greta gillen project 02 art 51
sketches part 1 Our second project for typography was to create two expressive pieces of type are based on words and their connotative or denotative meaning. We were given a list of word to choose from, and I chose to create sketches for snap. pop, stutter, shhh, ah-choo, ding dong, and lick. Pop and stutter were my two favorites, so most of the initial sketches were for those two words. The next step was to pick two words to create more sketches for, and create 10-20 new sketches for each. Since I wasn’t finding anything I really liked with stutter, I decided to pick a different one of my words. Pop was one of the words I liked a lot, so I chose to create more sketches for that one. For my second word, I picked shhh, because I thought that it would be fun to do something that was very different than the loud “pop.”
sketches- pop These are my second round of sketches for the word “pop.” I really liked my sketch with the second “p” popping the balloon “o,” so I tried a variety of ways to portray that. One thing that I liked was using a thin type, and having the o indent where the p pushes into it. I also added hyphens around that point to emphasize the popping action.
sketches- shhh
These are my second round of sketches for the word “shhh.” I didn’t create a lot of initial sketches for this word, so I tried out a lot of ways of doing it, having part of the letters covered up, experimenting with weight, size and placement on the page. I decided I really liked starting with a bold “s,” and gradually getting a quieter feeling with the “h’s.” I also really liked changing the heights of the letters.
final- pop
The last step of the project was taking our favorite sketches for each of the words, and putting them into the computer. Pop didn’t change much from my sketches, but for shhh, I combined elements that I liked from several of my sketches. to make it almost sound like someone saying the word “shhh�- starting more loud and harsh, and gradually getting softer. I decided to place it in the lower middle of the page, because I wanted it to look quieter, but not like it was hiding in a corner. Pop I made large and loud, while still keeping the type light and sharp enough to look like it could pop a balloon.
final- shhh