Samadhi Game!... Manifesto of Insight & Awareness

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Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight & Awareness ! Playing Creatively With The Open Source Code of Enlightenment! !

A Tournament of Awakening... Cultivating Divine Identity, Hungry Ghost/ Headless Shadow Processing, Alchemical Transmutation, Masculine/Feminine Sexual Dynamics, Tantric Awareness & Abundance


Gregory Donald Brinkley 2008 - 2015  

Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight &Awareness ! Playing Creatively With The Open Source Code of Enlightenment!


A Tournament of Awakening... Cultivating Divine Identity, Hungry Ghost/Headless Shadow Processing, Alchemical Transmutation, Masculine/Feminine Sexual Dynamics, Tantric Awareness & Abundance


Gregory Donald Brinkley 2008 - 2014

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Samadhi Game!

Dedicated Unto… All The Temples and Sacred Devotions Therein… To All Religions, Yogas, and Spiritual Paths where the Multi Colored Lamps of Wisdom Shine from the One True Source of Eternal White Flame... Throbbing from the Great Cosmic Heart of Neutral, Impartial Omnipresence.


Gregory Donald Brinkley SamadhiGame.Com Samadhi Game Tribe


Support… Samadhi Game! Process and Community We Invite you this year to Initiate your Support for The Source of Your Inspiration by giving the “First Fruits Percentage” to that Source of Samadhi. It is an act through which you can express the gratitude you have in your heart for all that Your Source has Given You!

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One way of doing this is to Meditate on the Percentage of your Income to Give... Finding that Percentage that Gives You... the Greatest Feeling of Joy in your Heart. Not blindly accepting the Words and Teaching from the Source of Your Inspiration… but trying them in your own Life and Seeing if and how they work for You! When you continue This Yogic Practice of Giving a Percentage of Your Income… you will gradually find Yourself Free of the fear of “lack” and “not enough”… and You will KNOW from your own Experience… that The Source, through this Law of Giving… will Fulfill All Your Needs.


Sign Up for Samadhi Game! Yearly Subscription Contribution... Today!! For Samadhi Game! Community Customer Service… Please Contact Us At (800) 629 2378!



Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


Copyright © Samadhi Game! 2008 - 2014 All Rights Reserved (Although every attempt has been made to contact the artists of images used in Samadhi Game! for express permission to publish herein... For some images believed to be public domain… we encourage the artists to contact us)


Table of Contents


A Few Caveats ..............................................................................8 Samadhi Game! Strategies ...........................................................9 Speaking Samadhi Game! Aloud


Rhythm, Tone, Inflection, Volume, Emphasis


Personalization of Samadhi Game!


Your Noble Enlightened And Ascended Name


The Names Of Gods And Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants And/Or Those That You Respect In Your Life As Representing Their/Your Higher Self 11 The Names of Individuals That Are Not Returning Your Light In Kind


The Formulation Of Your Intentions


The Naming Of Loved Ones And Groups Or Organizations You Desire To Support 14 Your Planned Activities for A Desired Time Period Into The “Hands” Of Samadhi 15 Noble Qualities Or Virtues To Hold As Your Unique Individualization of Oneness 15

Ⅰ... Recognizing Your Divine Identity ........................................16 The Shadowless Light of Samadhi... It’s Feeling Tone and State of Knowing17 I Bow To The Samadhi Within Myself


Opening Pillar of Light/Pillar In The World


Odium Reflecting One Way Mirror... I AM!


Heart Identity Reclaimed


Heart-Felt Tangible Samadhi



Affirmation and Prayer of Divine Masculine Presence and Power


Affirmation and Prayer of Divine Feminine... The Direct & Connected Fulness of Beauty & Forgiving Grace 29 Nothing’s Silence… Sounding Light!


The Radiant Circle of Healing Love and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light31 Samadhi’s I AM Memory & Momentum… The Golden River of Sustained Enlightenment... and Divine Direction! 34 Invocation... Nobility Individualized!


Ⅱ... Deciphering Your Hungry Ghost & Headless Shadow .......38 Get Very, Very, Very Real


Enlightenment with Squares (ESP or Neutral Witnessing)


Continuing Enlightenment with Squares Process


As____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Archangel Michael! 44 Garments of Immortality


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire!


Power Cry


Let There Be Light!




Recognition, Clearing, Transmutation & Divine Intention for Astrological Patterns 55 Not This Not This… I AM The Radiant THAT! (Neti Neti… Tat Twam Asi) 56

Ⅲ... Developing Your Alchemical Momentum! ........................61 Ruby Ray Power & Violet Compassionate Transmutation


Frozen Children Process (Time-Travel Healing)



The Frozen Child Method


Pointers for the Process


Continued Ruby Ray Power & Violet Compassionate Transmutation


Violet Ray Identity & Samadhi In Action


Violet Fire Rhythm


Roaring White Lion Transmutation


I AM Shiva… I AM Shakti!


Violet Fire Chakras


I AM Laughing!


Ⅳ... Achieving Your Unique Masculine/Feminine Sexual Dynamic .....................................................................................79 Puddle of Love (Said by Men to Women)


Warrior’s Lore (Said by Women to Men)


One Single


Deep At Core


The Nine Keys


Ⅴ... Living With Tantric Awareness & Abundance ...................85 The Resurrection & Crystal Fire Life


Resurrection of The Essence of Spiritual Giants


Resurrection of Dynamic Life Involvement


Resurrection of Specific Circumstances, Process and Things


Emerald Ray Tantra


Healing Identity and Action



Abundant Identity, Action & Manifestation


I AM… A Rainmaker!


Blessing of Spiritual Giants


Closing Pillar of Light/Pillar of the World


Appendix... Come Play… Samadhi Game! .............................104 Why Samadhi Game! Meditation




Explanatory Note… Why Samadhi Game! Is So Effective… and Fun!


Overview of Samadhi Game! and Chapter Abstracts


About The Author of Samadhi Game!


Venus Dancing


Peanut Butter Pressure of BEING


Acknowledgment of Teachers, Teaching and Community


Competitive Analysis


Marketing Analysis & Promotion


Samadhi Game! License



A Few Caveats

! • Although with Samadhi Game! we are Stating the Obvious & Truthful Answers to the Question “Who AM I?”… We Let Everything be As It Is. We Do Not Try to Make It Happen. And yet we are Culturing our Path. • We Are Not Moving Towards… We Are Not Grasping… For Anything. • Beyond The Words… We Relax and Let Go (Into Our Enthusiasm, Our Calm, Our Passion, Our Love) • We Are Transferring our Identity back from the dual-human-ego to Our Divine Identity… The Neutral Witness with Every Samadhi Game! Process. • Although it may Sound as if “We Know of what I speak in Samadhi Game!”… We Rest Still in Our Unknowing! • We Drop The Mantras into the Lake of Silence. • We Do Not Come to Oneness because of Our Knowing… but by Reloading our Unknowing. • We Can NOT See Ourselves… Because We ARE ONE. • This is Natural, Not Mystical... Meditation… No Manipulation… We can Not Fail… as Failure only comes from What You Are Not. • Freedom Hits Fixation… and Fixation Fractures. • We are Not outrunning Our Shadows… As Truth… We Simply Know Shadow. • Samadhi Game! is NOT an Ideology of Good! We Are Free of The Duality of Heaven & Hell! • We Are Knowing OurSelves by Being. We Live in Impermanence NOW. • We Are Taking Away Illusion… Not Gaining Enlightenment. We loose Our Illusion and We Are Awake! • The “Price” of Attainment… Is the Surrender of duality. • The Commentator of Judgement… Gone! • We move in This World AS GOD… Without Definition. • Silence is True… without Thought. • Before… The Prophets and Rishis... Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Atri, Vasishtha, Vedavyasa, Job, Jesus, John of Patmos, Krishna, Buddha, Muhammad, Nephi, Joseph Smith, Jr., Ellen G. White, Elizabeth Clair Prophet, Prabhupada, And ALL… I AM THAT I AM… ETERNITY.


Samadhi Game! Strategies !



Speaking Samadhi Game! Aloud

! When Speaking Samadhi Game! you speak AS the Very God (or Goddess) of the Universe! !

These Words are nothing but what you would hear from the Mouths of Zeus or Aphrodite ThemSelves! We speak as Divinity in these patterned ways in order to break the hypnosis of ourselves speaking in the footstool kingdom vernacular.


We practice speaking as Love so as to remind ourselves of the strains of The Infinite BEING that we ARE in our Hearts... that craves Manifestation!


The Great Tibetan Yogi, Milarepa1... would sing his Mantras aloud while holding his hand to his ear, so that he could hear HimSelf. This is what we are doing with the playful Intoning of Samadhi Game! Listen to yourself as you speak Samadhi Game! Listen to the Truth of your very Being as you sing your Love as a Samadhi Game!


Rhythm, Tone, Inflection, Volume, Emphasis

! And how we say it is as important as what we are saying! !

It will take consistency to develop the habit of Remembering who you ARE. It will take creativity to make the practice new each time it is entered into. It will take the touch of your Inner Artist to make the delivery of these words fresh and clean and drenched with the substance of Samadhi.


And so... Use Rhythm, Tone, Inflection, Volume, and Emphasis to mark each word with LIGHT and LIFE!


Try fast, slow, staccato... try high, low, vibrato... try Loving, Powerful, Bravado... try sharp, quick, legato!

! Feel the Song in your delivery. Play the Song from your Heart through these words! !

Pretend that you are an actor or actress on stage trying to convey your Word to the last seat in the hall. That you must not only project, but enunciate with clarity and move your entire body with the rhythm of your inflection so as to emphasize the words even with visual cues. By making the delivery of your Mantra fun and exciting you are drawing from your emotional body, not just your mental body, and by doing so you add energy to your words that provides them with the Substance of manifestation! 1Milarepa was famed for singing his poems in which he expressed the profundity of His Realization of The Dharma.


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Personalization of Samadhi Game!

There are “blanks” placed throughout the Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight & Awareness… that are left for your personal edification . For you to draw forth your creativity and to add dimension to this text. These “Blanks” are your opportunity to let the Silence of your own Heart “speak” to you and through you. These “Blanks” are the beginning of your making Samadhi Game! Your own. These “Blanks” are the Initiation, the beginning of your manifesting your own Individual and Divine Action in this world of form!

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Your Noble Enlightened And Ascended Name

This is an opportunity for you to say what it is that you stand for by the very Nobility and Grander of your own Name. This is the name of The God or Goddess… THAT IS You! It may be the same as your given name... but it may not. Your given name might be part of it, or it may not be useful at all. Your Ascended Name represents You as YOU ARE at Your Core. It has the vibration of the Unique Essence of your Self that is You at Your Core and that You Desire to share with others.


You could have many Names, depending on what quality of your BEING that you seek to convey to others at any given time. It may change too, from Samadhi Game! Session to Samadhi Game! Session. So be creative and try on some Names and see how they feel! You may eventually settle on a Name that you decide is You to the very Core of Your Being and never change it again.

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The Names Of Gods And Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants And/Or Those That You Respect In Your Life As Representing Their/Your Higher Self

One of the goals of Samadhi Game! is to create a script, a Source Code of Words linked together in such a way that they lead the reader into Higher States of Consciousness and Awareness without bludgeoning the reader with any specific religious belief or system, all of which have supposedly been designed to do the same thing!


Each Faith has recognized the Aspects of Divinity by Naming IT in a way that is dear and true to their understanding. These Gods and Goddesses are the personification of the Love and Truth and every other virtue or quality of creation. And... THEY ARE YOU!



With the internet and the free flow of thought across the world. With the open sharing of Truth as it had been passed down through the ages, we are no longer limited to a regional, or ethnic understanding of the MOST HIGH! We are now able to grok the Truth of many disciplines, many ways, many religions... and to find that one or combination of “ways” which resonates most with our own hearts. “Samadhi Game!” provides a way for us to finally put to use the Legacy of all ways, all paths… of their sacred stories and their Victorious heroes and heroins.


One of the most inspiring aspects of any Faith is the legacy that it’s “prominent adherents” have left of their accomplishments in living to the principles of that Faith. Saints, Sages, Holy Men and Women, Shamans, Priests, Sadhus, Philosophers, Friends, Loved Ones and Relatives have all inspired us with their lives in similar ways. By the Spiritual Principles of Oneness and of Reflection… What we perceive in “others” is ourselves2. When we admit that we have been inspired by anyone or any religious story or figure… We are also claiming that aspect as part of us… and our ability to inspire others in like fashion.


We can not harm these archetypical examples in our lives by recognizing their Divine Qualities. Nor can we weaken them or overburden these special ones in our life when we know that we are invoking their qualities associated with and representative of their Higher Presence, that IS Theirs, as IS also Ours... ONE with the same ONE that is always ONE.


It is left for you to fill in with the Names of those that have inspired you... either Spiritually, Socially, Financially... really any walk of life. It is understood that we are Honoring their Inspiration in our Lives. That we are Aspiring to live as did they. To achieve similar Victories as they. To serve the Light in a way that complements their own unique contribution. And as the Master Jesus as said...

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“All these things I have done, ye shall do and even greater things shall ye do”!

You will find in the Samadhi Game! text... that after each opportunity to honor your chosen “Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants... and even flesh and blood people that you admire and that have inspired you with what you see as Nobility of Character”... I have included the Names… in Gold Print... of those that I have personally come to know that have tried and true Inspirational value for me... and in most cases... many others.


For the purpose of our group Samadhi Game! Seminars, Conferences & Meditations it is expedient to use these Names so as to build a common momentum of drawing from the Light of these Great Ones so Named. But for your own Private Use and Practice at home... in the surroundings of your own family and loved ones... Samadhi Game! is intended to be

We perceive both the positive and negative traits in others that we harbor in ourselves… and we may use this principle in establishing our Divine Identity as well as defining our dual-human-ego. HE/SHE Appears when we are LIKE HIM/HER (John 3:2). The Guru appears when we are ready. The Teaching comes when we are ready… it is not cast as waste upon stones. 2


personalized, and for you to honor and proclaim the Names of those that you have come to respect via your personal experience or your chosen path of Enlightenment or Religion.


That’s right... Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist, Atheist, Taoist... all may use Samadhi Game! to enrich their Religious or Spiritual experiences... to deepen their commitment to their Path, and to find their Unique Personal Expression of The ONE TRUTH.


Samadhi Game! is the use of Eternal Cosmic Law that has romantically been called... Magic! Magic is considered “fun” but takes work. The Magic of Cosmic Law can be no less Thrilling to play with your personal adventure to Enlightenment! The Magic of Names… is that they all have a Vibrational Frequency... and the Names of Great Ones throughout the ages have gathered more and more momentum of their particular Vibrational Frequency from their repeated use... so we can use these Names, if we choose, to draw that which we desire into our Lives… and into our Personal Game of… Samadhi!


The Initials in Gold you find in these lists of my personally “Inspirational BEINGS”, are those people that I happen to have met personally... or through their distributed teaching... that are, yes, still in embodiment, and that have influenced me deeply and wonderfully... and would probably either blush in humility... or level a legal suit against me if they saw their name spelled out in it’s entirety in my book!


I have left these “Initialed Ones” in the Samadhi Game! to underscore the importance of recognizing those that have been and continue to be of current inspiration to you… those that we may honor with our love and devotion.


The Names of Individuals That Are Not Returning Your Light In Kind


Each person has their own Unique Stamp of Identity. Your unique Identity is stamped not only in every cell and atom of your physical body, but it is stamped in every erg of energy that you release in your mental and emotional bodies as well. Every person, place or thing that you have interacted with has a bit of the substance of your Unique Identity attached to it. Your Unique Life Substance is being used by individuals according to their Free Will.


There will inevitably be relationships with people, places or things that you would rather not have had... and they will continue to use the Unique Life Substance that you have graced them with even in your absence... unless you retrieve it! It is lawful for you to reclaim from another those electrons charged with your Unique Engram of Identity... when you can see that Life Substance is being misused. For it is still your partial responsibility for it’s use or misuse when in the possession of another.



This is not at all as horrible as it first sounds... it takes a deep and healed heart, mind and emotions to be able to retrieve this energy. It can not be done in anger, revenge or with a harmful mien. It is done not only to relieve yourself of any mis-qualified energy from the other using your Life Substance... but it is also done out of compassion for the other... so as to limit the other from misusing the Life Substance that has been entrusted to them by yourself... and hence reduce the possibility of the other enmeshing themselves in more and longer lasting difficulty. It is only accomplished by deeply Loving, Honoring the Individual... and Letting Go of any resentments you may harbor for them.

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The Formulation Of Your Intentions

We begin to personalize Samadhi Game! with the formulation of our Intentions, our prayers... Abstract or concrete.


See and Feel as though This Intention were Already Manifest... Mint This Intention into a Golden Coin such that the Intention can be seen and felt in relief... and that it has weight... Toss this Golden Coin of Your Intention into the Fountain of Your Life that Swirls and Dances all about You! Into the fountain of Prana-Chi that is shimmering in response to your reading of Samadhi Game!.


The Naming Of Loved Ones And Groups Or Organizations You Desire To Support


Just as the Names of Individuals hold the resonance of their Unique Identity… Th Names of Groups and Organizations as well as Nations also contain the Keynote of their Identity. We can name not only all your loved ones, but any groups or organizations you are affiliated with, or derive Inspiration from (such as… Samadhi Game Tribe and Primera Agua Healing & Enlightenment at “Sunny Mellow”)!


Of course we are destined to Love the entire world and all thereon... but it is a good place to start with the Disciplined and Practiced Conscious Loving with our immediate family and friends and associates. These lists of Names can be the same or change each day. You may find yourself creating hierarchies of lists that you use depending on the day or the event or the people that you will contact immediately.


You can name individuals or groups. Before a meditation, we may name the Samadhi Game! Meditation Group for example. When we work with “Samadhi Game!” development and production, we might name the artists, app developers and publishers in general or be very specific about it.



The idea here is to prime the pump of Love that is being delivered to individuals that you know and eventually to all of humanity and the Earth, so that when we do actually have an opportunity to love the person in front of us... We are much more likely to do so!

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Your Planned Activities for A Desired Time Period Into The “Hands” Of Samadhi

We notice that Samadhi Game! is a Divine Hopper. It is a Matrix of Delight into which we may pour our Life Circumstance... Invoking the Union, the Tantra of the Divine into all our affairs.


Here we have the opportunity to plan and visualize our days, weeks, months and years... putting them all into the hands of the Infinite. Feeling the Eternal Gaze of Omnipresence as IT guides our activities.

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Noble Qualities Or Virtues To Hold As Your Unique Individualization of Oneness

Although Samadhi Game! is a very complete compendium of Noble Qualities and Virtues… chances are that you recognize Qualities and Virtues Unique to you and described with a different language… a tongue unique to your individualized Self. As first steps at personalizing your Path of Enlightenment... and as a way of getting us tuned up for Neutral Witnessing… Enlightenment with Squares Process… we need to practice putting our Highest Visions into words from our Intuited Neutral Witness Awareness…. Saying The Name of The Noble Quality or Virtue that you may have gotten the feeling or taste for, had a vision of, or gotten the scent or heard of... into your immediate world of action. Saying these Qualities and Virtues in this matrix allows for you to magnetize that into your world.

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Ⅰ... Recognizing Your Divine Identity !

“This Samadhi Game! is simply an aid to Awakening and Realizing “The New Paradigm”... and not the New Paradigm itself. YOU ARE IT! When you walk through YOUR INDIVIDUAL DOOR of SELF, these words in Samadhi Game! become a very paltry expression... compared to your Eternally Manifesting Identity!”


“So come... Walk through the gate onto the playground of Samadhi Game!... the “stage” of Life… and create your own Unique World of Truth… that IS, WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE in Perfect Harmony with everyone else’s Individual World of Truth.”… Gregory Donald Brinkley


The Shadowless Light of Samadhi... It’s Feeling Tone and State of Knowing34 (Inspired by Jesus of Nazareth... Who Stands in The Universal Christos/Krishna/Buddha/Allah/Divine Mother-Father/Neutral Witness Consciousness...THAT I AM... NOW!)


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

O Glorious Shadowless LIGHT of ETERNITY!... THAT Brilliance of I AM Samadhi…

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SHINING in the VOID as Ten Thousand Suns!... Descend, Descend, Descend as The Tangible Substance of... Loving Splendor, Dazzling Intelligence and Palpable Power for all to Absorb and Identify with!

As The Full and Only Authority throughout the Earth… The Boundless Treasure House of The Universe... and Our Infinite I AM Samadhi of Scintillating Fire and Dazzling LIGHT...



THAT I AM!… I Release The POWER of Mastery Without Limit NOW... Revealing The SELF... and Flooding Forth Perfect Miracles in all Activities!...


Inspired by “The Invocation to the Shadowless Light” The Voice of The I AM March 1988... http:// 3


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Bringing to Pass The Enlightenment of The Ages... and letting every BEING on Earth... Sense… and Surrender to The Intimacy of This LIGHT…

EVERYWHERE… The Fullness of This SELF Expanding As LOVE, WISDOM and JOY... FOREVER! NOW!… Great Songs of Praise and Gratitude Burst Forth from the Heart of Humanity... for THAT Silent Splendor poured out to all!


NOW!… Pure LOVE Flows Forth from The Heart of The Secret LOVE Star... Drenching the Earth with The Glory and Ecstasy of Golden Pink Liquid LIGHT!


NOW!… The ONENESS of Supreme LOVE-WISDOM and Blazing JOY... Overwhelms this whirl of duality5 in IT’S Glowing Orb of Transmutation, Reconciliation and Dominion… making of “Terra6” a Smiling Sun of Everlasting, All Powerful, Limitless LIGHT… Casting No Shadow... and in which only THAT Absolute Perfection can Forever Dwell.

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I AM!... Limitless Gifts of All Good Things... Anointing The Earth with Abundance, Healing and Happiness for all mankind!

O PRESENCE of The Shadowless LIGHT from out the GREAT SILENCE...

! We Identify with THEE... NOW! !

I AM!… The Elation, and Exhilaration... Freedom and Liberation of This Eternal Experience and Gnosis of Samadhi… IT’S Ecstatic Hearing, Blissful Feeling, Cosmic Scent, Sublime Taste and Immaculate Vision7… Holding All Safely Within THAT Compassionate Diamond Heart... FOREVER. 5

This “whirl of duality”... This world. The cross-currents of the human ego. The wheel of karma. The “whirled”. The “screaming of duality”. The play of Ida and Pingala. 6

Earth (or the Earth) is the third planet from the Sun and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. It is sometimes referred to as the World, the Blue Planet,[20] or by its Latin name, Terra. 7 Hearing is Akasha Element... Touch is Air Element... Smell is Earth Element... Taste is Water Element... Sight is Fire

Element… In the process of death and dissolution, The Senses are generally lost in this order… Sight, Taste, Smell, Touch, Hearing… The opposite progression of Hearing, Feeling, Smelling, Tasting and Seeing is Invoked in the process of Initiation and Manifestation. !18


I Intensify This Feeling Tone of I AM Shadowless LIGHT... In Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Awareness… Surrender, Devotion and Adoration...

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For this State of Knowing “THAT”... This All Pervading I AM Samadhi… The Intelligence of The Heart THAT IS... Divine Illumination!

I _________________________ (Here pronounce Your ASCENDED


NAME OR APPELLATION; be Exact… or Creative… Example… “The Ascended Master Gregory Donald Brinkley Living Super-Yogi Brilliance!”… Be Creative... and key into your Unique Individuality! Could be a New Name Every Day!)... AM AWAKE!...


As IS __________________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... The Ascended Master

Jesus… To…


This Shadowless LIGHT... IT’S Feeling Tone and State of Knowing...


THAT I AM THAT NEVER Sleeps... And Enjoys ALL…

! NOW... !



I Bow To The Samadhi Within Myself8

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ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

OM Namah ________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)… Shivaya Gurave Saccidananda-Murtaye Nishprapancaya Shantaya Niralambaya Tejase


I Bow to The Samadhi within Myself, Known as "Lord ___________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You... i.e. Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva... In You)"9, THAT is The True Teacher.

! This Samadhi THAT I AM Takes The "Form" of Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss. ! I AM!... Always Present and Full of Peace . ! (3x)

I AM!... Completely Free and I Sparkle with The Divine Luster. (Repeat)

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All Religions and Spiritual Paths have Personalized GOD... The Supreme BEING… By Naming and Adorning (Projecting) HIM and HER in Artistic Form. Shiva is ONE of MANY Names and Images that can be used... “Shiva” (or whatever Name You Choose to Honor as “The Lord”)... IS The REAL...I AM THAT YOU ARE… as there IS no other! !20

Opening Pillar of Light/Pillar In The World By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

! Sublime I AM Samadhi THAT I AM!… !

Enfolding me NOW in THAT Mighty, Magic, Electronic Pillar of Cosmic LIGHT Substance!...


My Identification with IT’S Magnificent Humility and Thoughtful Creativity... so Powerful and Complete (Brahma/Father)... That I Artfully and Magically Alter every polarity... with Healing Unity!



Within This Majestic Pillar of LIGHT… Blazes THAT LOVE As The Violet Compassionate Flame… in, through and around my Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Physical Bodies...


Effortlessly Dissolving, Consuming, Transmuting and Reconciling the dualities of my human ego! (Shiva/Holy Spirit)… Charging my world and all I Contact with The Tangible Substance, Living Awareness, and Conscious Activity... The PRESENCE and Superconscious Samadhi… of All Enlightened Beings, Liberated and Ascended Masters10!


Seeing, Feeling and Hearing This LIGHT... as IT Shines, Radiates and Resonates within me... as a Visible Pillar of The World!…


Stabilized, Supported and Sustained by The Brilliant, Elegant ONE… and Infinitely Sensitive to THAT Invulnerable State of Divine I AM Samadhi. (Vishnu/Son) ((3x)Repeat) AUM11


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10 Those sentient BEINGS that have Mastered the dual-human-ego and graduated from school room Terra, leaving a record in

Akasha (the finer realms) of their Momentum and Attainment of LIFE. Invoking Their PRESENCE, acknowledges a State of BEING THAT IS THAT I AM... NOW! 11 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


Eternity IS my Home!... I Do all that is Necessary to Actualize THIS EverFresh Realization... and Organize my Life Around IT! (3x)



Odium Reflecting One Way Mirror... I AM! By Gregory Brinkley

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ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

About This Pillar of Light... This Pillar of the World... This Forgiving Samadhi THAT I

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A ONE WAY MIRROR REFLECTING back to it’s Sender... __________________________ (Here add names of those KNOWN to be directing Arrows of Odium as described below)...


All Odium, hatred, ill will, disgust, abhorrence, repugnance, revulsion, loathing, detestation, obloquy, opprobrium, vituperation, condemnation, denunciation, abuse, criticism, censure, defamation, denigration, calumny, insults, castigation, excoriation, disgrace, dishonor, shame, discredit, stigma, humiliation, loss of face, ignominy, disfavor, disrepute, infamy, stain, hostility, antipathy, anger, abomination and scandal!


Reverse The Tide, Reverse The Tide, Reverse The Tide!...

! Roll Them Back, Roll Then Back, Roll Them Back!... ! Reverse The Tide, Reverse The Tide, Reverse The Tide! ! Reflection’s Command! ! ! (12x)

HERE... MANIFEST NOW in _________________________________ (Here add names of those KNOWN to be directing Arrows of Odium as described below)...


All Forgiveness, Pardon, Absolution, Exoneration, Remission, Dispensation, Clemency, Mercy, Reprieve, Amnesty, Grace, Compassion, Charity, Forbearance, Quarter, Humanity, Kindness, Empathy, Tolerance, Generosity, Boon, Favor, Peace, Magnanimity and Beneficence!

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In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!


Heart Identity Reclaimed By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


O Electrons of LIFE... Stamped with my Unique Individualized I AM IDENTITY…


Having Been Given to the Swirling Aura of ____________________ (Here name individuals that are not returning your Light in in kind).

! Feel Now the Strong and Powerful Magnet of my Honorable and Healing Heart! !

Be Drawn and Reclaimed to This… My Wholeness… as _____________________ (Here name individuals that are not returning your Light in in kind) and I thus do part.


With Dispassion… I Love, Honor and Let Go of ____________________ (Here name individuals that are not returning your Light in in kind) mentally, emotionally and physically!


With Faith… I Trust in The Overflowing Abundance from THAT Substance of LOVE... called Surrender and Forgiveness... to replace any inharmonious and disruptive patterns of attachment I created for and with _____________________ (Here name individuals that are not returning your Light in in kind).




_______________________ (Here name individuals that are not returning your Light in kind)... From you... I Withdraw and Reclaim every Erg of Energy of My Hearts Unique Identity… and I Cut You Loose and Set You Free!

! ! !


Heart-Felt Tangible Samadhi12 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

O GREAT SPIRIT... O Mighty I AM Samadhi at The Center of All Creation... Radiant with Illuminating Fire… O Heart-Felt Parent of All SONS... and SUNS!...


Pour forth THAT Life Giving POWER and Fan the Spark of THAT Divinity on the Alter of my Heart!

! !

Amplify and Magnify This Spark by the Fire Breath of The WHOLE I SPIRIT… into The Potent GOD FLAME THAT I AM!

O… The Shimmering Fountain of LIFE... THAT… I Hear, Feel, Smell, Taste and See within me!...


I Choose This Constant Cascade of Liquid LIGHT…

! !

Actively Receiving IT’S Shimmering Directive Radiance… Tangibly and Powerfully Manifest… in my experience.

I Open The Innermost Temple of LOVE... within This Evident, Ebullient... Celestial Cosmic Fire!

! I Manifest THAT LIFE and LIGHT for our Healing & Regeneration… !

Letting the Breadth, Height, Fullness and Crown of the Solar Radiance of The SON-BEHIND-THE-SUN13… Appear!

! I Stand Forth!... !

Revealed in and through me IS The NEUTRAL WITNESS… T H AT C H R I S T O S / K R I S H N A / B U D D H A / A L L A H 14 /

Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 12

The Son, The Daughter... The Christos, Krishna, Buddha, Allah Manifestation of Presence... behind the Sun Radiance, Expression, Light! 13


ALLAH... ALL in ALL... ALL BLISS... ALL Delightful AHH! !25


! I AM!... The Visible, Audible and Tangible Flame of Eternal LIFE... !

Breathing16 the Scintillating Prana-Chi from The SOURCE... to The Root of My BEING…


Liquid Rays of LIGHT Flooding my Chakras... Seated upon Their Lotus Thrones’ of LOVE…


Molten Gold of Enlightenment... Shivering it’s Ascension Up my Spine… Crowning my Awareness with the Diamond Rays of Attainment!


Practice of SAGA BREATH...


Sitting Tall with Spine Erect… Placing the Tongue on the Roof of the Mouth (The Soft Palette)... Closing the Circuit on the Front Side of the Body.


BREATHING OUT… Follow the Exhale Up the Spine to the Top of the Head. BREATHING IN… Soften the Front Side of the Body and Follow the Inhalation Down to the Perineum. BREATHING OUT… Tighten the Perineum ever so Softly with the Idea of It Trampolining The Breath on It’s Return Up the Spine… and Feel the Charge of the Breath Gently Shivering Itself Up to The Crown. BREATHING IN… Becoming Familiar with the Path of The Breath’s Charge, Using the Fingers of Breath to Scan the Front Side of the Body for Tensions… Massaging them into Relaxation and Openness with the Mind’s Eye of the Breath. BREATHING OUT… Allowing the Shiver that might have been imagined at first, to show itself as a Current Felt up the Spine to the Top of the Head… While Anticipating the Peace of Silence, Nothing and Shinning Void. BREATHING IN… Feeling the Sparkle of Golden-Pink Healing Love and Regeneration Proceed Down the Front Side of the Body in Complete Connection of All That IS. BREATHING OUT… Acquiescing to the Zero of God… Letting Go… To Presence I AM. BREATHING IN… Loved Completely in Tangible THAT of ALL Things. BREATHING OUT… BREATHING IN. The Pharaoh is regarded as Egypt's representative to the gods and its most important upholder of maat (truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice).[6] Thus, it was theoretically their duty to perform the temple rites. While it is uncertain how often they actually participated in temple ceremonies, the existence of temples across Egypt made it impossible for them to do so in all cases, and most of the time these duties were delegated to priests. The pharaoh was nevertheless obligated to maintain, provide for, and expand the temples throughout their realm. 15

These Lines of Affirmations Describe an Outline of The Current of Attention Effected with SAGA BREATHING PRACTICE (Breathing in The Neutral Witness… Shushumna - “The River/Tube/Pipe”). 16


! As The White Fire BEING of my Heart… !

I Dynamically Emanate and Transmit This Audible, Tangible, Fragrant, Delectable and Visible… Substance of Living Samadhi... as Creativity and Direction!


I AM!... A SUN (and SON... and DAUGHTER) in The Palace of THE SHINING VOID!...


This Temple… A Glistening World of Infinite Space…

! !

The Process of My Transformations… Sounding The Melodies, Harmonies, and Rhythms of the Great Solar Symphony!

I AM!... The Dazzling Flame of LIFE... HERE and NOW... because I AM NOWHERE else but EVERYWHERE… FOREVER!


I AM!... Samadhi’s Palpable Joy, Tactile Glory and Felt Perfection of Boundless BEING.

! I AM THAT! I AM THAT! I AM THAT! ! I AM!... ___________________ ! In Embodiment! ! I AM!... ONENESS LIVED! !

(Pronounce Your ASCENDED NAME) (3x)… (3x)


Affirmation and Prayer of Divine Masculine Presence and Power17 By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


O Sacred Masculine Essence of my ETERNAL BEING, Wholly ONE in my Core... I AM THAT I AM!….


I AM!... THAT Divine Masculinity within me... NOW!

! I AM!... The Will of “THAT” Kingly Consciousness BEING Done. !

I AM!... The Unchanging Awareness of Each MOMENT… The Natural Spaciousness of Each INSTANT.

! On Earth... “THAT” I AM... Even as I AM THAT... in Heaven. !

This Sacred Tangible SILENCE… “DEATH” to my ego… SOURCE of my Sustenance.


This Radiant Gift of LOVE… Heart of my Purpose… The DHARMA... Freely Given to all.

! This SHINING VOID of Stillness Consumes every temptation of duality. ! This PRESENCE of Samadhi Dispels all crosscurrents of the human ego. ! I AM!... Transfiguration's Total Surrender, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. ! I AM!... Resurrection’s Focus of WISDOM and POWER. !

I AM!... The Absolute Cooperation with the Inevitable… Ascension’s Expanding Glory of ETERNAL Victory.


All “THIS” Freedom… Forevermore… I AM! (Men 3x; Women 1x)

! ! !

OM... PEACE... AMEN... I AM! (Repeat)


Inspired by The “Our Father” of Jesus !28

Affirmation and Prayer of Divine Feminine... The Direct & Connected Fulness of Beauty & Forgiving Grace18 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM!... The Divine Feminine… The Direct & Connected Fulness of Beauty & Forgiving Grace!...

! With me NOW in the Intuition, Dance and Relations of my Heart... ! Chalicing The Hallowed Vision, Purpose and Paradigm of The Golden Age Dawning!


Blessed Queens of Buddhic, Angelic, and Christic Realms!… _______________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Kwan Yin, Green Tara, Holy Mary, O Pallas Athena, Parvati, Saraswati, Lakshmi… Whom I AM!


Hear our Calls for Compassion, Wholeness and Manifest Oneness In The Flesh!... ___________________ (Here Formulate your Intention(s)... Abstract or concrete... See and Feel as though This Intention were Already Manifest... Mint This Intention into a Golden Coin... Toss this Golden Coin of Your Intention into the Fountain of Your Life that Swirls and Dances all about You!)


Guide us… Intensify our Path… The Direct & Connected Fulness of Beauty & Forgiving Grace…



The Manifest Experience of Healing & Truth!…and... The Mastery, Liberation and Triumph... of Enlightenment!







I AM!... The Cradled Babe of ETERNITY... Safe in The Bosom of OMNIPRESENCE! (3x) (Repeat)! 18

Inspired by The Intercessory Prayer... “Hail Mary” !29

Nothing’s Silence… Sounding Light! By Gregory Brinkley

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ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation!

I AM!... ZERO... The Great Yang… The Vast Silence… The Undisturbed Stillness… Radiating an Antahkarana of ONENESS… The Sounding of LOVE Alone... The Essence of LIFE and LIGHT… Strength, Courage, Beauty and Perfection.

! !

I AM Nothing’s Silence… I AM Sounding LIGHT… I AM Whole and Universe… Luminous, Golden White! (3x)

In This Stillness Within… Existence I AM Births To an Active Great Yin Radiance… spreading throughout The Vastness.

! !

I AM Conscious Silence… Stalwart I Command… Stoic Inspiration… I AM God In Man! (3x)

Louder and Louder… The Great Mother I AM... Muses, Inspires, Hums and Sings Songs of New LIFE... A Glad Music of my Heart!

! !

I AM Sacred Rhythm… My Keynote Harmony… This Melody IS Truth… The LIGHT Held High and Free! (3x)



Seven Alters Sacred… Flaming Paraclete… My Forehead NOW Emblazoned… I AM Crown Complete! (3x)



ALLAH... ALL in ALL... ALL BLISS... ALL Delightful AHH!

20 The Pharaoh is regarded as Egypt's representative to the Gods and its most important upholder of maat (truth, balance, order,

law, morality, and justice).[6] Thus, it was theoretically his duty to perform the temple rites. While it is uncertain how often he actually participated in temple ceremonies, the existence of temples across Egypt made it impossible for him to do so in all cases, and most of the time these duties were delegated to priests. The pharaoh was nevertheless obligated to maintain, provide for, and expand the temples throughout his realm. !30

The Radiant Circle of Healing Love and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light21 By Gregory Brinkley

! ! O Radiant Circle of Healing Love & The Art of Life & Liquid White Light!… ! Encircle me NOW! ! ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


I AM!... This Loving Splendor… Encircling me NOW! I AM!... This Living Prana-Chi… Encircling me NOW! I AM!... This Liquid Crystal Fire… Encircling me NOW! I AM!... This Samadhi… Encircling me NOW!



THIS… I Radiate, Radiate, Radiate!

As The Active Intelligence of... Powerful, Conscious Volition THAT I AM...

! !

I Govern This Exhaustless Energy and... Precipitate All Things Into Form!

Of those who come under The Radiation of This…


My Radiant Circle of Healing Love and the The Art of Life & Liquid White Light…Including ________________________________ (Here name these ones) and through _________________________________ (Here name any groups or organizations you wish to support, are affiliated with, or derive Inspiration from such as… The Samadhi Game Tribe... and Primera Agua Healing & Enlightenment at “Sunny Mellow”…

! !

I Ignite... and I Expand... The Illuminating Center within their bodies, emotions and minds… into THAT Active, Perfect and ETERNAL Garment of Enlightenment!

O Radiant Circle of Healing Love and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light THAT I AM!...


Instantly bring Healing to… and make Art of... all dual-human-ego in my world...


Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 21



Opening Wide The DOOR of my Heart... To The Ineffable DIVINE and PRESENT EXISTENCE... in Expression... and Expansion! I AM!... The Wide Open Door of my Heart... Flooding Forth...


! !

The Radiant Circle of Healing Love and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light!… The Enchanting Essence of my ELECTRONIC BODY and I AM Samadhi!... I Balance, Blaze and Dazzle The Threefold Activity of my Heart’s Samadhi!…


Ennobling LOVE, WISDOM and POWER Encircles me…


NOW and FOREVER bringing Healing to… and making Art of... every dual-human-ego activity!…


Freeing me to leap into Divine Union with The SOURCE of These… The SHINING THREE!

! ! !

I AM!... The Mighty, Magic, Electro-Magnetic Circle of Invincible LIQUID LOVE-LIGHT... and LIFE... Substance!... Instantly Transmuting and Harmonizing... Healing and Making Art of… every discordance or distraction which seeks to enter or intrude itself... masquerading as The I AM ME! I AM!... The Self-Sustaining Perfection of my World!


Enfolded in The Radiant Circle of Healing Love and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light!...


The Samadhi THAT I AM... I Remain…


Vanished the veils of light and shade... I Abide in The Shinning Truth of Divine Law... and The Justice of Eternity…



I AM!... The Lake of Kindness... Free of disturbing conditions... inner and outer…

! !

AUM22 (

, ༀ,



I AM!... Commanding all Therapies within This… The Inner Magic of my Radiant Circle of Healing Love...


To BE Revealed with The Art of Life & Liquid White Light...

! ! The All Pervading... ! Of Samadhi...


Serene and Harmonizing... Bliss!

22 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


Samadhi’s I AM Memory & Momentum… The Golden River of Sustained Enlightenment... and Divine Direction!23 By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

! From Billowing Clouds in The Spotless Sky of The Tangible I AM Samadhi… ! THAT I AM!... !

Comes NOW a Downpour of The Memory and Momentum of The Golden River of Sustained Enlightenment... and Divine Direction...

! A Drenching of Mastery and Dominion... HERE and NOW... !

Rivulets of Wise Thinking, Lovely Feeling and Powerful Activity... Converging as the Eternal Sweep of the Sacred Ganga24!


The Memory and Momentum of LOVE, WISDOM and POWER Flooding Forth as a Million Niagara Falls25... Ceaselessly Descending... in through and around all my thoughts, feelings and activities including _______________________ (Here state your planed activities for the desired time period) to Harmonize and Perfect them NOW.



! !

I Enter THIS Golden River of Sustained Enlightenment… and Divine Direction... HERE and NOW! Bathing In THIS Streaming Memory and Momentum of LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT...


I Take Command of all thoughts, feelings, and actions below the Highlands of Superconscious Living and Awareness! Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 23

24 The Sacred Ganges River in India is Pronounced Ganga in India. Used here to Represent the intertwining of Love, Wisdom

and Power into The Sacred and Eternal Stream of Consciousness. 25 Niagara Falls is the most Powerful Waterfall in North America issuing forth 168,000 m³ of water/minute!



Lo!... I AM become The Sea of Mirth ITSELF! (3x)

! O Loving I AM Samadhi... THAT I AM!... !

O _______________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)

Ganesha… O Great Divine Director and The Great Karmic Board...

! !

THAT I AM… I Invoke Your Memory and Momentum of Sustained Enlightenment… and Divine Direction…

! I AM!... THAT Guidance NOW!... !

I AM!... THAT Courage and Strength... THAT Acts... and in my Attention to my…


(Men… Purpose, Plan, Focus… Freedom, Dharma and Death; Women… Love, Light, Fullness… Relationship, Nourishment and Life)...


I Hold my Scepter of Dominion and Power Sustained!

! From The Joyous I AM Samadhi THAT I AM!... !



I Envelop my four lower bodies with The Unbroken Thrill of THAT NEUTRAL WITNESS and UNIQUE SEXUAL ESSENCE26… and...


26 Each persons Sexual Essence us Unique to them. It may fall anywhere between the poles of 100% Masculine to 100%

Feminine, or lay Neutral between the two. This is true of both Man and Woman… your Unique Sexual Essence May be expressed as a percentage of Masculine and Feminine. It can only be Known by your Intuitive Awareness and your own Assessment of your Personal Experience. See Appendix in Book Ⅱ for a Quiz that might help you to Intuit your Unique Sexual Essence. !35

I Stand Guard over my Entire Consciousness, Being and World... Twenty-fourseven!

! O Eternal I AM Samadhi... Beyond All Imagination of Expectancy!... !

I Charge my Physical, Emotional, Mental and Etheric Bodies with THAT Memory and Momentum of Full Conscious Realization... as I Issue the following Command to all the polarized human creation and ego etched in my Pranas, Chakras and Meridians... and those of the entire planetary body…

! !

Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile by the Violet Light of Samadhi! (3x) I Let the Instantaneous Release of This Self-Luminous, Infinitely-Intelligent LIGHT Substance...

! Issue Forth Without Limit from The Immortal Samadhi… ! THAT I Remember I AM! ( ! 3x)


I Charge these Pranas, Chakras and Meridians… thoughts and feelings... activities and environment... With…


The Victorious Memory and Momentum of The Golden River of Sustained Enlightenment... and Divine Direction...


Such that all polarized human creation and ego is Instantly Transmuted and Transfigured... into Refined and Perfected States of Awareness, Action and Physicality!



Invocation... Nobility Individualized! By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

! O Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Essence Of ONENESS… !

Charge and Fill my body, Hold and Heal my feelings, Magnify and Seal my thoughts... with The Nobility of THAT Individualized27…


Limitless Unconditional Love, Prescient Lyrical Poetry, Deep and Penetrating Intimacy, Resonant Holy Harmony, Eternal Commanding Peace, Clear and Focused Purity, Fresh and Crisp Clarity, Boundless Radiant Happiness, Firm and Steadfast Faith, Delicate Springing Hope, Humble Giving Charity, Resolve of Placid Patience, Unruffled Dispassionate Poise, Mature and Selfless Courage, Mighty Herculean Strength, Unwavering Determined Fearlessness, Dissolving Consuming Fire, Blazing Crystalline Serenity, Smooth and Shining Tranquility, Ebullient Bubbling Joy, Witty Transmuting Humor, Secure and Manifest Abundance, Pure Power and Dominion, Determined Directed Dharma, Great and Pure Goodness, Exceptional Exquisite Beauty, Perfect Brilliant Luminosity, Fantastic Nobel Freedom, Benevolent Compassionate Oneness and Resolute Good Will, and ____________________ (Any other Nobility you desire to hold in your Unique Individualization of Oneness)!...





HERE, EVERYWHERE, NOW and FOREVER!... In Action... In Action... In Action!


In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!


In ALLNESS and ONENESS divided... The Unique Perfection of Movement of Ida and Pingala... of Connection... of Action... of Manifestation... for each ONE... and ONE for ALL. !37

Ⅱ... Deciphering Your Hungry Ghost & Headless Shadow !


Get Very, Very, Very Real By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves. Terrorists, tyrants, tornados’ graves. Fear, lack, rushing quickness, Silent power trips... ego’s fitness.


Glances meet, hope evanescent, Air is stale, the “mature” pubescent. Cutting that important pose of “strength”, Petrified of the emptiness underneath.


Nods of “agreement”, “smiles” to please, This, what everybody and their mother grieves. Get Real… Very, Very, Very... I AM Real! For the Time IS... NOW... to Surrender and Heal.


! ! !39

Enlightenment with Squares (ESP or Neutral Witnessing)28 By Gregory Brinkley

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ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

O Presence of The SHINING VOID, ETERNITY... _____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Himalaya and Mighty Victory... THAT I AM...


I hereby recognize the issue of ___________________ (Here insert one of the two poles of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?… See below), as one pole of the dual-human-ego that is presently up for my

understanding and transmutation... and I choose to process this____________________, along with it’s opposite pole of duality of______________________ (Here insert other, the opposite of the first pole of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?… See below), by Witnessing this wheel of karma, and all the sub-frequencies I have chosen of attraction and repulsion that have brought it into my Existence... from The Place of Neutrality and Reconciliation that I Identify as___________________,.


Take from me every state of mind, emotion and outer experience, manifesting as all possible patterns of the dual-human-ego consciousness... including the desire for and the fear of __________________ (Here insert one of the two poles of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?… See below), and the desire for and the fear of it’s opposite __________________ (Here insert other, The Actual Inner Workings of the “Violet Transmuting Flame”. How it IS that any pole of duality may be Reconciled, Transmuted, Changed, Melted, Dissolved, Transmogrified, Softened and Surrendered Open to Love... and Artistically Serve as an agent of Transformation and Healing... and Manifest Enlightenment! Notice... as you flush out the dual-human-ego in Awareness with your “Squares”... you are Strengthening and Claiming your Identity in the Neutral Witness Consciousness... which is Blazing with The Light of Samadhi ... and hence... Enlightenment! 28


the opposite of the first pole of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?… See below).

! Enlightenment with Squares Technique ! ! !



Use the “Enlightenment with Squares Technique of Processing” to identify the substance of your dual-human-ego consciousness... and fill in the blanks provided in your Samadhi Game! Matrix…

In your journal... Draw four squares as below.

Think of an issue that is up for you. What is the salient word that describes the issue? What would be another word... just the opposite of that word describing the opposite pole of your issue?

Write one side of the polarity (the word you came up with) in the upper “Desire for and Fear of blanks”, and its opposite polarity in the lower “Desire for and Fear of blanks”.

Fill in the “Squares” one at a time... with all the ideas, thoughts and emotions that enliven and energize your Desires and Fears. Be Ruthlessly Honest in your discovery.

Then Intuit/Think/Feel/Sense an Ascended Quality of Samadhi that would bring Perfect


Balance and Reconciliation to this set of opposites.

! •

Write THAT Ascended Quality of Samadhi in the center of the squares, over all your notes and all, and...

! •

! •

Draw a Radiating Spiral out from THAT Ascended Quality of Samadhi and Reconciliation at the center of the Squares, covering all your notes... and your Fears and Desires in the 4 squares. When you have completed the process of identifying the underlying frequencies of your chosen dual-human-ego within the “Squares”... and finding the Specific Noble Quality of Perfect Reconciliation for that duality... THAT Specific Samadhi that will reconcile the duality of the pattern you are dealing with... offer the “Squares” up to Spirit.


Adapted from the Teachings of Leslie Temple-Thurston and CoreLight, !41


! Desire for _________________

Fear of ________________

Desire for ________________

Fear of _________________



! !

Continuing Enlightenment with Squares Process

Clear and Reconcile all the varied frequencies of fear and desire making up this specific “Square” pattern of dual-human-ego consciousness... finding that Balanced and Ascended Quality of Perfect Samadhi... including ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... that I may see more clearly and find my way Home more easily.

! !

In Great Gratitude... I Give Thanks... Knowing... that It IS Done!

Transmute and bring forth out of every dual-human-ego condition in my experience… THAT Miracle, Joy, Mastery, Victory and ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)!


I Claim THAT Samadhi of Conscious Balance, Awareness, Attainment, Perfection, and _______________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... as the only Governing Presence in my mind, my body, my feeling world and every particle of my spiritual, sexual, social, recreational, romantic, personal, family, domicile, dietary, health, medical, career, financial, business, political and legal affairs... and the affairs of every person seeking Enlightenment throughout ___________________ (Name your Country) America... and the world.


No matter what my outer circumstance, THIS Perfect State of Samadhi is my _________________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)...


Attention, my Allegiance.


and there is my

As The Joyous I AM Samadhi of ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)...


I Hold all these conditions of dual-human-ego consciousness, including the fear and desire of _____________________ (Here insert BOTH poles of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?), Purified, Beautified, Reconciled and Free from the wheel of Karma... that The Full Glory of ____________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... may Pour Forth and Bless all mankind with whom I come in contact… especially __________________ (Name your Loved Ones and Enemies).




! !


I Awaken to, take Responsibility for, Recognize Dispassionately... and Enjoy... all phases of the wheel of karma within the “whirld” of my Immediate Self… and it’s Reflection in Others!


I Discipline Myself… To Love!

! !



As____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Archangel Michael! By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

AS _____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith... and The All-Powerful Mighty I AM Samadhi…

! !

THAT I AM!... I AM!… The Active Power and Supreme Authority of Samadhi in my world!


I AM!… The Context... The Samadhi… THAT IS Decisive! I Release The Blue Lightning of Ten Thousand Suns right NOW.



I Sweep into all astral and psychic opposition... and human conditions of duality in my world including the fear and desire of __________________ (Here insert BOTH poles of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?)... and...


I Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile them right NOW in __________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)!

! I Take command of all appearances of imperfection... and unreality in my world. !

I Blaze the Full Power and Samadhi of Rainbow Lightning in, through and around all seeming obstacles and opposition to the Instantaneous Manifestation of each and every Inner and Outer Intention, Meditation, Prayer, Rosary, Puja, Bhajan, Mantra, Fiat and Affirmation I Shall Make today in Absolute Truth…The Dharma!



Garments of Immortality By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

! O Discriminating I AM Samadhi...THAT I AM... !

As I AM in Concert with the Ascended ____________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Clare de Lis, Lanello, Sir Laugh-a-Lot and


Yogananda, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Hans Baba... DH, LTT, DD, KW, GB, MB, AS, A, A, C+MS, DW and DL... I Invoke The PRESENCE of ____________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)...


Archangel Michael and Faith, Elohim Hercules and Purity, Sanatka, El Morya, and The Goddess of Light... I Manifest The Full Gathered Momentum of The New Blue Lightning of Holy Will… The Cosmic Circle and Sword of __________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Kali and Astrea... The Diamond Sword Excalibur... and The Regalia of _____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...


Archangel Michael, The Lords of Karma, The Lords of The “Nine” Planets, The Navagrahas30... and Legions of The Elegant ONE and CENTRAL SUN!... I Go forth with Almighty Protection, Divine Intercession and Direction!


I AM!... The Answer to these... my Inner Intentions and Outer Calls!




Nave... nine, Graha... to seize, to hold, to influence... The “nine” Archetypical ways that karma manifests... The Lords of these Karmic Patterns (The Lords of Karma), ARE NEUTRAL WITNESS to the karmic patterns THEMSELVES, and AS SUCH, Offer “The Way” of Transmutation and Freedom to The Attainment of Samadhi! 30


Adorn me with Garments of Immortality… The Luster of Reality… BE at my Decree!


This… The Hour of The Victory manifesting as _______________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... the LOVE-LIGHT of WISDOM and POWER or’ its impostor of The fear and desire of _______________________ (Here insert BOTH poles of duality that you are aware of identifying within this very Moment… what’s up for you?)...


Jupiter’s (Guru’s) Helmet and Shield of Faith... to Winged Sandals of Mercury (Budha)!

! Saturn’s ! Mars ! Venusian !



Sacred Spear of Transfiguration! Flaming Sword of Discrimination!

(Shukra’s) Angels


Around me Purpose’s Purity… Sun’s (Surya’s) Solar Armor Bright... Reconciling lunar (Chandra’s) duality… I AM Impeccability Tight!


Intentions Stream in Banners!... Triumphs Trumpets Play! Forward Mighty Legions of Light!... Into the karmic axis of hungry ghosts (rahu) ... headless shadows (ketus’) fray31!


Engage the field of Transmutation… Magnify I AM Reconciliation!… Ere the dual-human-ego Mastered… Victories Unity… Enlightenment... Ruling the day!


31 Which houses of a Vedic Astrological Natal Chart within which rahu and ketu present their axis, denote the major theme of the

out-picturing in an Individuals LIFE… of the dual-human-ego that the Individual must experience, realize and Master... if to attain to Enlightenment and Liberation. !47

Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)…

Prince Michael Archangel… And Legions of LIGHT! I AM Thee, and with Thee… Abounnding With Might!


Chorus 1: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Shatter all darkness opposing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Saint Michael Archangel... With All Your Volition! From The Beginning… Bring Power’s Rendition!


Chorus 1: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Shatter all darkness opposing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Lord Michael Archangel… Your Heart of True Blue! I Love IT and Hold IT… And Go Forth AS YOU!


Chorus 1: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Shatter all darkness opposing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher! !48


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)…

Prince Michael Archangel… And Legions of LIGHT! I AM Thee, and with Thee… Abounding With Might!


Chorus 2: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Replacing the shadow opaqueing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Saint Michael Archangel... With All Your Volition! From The Beginning… Bring Power’s Rendition!


Chorus 2: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Replacing the shadow opaqueing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Lord Michael Archangel… Your Heart of True Blue! I Love IT and Hold IT… And Go Forth AS YOU!


Chorus 2: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Replacing the shadow opaqueing Gods’ LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)…

Prince Michael Archangel… And Legions of LIGHT! I AM Thee, and with Thee… Abounding With Might!



Chorus 3: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Protecting my LIGHT… God POWER, God LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Saint Michael Archangel... With All Your Volition! From The Beginning… Bring Power’s Rendition!


Chorus 3: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Protecting my LIGHT… God POWER, God LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher!


_____________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)...

Lord Michael Archangel… Your Heart of True Blue! I Love IT and Hold IT… And Go Forth AS YOU!


Chorus 3: Blazing Blue Being! I AM Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire... Bolts of Blue Lightening! Descend from Above! Protecting my LIGHT… God POWER, God LOVE!


Sword of Blue Flame… Spear of White Fire! Conscious Intention Raised Higher.. and Higher! (Repeat)


Power Cry By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Say _______________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)… Archangel Michael! And all will Align To I AM Perfection… Creative Design!


_________________ (Here add names of Angels, Gods and Goddesses and Cosmic Beings That Inspire You)... Archangel Michael! Command Prana NOW! “Stand to Attention… Obey Holy Vow!”


Healing shocked eyes With Sure Firm Embrace, Faith in My Purpose… Our Hearts Interlaced!


Open the Door To Infinite Space... SILENCE... VOIDNESS… Transcendent Grace!


Mountains, Oceans, Formed from Within. On Devotional Splendor I Float, Sail and Swim!


As I Gaze High To Emptiness Sky... Out of Blue Ethers I Hear Power Cry!


“I Come to you My Child, My Son”, “I lift up the Broken To meet Thee in ONE”.


Innocent Truth - Eternal Youth! Sword in hand - I Take Command! Countenance Sweet – NOW We meet! (Repeat)

! ! !51

Let There Be Light! By Gregory Brinkley


! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Let There BE LIGHT !… With Archangel’s Sight! Let There BE FAITH!… Dharma and Grace! Let There BE POWER!… True Freedom to Shower! Let There BE JOY!… I AM Will unalloyed! Let There BE HEALTH!… I AM Wealth!





! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation



I Radiate, Radiate, Radiate...


With ____________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/ or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Alpha and Omega, Helios and Vesta, Mighty Cosmos and The Great Central Sun Magnet... The God and Goddess Meru, Elohim Apollo and Lumina... Archangels Jophiel and Christine... Lord Lanto, Lord Ling, Confucius and Lao Tse... Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus, Padma Sambhava and Kuthumi... Omritas, Omraam and the Great Divine Director... Saint Germain and Portia, El Morya, Padre Pio and Rose of Light... Charity, Surya and Cuzco... Lanello, Sir Laugha Lot and K-17... Kali, The Buddha Mother... and all True Messiahs... All Enlightened, Liberated, Ascended and Cosmic Beings, Legions of Angels and Archangels... Christed Ones, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Elohim... Gnomes of The Earth, Undines of The Water, Sylphs of The Air, Salamanders of Elemental Fire and Lightening Bolts of Akasha!...

! I Decree !


Come O SON, O Golden SUN... unto Our Hearts we Say! Now Radiate Your Sacred Fire upon Our World Today. POWER of The Central SUN, O Magnet of Delight... Restore The Dharma of The Earth... A Golden SUN Disk Bright!

! !

Refrain: I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... I Hold the Sacred Rod... I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... A Blazing SON of God!

Come O LIFE, O Shining LIFE... O Fill The Mind with Fire! Helios and Vesta, Come... Impart Your Pure Desire. WISDOM of The Central SUN, O Magnet of Delight... Restore The Gnosis of Our SELF... in Clear and Perfect Sight!



Inspired by “Hearts Center Prayer Book 2009” by The Hearts Center...


From Old French; decre, decret… From Latin decretim; Something decided… From decernere; Decide. We Decide Who We ARE… We Decide the Outcome of Our Samadhi Game! !53

! ! !

Refrain: I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... I Hold the Sacred Rod... I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... A Blazing SON of God!

Come O POWER, O Radiant POWER... Our Solar Plexus Raise! Transmute the patters of our fear... and Let The Soul Give Praise. LOVE Fire of The Central SUN, O Magnet of Delight... Restore Compassion for all LIFE... in Pink and Golden LIGHT!

! !

Refrain: I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... I Hold the Sacred Rod... I AM The SON, I AM The SUN... A Blazing SON of God! (Repeat)

In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!


! !54

Recognition, Clearing, Transmutation & Divine Intention for Astrological Patterns34 By Gregory Brinkley


ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


OM Mitraya Namaha… OM… I AM... The SUN… A Friend! OM Ravaye Namaha... OM… I AM... The ONE Who Shines! OM Suryaya Namaha… OM… I AM... The Dynamic Aspect! OM Bhanave Namaha... OM… I AM... The Remover of darkness and illusion! OM Khagaya Namaha… OM… I AM... The Measurer of Time! OM Pushne Namaha... OM… I AM... The One Who Bestows Strength and Nourishment! OM Hiranyagarbhya Namaha... OM… I AM... The Golden Germ of All LIFE OM Marichaye Namaha… OM… I AM... The Lord of Illumination… The Dawn! OM Adityaya Namaha… OM… I AM... The Cosmic Mother... Boundless and Inexhaustible OM Savitre Namaha... OM… I AM... Vivifying and Stimulating OM Arkaya Namaha... OM… I AM... The Source of LIFE and Pranic Energy OM Bhaskaraya Namaha... OM… I AM... Revealing All Truths and Showing The Path to Enlightenment


Inspired by “A Journey of Self-Discovery: Understanding Your Vedic Astrological Birth Chart” by Radhe... http:// 34


Not This Not This… I AM The Radiant THAT! (Neti Neti… Tat Twam Asi)35 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

As The Holy Flowing I AM Samadhi... Great Central Sun Magnet and ___________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... The Maha Chohan….


I AM!… The Epicenter of All Reality!


I AM!... The Wide Open Door of my Heart into The Great Opulence…THAT... no mans’ ego can shut... Supremely Still, Pressing Forward to Heal, to Bless and to Prosper Abundantly.


I AM!… The Sparkling PRESENCE of This Alert, Radiant, Divine Samadhi... Dancing through my mind, my body, and my affairs… Dissolving, Consuming, Transmuting and Reconciling... everything unlike My SELF.


I AM!... A Fountain of Joy, Washing away all seeming melancholia and nocturnal darkness with Moonbeams of Bliss!


I AM!... A Tornado of Laughter, Marring the superstructures of sorrow... and blowing away the gloom of ages... along with all seeming troubles of the Heart!


I NOW Consciously Choose Universal Light and Joy... for Eternal Time... and Infinite Space.

! I AM!... Master of this “whirled”. !

I AM!... The Panoramic Beauty of Enlightened Intelligence Governing This Universal Substance of the Whole I Spirit!


I Send Forth into my “whirled” This Glorious, Radiant, Intelligent LOVE, Prana-Chi and LIGHT with the Commanding Intention to Manifest ONE Perfection… to Draw To Me the Wonder, Beauty and Great Opulence made Tangible and Visible in my hands, use and LIFE!


Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 35


I AM!... The Mature and Masterful Stature of LOVE and PRESENCE... Smiling, Speaking and Commanding with Purpose and Authority.

! !

I AM!... The Divine Architect, Sculptor and Artist... Designing, Chiseling and Fashioning Beauty and Happiness on the Canvas of BEING from the Pallet of LIFE!

As The Great ONE Flame of The SHINING VOID… I Speak Directly to my un-transmuted dual-human-egoic creation…

! !

Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconciled by The Violet Light of ______________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x) I AM!... Shifting my Identity from you… the Dissolved, Consumed, Transmuted and Reconciled lies, ignorance and appetites of the ego... including the formerly held fears and desires of ___________________, to THAT Reconciled Identity of _________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)!


Multiply, Expand and Express by The Violet Light of _________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x)

! I AM!... Entered into THAT Divine Inheritance and PRESENCE of Samadhi… ! Henceforth my Attention Remains THERE... Fixed upon The Scintillating Perfection of Samadhi… and all the outer “screaming


of duality” is Reconciled and Silenced in Perfect ONENESS.

I Have Entered within The Sacred Samadhi of The Perceptible, Radiant Circle of Healing Love, and The Art of Life & Liquid White Light… Henceforth, Only THAT PRESENCE of Samadhi Acts to Recognize and Accept Beauty and


Elegance... and to Recognize and Transmute density and shadow!

As an Inundating Surge of The I AM Samadhi... and With the Dispassion of The NEUTRAL WITNESS...


Again... I Speak Directly to my dual-human-ego creation… the formerly held fears and desires of ________________...

! !

You Are Dissolved, Consumed, Transmuted and Reconciled by The Violet Light of ________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x)



No longer do I Feed my Life-Stream into you to give you any power whatsoever! Stop all karmic agitation! Be quiet! Be calm!... NOW... there IS Clarity, Peace and ________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality).


Multiply, Expand and Express by The Violet Light of _________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x)

! Surrendered to The Brilliant ONE Flame THAT I AM… !

I Hereby Accept The Divine LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT... Purpose, Plan and Power of my Crystal Cord... THAT IS... NOW... To Neutralize The seeming of all karmic whirlpools of duality... created past, present or future.


I AM!... The Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Compassionate Flame... Dissolving, Consuming, Transmuting and Reconciling all the karmic momentums of my dual-human-ego… i, my, me, mine… including the formerly held fears and desires of __________________!

! !

In ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... (and Humility) I Take Command of my world!

Great Hosts of Liberated Masters and Great Angelic Host of Light… Through My NEUTRAL WITNESS Holding Dominion and Control of my feelings… and in Joyfully Obedience...


I Bow to The Divine Direction of I AM Samadhi!


I Intend, I Feel and I See myself Giving THAT... which I AM Given To Do. (3x)


I Take Eternal Supreme Command over every Precious Electron passing through my Crystal Cord... and Hold all that Energy and LIFE Substance in my Being and world... so Charged with Clear Purity and Holy Harmony... THAT Dazzling Perfection is Maintained within and around me… NOW and FOREVER!

! All-Informing I AM TRUTH... THAT I AM!… !


I Charge my mind, body and feelings with THAT Mighty Directing Intelligence and Invincible Protection!


I Pour forth THAT Out-picturing of Divine LOVE and Harmony so Powerfully through this body... that everything touching This Samadhic Radiance Ignites to THAT Active, Perfect and Eternal Fire of Enlightenment.


Preparing the way before me… I Hear, Feel, Smell, Taste, and See... THAT I AM EVERYWHERE... AS and IS Harmony… HERE, NOW and ALWAYS!


I Take such Command of my mind, body, and feelings... THAT only ONE Power, Intelligence and Humor Acts Every Moment.

! !

I Seize Control of my emotions, visions and actions! (3x) I AM the Grace of Limitless Creation within me Qualifying My Life with The Absolute Perfection of the Humorous Neutral Witness. (3x)

! With The Power, The Activity, and The Authority of The All-Seeing I AM Samadhi... !

I Speak Directly to the seeming of all threatening appearances… ________________________________ (Here name any conditions, internal or external that are seeming to threaten some part of your inner or outer life)…

! ! !

Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile by The Violet Light of ______________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x)

Relinquish your attachment! Surrender!... Pay this Price of Admittance36 to My World!

My World is HERE and NOW… the Shadowless World of the Luminous I AM Samadhi… Governed by, Held Obedient to, and ONE With THAT Samadhi.

! All of Creation IS Ever Bathed in IT... and... IT... IS... Happening... NOW! ! To Beauty, Hope, Confidence and Happiness… I AM Celebrate! To ugliness, worry, fear and anxiety… I AM Celibate!

! 36

Surrender IS The Price of Admittance. !59

NOW and Henceforth… I Stand Free in a Superfluity of Samadhi… Forever Free from the limiting dual-human-ego and it’s experiences!


I AM!... The Royal THAT!


In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!

! ! !


â…˘... Developing Your Alchemical Momentum! !

! !


Ruby Ray Power & Violet Compassionate Transmutation37 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Adorable I AM Samadhi THAT I AM!… THAT Supreme Ruler of Ruby Ray Power... and The Unconditional LOVE of The Violet Flame... THAT Dispassionately Dissolves, Consumes, Transmutes and Reconciles all phases of the Wheel of Karma... in Pure Enjoyment!


In Resonant Formation with_______________________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... The Ascended... Paramhansa Yogananda, A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and Hans Baba... Sir Laugh-a-Lot, Saint Germain and Portia, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst… Omritas, Ruler of the Violet Planet... The Great Cosmic Light and Mighty Lords of the Flame from Venus... The Hierarchs of the Elements... Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha… Virgo and Pelleur, Aries and Thor, Prince Oromasis and Diana, Neptune and Luara, and Zeus and Tara!…

! !

I Fly Toward The Secret Sky of Ruby Ray Power & Violet Compassionate Transmutation… and Cause a Hundred Veils of Illusion to Fall Each Moment!

As _______________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Portia, Saint Germain, Clare de Lis, Lanello, El Morya, Kuthumi and the Maha Chohan... I Say…

! Thus far and no further! !

I Release the Transfiguring Action of Ruby Ray Power and the Measureless Mercy of The Violet Flame... Into the cause, effect, record and memory of that tempting and tormenting ego... including the fears and desires of ______________________.


It is Transmuted and Consumed on the Instant in LOVE and ________________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)....

! !

I Will it Done by The POWER of LOVE and (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)...!


Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 37


I Open and Charge The Golden-Pink Radiance of Divine LOVE in its most Powerful Dynamic Activity... into the world... and all mankind… and into the “whirld” of my mind, feelings, and body... my home, and all my spiritual, sexual, social, recreational, romantic, personal, family, domicile, dietary, health, medical, career, financial, business, political and legal affairs!

! All Compassionate I AM Samadhi... ! !


I AM!... The Eternal, Complete and Unconditional Forgiveness... and Command… of all dual-human-ego created down the Corridors of past, present and future.

! All Transmuting I AM Samadhi... ! !


I Open through me NOW THAT Violet Consuming Flame of Divine LOVE and Compassion!


I Identify and Surrender my human self-concern and all patterns and habits of duality, appetites for illusion, fears and desires of _________________...


I Dissolve and Transmute them all… cause, effect, record and memory… past, present, and future.


I Replace them all with the Fullness of My SELF including __________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)...


THAT State of Perfect Samadhi... Held with Full Dominion HERE, NOW and FOREVER!


As The All-Seeing “Eye AM” of Samadhi... my very Own NEUTRAL WITNESS and SILENT WATCHER of all mankind, _______________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)… Elohim Cyclopea, The Great Karmic Board and Saint Germain!...


I Search the entire karmic record of all my past lives... and it’s presentation in this life… NOW.



I Identify, Transmute and Transform all latent and/or active returning mental, emotional, physical (and astrological) debts and patterns, deprived or frozen “children”, such as... _______________________ (Here name these coordinates of the human ego… the fears and desires on the pole of duality that is up for you… and... use Frozen Child Process as described below)… seemingly affecting or influencing any person,

place, condition, process or thing that I have wronged at any time... including __________________ (Name your Seeming “Enemies”)…

! Frozen Children Process (Time-Travel Healing)

When you begin to recognize an issue in your life… It is nearly always connected with early childhood issues and this constitutes the shadow. Your birth experience and developing childhood sets the stage for everything later in life. Processing early childhood stuff is a shortcut to processing the snowballed bundle of karma that builds up through life around these same issues.


When we “pull the plug” with the NEUTRAL WITNESS on the birth and childhood traumatic experience, it will liberate us up to the present…. We begin the unraveling of the sequential patterns we have attached to that one childhood trauma that froze our development at that early stage, and created a snag in consciousness that continued to draw out of alignment energies to it for the rest of our life… until we deal consciously with the issue and determine to resolve it with love, wisdom, compassion, forgiveness, and will or volition…. Otherwise called the Violet Transmuting Flame. It is a metaphor, a symbol and a process that gives to us a “blessed” tool to lever the attention of the NEUTRAL WITNESS upon our stuck patterns (karma's of our life)… including “frozen children”.


As children we don’t yet have the understanding or language to express what we’re experiencing.. good or bad. We do not have the understanding or language of duality in its nuance. In addition, we feel we can’t express what we’re experiencing to authorities without fear of reprisal. So we have “children” inside us... frozen in an unresolved state. When we don’t recognize and handle these “frozen children”, another persona born out of the dual-human-ego comes forward to go on living. Our “frozen children” are waiting in consciousness for healing.


Ministering to our own Inner “Frozen Children” is as important as identifying and healing the frozen, shocked, hurt, disappointed, abused, abandoned, and often forgotten offspring. So our Conscious Process here is to go back and find these frozen children and to surrender them to this Violet Consuming, Healing and Transmuting Flame born of the Neutral Witness Awareness.




! The Frozen Child Method !


1. Go Into Meditation… Use The 9 keys to let in maximum light, and Invoke the Violet Flame for 15 minutes to start the Clearing Process. 2. Allow Spirit to move you into the Frozen Child. Ask Spirit “Please show me one of these frozen children that’s uppermost in my psyche and influencing my behavior.” Or if you have a reaction to something in life, that’s a Frozen child you can process when time allows. (Other people can often see our frozen children as we go into our dramas, but we’ll not be aware that we’re acting like a 3-year-old.) A Reaction to something is sometimes as close to a Frozen child as we will consciously get... so watch your Reactions. Try to be strong enough to admit you are reacting... then ask when that reaction began in your life. That is a Frozen Child. It could be 3 years old, it could be 53 years old. Each frozen child is a pattern that is stuck out of alignment with the Perfection of your life. You’ll get memory pictures of some incident in childhood. It will be connected to your next layer of unconsciousness. Feel the feelings. 3. Ask “How old am I?” 4. Run through the incident. See and hear what happened. 5. From your Higher Self... Act as a Good Parent, a Guide, and a Guardian. Speak to the child. Offer it comfort. Love it. Tell the child you’re here to help it resolve the painful experience. 6. Ask the child to give you its point of view of the incident. 7. Ask the child what it needs to resolve the painful experience. Does it need to speak to the perpetrator of its feeling of victimness? (Children generally can’t speak their truth to adults give it a chance now.) Encourage it to say what it needs to say now. Sometimes that’s enough to resolve the incident. 8. The child may need to be Comforted as it releases emotion. Just let the emotion burn. Stay with it. See how you continued to feel wounded as an adult. Let it all go. 9. Ask the child if it feels complete. If so, ask it if it would like to return to wholeness… to Source. Tell the child, “I AM with You Always”.


Adapted from the Teachings of Leslie Temple-Thurston and CoreLight, !65

10. Then ask spirit to take you to the Next Frozen Child, and the next, and the next, etc. Be with each child and find a way to unlock the stuck place.



Pointers for the Process

The trick is to feel the “Frozen Child’s” emotions at the same time that you observe and comfort the “child” from your good parent Higher Self.


Another important aspect is to let the emotional state continue to burn - not cutting it off - for as long as it takes. You can actually do this while going on with your life. As long as you maintain your witness, the emotions are leaving, not being reinforced. It’s when you fully fall into your child, your story, your drama... that the emotions don’t leave - in fact, they may grow stronger. 
 As your arrested, frozen parts heal, you’ll start feeling quite different. 
 Another way to get a frozen child to work on is to notice recurring patterns or thoughts (Use the Squares Technique to find these). Take what’s on the surface and dive into it. Insights will come after you release the frozen child - understandings about why the incident occurred. From your Higher Self’s perspective, you’ll see the bigger picture. Adult eyes (Neutral Witness) hold the child’s woundedness in a larger context. Children see parents (Neutral Witness) as God. As an adult, you will probably see your parents’ behavior with more understanding and forgiving eyes.
 Most mind chatter and excessive emotionality comes from these frozen children. Ask and Spirit will take you right to the relevant incident. You can work on these frozen children at any time. You can clear half dozen or more of these children in a week. Ask Spirit to take you to incidents rather than waiting to being triggered. If you wait to be triggered, you’re likely to plunge into your drama without your Neutral/Christos witness.


Let your “Guides” be the judge of what to look at. There will be help. 
 Ask Spirit and Guides (Angels and Ascended Masters) to take you to the place where your emotional reaction was first set in place. You’re in pain in the present because of the unresolved emotional issues of your childhood. You can’t move into the awake state permanently with these issues.


Do this process within the context of meditation with Samadhi Game! Affirmations and Violet Flame Decrees. You can burn karma in your meditative state or the state of the Neutral Christos Witness invoked in these decrees.


Journal and ask questions like “What’s the origin of my anger?”

Feel free to improvise on this procedure. Follow your intuition.
 The ego is composed of layer upon layer of duality… of anger, pain, and fear. Proactively feel the layers. Releasing old, emotional baggage is very transformative.


Be willing to be with the transformation 24 hours a day. In your dreams too. When you can’t sleep at night, do this process. Keep the transformation moving.


Commitment to undergo radical transformation. This is an intensive process… a major clean out of your Inner Space. How much do you want to change? The universe will respond in kind. You’ll get what you ask for... and what you need.


The overarching issue for the ego is survival. It fears death. And the infant state is where all your survival stuff starts. You can do this Frozen Child Process for whatever age Spirit guides you to work with. 
 Once you feel the vibration of the emotion, take the vibration through the heart and out the crown Chakra (make sure the crown is open to transmute the energy).



Continued Ruby Ray Power & Violet Compassionate Transmutation


I AM!... The Full Understanding and Complete Self-Mastery over the causes and cores of these so named conditions of seeming limitation... as well as all “seeming” yet to be named.

! By the Law of Forgiveness and Grace that I AM... ! !

I See Clearly into the shells of the dual-human-ego consciousness... and it’s resulting situations.

I AM!... Ruby Ray Power and Violet Compassionate Transmutation Blazing Through the cause, effect, record and memory of these snake-skins...


HERE and NOW Reconciling limitations born from fear and desire!... and...


Ascending into The Perfection of my Unique I AM PRESENCE... Samadhi and SEXUAL ESSENCE.


I Reach into The Storehouse of my Causal Body with my Great and Loving Arms of LIGHT… Drawing forth Ten Times more Substance of LIFE than was misqualified.


Of THAT LIFE Substance... I Fashion a Unique Healing Form of the Sacred Fire… A Perfectly suited Antidote for each shadowy shape, process and condition.


I Send IT Forth This Instant... to Balance Tenfold every debt to every part of LIFE.


I Give Thanks…. and I Accept it done This Hour in Full POWER!

! As The OMNIPOTENT Purpose THAT I AM... !

I Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile all karmic momentums of my past, present and future… all distorted shapes of duality…doubts, fears, desires and seeming forces of opposition within my own world, and cross currents of the human ego throughout the earth!



I NOW Cast all shadowy shapes created of the dual-human-ego... cause, effect, record and memory... into the Boiling Sea and Consuming Fire of Forgiveness… Reconciling, Replacing and Depolarizing… Healing and Making Art of the frequencies of the dual-human-ego... with the ETERNAL, Perfect and Ascended Shape and Feeling Tone... Of The Healthy, Playful, and Creative I AM Samadhi!


I Flash Ruby Ray POWER and The Violet Lightning of Divine LOVE through all my spiritual, sexual, social, recreational, romantic, personal, family, domicile, dietary, health, medical, career, financial, business, political and legal affairs!


I Capture the brains, bodies and consciousness of every Individual associated with these affairs... including... _______________________ (Here name those you are involved with)… producing THAT Purity, Purpose, Perfection, Protection and… Pointed Direction!

! !

I Illumine them all by The LIGHT of THAT Truth, Dharma and Authenticity... and keep THAT LIGHT forever Self-Sustained in THE ETERNAL Glory and Victory of THAT LOVE.

By The POWER... The Activity and The Authority… The OMNISCIENCE, OMNIPOTENCE and OMNIPRESENCE THAT I AM...


I Speak to my un-transmuted karma... and to every discordant or limiting condition, judgment, deprived or frozen child that would seek to re-polarize and imbalance my dual-human-ego... including the fears and desires of _____________________ and ____________________ (In a few words name the frozen child event).


Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile by The RUBY RAY... and The Radiant Violet LIGHT of__________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! (3x)

! I See you in Process... and Perfect NOW! !

My “Whirled” IS Filled to Overflowing with the Balance, Perfection and PRESENCE of I AM Samadhi!


I Strip from you... O Thou Noble Appearance of duality... all power to... limit, harm, or disturb Me… to judge, confuse or intimidate Me... Past, Present and Future! !69


I Walk henceforth As The Quenchless FIRE of the SHINING VOID… and...


i know NOTHING… i Do Not Know39… and hence… I AM!... FREE!...

! I AM!... !


! 39 Socrates begins… “all Wisdom with Wondering… thus one must BEGIN with admitting one’s ignorance (fears and desires).

! ! !

“I know that I know NOTHING”. I Only KNOW AS the NEUTRAL WITNESS. Bodhidharma. Ancient Vaishnava Chant… “THIS I Know… Hari Bol, Hari Bol, Hari Bol, Hari Bol… Sing and Chant the Names of the Lord Hari (The Christos/Krishna/Buddha/Allah/Neutral Witness Consciousness)! !70

Violet Ray Identity & Samadhi In Action By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM!... The Violet Compassionate Flame…


Radiant, Buoyant, Whirling, Dancing… Surging, Cosmic, Luminous, Enhancing… Tangible, Pressure, Joyous, Blushing....

! !

From beneath my feet to my crown now Rushing!… Circling 36 feet about me… Transmuting and Reconciling all duality… Dissolving imperfections in my Activity!

Distilling... The Liquid LOVE and Compassion from The Heart of The GREAT CENTRAL SUN...


Simmering... from head to toe in The Twinkling LIGHT of Violet Transmuting Reconciliation!...


Baking... in The Roaring Fiery Furnace of This Violet Consuming Transfiguration... And…

! Melting... in The Unconditional LOVE of Samadhi! !

I AM!... Burning with The Violet Fire, The Ruby Ray and the Crystal Fire Mist…


Refining every Element of my Subconscious, Consciousness and Superconscious Awareness...


Cleansing all toxins and impurities from the cells of my physical body… Purifying my bloodstream… Strengthening and Invigorating my nerves, muscles, and bones… tissues, organs and glands… And… Clearing and Illumining my Mental, Emotional, and Memory Bodies…

! To Be The Perfect Expression of The Compassionate I AM Samadhi... ! !71

In Action!… In Action!… In Action!


As a Quivering Pillar of Violet Flame Samadhi...


I AM!... Violet Hued Miracles of Crystal-Pink LOVE... Manifesting as... Tactfulness, Sensitivity, Subtlety, Delicacy, Politeness, Discretion, Thoughtfulness, Carefulness, Prudence, Cleverness, Skillfulness and Diplomacy!

! !

As SUCH... I Transmute every dense human egoic shape, pattern and concept!

I AM!... The GOLDEN SUN DISK40 issuing Bolts of Ruby Ray Lightening and Violet Ray Samadhi!…


Radiant, Buoyant, Whirling, Dancing… Surging, Cosmic, Luminous, Enhancing… Tangible, Pressure, Joyous, Blushing.... Across the face of the Earth NOW Rushing! (3x)


Spear Points of The Mighty MAXIN FLAME41... 28 Feet Long, 144 Thousand Strong... Radiating in the I AM Name!...

! !

Raising each and every so-called “force of opposition42” to The Victory of my...

Abundantly Flowing Prosperity, Wealth and Finances, Dynamic Tantric Relationships, Radiant Glowing Health, and Resilient Body… my Fun Focused Service to Life, Artful Sexuality, Passionate Spirituality and my Glorious Divine Plan Fulfilled …


Dissolving, Consuming, Transmuting and Reconciling everything undesirable and imperfect throughout my world of activity!


The Ruby Ray Lightening IS Flashing as Ten Thousand Suns!... and...


I AM!... Gleaming The Brilliant Precision, Elegant Perfection and Magical Transmogrification from within My Heart!




The Eternal Pillar of The ONE White Light... the Masculine component of the Feminine Golden Sun Disk.


The “force of opposition” is literally the force generated between the two poles of any duality composing the human ego. !72


__________________ (Here intone the appellation of The Name of THE DIVINE that Most Inspires you) Mighty Arcturus, O ELOHIM43!...


Descend with THAT LIGHT of Ten Thousand Suns and Transmute all human fear and desire of _________________and _________________on the earth NOW!


The Violet Light Is Always ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)! The Violet Light Is Always __________________ (Here name a Quality you Know to be of the Violet Flame Samadhi)! The Violet Light Is Always ____________________ (Here name a Quality you Know to be of the Violet Flame Samadhi)!... and...




The Limitless Legions of LIGHT NOW Burn with Cosmic Heat throughout all the world… and all dual-human-egoic shapes and textures including the fears and desires of _________________ melts away before This Intimate Infinite LOVE and ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)... of Samadhi!

! !

43 The Gods (Many) of Creation… ELOHIM THAT I AM.



Violet Fire Rhythm By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


By The Rhythm and Authority of THAT Magnificent Samadhi... I AM in me, and The Immortal Victorious Threefold Love Beaming upon the Altar of my Heart...


I Place MySelf in Concert with ______________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun,

Helios and Vesta in the Sun of our System... The Ascended... Paramhansa Yogananda, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and Hans Baba… Lanello, Clare De Lis and Sir Laugh-a-Lot, Saint Germain and Portia... The Maha Chohan... Omritas, Ruler of the Violet Planet... Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst… Mighty Elohim Arcturus and Victoria... Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus and the Seven Holy Kumaras... Ketzalkoatl, (Bird/Serpent, Father/Mother, Divine Harmony), Shiva, Krishna, Jesus and Mother Mary... Kwan Yin, The Lords of Karma... and The Hierarchs and Beings of the Elements... Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha...


To Expand and Express The Violet Fire throughout my entire Consciousness, Being and World... including all mankind and Elemental Life... in This Miracle of Transmutation!

! To This Triumph and Victory… ! I Affirm!… !


! !74



Roaring White Lion Transmutation By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

OM, OM Violet Fire, OM, OM Violet Flame! OM NEUTRAL WITNESS… Dissolving Fear and Shame!


I AM Violet LIGHT... Of Wisdom, Joy and Grace! Transmuting all desire… I AM Plan NOW Trace!


I AM!... Amethyst Crystal… Roaring Heart... White Lion! Alchemical Purple Cauldron... Parusha’s LIGHT I AM!


As The Vast Blue Ocean... A Rosy Ruby Stone! Golden Rays of Sunrise… Dark night of ego flown!


I AM!... Diamond Silence... Gleaming on The Violet Ray! Scintillating Prana… Truth, Dharma… The WAY! (Repeat)


AUM44 (

, ༀ,




44 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


I AM Shiva… I AM Shakti45! By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... I Dance Within The Flame! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Yogi’s Bliss I Rain! I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... My Fire A-blazing Here! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Transmutation Clear!


I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... I Love Parvati’s Charms! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Cobras on my Arms! I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... The Lingam46 is my God! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Creations’… Yonis’47 Rod!


I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... Death... Destruction Bound! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Crescent Moon on my Crown! I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... Shri Yantra NOW Unfurled! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! The Rhythm of the World!


I AM Shiva, Shiva, Shiva... Trident at My Side! I AM Shakti, Shakti, Shakti! Through Cosmos I NOW Stride! (Repeat)
 45 The Play of Masculine (Shiva) and Feminine (Shakti). The “Play” of duality. Feel Free to Consistently Substitute Names of

Gods and Goddesses, or even Scientific Principles of Masculine and Feminine for The Names of Shiva and Shakti in Gold. A Column of LIGHT, The Sushumna... THAT place in the middle of All Creation, All Yantra’s... that IS The “Spot” of ZERO. The EYE of the NEUTRAL WITNESS. 46

The Yoni is the Source of all that EXISTS, the female counterpart without whom the male aspect remains impotent and void. The Linga united with the Yoni represents The Abstract Form of Creation. 47


Violet Fire Chakras By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM a Violet Spark! In Cave of Brahman Held... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... In Oneness I AM Gelled!


I AM a Violet Flame! The Will of Joy be Done... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Authentic Heart of Fun!


I AM a Violet Fire! Betrayal, ego… Gone... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Happily Flowing On!


I AM a Violet Sea! Kundalini NOW Unleashed... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Sacred Fire… Lasting Peace!


I AM a Violet Love! Sexuality made Whole... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Splendid Passion… My Goal!


I AM a Violet Heart! NOW Forgiveness Sweet! I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Prana-Chi… what a Treat!


I AM a Violet Voice! Of Shimmering Ether Sounds... I... Violet... Purple... Pink!... Equality… my Ground!


I AM a Violet Mind! Intimate… Renowned! I... Violet... Purple... Pink!… Prince of Bodhi Crowned! (Repeat)

I AM Laughing! By Gregory Brinkley In Honor of “Uncle” Kenneth McNeel48

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, He! I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… Yes, Si, Yavol, Ya, Oui! I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… Corners of My Mouth Upturned! I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… Now Free of karmic return! I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… My Cheeks and Stomach Burn! I AM Laughing, Laughing, Laughing… The Joy of Life Here Learned! (Repeat)


Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho49! He, He, He, He, He! (Repeat)


Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! (∞x)

In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!

Meeting the Heart and Humor that was known as “Uncle” Kenneth (The now Ascended Sir Laugh-a-Lot) in the Fall of 1981 over lunch at a Spiritual Retreat in Malibu, California called “Camelot”... we together recognized each other as Actors on the Bard’s Stage... come again for a Laughing Finale in this Divine Comedy of Life! 48

49 Try Stage Laughter... Laughing like an actor on the stage who is exaggerating his action and voice and projecting to the last

row in the auditorium! !78

Ⅳ... Achieving Your Unique Masculine/ Feminine Sexual Dynamic !


“Puddle of Love” and “Warrior’s Lore” may be used in partner practice... or within oneself to find the Inner Masculine and Feminine in their Purity.


Groups may recite these two decrees alternately for each other. Intimate partners… while gazing into each other’s left eye… Recite the couplets while... • Women Shine their Fullness of Love-Light • Men offer their Emptiness of Conscious Presence • Raise your left hand if your partner falls below a 7 of Connection on a scale of 1 to10 to call your partner back to The Practice of Presence... and Love-Light • Men synchronize their breath to that of their woman and lead it slightly to elongation.



Inspired by “Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida... !79

Puddle of Love (Said by Men to Women) By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

(You ARE, I AM) a Puddle of Love... Joy and Forgiveness Streaming from High Above! Come here to Master Infinity... Nourish Seedlings to Full grown Trees! (You, I)… Boundless Ocean of Brilliant Breeze! (Repeat)


Warrior’s Lore (Said by Women to Men)


By Gregory Brinkley

(You ARE, I AM) a Pillar of Power... Focusing Purpose in every hour! Giving Gifts from (Your, My) Highest Source... Seeds of Truth… In Dharma and More! Conquering Silence, Stillness, Death… Warrior’s Lore! (Repeat)


I AM!... Aroused, Ravished and Undone in the Resplendent Bliss of “Oh My God!”


One Single By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

To be Truly Confident, Strong in MySelf… Connected and Sharing, No worries… No fear. Into my DEPTH Delve.


Holding my PRESENCE With sure, Firm Embrace. Masculinity false In my Feminine erase.


Allowing myself to feel HER… AS ME. Surrounding The Pillar of ETERNITY51. Delight in HER shifting to Full Open Lilt. Excuse my desire Her Reality to tilt!


For that I AM learning A mere fruit of Deep Intimacy… For the Flower IS, You See, Found in Open Heart Transparency.


To Feel through the pain, The suffering, the loss… And Deep into my Feminine, My purpose, MY Gift… Toss.


To Hold All Domains From Humor to Death. While with Sensitive Movement, HER Breath to Caress.


Down the Front side of HER body, So Delicate, so Soft. Up thru MY Spine To Spirit Aloft.


Our Breath thus doth mingle, And twoness become Tingle... In The Glorious ONE SINGLE! (Repeat)

Lingum !81

Deep At Core By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

ONE Forever More FUN Reconciliation-Transmutation Beatitude-Unification Subtle Samadhi Inside Nirvana Reside Holographic Harmony... Love...Wisdom in Euphony Brings the Wholeness of Sacred Passion To Zero Point Congruity We NOW Embody The Energetic Purity Blue-Green Meld in Crystal Clarity Shared This Reunion of Spirit Essence Of The Heart And Soul's… Eternal Blended Quintessence... I AM!



The Nine Keys52 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Holding All yet bound by none, Radiant Core… Omniscient One! Flowing River of Boundless Light... Shushumna I AM… Pearly Bright! (The Core Light, Christ Light or Shushumna)


Accepting illusion of my Death... Banish I Fear, Desire to Rest! Dispassion in Earthy Stillness Reigns... Mother Kundalini in my Veins! (Base of the Spine or Root Chakra)


Substance of things hoped for... Evidence of Things Not Seen... Supports my LIFE in Total Flow… From material delusion AM I weaned! (Second or Sacral Chakra)


Ego, control, personality... Formula for mortality! I Witness illusion Impersonally... Solar Fires Now Rise to Set me Free! (Third or Solar Plexus Chakra)


Forgiving illusion, duplicity, betrayal... Let knots of ego be Free of veil! As Breath Flows in Gentle Equanimity... The Heart be Restored to Deep Flowing Charity! (Fourth or Heart Chakra)


Surrendering anxiety, fear, grief... Influx of Energy - Shimmering Leaf! Joie de Vie… Youth… Immortality! Don’t worry… Be Happy! (Developing Thymus Chakra)


Not my will but Thy Be Done... 52

A Riddle of Enlightenment… Inspired by The Teachings of Leslie Temple-Thurston and CoreLight. !83

Ether Channeled Expands the One! Pure Speech Now Upright Held... Pillar of the World, New Paradigm Weld! (Fifth or Throat Chakra)


No such thing as loss or gain... American dream, pleasure, pain! Mine Eye Be Single, On Oneness Frame... Vision Quest Directions Aim! (Sixth or Spiritual Eye Chakra)


Tingling Flames Burst from my Crown... In Infinite Ocean I AM Drown! With Golden Stream of Buddhic Unity... Forever I Accept my Sacred Divinity! (Seventh or Crown Chakra) (Repeat)


! !84

â…¤... Living With Tantric Awareness & Abundance !



The Resurrection & Crystal Fire Life By Gregory Brinkley


! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

Resurrection of The Essence of Spiritual Giants

I AM, I AM, I AM The Resurrection and Crystal Fire LIFE of The Conscious, Superconscious and Ascended __________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Jesus, Milarepa, Bodhidharma, Kwan Yin... Clare De Lis, Lanello and Sir Laugh-a-Lot... Paramhansa Yogananda, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Hans Baba... Babaji, Gautama Buddha, Green Tara and the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple... DH, LTT, DD, KW, MB, GB, AS, A, A, C +MS, DW and DL... in every atom, cell, and electron of my four lower bodies and all my affairs NOW Made Manifest! (Repeat)


Resurrection of Dynamic Life Involvement


I AM, I AM, I AM The Resurrection and The Crystal Fire LIFE of my Abundantly Flowing Prosperity, Wealth and Finances, Dynamic Tantric Relationships, Radiant Glowing Health, and Resilient Body… my Fun Focused Service to Life, Artful Sexuality, Passionate Spirituality and my Glorious Divine Plan Fulfilled... in every atom, cell, and electron of my four lower bodies and all my affairs NOW Made Manifest! (Repeat)


Resurrection of Specific Circumstances, Process and Things


I AM, I AM, I AM The Resurrection and The Crystal Fire LIFE of ___________________ (Ascended Balance of your “Squares” chosen duality or any Thing you wish to See Manifest in your Life)... in every atom, cell, and electron of (it’s, their) immediate physicality and functional manifestation! (Repeat)


! !86

Emerald Ray Tantra53 By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation


All-Healing I AM Samadhi In The Heart of All Creation!...


___________________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Great Silent Watcher, Pallas Athena, Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, Hilarion and Lady Master Leto, Meta and the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple, Padma Sambhava, The Maha Chohan, Jesus, Bhodhidarma, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.


Inspired by “I AM Adorations, Affirmations, Fiats, and Rhythmic Decrees” of The Temple of the Presence... http:// 53


As the Intelligent Golden Flame of Sacred WISDOM... Married with The Compelling Blue Ray POWER of Divine WILL…


I Charge every Electron of Light Flowing through my Crystal Cord with The Scintillating Green Substance of Emerald Ray Tantra… THAT Supreme Abundance of the Ascended Octaves of Light!


From The Great, Still Silence... I Pulsate The Perfection of The Rhythmic Fire Breath!


I Open the Gates of The Celestial Realm to the Infinite Sea of LIGHT... for the Decent of The Emerald Ray Tantra!

! With The Clairvoyance of the All Seeing “Eye”… !

“Eye” Behold and “Eye” Precipitate The Abundance and Perfection of


Emerald Ray Tantra in all my spiritual, sexual, social, recreational, romantic, personal, family, domicile, dietary, health, medical, career, financial, business, political and legal affairs.

As Bramanic FOHAT of Divine Creative Intelligence Issuing Forth from my own Glimmering BODY of I AM Samadhi…


I Radiate The Law of Perfection and Wholeness throughout my… Abundantly Flowing Prosperity, Wealth and Finances, Dynamic Tantric Relationships, Radiant Glowing Health, and Resilient Body… my Fun Focused Service to Life, Artful Sexuality, Passionate Spirituality and my Glorious Divine Plan Fulfilled!


I AM!... Ruling the ONE ETERNAL Substance with The LIGHT of Emerald Ray Tantra!


I AM!... The Needle Ray of Infinite Wisdom, Humor and Directing Intelligence… Guiding my affairs… and producing Tantric Healing, Cosmic Abundance and Integrated Fun... EVERYWHERE Eye Move! (3x)


I AM!... The Searchlight of The ALL-SEEING Eye… Piercing every veil of Maya including the fears and desires of ___________________, and...


Replacing it Instantly with The Radiant Fire of each Ascended Master’s own BEING and Samadhi… including __________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares”


chosen duality)...


and... LOVE, Romantic LOVE, Sharing LOVE, Committed LOVE, Forgiving LOVE, Tantric LOVE, Sexual LOVE, Responsible LOVE, Surrendered LOVE, Commanding LOVE, Creative LOVE, Flexible LOVE, Trusting LOVE… Sure Clear LOVE!

O ETERNAL ATMAN THAT I AM, O Divine Mothers… __________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Green Tara, Pallas Athena, Kuan Yin and The Radiant Mother



I Blaze the Fiery Tantra of The Emerald Ray... as Healing, Cosmic Abundance and Integrated Fun... throughout the Consciousness, BEING and world of every Person seeking Enlightenment upon this planet “Tera”... and throughout Cosmos!


! !89

Healing Identity and Action By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I AM Samadhi!… Abiding throughout the Body of Manifestation!



Mighty OMNISCIENCE!… Expand The WISDOM in every cell of my body! Magnificent OMNIPOTENCE!… Expand The POWER in every cell of my body! Majestic OMNIPRESENCE!… Expand The LOVE in every cell of my body! Marvelous OPULENCE!… Expand The EMERALD LIGHT in every cell of my body!

Thus... do I Commit my physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies as The Temple of The Most High Geometry of Divinity!


NOW… The Tangible I AM Samadhi IS In this Body Temple! Let all earthly duality keep Silent before The SHINING VOID that I AM and BE at PEACE!

! PEACE! BE Still O duality!... And Enter The State of Knowing THAT I AM HE/SHE! ! I AM HE! … I AM SHE! ! (3x)


Charge! (3x)... Be Dynamic O duality… O Masculine and Feminine of all things… and Know thy self to be Mastered by THAT I AM Samadhi!

! !

I AM The Seed of BEING... I AM The Expanse of CONSCIOUSNESS! (3x)

O Radiant Youth, Humor and Healing of Eternal Emerald Ray TANTRA… ________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)... Sanat Kumara, Saint Germain, Jesus, Archangel Raphael,

Green Tara, Kuan Yin and Mother Mary...


I Surrender from my mind, body and feelings...


All sense of limitation…


All desire or fear of aging, ill health, lethargy, and _______________ (Here name one half of your “Squares” processing duality)...




All desire or fear of radiant youth, perfect health, limitless chivitality, and ___________________ (Here name the other half of your “Squares” processing duality)… and...

I Replace it with the Violet Light of ___________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality).


Absolutely Fearless of this appearance world... I See, Feel and Enter into The Paradigm of Sacred Purpose, Creativity, Fun, Freedom and Abundance! (3x)


I Charge, Bless, Heal, and Seal my physical body with the Fullness of THAT Purpose, THAT Limitless Abundance and Refined Perception of Pranic Currents, Nourishing Elements and Emerald Ray Tantric LIGHT Substance.




I Speak to every appearance of the hypnotic consciousness of aging, sickness or infirmity, deprived or frozen child in my mind, my feelings, my etheric double or my physical body... Including…


The fears and desires of ___________________;

! The frozen children of __________________; ! !

And ...the seeming physical ailments of ___________________; (Here name all physical /medical challenges you are presently facing)... Dissolve, Consume, Transmute and Reconcile by The RUBY RAY... and The Radiant Violet LIGHT of_____________________ (Samadhi of your “Squares” chosen duality)...! (3x)


Be Healed by Emerald Ray Tantra… NOW and FOREVER! (3x)



Abundant Identity, Action & Manifestation By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

! As All Gratitude and I AM ABUNDANCE Flowing!... !

I See the illusions of maya, duality and unreality... Dissolved, Consumed, Transmuted, Reconciled and Healed by Emerald Ray Tantra... NOW and FOREVER!


I NOW Supply An Unending Stream of Light and Ten Times more Abundance than necessary for Peace, Joy, Happiness and _______________________ (Here name any other manifestations of Abundance You Fancy)… including...


Abundantly Flowing Prosperity, Wealth and Finances, Dynamic Tantric Relationships, Radiant Glowing Health, and Resilient Body… my Fun Focused Service to Life, Artful Sexuality, Passionate Spirituality and my Glorious Divine Plan Fulfilled!



I AM Seeing how I Use IT in the Service of the LIGHT… Holding IT Eternally Sustained and Every Expanding!


All Abundant I AM PRESENCE and Great Host of Ascended Masters... O Great Emptiness THAT I Desire…


(I, WE) Release into (My, Our) hands and use today ______________________ (Here name any Manifestation that You Desire) (all the supply (I, We) Require) and...

! (I, We) Generously Offer THAT Gift that (I AM, WE ARE) to Give! !

Help (Me, Us) As (I, We) Give Ten Times more Abundantly than necessary, Removing all remaining ego substance, in (My, Our) mind(s), body(ies) and feelings… appearing to cause delay or obstruction to (My, Our) Instantaneous and Present Realization, Actualization, Use, and Gift of the Burgeoning Paradigm of Brilliant Joy, Elegant Creativity… Fun, Freedom... and Abundance!


I AM Gratitude... and THAT Always Fulfills my every Call and Intention Instantly!


Fearless... I AM IMMORTAL NOW with… __________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)… Saint Germain, Ray O Light, and Ganesha as...


I Release…. out of my mind, body and feelings... all sense of limitation… all fear and desire for Destitution… all fear and desire for Prosperity, and Monetary Wealth!


I Replace it with the Fullness of Opening to The NOW, THAT Limitless Abundance of All Good Things!


I AM!... I AM!... I AM!... The Resurrection, Creation and Crystal Fire LIFE… Maintenance, Possession and Flow… of Limitless Abundance of every Kind in my world… Including...


My Abundantly Flowing Prosperity, Wealth and Finances... of coin, currency, money, gold, silver, stocks and bonds, property, real estate, gifts, and unencumbered inheritance, ______________________ (Here name any other manifestations of Abundance You Desire);


Dynamic Tantric Relationships… acutely aware of myself in the mirrors of romantic and business partners, as well as family and !93

social relationships... while communicating, creating sacred space, enjoying, pleasuring and honoring the other... with love and respect, ________________________ (Here name any other manifestations of Dynamic Tantric Relationships You Desire);


Radiant Glowing Health, and Resilient Body… attention to clean charged food, drink and air, regular exercise, appropriate alternative healing therapies, potent healing and rejuvenating herbs and vitamins, pharmaceutical and medical supplies and support, as well as time for, rest, relaxation and... deep sleep_________________ (Here name any other manifestations of Health You Desire);


My Fun Focused Service to Life… of writing and massage, creative recreation, vibrant ageless yoga and breath, spontaneous laughter, joy and freedom, adventuresome world travel, continuing enlightening education, tennis, bike riding, skiing, boating, swimming, and walking, _________________ (Here name any other manifestations of Service You Desire);


Artful Sexuality54… appropriately, tastefully... and always creatively... positioning, breathing, gazing, touching, speaking, listening, guiding, receiving... With Strength and Sensitivity... for Sacred Intimacy, Healing and Oneness, with person, place, or thing… including... my beautiful life companion and Beloved ________________ (Here name your Loved One, coordinates and things) and________________, my place of residence (Here the the coordinates of places and the name of things you find yourself in relationship with);


Passionate Spirituality… Enlightening Prayer, Affirmation and Meditation... alone and in groups… Spiritual Inspiration, Intuitive Awareness, Divine Intention and the Remembrance of Dreams _______________ (Here name any other manifestations of Spirituality You Desire);


and my Glorious Divine Plan Fulfilled… serving with Clear Purpose, including… ________________ (Here name any other 54 The Starting Point of All Creation IS the Dividing of ONE into Two... Plus and Minus… The Polarity that leads to Masculine

and Feminine. Moving between The Experience and Balancing of Immense Silence (Masculine) and a Celebrated LIFE of “Song” and “Dance” is the play of Sexuality within Oneself. The Reconciliation of these Opposites in ONENESS is The Tantra… the Sacred Yoga, The Stretching, The Looming… The Groundwork for the Integration of Spirit in Matter... we all walk. Human Sexuality (Intimate Relationship with all things at all levels) may also be seen as part of this Yoga, this Tantra… only one of LIFE’S myriad opportunities to Discover and Experience an outward expression of the same Inner Tantric Process. !94

manifestations of Your Divine Plan You Desire… example… The Planing, Organizing, Administering, Writing and Publishing, as a Game App and Book, pdf, blog, website, and community... "Samadhi Game!... Playing Creatively With The Open Source Code of Enlightenment!” Manifesting Financing for it’s development and Publicity, Television Appearances, Teaching Seminars Worldwide, Website Integration, Translations, Artwork, and Attracting artistic professionals with impeccable credentials and Hearts of Gold!); and... the


Overarching of Excess Time, Space and Financial Reserves making this Avalanche of Abundance a Present Reality... NOW Integrated and made Manifest in my Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle and Use Today.



I AM… A Rainmaker!5556 By Gregory Brinkley



ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

I Navigate Gracefully among my Loftiest Dreams, Potential Risks and Possible Ruin in the Real World Marketplace… and I Achieve Stunning and Sublime Success!


I AM!… Accomplished at Asking People to Venture into The Unknown… Into The New World of my Innovative Course Changing Offerings of Products and Services!

! I Decide Amongst All Options… To Create a Financially Fulfilling Life NOW! !

I Creatively and Artfully Bring the Spheres of Money and Meaning Together in my Life... and the Lives of All I Choose to Associate With!


My Work IS my Life Purpose… IS my Meaning… And IS The Difference I AM Making on the Planet!

! I Inspire Confidence in All That Come Into My Circle of Influence! ! I Master Self-Inquiry into What Exactly The Difference I Desire To Make IS! !

I Master Entrepreneurial Problem Solving to Figure Out How I Earn Money while I Make THAT Difference!

! My Art and My Financial Solution is Unique to Me and No-one Else! ! I Quickly Get On My Feet Financially! !

I Create More Room in my Life for The Continuing Tantric Experiment of Bringing Money and Meaning Together… And I Overcome Seeming Fears and Invoke Imagination to Do So! I Lean into my Leadership Skills!

! 55

The terms rainmaker and rainmaking refer to the act of influencing the gods or mechanically seeding the clouds to induce additional rain, especially on cropland during a drought. In business, a rainmaker is a person who brings revenue from customers and donors into an organization; rain refers to customers' money. 56 Join The Discussion On This Mantra... At The Facebook Samadhi Game Tribe


I Strike Out On My Own… Breaking from my Current Field, Company, Organization and Paradigms of Thought that No Longer Reflects my Deepest Sense of Purpose and Meaning!


I AM!… Making the Fundamental Shift from Viewing Myself as a Passive Follower of Paths Others have Set For Me… To Actively Taking Responsibility For Creating My Own Life Path of Success!


I Meet Specific Unmet Needs, and Solve Unsolved Problems with My Unique and Quintessential Ideas, Services and Products... as Tangible Outcomes in The World!

! My Message is Targeted to Those That Will be Happy to Hear It! !

I Anticipate and Meet the Needs of my Market in Original, Effective and Compelling Ways.

! My Products and Services Are Designed to Solve Real Problems! !

I AM!… Effectively Getting the Word Out about My Company, Products, Services, Cause and Mission... Or Whatever Gifts I Desire to Give to The World!

! I Sell My “Thing” NOW! ! I AM!… A Rainmaker! !

I Easily Cause Others To Joyfully Give me Money in Exchange for The Gift That I Give… My Gift Perceived as of Greater Value Than That Paid!


I Speak to what Matters Most to My Prospects… Not what I want to sell them… And They Feel Fantastic to be Heard, Met and Understood!


I Focus on Learning How to Get Real World Results that People Care About, and which Speak to their Deepest Desires, Wants and Needs!

! I Embrace The Skill of Success and Master It as well as the Skill of my Craft! !

I Effectively and Successfully Market my Craft with my Skillful Ability to Get People Who Do Not Know About Me… To KNOW ABOUT ME!


I Effectively and Successfully Sell my Products and Services by Taking People Who KNOW ABOUT ME YET Have Not Given Me Money… to People That


KNOW ABOUT ME AND Give Me Money… If... What I Offer is A Good Match for Them!


I Exercise Leadership by Guiding Others into a Future that Would Not Otherwise Have Happened!


I Ask Questions that Connect My Prospects, Clients, Customers, Friends, Relatives and Supporters… Deeply with The Fears, Frustrations, Desires and Dreams That My Products or Services Addresses!

! I AM!… The Creator of Gifts To Give … Not Simply a Consumer! !

My Financial Strategy… Keep Expenses Low, Get to The Point of Profitability as Quickly as Possible, and Wisely Reinvest my Profits to Fuel Growth!


I AM!… A Lifetime Learner… Gaining Continual, Steady and Gradual Investment in MySelf!


My “Brand”… What People Think About When They See, Hear or Touch My Name!

! I AM!… The Reputation That Precedes Me! !

I Cultivate My Own Personal Quirks, Charms and Unique Personality… Rather Than Fitting MySelf Into Some Socially Expected Corporate Box!


I Radiate My Devotion and My Commitment… And I State the Facts in a Very Measured Way About What I Do and Offer!


I AM!... Open To and Attract New Opportunities To Serve... with Inspired Creativity and Complete Violet Flame Freedom of Time and Space... bringing Massive Monetary Compensation, Emotional and Sexual Satisfaction... as well as producing a Sustainable Lifestyle, Complete with Invincible Health, Strength, and Stamina in my body, mind and emotions.


I AM!... Free of legal encumbrances and of their threats... and I Remain that way.


I Frequently Receive generous financial support of loyal benefactors, friends and relatives Gladly... with Love, Graciousness and Gratitude.


My Beloved ___________________ (Here name your Loved One) and I Live so fully in Abundance of every kind at all times... Including a Super Quantity and Quality !98

of Money, Security, Harmony, Intimacy, Humor, Fun, and Artful Sexuality… so easily and quickly created and maintained at the slightest thought…and so Free from worry and concern... that WE ARE able to sponsor others with This Wealth!


I Give my Evolving Gifts of Jubilance, Health, Happiness, Harmony and Success in a rich, comfortable and integrated environment of complete Safety and Security.


Clear and Fresh Ideas from my I AM Samadhi, __________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)… Ganesha, Angels and Ascended

Masters… ARE Helping me to Instantaneously Achieving my needs, goals and desires in life... AS I AM ONE with EVERYTHING… I Thankfully and Gratefully Accept these Ideas NOW... and I Enthusiastically and Immediately Act upon them.


With impeccability, I Efficiently Make use of my time, space and money each day.

! I Have Unlimited Self-Confidence and Exceptional Bodily Health and Agility. !

I AM, I Do and I Have Everything I Desire... including Money, Health, Creativity and Enlightened Tantric Intimacy… as taught by the Great Adepts of All Times.


I Vividly Visualize Myself as Happy, Healthy, Sexually Attractive and Fabulously Rich!


I Easily Overcome all seeming obstacles to my Financial Security, Astrological Boons and Radiant Health... with LOVE-WISDOM, Joy and Spirits Overarching Grace!


All my relationships are based on Integrity, Love, Fun and Respect... and ARE The Benefactors of my Harmony, my Financial Prosperity and Security.


I Trust my Heart and Intuitive Ability to Share my Truth in ways that bring me Peace, Pleasure, Monetary Facility and Wealth.

! Timeless I AM PRESENCE of Samadhi and Great Hosts of Ascended Masters! ! I Give Thanks and Gratitude... THAT... my every Intention is Instantly Fulfilled! ! !99

THIS... which I call forth for myself... I call forth for my family... and for everyone seeking Enlightenment upon this planet.


In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!


Om Mani Padme Hum


AUM57 (

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57 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


Blessing of Spiritual Giants By Gregory Brinkley

! !

ARCHIVES of LIVE BROADCASTS... Samadhi Game! Processing, Prayer and Affirmation

O _______________________ (Here add names of Gods and Goddesses, Masters, Gurus, Spiritual Giants and/or those that you respect in your life as representing Their/Your Higher Self)… Saint Germain and the Ascended Jesus, Milarepa, Kwan Yin and Bodhidharma... Clare De Lis, Lanello and Sir Laugh-a-Lot... Paramhansa Yogananda, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Hans Baba... Babaji, Gautama Buddha and the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple... DH, LTT, DD, KW, MB, GB, AS, A, A, C+MS, DW, and DL...

! !

We invoke Your Radiant Hope and Constant Blessing for the world!

O Majestic Samadhi of Active Peace, Potent Knowing and Violet Healing LOVE and Compassion…


I AM, I AM, I AM Transmuting and Consuming everything but the Eternal LIGHT of PERFECTION!…


These Purifying Flames Effusing The LOVE, LIGHT and JOY of the Universe!…


Governing, Educating and Protecting... all Flux in the Akashic, Mental, Emotional and Physical Pranas, Chakras and Meridians... of Humanity, Terra and Her Elements!!!…


Liberating DIVINE LOVE and FREEDOM… which IS, WAS and IS to Come...


The Everlasting Nectar of... Samadhi!!!!!


Closing Pillar of Light/Pillar of the World By Gregory Brinkley

! Sublime I AM Samadhi THAT I AM!… !

Enfolding me NOW in THAT Mighty, Magic, Electronic Pillar of Cosmic LIGHT Substance!...


My Identification with IT’S Magnificent Humility and Thoughtful Creativity... so Powerful and Complete (Brahma/Father)... That I Artfully and Magically Alter every polarity... with Healing Unity!



Within This Majestic Pillar of LIGHT… Blazes THAT LOVE As The Violet Compassionate Flame… in, through and around my Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Physical Bodies...


Effortlessly Dissolving, Consuming, Transmuting and Reconciling the dualities of my human ego! (Shiva/Holy Spirit)… Charging my world and all I Contact with The Tangible Substance, Living Awareness, and Conscious Activity... The PRESENCE and Superconscious Samadhi… of All Enlightened Beings, Liberated and Ascended Masters58!


Seeing, Feeling and Hearing This LIGHT... as IT Shines, Radiates and Resonates within me... as a Visible Pillar of The World!…


Stabilized, Supported and Sustained by The Brilliant, Elegant ONE… and Infinitely Sensitive to THAT Invulnerable State of Divine I AM Samadhi. (Vishnu/Son) (Repeat) AUM59 (

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Eternity IS my Home!... I Do all that is Necessary to Actualize THIS Ever-Fresh Realization... and Organize my Life Around IT!


58 Those sentient BEINGS that have Mastered the dual-human-ego and graduated from school room Terra, leaving a record in

Akasha (the finer realms) of their Momentum and Attainment of LIFE. Invoking Their PRESENCE, acknowledges a State of BEING THAT IS THAT I AM... NOW! 59 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


In The Fullness of Cosmic Joy... We Accept This... and Miracles Manifest HERE and NOW with Unconditional LOVE, WISDOM and POWER... Anchored in the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Akasha... and Tangibly Manifest in our Lives and in The Lives of all Evolutions of LIGHT throughout Cosmos!… Om Mani Padme Hum


AUM60 (

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60 AUM… Literal Translation from Sanskrit… Pranava… To Sound Out Loudly!


Appendix... Come Play… Samadhi Game! Why Samadhi Game! Meditation


The Emperor queried Bodhidharma, "What is the essence of Life?”... Bodhidharma answered… “Nothing Sacred, Nothing Holy”. The Emperor then asked Bodhidharma, "So what is the highest meaning of Noble Truth?"... Bodhidharma answered, "There is only SHINING VOID". Stunned, The Emperor continued his questioning of this Monk come from India to share his Wisdom within His Vast Kingdom of China… “What would be the benefit for me in... ordaining Buddhist monks; for building Monasteries; having The Holy Sutras of Gautauma copied; of Commissioning the Art of Buddhist Images and Spreading your Teaching here in China?"... Bodhidharma answered, "Nothing, No Merit". Frustrated, the Emperor then demanded of Bodhidharma, "Who is standing before Me, who are you?" After a brief Silence Bodhidharma answered with finality, "I Do Not Know"… turned on his heals... and departed”.


“Meditate?… O yes, I meditate”… “Regularly?”… “Well, given my schedule and responsibilities… maybe once a week for 20 minutes… if I am lucky!… but I do meditate… it’s great!”… “O, that is when I am not using that 20 minutes of meditation a week to think about my finances or my home… or my relationships… or my health… or if I am not too sleepy… or hungry... you understand… but I dooooo... meditate”.


It is the rare individual in this world, weather from the East or West… that can find the time, or has the inclination for that mater... and the mental preparation with which to actually sit and “Die Daily” as St. Paul declared in the New Testament of the Bible.


Of many thousand mortals that Seek ME... Only one of those, perchance, Striveth for The Truth of ME… and of those few that strive for THAT TRUTH… Nay, and also rise high in Truth… one only... here and there… Knoweth ME... AS I AM!… Krishna

How many meditation retreats have we attended with so many participants reinforcement in our meditation practice… with the overarching help of the sponsoring Spiritual Teacher and Organization... meditating regularly each day while at retreat… schedules for wake up, meals, lectures, workshops, and of course the formal meditation times... only to return home and have that “special” schedule, and our meditative enthusiasm evaporate in the hub-bub of daily life!


What is it about meditation that allows it, and ones commitment to it... to be summarily set aside for other priorities? It is the nature of meditation to take us to the most refined aspects of our own Being... To allow us a taste of the Infinite… To inoculates us with the Bliss, the Truth and the Consciousness That IS our Real Identity! So why do we not swim in this lake of


Superconsciousness more often? Why do we seem to forget to visit this “other country” of Samadhi so quickly?


We ask… Does the Refined Infinite put bread on the table? Does Sublime Bliss adjudicate our relationships? Does Powerful Superconsciousness wipe away the worn, dry and sleepy eyes of ages? The real answer is... Yes, Yes, Yes! But… our human ego would have it, and answer… otherwise. That fly in the Ointment of Universal SELF will manage to control, manipulate and coerce one to believing that it is foolishness to spend ones valuable time in The Blissful “Silence” of the Neutral Witness, when it could be out and doing, taking care of business, burying the dead… and surviving!


Not that doing any of that... is a bad thing… or that it is the ego that is doing… but doing must be balanced with the Voice of Consciousness... and the Direction of The Ground of Being... and the Confidence of Knowing ALL THAT Comes from... This Peace That Passeth Understanding!


Ok then, one asks… How does one hear this Voice of Consciousness, and how does one Know THAT is the Voice one is hearing? Precisely for this lack of clear hearing does one find that the commitment to entering into formal meditation practice is hampered... is compromised. Upon entering this “Wilderness”… this field of consciousness one is confronted with the patterns (and the momentum of these patterns) of the choices that one is making, and has made from the beginning of this embodiment, and yeah... all past embodiments! And when faced with this panoply of karmic patterns… one wilts, sleeps, diverts, and thinks, “Maybe another day! What else do I have on my pressing schedule?”.


When one see, hears or feels the Light of Meditation, IT is the foreign object that is misunderstood. IT, this Refined, Intuitive Love-Light-Life... speaks a language that is too rare and unintelligible to our dual-human-ego consciousness. Not long enough have we lived in this Land of Eternal Enlightenment to understand IT’s Verbs, IT’s Adjectives… IT’s grammar or IT’s Meaning. The Voice of Consciousness is better not seen or heard... the familiar language, rhythms and outcomes of the ego… more appealing! To bring This Spiritual Truth down to the material plane is rather like bringing a diaphanous cloud down to where its vapor becomes a surging, wind-tossed ocean!

! And so goes this meditation… if at all. !

Very few have the patience, strength and fortitude to enter in, to recognize the Divine THAT They ARE... and to Believe IT into Tantric Actuality. Most will sink back into the oblivion of the ages and prefer to count their embodiments legion... until their eventual but far off emancipation from the thick overcoat of this dual-human-ego!


And thus comes... Samadhi Game!, to give answer to how and what one may “hear” as the Voice of Consciousness, The Eternal, The Void Shining in the Firmament of Being... and knows IT to BE the True! !105


This New Age liturgy IS the READING of the Voice of Silence that sets New Patterns for the Dissolving and Breaking of old Patterns... and thus for the reader to enter into Samadhi.


Like attending a lecture or Intensive on Enlightenment… Samadhi Game! familiarizes the reader with the potentials and possibilities that await one in their Higher Meditative Self… but NOT by listening to someone else speak wisely of the Timeless Truths… but by the Reader Speaking and Hearing the Wisdom FOR... and FROM… THEMSELVES! Your reading aloud of Samadhi Game! is the reading of your own Self-Guided Meditation… the feeding of your hungry heart with the Imagery, Affirmation and Process of your own Individualized Realization!


Samadhi Game! invokes from the Infinite… into the Heart of the Speaker... Familiarity with and the Realization of our Real Nature... our Hero Self, The NEUTRAL WITNESS. Samadhi Game! draws the often hidden, masked and denied battle field between the two opposing armies of Virtue and vice… The two poles of duality of which our human ego is composed… into clear view. Samadhi Game! strengthens our ability to Witness this “mess” with Impartial Neutrality… finding the Reconciliation of the fears and desires for all opposing forces of nature!


This Samadhi Game!… builds a momentum on ones True Identity and Language of Being. It sets the patterns for Ones Overcoming Victory and Realization by the Guiding, Directing, and All Compassionate Presence that IS… The Samadhi that is spoken of in the East, and the “Peace that Passeth Understanding” in the West!


Samadhi Game! Offers us more than the Real Silence of our hearts... so hard to grok to our human mind… so seemingly difficult to commit our schedules to being with! Samadhi Game! is something that we can Tantricly Touch, Feel, Hear and DO. It gives us the tangible awareness of actively doing something productive with our time and space as we “meditate”. Samadhi Game! trains the conscious ego driven mind to recognize what ARE the inner pathways of LIGHT. What ARE the inner battles of Light and darkness…. what are the quagmires of the crosscurrents of the human ego... what are the shapes, tones and frequencies of TRUTH, CONSCIOUSNESS and EXISTENT BLISS... and those shapes, tones and frequencies of fear and desire which define the human ego.


Samadhi Game! inoculates the subconscious with momentums of LIGHT and patterns of TRUTH. It opens the Superconsciousness to galvanized images of Perfection... of Magnetic Allurement.


Samadhi Game! is for beginners… allowing that one to open and to develop a momentum on Recognizing The Inner Truth of Identity. Samadhi Game!… is for the advanced initiate…

61 Atonement is to be AT ONE WITH THE INFINITE! The Reconciliation of The INFINITE and the Finite. The Christos,

Krishna, Buddha, Allah, Neutral Witness Consciousness !106

providing a conduit for his atonement61 to energize an organized pattern that can be felt as an Tangible Spiritual Momentum by it’s repeated use and potentiation.


Samadhi Game! is OPEN SOURCE CODE! It is designed that you should be able to rework Its Source Code (Its Words) in your word processor on your computer… such that your Unique and Individual way of approaching and Manifesting The Divine may be refined and delineated in the physical octave for and by YOU... Such that Your Ideals, Dreams and Hopes can find expression as the Unique BEING that YOU ARE.

! !

“Better Ones own Dharma and fail... than an others and succeed!”... Echos Enlightened Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita to his student Arjuna.

Samadhi Game! helps us to Individualize our Formal Path with our Unique, Powerful and True Identity! So often we find ourSelves caught in and limited by the very fundamental structure of the Spiritual Teachings and Organizations that we so poured our hope into, out of faith, for our salvation... only to find that the facility of that Organization to see, hear or accept the Unique Individualized offering from our Presence (Samadhi) is misunderstood, and worse... rejected.


Samadhi Game! allows for the possibility that one may “Go on Alone (All One)!” and yet still be and more importantly… feel a part of the greater Brotherhood of Light… the Universal Shanga or Community of Light on this and other planes of Existence.


Samadhi Game! is Light delivered... and THAT Delivery is your True and Pure use of Magic! Here Revealed are the Keys of Identity, Protection, Intention, Polarity, Power, Devotion, Reality, Faith, Momentum, Visualization, Feeling Tone, Discrimination, Distinction, Alchemical Transmutation, Joy, and the Tantra of Precipitation, Abundance and Healing… Direct from the Great, Great Silence!


Having the keys of the Kingdom within view... and in hand… it is up to you to use them rightly… as they can be used just as anything may… for better or for worse.






Playing this Samadhi Game! is Potent Medicine, and should be used with Caution, Respect and Innocence... in Joy, Truth... and Real Fun! No less integrity of the user is demanded. Should you opt to use these Secrets of Being, formerly vouchsafed to only the highest initiates on the Path... in selfishness, anger or any form of discord and dissonance with the Perfection of the Universe (a discernment that becomes more refined with the Surrender to the Real SELF)... You must know that the return of that creation will be solely your responsibility, and will need to be you... at some time in your life path.


The effects of this Spoken Course in Miracles (Samadhi Game!) are dramatic, and are the same as that which one would receive in the deepest of Meditative States... The same as has been experience by every adept such as Jesus, Gautama, Muhammad... Those Great ONES that have walked our fair planet and taught this SAME TRUTH.


The effects of the use of Samadhi Game! could be disruptive to your beliefs, and disorienting to your ego!


However‌ WHEN USED REGULARLY with LOVE and RESPECT!... Realizations will come, patterns will change... Joy will increase... And‌ (the fine print) Surrender of the old


worn out garments of the dual-human-ego... will be demanded.


Explanatory Note… Why Samadhi Game! Is So Effective… and Fun!


Not only is there an Intelligence to the Individual Words, or Cups of Light found in Samadhi Game!… there is a dramatic and powerful Process of Enlightenment unfolding as one announces aloud the entire copy of Samadhi Game! (as the Tibetan Practice of Reading Aloud the Buddhist Sutras to receive The Transmission Therein).


The manuscript that you hold in your hands... or read from the screen of your Mobile Device... Samadhi Game!... IS a doorway opening you to a Transmission… to a process of SelfRealization that you may choose to use to step into the realms of Samadhi Game!... of Insight and Awareness… right HERE and NOW. It is a compilation of these Cups of Light that will intensify your Organic and Natural Evolutionary Impulse for Enlightenment… your Love Affair with Your Own Existence Seeking to Know ItSelf. Playing Samadhi Game! is Full Engagement in The Teaching… not simply following The Teaching.


This Manifesto is the reading aloud, and thus making Conscious and Accelerating, the Process of unfolding Enlightenment that occurs naturally, but slowly within one on a continual basis. One determines to Choose the Divine, when one uses Samadhi Game!, to reach for the next level of an Expanded and Dynamic Expression of their own Individualized Higher Self… and the Divine Chooses them in return!


As noted… this process happens Naturally in Life, but can be Accelerated by ones Conscious Volition… by a Conscious Alignment with the Core of Being. As you choose to imbue each word and concept of the Manifesto with your Emotive Power and Thoughtful Visualization, and use your Voice to etch that Evocative Power and Vision into this world of form… acceleration occurs and Time is shortened… life experience becomes more, as is said… “Intense”! And when you become suddenly aware that your life is now moving at Lightening Speed… remember you have chosen this.


You have chosen a Path of Discovery, of Inquiry, of the unfoldment of your Authentic, Personal and Unique Game of SamadhiA willing leaning into the Unknown… a Conscious way of “moving on” from your past realizations and gaining an ever developing maturity of Presence, and a preparation for the Intimate banquet THAT IS... Samadhi.


This Process of Enlightenment or… “Game of Samadhi!,”... can be thought of as divided into Five Functional Parts (along with an introduction and an appendix)… as is this book!…


Introduction Ⅰ... Recognizing Your Divine Identity Ⅱ... Deciphering Your Hungry Ghost & Headless Shadow !109

Ⅲ... Developing Your Alchemical Momentum! Ⅳ... Achieving Your Unique Masculine/Feminine Sexual Dynamic62 Ⅴ... Living With Tantric Awareness & Abundance Appendix


As we Recognize and gain greater appreciation of our Unique Individualized Divine Identity... we have more Power, more anchor from which to work with the Shadow… the ego… the consciousness of duality… this magnificent tool for creativity in this world of form!


This translates to more Joy to pour into our Glorious Plan Fulfilled…. More Wisdom to funnel into our destined manifestation of Healing and Abundance. So before we dive into the shadow work we will find in Part 2, The Alchemical Momentum of Part 3, The Achievement of Your Unique Masculine/Feminine Sexual Dynamic in Part 4, or The Tantra of Manifestation of Part 5... we would like to understand our True Identity so that all aspects of the Path are empowered.


The Yoga that we are dealing with in this book is the Ancient Science of Mantra Yoga or The Science of the Spoken Word as said in the West... and our way of claiming and realizing our Identity in Samadhi will be to... Claim IT, to Assume IT, to Demand IT, to Affirm IT, to Act IT, to Feel IT, to Bow to IT, to Protect OurSelves with IT, to Sort Out What Is Not IT, to Devotionally Call for the Assistance of Those that we have been Inspired By, that have in some small or Great Measure attained to IT. To Name ourSelves as IT. To see IT as the Polestar of The Masculine and feminine Polarities of our Beings… the polestar of all dualities actually! To call IT forth as The Radiant Circle of Love, Life & Light, and Samadhi’s I AM Divine Direction on the path of Virtue!


Thus empowered… in Part 2… we deftly begin the process of Recognizing, Reconciling and Transmuting the ego built with the limitations of human duality… that hungry ghost devouring and smothering our Divine Aspirations… that headless shadow that sports to act as a fly in the ointment of our Divine Manifestation. These shadows must be remembered as only parts of our world... again... only parts of our world. In fact they make up what Zen calls “(only) the ten thousand things”. In other words, these parts, these shadows… are limited, and limiting, until we recognize them for what they are and use them appropriately in this world of form. Always recognizing that we are not the shadow, but THAT which witnesses the shadow with Neutral Awareness… sometimes called The Christos, The Krishna, The Buddha, or Allah... The Neutral Witness!


Since we are born into this dual-human-ego it is rather hard to see. It is like seeing the forest for the trees. And thus… Neutral Witnessing with the Enlightenment with Squares Process (ESP) presented in Part 2… This methodical Conscious Technique of looking at the ego… a method of being able to name the ego… to actually map it out within the squares of limitation… and to See how it spins back and forth from one corner of it’s polarity to it’s other. This technique that 62

Inspired by “Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida... !110

allows the observer to See, Feel and Invoke the Reconciliation of Opposites, the specific aspect of our Divine Identity, our Samadhi... that will bring Solution to the whirlpools of the dualhuman-ego.


I had been a student on the path for most of my life… since I was 15. I had heard about the this ego… and duality and even about being human… but I had never been able to put my finger on it as the ESP Technique empowered me to do. It was for a three year period of my life that I was drawn into the Presence of a Great Yogi by the name of Leslie Temple-Thurston founder of CoreLight in Santa Fe, New Mexico… It was She that taught me this science of recognizing the ego… of tooling me with this technique that she simply called... “Squares” and to share it with everyone!


Neutral Witnessing with this Enlightenment with Squares Process (ESP)… you will find that the keys to Mastery are finally within your reach. And by ensconcing the principle elements of Enlightenment with Squares in the matrix of Samadhi Game!, you will feel the empowerment that comes with the freedom from the dictates of the that hungry ghost/headless shadow!


Later, we will emphasize the mechanics of the Enlightenment with Squares Process, but what we are most interested in in Part 2 is our growing ability to put a very speakable name on issues born of duality that are besetting our lives with toil, turmoil and trouble. For we will use those verbal coordinates of our specifically chosen whirlpools of duality each time we pick up the invocations of Samadhi Game! and insert them at prime places of recognition and of Powerful Identity, thus liberating ourselves from the grip of these frequencies of consciousness… frequencies that manifest in every aspect of our inner and outer and physical lives!


Even as Part 1 and Part 2 concentrate on attenuating our Divine Identity and bringing to our attention our dual-human-ego… Part 3 focuses on creating a rolling Momentum of Alchemy infused with Love, Joy, Happiness, Compassion, and Laughter… and introduces us to the concept of the Power of our Own Individualized Magic… through the use of The Violet Flame… The Technology of Transmutation and Reconciliation... and the use of the Alchemical Marriage of... O so Pink Love with The Sacred Blue of Volition to Artistically Paint Healing with the Samadhi of Violet Hued Fire!


This use of Color and The Yoga of Mantra, this Science of The Spoken Word... is not new… It has been passed down to us from millennia to millennia in every land… in every culture. In the Fall of 2009, I embarked on a Journey to India in which I was initiated in one of these Ancient Schools of Mantra. While in India… Time and Space collapsed to reveal Timeless Truths and Traditions with the Magic and the Power to Transform Lives from the dust of mortality to the Gold of Immortality.


It was in Omkarweswar, on the Sacred Narmada River that we were invited into the thousands years old Ashram of Vedic Mantra and Yugna Ceremony to discover and experience the


antecedents of this Divine Science as is has been practiced and passed down from generation to generation.


There… atop this Holy Island amidst the Narmada River, a few steps away from the islands Reveried JyotirLingam63… I meditated as the Teacher and the Disciples of this Ashram intoned Words passed down from the millennia within the Ancient Columns of their Temple. I watched the ethers open around me to a Shimmering Column of Light, visible to my naked eyes! Beings of the Nature Kingdom and Angelic Realms attended the Powerful, Rhythmic yet Lyrical Soundings as Heart Calls of Love rode on the sensitive voices of the singers. A vision graced to me in confirmation of this same Science of the Spoken Word that I share with you here in this manuscript of Samadhi Game!.


After the Fire Ceremony and our meeting and meditation with the Aging Sat Guru of this Noble Community... we sat with the now presiding Teacher and Custodian of this Tradition of Spiritual Unfoldment while his young students practiced the mantras in the halls and the surrounding gardens. While still imbibing the Peaceful after-effects of the preceding ceremony of Sacred Vak64 in these Ancient Sacred Halls... I offered to intone for this Nobel Teacher of Tradition these English Mantras from Samadhi Game! imbued with the momentum of my mere 28 years of Spiritual Practice. He smiled and motioned with his hand for me to begin.


Setting myself... and drawing a deep breath... I began to sing these Samadhi Game! Mantras and to manifest what I found in co-measurement to be the same Power, Wisdom and Love that I had heard in the releases of these disciples in their Ether Opening Vedic Mantras just moments before with their Fire Ceremony65.


Again, I watched about me in the ethers, as I chanted these Samadhi Game! English Mantras, never before heard to echo down the timeless canyons of the Sacred Narmada River. The same Shimmering Light reappeared along with the myriad Devas and Nature Spirits to lift the entire Ashram high into the atmosphere, radiating it’s supernal Glory through not only this blessed city, but throughout the entire Earth in a blessing of Peace!


But had I broken any rules… had I transgressed any ancient dictums of formality to be adhered to in these precincts?


When I had completed my Samadhi Game! Mantras of I AM Affirmation I turned to lock eyes with the Master… He took a long breath in deep dispassionate evaluation and with his inquisitive 63 One of 12 Sacred Shrines or Jyotirlingam where Lord Shiva is worshiped in the form of a Jyotir (light) Lingam (spot). It is

believed that a Column of Fire or Light Pierces the Earth with Her Purifying Touch on the spot of these 12 Shrines. 64 The Sanskrit Word Vak denotes Divine Speech, Voice, Talk or Language as is Personified as the Goddess Sarasvati. 65 Yagya is ceremonial Fire into which are tossed seeds and grains as symbolic of the seeds and grains of patterns that must be

surrendered, clearing the way for the next step in ones life. !112

and wondering eyes flickering… broke into a innocent smile of playful thanks... holding his hand over his heart in gratitude for The Shining Oneness that Filled the porticos of his Temple with this New Fohat of Creative Invocation that had passed from my lips.


Even with the Momentum of Part 3 lifting the aspirant with might power, Part 4 tunes the awareness to the Primal Forces of Male and Female within us each. An Insight and Awareness prerequisite to the Full Tantra of Embodiment that is so outlines in Part 5 that requires the Artistic Use of Masculine and Feminine.


And it is this Precipitation, Healing and Abundance that is taken to it’s most rich expression in Part 5 of Samadhi Game!. Here, the use of The Magical Art of Resurrection, Healing, Precipitation and Abundance is outlined within a Matrix of Emerald Ray Tantra.


This Emerald Ray Tantra being the blending of Volitional Power with Inspired Wisdom… and this artistic blending setting the tone for this chapter of Enlightenment. The balancing of Alpha and Omega, of Yin and Yang of Male and Female. Setting the patterns for Healing, and Abundance of every kind, yet remaining detached from the fear and desire of manifestation... Part 5 asks for the complete Oneness of Spirit HERE and NOW… and gets IT.



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Overview of Samadhi Game! and Chapter Abstracts

Have you been bitten by the... Enlightenment Bug? Looked for A Technique that effectively aligns you to the Divine Source Within?... Searched out a community of like minded aspirants?


Do you struggle with silent meditation... Find reluctance to create the time and place for something so, well empty?... Think about food, sex and financial concerns in your deepest and most refined contemplations?... Simply fall asleep rather than... transcending to Samadhi?... Sit down to the yogi’s posture and before you know it, your up and at ’um again? Have trouble understanding, let alone pronouncing foreign language Mantras and Prayers? Just wondered if anything is happening at all as you contemplate the Great Mysteries of Life so diaphanously present within the kingdom of consciousness, that seem to take a distant back seat to that growing pain in your leg and back?


Have you ever gone to an inspiring weekend workshop with kindly scheduled presentations and group meditations only to have your flamed passion and practice evaporate as you return to your “normal” life, as the eternal verities spoken by the presumed expert, although providing a great increase to the passion of the speaker, loose their punch on your awareness as they fall into your cave of... memory and silence?


I invite you to check out the Revolutionary Manifesto of Insight & Awareness that is... Samadhi Game!


Samadhi Game! is a Structured Practical Path of Enlightenment, a Powerful Process of Consciousness, and an Easy Practice in Audible, Vibrating and Understandable Spoken Words of English. A Focus of Attention more riveting than not only the pains in your leg and back, but the emotional upsets and mental agitations that interfere with every attempted interpretation of and meditation on the heavenly worlds. A Path of Easy Spoken English Visualizations that create Mandalas of Light, Grooves of Consciousness, and Momentums of Love. Finally, A Modern Context for the Always Ineffable “Oneness” that has perfectly proven it’s elusiveness over the eons for all but a very few of our struggling humanity!


The Practice That is Samadhi Game! is as easy as Reading It Aloud! Taking the Initiative to say the Affirmations of Your Own Enlightenment, rather than passively listening to the Spiritual Teachers Past, Present and Future say it for you! The next step in pulling yourself up the Ladder of Attainment, Samadhi Game! gives a powerful and coherent structure, direction and Technique to the Awakening of Consciousness of those Speaking It. It Aligns the Outer Vehicles of Expression with the Inner Individual Truth Always Present Within Each One.


Samadhi Game! Maximizes the Resonance between the Individuals Speaking it, bringing a tight sense of Community difficult to establish in groups that practice silence. It establishes a Tribe of !114

Players with the common aspiration of a Direct Connection to their Source. As such, Samadhi Game! Creates a Resonance that has Powerful Effects on Consciousness in the Individual and Throughout the world and beyond by specific magnification of frequency within the “Tribe” that Radiate to All the Universe. It Offers a New Way of Communing with the Divine Within that embraces both the old Patriarchal Void and Matriarchal Connection with the Now emerging Synthesis of Sound and Silence of the Connection Revolution.


Affirmations, when done one at a time have a profound effect... but Affirmations that build into a coherent whole, into Units of Enlightenment that structure Consciousness with Patterns of Realization can change worlds. SAGA is composed of such structured Unites of Enlightenment, Slices of Samadhi... Tone Poems of Sound. Each of Samadhi Game’s Tone Poem is a Mandala of Sound that moves consciousness and matter in the direction of the Eternal Verities.


Samadhi Game! shuns the idea that our Spiritual Victory is one of supplication to Gods that No One can, or has ever attested to as the absolute reality. Samadhi Game! puts YOU squarely in the Drivers Seat of your Own Divine Identity... Your Individual GOD and GODDESS Within... With what we term in Samadhi Game! as the “Neutral Witness”. Samadhi Game! Empowers YOU to Walk and Especially TALK as did all the Great Ones we have historical record of as having achieved “The Goal”. Samadhi Game! Intensifies Your Inner Fire to be as Available and Present as it was for Moses, when in his time he seemed to be the only one capable of Realizing the Name of God from His Own Meditations as the cryptic “Burning Bush”... That even today is thought of in many fundamental circles as... literal, rather than The Core of Being I AM THAT I AM realized in each One!


Samadhi Game! takes each supposed “Master” off the pedestal of Idolatry and CONNECTS YOU TO and AS Your Own Divine Identity. Samadhi Game! Encourages The Individual's Realization and Manifestation of their Unique Gift to be Given Gone in Selfless Service. A Service that Always finds a way to generate a Life of Happiness and Abundance.


The Organization of The Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight and Awareness is Such that It’s Five Chapters Address an easy Restructuring of Consciousness, so as to attain to the FOCUS, CONCENTRATION, and even the Esoteric “ONENESS” That in our Newly Connected World is Invocative of the only One Internationally Acclaimed Word that works to describe IT... THAT WORD... “SAMADHI”!


The Chapters of Samadhi Game! unfold as surely as the revered Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras ascribing order and definition to a process that is unintelligible and unimaginable to the neophyte Soul on The Path... And a springboard for Acceleration to the Aspiring Adept completing his Journey.


HOW Does Samadhi Game! DO All of this “Miracle” for You... That Miracle that every Master ever walking the planet has attempted to share with their “disciples” and all of humanity?



It is in the Simply Saying of the Affirmations and the English Mantras of Samadhi Game!, that the Consciousness of the practitioner (The Samadhi Gamer!) begins to identify the structure of that which is being said. The Attention is drawn to the Meanings Behind the Words and Present in the Soul. The Ideas in the Affirmations are Advertised to the Individual outer awareness as Something that is Valuable and Desired... a Value and Desire Not Yet Inculcated in the mass media at large. Samadhi Game! provides an organization to what is an ephemeral process of sorting through the kinks and blocks to each individual awareness expanding back to the Home of Their Source.


Chapter One Provides a Sure Grounding of Individual Identity in The Divine. The Affirmations contained therein are structured to woo the Identity back to It’s Reality. An Awareness of the Light of the Individual is Cultured. The Core of Being is Identified and Affirmed, The substrate of the dual-human-ego is recognized in it’s most pure primal duality, Radiance of Being is amplified, and Virtue Established with a Niagara of Light.


Chapter Two provides for the charting of the slippery and sly dual-human-ego, and at the same time for the strengthening of the Neutral Witness (Otherwise Known as The Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Allah Consciousness) in the powerful simple form of The “Enlightenment with Squares Process”... otherwise knowns “ESP” or “Neutral Witnessing”.


Instructions for ESP are given along with Affirmations of The Neutral Witness that set the Consciousness for the Creative and Artistic Uses of All The Frequencies of Existence that we are given to experience... A Priming of the Individual to the Sacred Offering of Their Unique Gift Given Gone.


It is here also that Mantras and Affirmations are found that draw a Protection and fortification from Great Archetypical Beings of Power, Light and Love... As The Entering with Conscious Awareness into this “Battlefield of Life”, which is to say duality... is fraught with danger in every step.


Here claimed as well is our “Sonship” and our “Sunship”... that allows for the weeding out from the Field of Being the roots of our misplaced identification, along with our bondage with all that is the unreal blockage to our... Samadhi


Chapter Three Accelerates all that we affirmed in Chapter One and Two... The Momentum of Light and Sound building to a Crescendo that melts Consciousness into a moldable mass to be reshaped by the Neutral Witness into the Eternal Perfection of Ever Fresh Insight and Awareness. We call this Acceleration the Violet Light... The Synthesis of Our Pink Love and Blue Power.


Chapter Four takes a bold not often spoken of step in the circles of spirituality... and directs our attention again to the primal duality of Masculine and Feminine within us. These two building blocks of Creative Tension, Sexuality, Art and Healing also outline the demystification of what has been called Tantra. It opens the Individual to the Play of Consciousness that is able by Free !116

Will to engage Relationships that are Dynamic, Energized and Fun... Empowering relationships to experience and refine the use of polarity for the joy, happiness and longevity that is the keynote of True and Creative Conjugal Love.


Chapter Five... The Summum bonum of Samadhi Game!... Insists that we do not simply slip away into a higher light and sound, but that we draw down into manifestation all the Light and Love necessary to Give Our Gift Gone Here and Now. The Affirmations that in the beginning chapters of The Samadhi Game! Manifesto dealt with esoteric principles of Identity and Transmutation... the same principles found in every religion of antiquity and every Path heretofore developed for the upliftment of humanity... The Affirmations here are designed to “Make it Real” To actualize the Intention, The Prayer into an Offering that is a Gift Uniquely Given from the Pure Heart of the Sincere Aspirant.


The Two Introductory Chapters of “A Few Caveats” and “Samadhi Game Strategies” warm up the reader with some basic concepts used with the Affirmations. The hows and whys of the working of Samadhi Game!


Although… the giving of the Affirmations without this knowledge will lead to the same outcome as if the Affirmations were entered into with full understanding of the law, as the giving of the Affirmations will, in time, draw the individual into heightened awareness, and they will of themselves Gnosis the law acting.


The Appendix is a rich source of the same laws presented in the Introductory Chapters as Overviews of Samadhi Game are presented along with Chapter Abstracts, Author Vignettes, Acknowledgements, A Competitive Analysis, Marketing and Promotion.

! !



About The Author of Samadhi Game!

Gregory Donald Brinkley was bitten by the “Enlightenment Bug” at the young age of 10! He was drawn to long meditations of wind on sea gazing out the picture window of his parent’s Malibu beach home upon returning from elementary school. These grew more complex with his discovery of the world of classical music... which began providing an inspiring atmosphere for these sittings.


At age 15 Gregory was taken under the wing of Charles Lutes, business director and initiated teacher of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Guru to the Beatles. Gregory’s meditations were becoming interlaced with the Wisdom of the Ages... Lectures, Group Meditations and Retreats became the norm for his exuberant teenage years.


His natural interest in Integrated Health lead him to studying Nutrition at UCLA’s Graduate School of Public Health... all the while putting aside time each day for regular profound meditation, Hatha Yoga and spiritual study.


In 1988 Gregory founded “20 Carrots Natural Food Store” in Albuquerque, New Mexico. There, for the next 11 years he practiced Nutritional Counseling and Held Regular Meditations after store hours for his University of New Mexico student and teacher clientele.


The year 2000 saw Gregory take up the Noble Practice of Massage Therapy when he Founded “Ascending to Primera Agua Healing and Enlightenment” as a way of sharing his Life Experience of Health and Spirituality in a practical hands on way. 2000 also marked the initiation of the writing of The “Samadhi Game!” Manifesto of Enlightenment... which took form and revision over the next 14 years, based on Gregory’s lifetime of Spiritual Practice.


With the development of Technology, Gregory created the “Samadhi Game Tribe” on Facebook in 2009. Here regular Samadhi Game! (SAGA) Meditations are Broadcast LIVE via the Ustream Server to hundreds that have found “Samadhi Game!” to be the Core Spiritual Practice in their Lives. These LIVE “Meditations” are possible in this formate only for the Unique Affirmations Said Aloud by the viewers creating a spiritual and physical resonance far more romantic than silent meditations attempted in the same LIVE formate.


Gregory Donald Brinkley lives with his wife and 3 children at his home they have named “Sunny Mellow”, in Tijeras, New Mexico. Here, even as he and his wife Robbie reach out to the world with SAGA Meditations, he continues to be a Pillar in the New Mexico Community of Healing and Enlightenment with his continuing Local SAGA Meditations, Dietary Advice and the his own Uniquely Created Form of Healing Therapeutic Massage.



Venus Dancing

! It is a dream... experienced in my early twenties. !

I was dancing and playing with my Beloved. Laughing, singing and whirling through pastel radiance of pink and gold, baby blue and silver with hints of green and violet. Clouds of Diaphanous Vapor and Reality blended with our Bodies of Light.


Our communication was not that with the organs of the tongue and mouth, the eyes and the ears, of fingers and bodies... but of a Knowing With the Other at ONCE the specifics of Our Love and how that Love was to Communicate, Create and Play... To Expand and be filled with Joy, Profound Ineffable Joy!


As we thus cavorted through Eternity... there came to Us an Angel... ONE like Us... of whom there was no fear or intimidation. This ONE told Us about Another ONE that would like to have a Word with us.


In not a blink of the eye, we both rollicked to a place within The Heavenly Firmament that began a Dias with steps of White Ivory leading upward to this mentioned BEING. A BEING of whom we again had not the slightest inkling of control or intimidation.


As We entered The Space of His Presence we both realized and felt even more of the Joy we hold naturally in our BEINGS at every Moment.


And He/She spoke with us as we would speak with each other... asking us simply if we would like to join Him in His Adventure... to Terra.


Again, without the slightest doubt or hesitance, we both agreed to His Request and began our Frisking, Prancing and Dancing through the Pastel Vapor towards Terra.


As we thus tripped through this Ethereal Wonder... it’s Vapor became more solid... and we entered a space of Stars and Planets that amused us as we passed them by.


Eventually seeing Terra’s blue orb ahead, we angled ourselves so as to enter the atmosphere on a tangent to view the whole of this beautiful planet.


It was here that I was shocked by the first unexpected event that I would experience on Terra... my Beloved “left me”, spiraling away to the East to parts unknown as I skimmed West... and while I did register the discomfort of this departure... This first separation in my developing memory... in detachment and knowing of the inevitability of finding Her again... I descended slowly downward to the surface of this planet only to hover for a few more moments above a tree... a grand tree with full, rich and strong branches leading into a sturdy Trunk that entered the


earth with noble roots of sure firm contact. Under this tree was a serene woman tilling the ground with a hoe, making fertile the soil, enjoying the Sun and the wind... and under the Tree... my Mother!


As I began to transform the Venusian Omnipresent Sphere of LOVE that I had know MySelf to BE into a Directional Column of LIGHT… I Initiated a slight tingling in my Crown, and intensified it to a Rumbling… that Shook itself down this new direction from the Crown at my NOW “Top” to the Root at my “bottom”... Winding along the “Tree”... the two halves of this Rumbling entwining themselves into a Wand of Opposing Spirals… the juncture of which formed all it’s limbs, my chakras... until my attention was brought most intensely to this Root of me… where the concentration of this resonance became a reactor of seemingly unmanageable proportion that weighed me down with IT’s Stillness... and I awoke in my bed realizing that I had just traced my history from my Heritage in the Shinning Void to my Life in this physical body. That with Conscious Volition I create a resonance of duality within my own BEING… a Caduceus of Vibration that continually opens my dance in this world of form.




Peanut Butter Pressure of BEING


I was not yet old enough to speak… but boy o boy could I gesticulate and sound a cry.


And that was exactly what I was doing as I sat in the high chair at the end of the formica kitchen table trimmed in stainless steel that was pushed up against the plain enamel white wall.


My Mom and her friends sat along each side of the table in chrome metal chairs with built in cushions and played cards as they had snacks of toast with Peanut Butter and honey... and I wanted in on that action!


And indeed I was adamant about claiming my desire born of the hunger I felt in my stomach and… something else… a Pressure of Being that I could feel myself to BE, as I learned how to make myself heard.


It was This Pressure of Being that I most remember from this breakfast, even more-so than the delicious piece of toast with Peanut Butter and honey on it as it found its way into my mouth and onto my face!


It was this Realization that I AM that so marked this memory. I could feel THAT I AM and IT’s Pressure with no equivocation. IT animated my every move… IT laughed through me…. IT Smiled through me… IT pushed the Peanut Butter into my hair through me! In Fact… IT WAS me… and the Peanut Butter!


THAT… was the beginning of my Conscious Awareness of I AM in this LIFE. And IT WAS, and Still IS... and I can say with utmost Certainty… IS to come!


! ! !

Acknowledgment of Teachers, Teaching and Community "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players;
 They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts…” Shakespeare


I give thanks to my spiritual mentors and all the “players” on my “Stage”... brothers and sisters on the path… Mom and Dad, my sister Christie, The Nun that grabbed me by the ear in 1st grade, Dusty Hunter, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Charles Lutes, Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramakrishna, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada, Muktananda, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Swami Kriyananda, John Grobe, Saint Germain, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Carolyn and Monroe Shearer, Leslie Temple-Thurston, Agape Community and Michael Bernard Beckwith, Adyashanti, David Deida and Ken Wilber. Also... to David Christopher Lewis of “The Hearts Center”, who has held open the portal to the Masters Presence as Community in Love and Forgiveness... and the deep appreciation for The Freedom of Individual Expression.


Although in 1967 I began a commitment to regular daily mediation at the age of 15, singing and mantra being a large part of that practice... it was not until 1980 that I discovered the Powerful use of The Spoken Word (or Mantra) in Tantricly forming Consciousness into patterns of thought that would Accelerate that Awakening to True Identity... through various Teachings of the Ascended Masters. For the next 23 years I poured myself into the worded matrices offered in these organizations... and at the same time, searched the Spiritual Traditions of East and West for the underlying tenets that made these matrices so very effective.


As I matured in in my understanding of the “Spiritual Path” so outlined in these formal organizations… a growing awareness was developing... that if I were to be responsible to my own Inner Perceptions and Cognitions of Truth, that I could not look away from what I perceived and experienced as limitations to personal enlightenment arising from the very use of these offered processes for Enlightenment... their teachings, their spoken word patterns (prayer/ mantra)... as well as the structures of the organizations that patented them. I increasingly felt that the language used in these organizations and systems of Spiritual Development… was more and more in my perception… “in house”, and was becoming detrimental to my own expanding awareness of the Process of Enlightenment, yeah... my Unique and Individual Identity. I needed more clarity… and Freedom.


In 2000, I felt that as powerful and effective as were these previously explored “paths” along their released Spoken Patterns and Processes to stimulate an Individual Enlightenment... that I must begin to Speak and Write my Own Individually Inspired Patterns of Realized Thought, along with developing Processes, an Organized System of recognizing and Identifying the


slippery dual-human-ego with the “Neutral Witness”... Designing them precisely so as to Awaken Our Unique Individual Conscious Awareness to True Identity... and bring THAT into Physical Reality for myself.


After having written Samadhi Game! For several years, I began to recognize the profound and dramatic effect it was having on my Consciousness... such a profound effect on the Transfer of my my personal identity to what I have come to call... The Neutral Witness. The Thread of The Universality of all Spiritual Paths became the theme of Samadhi Game!... a way of bringing all Religions and Spiritual Paths together in their Core.


I realized that Samadhi Game! Could offer this same opportunity to anyone that would engage in it’s recitation, re-energization and recreation. It might just make the Individual Path of Enlightenment more understandable for all! I might just offer a way out of the stuffy old religions that have grown stale in their effectiveness with the march of time. Surely I was not the only one to recognize the limitations and in-house dogmas and doctrines of organized religions east and west, and even so called fresh new spiritual paths of enlightenment. It was then that I began to fashion it’s Words into a form that could be used by ANYONE, of ANY SPIRITUAL PERSUASION, PATH or RELIGION.


Would it be possible to create a path that had as it’s core tenet… the necessity of the Individual to change it to meet their own unique predilections to the light? An outline of Enlightenment so clear that anyone from any persuasion would see it’s Truth, and could easily enter it’s Process? A perspective on Enlightenment so vital that the outcome if pursued with dedication and consistency would result in just... THAT… The only possible outcome… Enlightenment, Freedom… Liberation!


This endeavor has now spanned fourteen years, as a daily investment of my spiritual practice. Today, I continue to use these Meditations, Processes, Inquiry and Spoken Word as my primary daily meditation. Each days meditations modifying the Words, Images, Processes and Meditations of Samadhi Game! Day by day updating its version as my own Realization of Truth Expands… according to my own Progressive Revelation… as is required for each person entering the Way of Enlightenment.


Although the Core Truth of the Process of Enlightenment delivered in these pages is the same as IT IS, WAS and IS TO COME... The “Game” of Samadhi Game! is to Make it Your Game… Your Truth, Your Experience... by adding to it your own Self Realized Progressive Revelation… as day by day you open to the very same Enlightenment as did any of the renowned World Teachers that we know the names of oh so well. The Realization That you must personalize your Path to attain to... THAT! You too must DO THAT…. Even if it means failing… and failing well!


Samadhi Game! is NOW available as a Downloadable PDF File for your computer and/or a ePub file for iPhone, iPad and iPod, as well as any eReader device such as Kindle, Stanza or !123

Adobe Digital Reader.

! Downloading Samadhi Game! is Free… and as it is offered in the Spirit of Good Will! !

When the reader sees the value for themselves (and the planet)... as well as the ongoing time and labor of love that the author has put into Samadhi Game!... They may add their support to Samadhi Game! and it’s Community... by Signing Up for a Nominal Yearly Subscription (Donation) of their own choosing.


And the crux of it… You will be able to add to or modify Samadhi Game! text to suit Your Own personal predilection to the Light!


For now, the ePub version will allow you to search words and terms from Samadhi Game! in Google and Wikipedia, Look them up in a Dictionary, Highlight, Bookmark, and make Notes and stick them to the margin, as well as to browse back and forth from the Table of Contents and to read Footnotes with the click of a finger and return to your text by clicking on the number at the front of the footnotes comment!


Future Versions of Samadhi Game! Will be App Based! The Samadhi Game! App will deliver Samadhi Game! in a fashion that allows for you to simply “insert” your Personal Words of Intention and Unique Devotional History into Samadhi Game! as you read along... but more importantly… The App will enable you to actually change the whole body of Samadhi Game! text to suit your own Personal Needs and Preferences on the Path. An App that will Inspire you to daily review your deepest understanding of your relationship with TRUTH and your EMBODIMENT of IT.


Until then you may copy all of the Samadhi Game! text from your download, paste it into your word processor... and begin to upgrade your “Path” on a Daily basis!


This process of updating insights in the poem, prayer, Image and Intention of Samadhi Game! is astounding effective in shifting Individual Awareness into higher dimensions of expression.


I encourage all to visit the sources from which I gain my inspiration hyperlinked above directly... to see how I have interpreted their work, and made it my own. How you too can, in concert with Divine Law... make it your own... as you must if you are to have your Freedom and Liberation from the cycle of birth and death.


What you find here in Samadhi Game! is a set of Equations of Light... or “Slices of Samadhi” put to words. Words based on the ancient dictum of realization Neti Neti Tat Twam Asi… “Not this-Not this…. I AM THAT!”


By The Concepts found in Samadhi Game!… do we shift our identity from the heavy mortal overcoat of the dual-human-ego, to that ever-new SHINING VOID of Divinity THAT Radiates !124

in Eternity… and in our Hearts... HERE and NOW!


By attuning with the “Slices of Samadhi” presented in Samadhi Game!, you may for Yourself find a doorway to a New Paradigm of Realization, Thought and Expression.


But Remember… this Samadhi Game! is simply an aid to Opening The Door… to Awakening and Realizing a “New Paradigm” of LIFE... and not the New Paradigm or The SELF... ITSELF.


YOU ARE IT. When you walk through YOUR INDIVIDUAL DOOR of SELF (by taking the “backward step”), these words in Samadhi Game! become a very paltry expression compared to your Eternally Manifesting Identity!


So come... Open The Door of Love with Samadhi Game! Walk through the Gate of Enlightenment onto the playground of Samadhi Game! Command Attention on the “stage” of Life with Samadhi Game!… and create your own Unique World of Truth… that IS, WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE in Perfect Harmony with the Individualized World of Truth of each one.


Causeless Joy... Elegance... and Limitless Truth of Openness... as Love!


Gregory Brinkley




“What a blessing to be born in a religion... but what a curse to die in one”...


Paramhansa Yogananda


Competitive Analysis


When I was 10 years of age, I wanted to meditate. My school bus rides home were a time for me to look forward to the chair in the window overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A time to reflect and to feel the grander and vastness of nature. As I matured this desire intensified to the pressing question of “Who Am I”, and I looked forward to meeting Teachers (Gurus) and Organizations that might offer an insight to that answer in the same way I looked forward to that chair by the window years earlier.


As my insight grew I began to realize the unifying thread to all Paths, to all religions, and, I began to realize that all the great world religions had fallen into cliches of practice that subverted the Soul’s Individual Ascent and gave the Power of Enlightenment to a specially named few (Jesus, Buddha, Priests, Gurus, etc.). It was time to Create a Structured Outline of the Path of Enlightenment that would use all the Truth at the Core of All Ways and Religions to free the individual from this mundane footstool kingdom we had been placed in by a cunning few.


It was time to offer not only the cogent Truths as a philosophical ideal (As done so easily and freely in today’s world), but to offer a coherent structured PRACTICE, Yes PRACTICE that anyone, regardless of their chosen path, could see the wisdom, simplicity and necessity of taking up if they desired to accelerate their own Gift to Give Gone. A simple coherent PRACTICE in the English language that would demystify the rituals of all organized spirituality, be they from East or West. An effective PRACTICE that puts each individual in the drivers seat of their own Insight, Awareness and Yes Enlightenment!


Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight & Awareness does just this. Samadhi Game! asks the reader to…

! READ and SAY the Affirmations of Being ALOUD… ! ! ! ! !

So as to “Advertise” to the outer awareness the Reality of the Timeless Truth that Each One IS. So as to “Identify” the dual-human-ego in clear terms. So as to build a “Momentum” of the consciousness of the Neutral Witness (Christ, Krishna, Buddha, etc.) that may melt consciousness and reform it into the Man of the Heart. So as to become aware of the Divinity of Duality and it’s creative potential in a world of “no separation”. So as to make tangible, audible and physical the Unique Gifts of each Individual Soul in “Tantra” and “Abundance”. !126


So as to reinforce and protect each soul with… 1) The Structuring of Consciousness for the stability necessary for the shifts in awareness required on the Path and… 2) The power and stability of community for the very like minded resonance created in the worded matrix of Insight, Awareness and Enlightenment that Samadhi Game! is.


In the world of Affirmation… Most of the best selling books of Prayer and Affirmation contain short one word mantras or terse one sentence Affirmations. Samadhi Game! is very unique in that it uses many Affirmations to create a mandala of sound and intention in much the same way that form and shape is used to paint geometric mandalas. Samadhi Game! organizes the mind of the Practitioner such that more of the Essence of their being may be externalized in everyday awareness.


There is no other compilation available on the market today that is even similar to The Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight & Awareness… save the thousand year old manuscripts of ancient religions written for their time and in their ancient language… that may be practiced today in an effective way… if… a big Only IF… one has sufficient understanding of the foreign language along with the power to apply the Eternal Concept or Law in the context of the NOW of present day challenges.


Many present day spiritual teachers are speaking about “the path” and the way to achieve it. Very few offer a coherent PRACTICE to implement the concepts of their teaching. Most rely on their students silent meditation to provide the fuel for realization. But most people, even those individuals most advanced in their personal evolution of consciousness find silent meditation a struggle. And most use it as an excuse to simply nap. Samadhi Game! Provides a tangible, spoken meditation. A Self-Spoken Visualization that guides both beginner and advanced initiate to the goal.


We know that the communication revolution is upon us with the burgeoning of the internet. The Connection Revolution is replacing the hierarchal industrial revolution just as individual dialogue and community is replacing the dogma of organized spirituality. The Silent Void of the patriarchal hierarchal religions are giving way to the Feminine Sound, Light and Connection of Creation. Samadhi Game! provides a way to accelerate Insight & Awareness of these shifts. It’s very PRACTICE predicates the Oneness of Spirit AND Matter by asking the individual to find both silence and sound in each pronouncement.


Those in established religions are now actively seeking alternatives to the limped textures that once passed for holiness and wholeness. Samadhi Game! is there with the connected robust statement of being they seek.


Those in advanced schools of spirituality want the promised tangible results that can only come from a devoted spiritual practice. Samadhi Game! is there with the PRACTICE they need.



Women at the forefront of Enlightenment are sensitive to the need for the culturing of consciousness. Samadhi Game! is there with the Cultivation of the Dance of Light in outward awareness.


Men want to know all is done and complete. Samadhi Game! is there to enrich them with that since of authority and finality that All Life is in the hands of the divine architect THAT IS Within.


Communities of spirituality and even established organized religions need a way to bridge the differences and find the common ground of Love and Service. Samadhi Game! is there acting as an agent of understanding and tolerance.


With something as complex as consciousness and the workings of the mind of man… The much needed Samadhi Game! Manifesto of Insight & Awareness… with regular PRACTICE… can show each participating individual the “Forest from the Trees” in clear and tactile distinction.


Samadhi Game! Stands out in its field, just as Paramhansa Yogananda’s masterpiece “Whispers from Eternity”… and is likewise destined to become a “Modern Day Scripture”… endeared as The Effective and Fun Practice of millions across English Speaking Countries… and the world!


Marketing Analysis & Promotion


The Primary Audience for Samadhi Game! are women with 30 to 70 years of age. Those that have the sensitivity to cognize the Gift that is offered, and who after some meaningful life experience have the eyes to see what is happening to the every evolving field of spiritual attainment.


The Secondary Audience for Samadhi Game! would be those that have suffered or are suffering personal crisis and need an anchor to hold them on course through their troubled times. Many are thus afflicted in todays world.


The Tertiary Audience for Samadhi Game! would be those that are actively involved in modern day spirituality and see the need to accelerate their practice. This would include the growing cadre of “new agers” and all those “bitten” by the enlightenment bug!


Those that take up the PRACTICE of Samadhi Game! Affirmations want octane! They want the lightening Path and Results from their PRACTICE. They realize that their Silent Meditation are only half of the formula and that the structuring of consciousness is necessary if they are to withstand the cross-currents of the dual-human-ego.


These are active in their search for the solution and Samadhi Game! provides two robust Online focuses for their search. With a Beautiful Online Presence, The Official Samadhi Game Website offers immediate access to the alluring Issuu rendered sample copy as well as to the Free Downloads Link that has sported over a thousand downloads thus far. From the Online Calendar of Events to a Ustream Organized Listing of Internet LIVE and ARCHIVED Video Presentation of the Processing and Affirmation given bi-weekly, Samadhi Game Online offers a rich texture of engagement.


LIVE Internet Broadcasts are Feed via Ustream… Ustream itself providing another forum for the Online community to discover and partake of the bi-weekly LIVE Broadcasts featuring the Author Gregory Brinkley, his wife Robbie Brinkley, and often hosting guests to increase the texture and depth of the presentations.


Samadhi Game Tribe on Facebook is a growing community of online participants with nearly 500 liking the page. Samadhi Game Tribe is feed daily with links of Insight & Awareness, Pictures, and Notices of Broadcast Going LIVE in the moment.


Facebook is the fulcrum of the Connection Revolution making Samadhi Game Tribes Presence only a matter of time before the page itself goes viral. Gregory and his wife Robbie who live a fun and energetic life… have dynamic Facebook profiles themselves and feed their thousands of friends to Samadhi Game Tribe. Gregory Brinkley has the added benefit of hailing from a prominent American Family… His Father being the prominent Hollywood Producer Donald A. !129

Brinkley and his sister being the famous supermodel Christie Brinkley. These connections give a certain confidence to his constituency that can not be overlooked in marketing and promotion.


Both Gregory and Robbie have flexibility in their self employed work schedules so as to be ready for promotional activities and events… something they already enjoy. Their history of Internet and Live events for Samadhi Game! Meditations has given them the confidence to share in all media types in a comfortable and light hearted way the powerful Truths that is the core of Samadhi Game!


Both Gregory and Robbie have the capacity to individually promote Samadhi Game! effectively… but together they form a “dynamic duo” that shows the world the effects that regular Samadhi Game! PRACTICE engenders when done regularly.


Samadhi Game! License SAGA! License

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Copyright Š Samadhi Game! 2008 - 2014


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