Above On each of Hurstbourne’s horizons (area outlined in red) are two major developments: a 386-acre multiuse complex called Oxmoor Farms (blue) and an expansion of the University of Louisville’s Shelbyville campus including offices, research facilities and classroom space (pink).
24359.00 H u r s t b o u r n e A r e a T r a n s p o r tat i o n S t u dy a n d S m a l l A r e a P l a n Louisville, Kentucky Engineering Sustainable Practice
A Community strives for Thoughtful,
The community of Hurstbourne, Kentucky, lies due east of Louisville and is surrounded by busy roadways—I-64 to the south; Shelbyville Road to the north; Hurstbourne Parkway on the east; and just outside the city’s western limits, I-264. The city has lately experienced the kind of growth that transforms small suburban towns and brings with it urban growing pains such as traffic congestion. Traffic will only increase in the coming years, and Hurstbourne and several neighboring communities were faced with inevitable concerns and the
need for long-term solutions. A team of GS&P transportation engineers, under principal-incharge Bill Seymour, P.E., P.L.S., was asked to conduct a transportation study and provide some recommendations. The team members endorsed a few alreadyplanned road projects, such as the extension of Bunson Parkway, which would provide a parallel route as well as the planned widening of Hurstbourne Parkway. In addition, they recommended carpooling programs to alter traffic demands as well as improvements to pedestrian and cyclist routes.
Also considered were some intersection improvement projects and realignments within the study area. Suggestions included improved traffic signal coordination along with better access management, which involves altering the organization and spacing of driveways on existing roadways. GS&P team members offered some traffic-calming techniques such as creating dead ends on some roads or incorporating selected areas into gated communities. But, as Bill comments, “Traffic calming is a double-edged sword. It can help. It can hurt. It can certainly divide.” While these solutions greatly improve conditions for those living in the calmed areas, they worsen conditions for the roads to which their traffic is routed. It was finally decided that the best way to view the transportation issues was in conjunction with land use issues, so GS&P landscape architect and planner Jon Henney, AICP, ASLA, was asked to create a small-area plan to complement the transportation study.
Above An advisory committee made up of more than a dozen stakeholders participated in an exercise to determine their hopes for the community’s future, including achievements in land planning, transportation and urban design. Below The result envisioned the Hurstbourne area in 2025 as having become “a community…recognized for its diverse and vibrant centers, stable neighborhoods, community design and high quality of life.”
As Hurstbourne and surrounding communities grew, nonresidential development, particularly along Shelbyville Road and Hurstbourne Parkway, increased dramatically. This led to valid concerns about preserving the residential character of the area. Although some stakeholders completely resented development, others acknowledged the function and value of the two corridors as economic engines and sources of employment.
“GS&P took an extremely complex project and produced beautiful results affecting both neighborhood quality and community progress.”
The small-area plan was designed to examine land use in terms of future development
— Julie Adams Louisville Metro Councilwoman
and redevelopment that would benefit the area while preserving the character of adjacent Hurstbourne and nearby communities. It was suggested that higher concentrations of nonresidential development could take place around the large intersections of these roadways. Moving away from the intersections, both Shelbyville Road and Hurstbourne Parkway would retain their residential character, ensuring that future development in those areas would be more favorable to residents. The transition from the multiuse suburban section of the corridor would start with visual cues—streetscape designs, architectural and landscape treatments that create a “gateway” to residential neighborhoods. Roads narrow, speed bumps and pedestrian crossings are placed at decreasing distances from each other, and bicycle lanes create a need for lower speeds. More circuitous routes on side roads discourage cut-throughs, and bump-outs at intersections physically narrow the roads and signal that the commercial corridor is being left behind. Many of these suggestions influenced modifications in the existing form district regulations. Form districts, unlike zoning districts, dictate design guidelines and standards as well as other elements such as setbacks and height restrictions. Ideally, these changes will influence the behavior of motorists and also encourage future patterns of development designed to protect the residential character of the corridor. ■
Gresham, Smith and Partners provides design and consulting solutions for the built environment that contribute to the success of national and international clients. For more than 40 years, GS&P has focused on enhancing quality of life and sustainability within communities. GS&P consists of industry-leading professionals practicing architecture and engineering design as well as scientists and highly specialized planning and strategic consultants in Environmental Compliance, Aviation, Corporate and Urban Design, Healthcare, Industrial, Land Planning, Transportation and Water Services. GS&P consistently ranks among the top architecture and engineering firms in the United States. For more information regarding GS&P, visit www.gspnet.com. Aviation Corporate + Urban Design Environmental Compliance Healthcare Industrial Land Planning Transportation Water Services
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