that we make and fit on him) with shrimp-like fingers that emerge from his tuxedo arms. Perhaps he balances on a fishy tail that emerges out from his single trouser leg. Seeing his friends dead on the buffet could result in a lobster-flipping display of pure fury. Hilarious. So how do our two Super Playboy heroes meet? Well perhaps she has been there all along watching from afar in an elegant chair. Maybe she has her back to him but he catches her piercing eyes staring at his reflection in the window. Her fiery red hair peeks over the top of the chair. Intrigued, he walks toward her at which point she spins her chair around to face him in a challenging come alluring way – she’s sassy, sexy and clearly a Superhero in that flesh tight suit…
But given they are Superheroes used to flying about, the action should be relaxed, sensual and languid. Perhaps rather than flying horizontal they’re standing in a passionate clinch and ascending straight upward rocket style. The wind flutters her hair and buffets his tux. Again, let’s explore what looks best here. The camera stays with them as they zoom up wards passing glittering lit windows…maybe a bird flies past them (a bit shocked) or we glimpse a janitor seeing them zoom by the 11th floor. Finally, they pass by or cut to the stunning giant (or it could be real size) glass fragrance bottle perched like a precious gem on the edge of the building. It glows and gleams in the moonlight…
We cut to them flying over the city in an embrace… suffice to say this scene has to look totally majestic.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
SUPER PLAYGIRL Earlier I suggested a Scarlett Johansson type simply because I like that her beauty has strength and depth. I loved her in The Avengers especially the red hair as it gave her less expected allure. So let’s look for someone similar. Beauty and brains is key to capturing the Superhero X factor this role demands. Certainly she needs a great body for that super sexy/cool Superhero suit. But let’s go for a strong silhouette, Amazonian rather than too thin with the ability to cast an intense look, one that speaks volumes and draws you in. In short, envisage her possessing a heady mix of power, magic and womanly playfulness irresistible to both men and women.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
ROOFTOP FOR HER Okay so we’re at the same party only this time we see it from our heroine’s POV. I quite like the idea that even the doorman gulps at her beauty finding the need to loosen his bow tie a little as she passes by. This woman has power! The dancing robot scene is pretty funny but I also see it being beautifully choreographed. Too easily this could be just a bit mean or odd so why not have a cool dance style of perfectly timed uncoordinated moves…remember Christopher Walken in the Fatboy Slim video – geeky but great. Maybe she makes him fly or levitate too! Much of her power over him seems come from her eyes locked on him – so when she flicks them sideways, he takes a tumble. Maybe while this is happening, we also see camera flashes going on. This then takes us to the next villain scene where the bad dude is doctoring her facebook with the images he’s being sent. In the darkened room the light of the screen illuminates the good side of his face. But then we swing the camera around to see the damaged side. The shots he is choosing to doctor and upload are mean- either the robot dance guy looks like a total idiot or they show other guests in an ugly way. The villain sniggers as he’s doing it. Perhaps he tries to take sip from a straw but can’t find his mangled mouth and slops it down his front…
She notices too but seems unperturbed as if to say “Ah well….”. An emergency call comes in but she ignores it and heads to the attractive guy at the bar… Perhaps when we cut to the asteroid in space using a mix of real stock footage that we tweak/enhance a bit in post. At the crash point, we could cut back to her at the bar with the attractive young waiter while in the deep background outside the window beyond them, the world is a smouldering mess… Cut her and him now landing (with a bit a tumble) in the sand – perhaps we use that tumble to help turn it into a romantic clinch. He’s a bit baffled by being there but is also quite happy! Let’s consider having the Superhero suit she was wearing now suddenly be a bikini version… Back to the party, as the noise police arrive. At the freeze moment, perhaps our Super Playgirl is the only one not frozen. She shrugs innocently at the cops and they tip their hats to her and leave. Now we have her meet the Superhero only this time from her POV. We cut to the final flying scene as explained earlier with the beautiful gleaming bottle atop the skyscraper. Super: PRESS TO PLAY
We hear the beep beep of the phones alerting the guests and then - one, two three…we see them send our heroine nasty looks.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch
FINALLY There are numerous playful possibilities here and with subtle, underplayed performances, they can be made to be very funny. Both the Playboy brand and the Superhero genre demand rich detail, impressive scale and cinematic polish. So let’s take the opportunity to create an amazing, high production value, deliciously funny campaign that launches these fragrances in a totally memorable way. Thank you for inviting me to explore this mission and given there is much to discuss, let’s speak soon. Paul Middleditch.
Super Playboy & Super Playgirl l Paul Middleditch