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‘What is good?’ research book

Personality types


Personality is

the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. Different personality theorists present their own definitions of the word based on their theoretical positions. Psychologists such as Freud, and Erickson have attempted to come up with personality theories.

In psychology, the Big Five

personality traits are five broad

domains or dimensions of personality that are used to describe human personality. The theory based on the Big Five factors is called the Five Factor Model. The Big Five factors are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Personality disorder refers to a

class of personality types and enduring behaviors associated with significant distress or disability, which appear to deviate from social expectations particularly in relating to other humans.

Personality type refers to the

psychological classification of different types of individuals. Personality types are sometimes distinguished from personality traits, with the latter embodying a smaller grouping of behavioral tendencies. Types are sometimes said to involve qualitative differences between people, whereas traits might be construed as quantitative differences.According to type theories, for example, introverts and extraverts are two fundamentally different categories of people. According to trait theories, introversion and extraversion are part of a continuous dimension, with many people in the middle.


ISTJs are independent, logical, practical, and responsible.

They are typically focused on the present, with an appreciation for the facts of a situation and excellent attention to detail. ISTJs respect tradition and order, and are extremely loyal to those who matter to them. They are dedicated to following the rules and fulfilling their obligations, and expect others to do the same. ISTJs absorb facts and data with a thoroughness and ease, often retaining an impressive amount of information. They trust experience, drawing upon knowledge gained from past experiences to understand the world and how it works. ISTJs are realistic and practical, often reluctant to experiment with new ideas or methods until they’ve determined that there is solid evidence that the change will be beneficial. ISTJs favor objective and logical analysis, and typically seek to organize their lives and others accordingly. After a careful internal consideration of the facts, ISTJs often act decisively and methodically to complete the task at hand. They will work hard to complete a project, as long as they believe its purpose is logical and useful. ISTJs enjoy working independently, often preferring to socialize only when necessary. Due to their affinity for logic and objectivity, and their need to stick to a schedule to accomplish a task, ISTJs may be seen as blunt or cold. Or some may feel as though the ISTJ ignores their feelings or needs, as the ISTJ has difficulty sensing the emotions of others if they do not fit into their logical and practical framework. Once the ISTJ realizes what is important to someone they care about, however, they will recognize the reality of the situation and integrate the information into their logical analysis.

ISFJs are calm, dutiful, practical, and considerate. ISFJs

are focused on the here and now and are often looking for practical and useful solutions to problems facing the people and organizations that they care about. ISFJs take their commitments seriously, and tend to favor procedure when accomplishing a task. They are sensitive to the needs of others and enjoy collaboration, when all are working towards the same goal. ISFJs use all of their senses to absorb details about their environment and the people around them. They process their observations internally, often accumulating a large amount of knowledge and experiences. ISFJs then call upon this stored knowledge to retrieve extremely detailed memories, which may amaze others. ISFJs are oriented toward present realities and facts, and respect tradition and experience. Often pragmatic, they may be reluctant to try new methods or ideas if they do not see an immediate usefulness. Once an ISFJ has carefully and thoroughly considered the facts of a situation and reached a conclusion, they often act decisively. Due to their careful decision-making process and their faith in practical and sensible analysis, ISFJs tend to form firm opinions, which they prefer not to change. ISFJs value structure and order, and tend to approach a role or project with discipline and dedication. They enjoy using their well-developed organizational skills to look after the needs of others, and tend to stay behind the scenes, providing gentle and considerate support.


INFJs are insightful, creative, compassionate, and

dedicated. INFJs have a unique ability to understand the emotions of those around them, and enjoy using this emotional sensitivity to create warm and supportive environments for growth. INFJs excel at recognizing the possibilities for personal development in others, and often have a plan for how others can achieve their goals. Deeply intuitive, INFJs process ideas and information internally, always working to improve their understanding of people and relationships. They often have a talent for recognizing patterns and hidden meanings in the people and world around them, and often have learned to trust their insights. INFJs typically only share their innermost thoughts with those they trust, and may appear reserved or mysterious to others. INFJs have strong personal values and typically have a vision for how to bring out the best in their selves, those they care about, and often humanity itself. They are excited about the future and possibilities, and enjoy using their organizational skills and imagination to create plans to achieve their grand visions. Once they have fully considered a situation, INFJs often act decisively, and are committed to accomplishing a task or fulfilling their responsibilities. Typically, INFJs lead with a quiet persuasion, inspiring others to follow them by their example and with their faith in their vision. At times, however, an INFJ can become pushy or controlling in their drive to guide others along the path they have chosen. Loyal friends, INFJs value authentic relationships, often sensing insincerity and duplicity. INFJs take time to appreciate others, offering positive feedback and making sure everyone’s needs have been considered. Although INFJs are often more focused on the needs of others, and may neglect their own, they do not hesitate to speak up if they feel their personal values are being disregarded.

INTJs have a thirst for knowledge and a passion for

improvement. Constantly working to better themselves, they are often perfectionists. INTJs are also focused on finding ways to improve processes, always open to possibilities and new ideas. They enjoy taking the time to truly understand ideas or systems, and using their analytical skills to solve complex problems. INTJs often have a broad vision for what is best for an organization, and are driven to implement these ideas. Although quite creative and open to new ideas, INTJs often process information internally, sharing their inner thoughts only with those they trust. Without being able to observe the INTJs consideration of different ideas and theories, some may view their clearly stated opinions and decisive action as stubbornness. The typical INTJ, however, is always willing to consider other points of view and information and change their mind, when warranted. INTJs prefer structure and order, and expect others to follow the rules and procedures. Once committed, INTJs go to great lengths to fulfill their responsibilities and typically can be trusted to get the job done. Independent and forwardthinking, INTJs tend to be visionaries and are often found in leadership positions where they can apply their welldeveloped organizational skills to systems and people. Typically confident in their abilities and their insights, INTJs often have a unique ability to clearly and concisely express their vision and goals.



Logical and observant, appreciate using their intellect to discover practical solutions to complicated problems. They thrive in swiftly changing environments, and are often calm in the face of a crisis. ISTPs are constantly scanning their environment, absorbing concrete details and facts and organizing them internally within a logical framework. ISTPs value facts and present realities, not often caught up in visions of future possibilities. They are interested in how data and systems work, usually uninterested in abstract theories and ideas. ISTPs are often quick to notice flaws in logic and inconsistencies that others may overlook, and excel at swiftly recognizing the root cause of an issue. At times they may not notice the emotions of others, and can be seen as impersonal or distant. Pragmatic and logical, ISTPs trust in their experience and analysis, and often suffer less from selfdoubt or insecurity than others. ISTPs typically appear to be relaxed and tolerant, accepting of a broad range of opinions and ideas. They have often formed judgments and conclusions in their minds, however, and simply do not feel the need to share them unless asked or if it serves a logical purpose. They may appear to be quiet or reserved, but will often be quite talkative about a subject of their expertise. ISTPs tend to be spontaneous and flexible, preferring to ignore procedure and complete a task independently, in their own way. They appreciate efficiency, and often have a talent for discerning the most effective way to solve a problem, with the least amount of effort.

ISFPs are observant, considerate, and kind. They

appreciate being in the moment, and are often able to see beauty where others may not. ISFPs are particularly attuned to their environment and the emotions of those around them, and are motivated to bring harmony to both. ISFPs enjoy helping people achieve their goals, as they find meaning in being of service to others. ISFPs are excellent listeners, and are sensitive to the needs of others. They value common sense and facts, often searching for a practical and immediate solution to a problem. ISFPs typically prefer to support others quietly and in the background, and may not have any desire to control or lead people and projects. As a result, an ISFP may find their accomplishments overlooked or underestimated by others. ISFP are selective about whom they trust. They may appear reserved or quiet, but often have a gentle warmth and enthusiasm. ISFPs greatly value their relationships, usually showing appreciation through deeds rather than with words. Typically tolerant and relaxed, ISFPs accept others readily, and often encourage others to find common ground and work together by setting an example. ISFPs prefer autonomy and spontaneity, and may have difficulty performing routine tasks. If they are able to align their personal values to the task at hand, however, they are often motivated and dedicated. ISFPs are sometimes so focused on looking after the needs of others, that they may forget to take care of themselves. An ISFP will often benefit from some time alone, or with just a few close friends, so they can recharge and renew.


INFPs are passionate about their values, and find

meaning in supporting the personal development of others. They easily recognize the possibilities for growth in themselves and others, and often have a vision for how to heal the world around them. INFPs adapt easily to change and appreciate dynamic environments where creativity and new ideas are valued, particularly when related to improving the lives of others. INFPs have complex inner emotions and are intensely committed to aligning their values with the lives they lead. They are often focused on the future, looking for new and creative ways to serve others. INFPs are constantly working to understand those around them, and, as a result, tend to be perceptive, able to grasp connections and relationships between people easily. INFPs are excellent listeners, often providing quiet and warm support to others. They appreciate calm and harmonious environments, but may sometimes be too reluctant to provide constructive criticism, for fear of disrupting the group. INFPs are often reserved, opening up only to those who share their values and have earned their trust. Once they have formed a relationship, however, INFPs are intensely loyal and dedicated. INFPs feel restricted by rules and structure and have a hard time performing job tasks that do not connect to their values. They tend to be humble, and may not speak up about their accomplishments. INFPs are quick to express their appreciation for others, however, taking care that those around them feel valued.

INTPs are curious, imaginative, and insightful.

They enjoy using their mind to find creative solutions to complicated problems. INTPs are fascinated by ideas, and seek to understand the world through logical analysis. Independent and introspective, INTPs often enjoy a challenge and thrive in fast-paced dynamic environments. INTPs are future oriented, always open to new possibilities and theories. They may, however, be reluctant to form an opinion or draw a conclusion until they have analyzed it critically. INTPs often require time alone to focus and contemplate ideas in depth, and may be hesitant to voice their opinions on the spot. Once they have considered a theory or situation, they often quickly zero in on the core of the issue. They are adept at understanding systems and conceptual models, and constantly seek to increase their knowledge about the world and how it works. INTPs are often eager to jump head-first into a project, and tend to ignore procedure, preferring to discover their own path. Logical and analytical, INTPs may appear detached or overly critical to others who are more sensitive. They are generally tolerant of others and opposing viewpoints, however, and simply strive for precise and efficient communication. Although they often prefer to work independently, INTPs often appreciate a collaborative environment where innovative ideas and solutions are valued. They value intelligence and ingenuity, and typically hold themselves and others to high standards.


ESTPs are action-oriented, logical problem solvers.

Energetic and social, they prefer not to be stuck inside working at a desk, and enjoy working with their hands, rather than abstract ideas. ESTPs are often excellent at promoting their ideas and energizing others. They usually find change invigorating, performing well when required to adapt to swiftly-changing environments. ESTPs are focused on the moment, and quickly absorb the details of situations and the people around them. They are stimulated by their environment, and prefer to stay active and social. ESTPs value rich experiences, often drawing others to them with an infectious appreciation for life’s pleasures. They tend to be assertive and competitive. ESTPs often love to challenge others, as they enjoy being challenged in return. ESTPs prefer to make rational and objective decisions, often processing information internally. At time they may appear blunt or cold, due to their preference for critical analysis and decisiveness. ESTPs are bored by theory and abstract ideas, and learn best by jumping into a project, rather than by study or discussion. They are sometimes so quick to take action that they forget to inform others of their intentions. ESTPs are particularly motivated by any project that makes practical use of their mechanical skills, attention to detail, and logical mind. ESTPs enjoy spontaneity and variety. When given a schedule or explicit instructions, they may simply figure out a way to work around them, as they perform best when allowed the freedom to follow their own rules.

ESFPs are energetic, observant, supportive, and

compassionate. They are excited by new experiences and sensory pleasures, and treasure living in the moment. ESFPs enjoy collaboration and excel at helping others reach a consensus. They are often spontaneous, and prefer to act rather than discuss. ESFPs are focused on enjoying life and connecting with those around them. They use all of their senses to absorb details about the people and their environment, and are often able to sense other people’s needs and emotions. ESFPs enjoy getting to know people, and value shared experiences, in particular. Charming and talkative, ESFPs try to get the most amount of fun out of life, with the least amount of stress. At times, the typical ESFP can be so focused on having fun and being sociable, that they can become distracted or disruptive to others. ESFPs look for realistic and immediate solutions. Most ESFPs have little patience for overly logical arguments or extensive discussions about possibilities or ideas. Guided by their values and common sense, they are quick to take action, especially when they believe they can provide practical assistance to others. ESFPs learn best by a hands-on approach, rather than studying. They prefer to jump into a project, confident in their abilities and resourcefulness. ESFPs prefer autonomy, and dislike excessive rules and procedures. They are flexible and casual, and rarely plan ahead. ESFPs are tolerant of other points of view, and help to create warm and supportive group environments where diversity is accepted and appreciated.


ENFPs are expressive, innovative, caring, and

supportive. Excited about possibilities for people, ENFPs enjoy helping others realize their potential. They tend to be friendly and enthusiastic, with a wide variety of interests. ENFPs are risk-takers, excited by the unknown and able to adapt easily to dynamic environments. ENFPs are constantly searching for new ideas and are always looking for adventure. They enjoy meeting people, often able to see connections and relationships that others miss. ENFPs have strong personal values and are motivated by a desire to encourage others to grow and improve themselves. They tend to be charming and enthusiastic, easily inspiring others to share their vision for the future. ENFPs enjoy working with others, and often strive to create a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, where everyone’s opinions are considered. They value diversity and tend to be accepting of different viewpoints and beliefs. ENFPs appreciate open and genuine relationships and are quick to give positive feedback and compliments. ENFPs thrive when receiving validation for their efforts, but are particularly sensitive to criticism. ENFPs are friendly and sociable, with an infectious enthusiasm for life. They may sometimes become so caught up with engaging with people and participating in activities, that they are not able devote enough time to the people and values that are most important to them. ENFPs do not enjoy structure or too many rules, and will not hesitate to challenge the status quo if they feel it does not align with their values. ENFP Type Dynamics

ENTPs are enthusiastic, inventive, logical, and

spontaneous. They are excited about the future and the many possibilities it holds. ENTPs are rational and objective when making decisions, and are at their best when faced with a challenging and complex problem. ENTP enjoy using their intellect and constantly strive to increase their understanding of the world and how it works. ENTPs are fascinated by new ideas and theories and are often searching for new solutions to improve systems. They enjoy debate, and tend to be precise with language and meaning. ENTPs are likely to play devil’s advocate, always analyzing every aspect of a situation logically. For this reason, ENTPs are sometimes seen as negative and argumentative. They tend to be quite optimistic, however, and simply strive for continuous improvement. An ENTP is likely to see a setback as an opportunity and adapt easily in chaotic fast-paced environments. ENTPs are often able to articulate their complex ideas and conclusions with ease, and can be quite charming and persuasive when so motivated. They are resilient and resourceful, and may not have patience for others who do not share their independent spirit. They value competency, and appreciate working with individuals who are as forwardthinking and innovative as they are. ENTPs prefer flexible work environments, where they are given the freedom to work at their own pace. They often plunge enthusiastically into a new project, confident that they possess the skills, abilities, and intelligence to solve any problem.


ESTJs tend to be logical, practical, and assertive.

They typically have a wide variety of interests, and enjoy discussion and debate with others. ESTJs are usually seen as responsible and decisive; they are committed to fulfilling their commitments, and expect others to do the same. ESTJs value experience and practical realities. They tend to be pragmatic and direct, quick to notice inconsistencies or inefficiencies. ESTJs favor rational analysis, and strive to understand systems and underlying structures. They filter details absorbed from their environment through a framework of logic and objectivity, searching for effective solutions to pressing problems. ESTJs tend to be focused on results, and will move decisively to achieve their goals. ESTJs are often found in positions of authoring, where they can use their keen organization skills and attention to detail to motivate others into action and keep them on track. ESTJs can be quite confident about their skills and abilities, but may be less comfortable in supportive roles. They can, at times, seem bossy or controlling, and often feel that others are too sensitive. ESTJs appreciate clear directives and expectations, and prefer to follow a defined course of action. They are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities, holding themselves and others to high standards. ESTJs may be outspoken, and do not hesitate to confront people who do not follow the rules or procedures. They prefer to surround themselves with people whose intellect and capabilities have been established, and expect to earn the trust of others by demonstrating their skill and dedication.


Typically warm and energetic, enjoy serving the needs of others. They strive to keep their commitments and make practical decisions that they feel are best for everyone. ESFJs appreciate tradition, trusting experience over abstract ideas. They are organized and responsible, and excel at creating structure to help keep others focused. ESFJs prefer to help people in practical ways, with tangible results. They may not have patience when others engage in extensive discussion and theorizing, preferring to act decisively. ESFJs are adept at recognizing the realities of a situation, and are quick to sense what is needed to solve a problem. ESFJs are often excellent at organizing people, and are particularly skilled at understanding which tasks are best suited to each person. ESFJs are efficient and conscientious, and can always be counted on to follow the plan and carry out their obligations. They prefer to accomplish tasks in an orderly fashion, typically choosing to follow procedure, rather than searching for new methods. ESFJs appreciate clearly defined roles, and expect everyone to fulfill their responsibilities. ESFJs are friendly and love getting to know people. Genuine and enthusiastic, they connect easily with others. ESFJs tend to be extremely observant, and pride themselves on remembering detailed personal information about the people they encounter. Sensitive and compassionate, ESFJs enjoy getting and giving positive feedback, and are often uncomfortable with criticism. ESFJs prefer to avoid conflict and appreciate supportive and harmonious environments, often taking care that everyone feels comfortable and accepted.


ENFJs are friendly, energetic, and imaginative.

They tend to see the best in others and often put their organizational skills to good use facilitating relationships and looking after the emotional needs of those around them. ENFJs enjoy helping people reach a consensus, often by providing thoughtful and sensitive guidance to others. They are passionate about serving others and enjoy creating supportive and harmonious environments. ENFJs have a natural intuition, which they use to discover the potential in others. They are excited about possibilities for positive development, and have a talent for creating innovative solutions to problems facing people. Driven to help others enhance their lives, ENFJs are often found in leadership or mentoring roles. They appreciate everyone’s unique contribution to the world, and take care to treat others with dignity and respect. Charming and friendly, ENFJs are often excellent communicators. They enjoy getting to know people, finding it easy to connect with others. ENFJs tend to have strong values, and have no difficulty sharing their opinions and ideas. ENFJs are loyal and desire deep and genuine relationships. They are quick to devote themselves entirely to helping a friend, and are hurt deeply when the sentiment is not reciprocated. ENFJs are responsible and conscientious. They value structure and procedure, often using their developed organization skills to clearly define responsibilities and keep others focused and on track. They readily take the initiative, and strive to set a good example for others to follow.

ENTJs are logical, assertive, conceptual, and organized. ENTJs enjoy new ideas and planning for the future. They are decisive and efficient, and have a natural ability to lead. ENTJs often take charge of a situation, confidently coordinating people and tasks. They appreciate challenging issues and always push themselves to learn more about the world and its systems. ENTJs are forward-thinking, constantly working to bring efficiency and organization to the world. Logical and rational, they are inspired by using their intellect to create innovative solutions for improving processes. They are often competitive, driven to achieve their goals and increase their knowledge. Critical thinkers, ENTJs are always questioning ideas and theories for faulty logic and unsound reasoning. They enjoy discussion, happy to explore new ideas and concepts and often energized by interacting with people. ENTJs are direct, and may challenge others. They typically feel no need to spare people from their critique, and expect the same treatment in return. ENTJs are independent and assertive, often eager to take control of a group or project, confident that they will be able to coordinate people and tasks effectively. ENTJs appreciate order, and are excellent at delegation. When they give direction, they expect it will be followed, and may be seen as forceful or intimidating. ENTJs are often competitive, eager to demonstrate their abilities and talent. They care more for being known as capable, rather than for being well-liked. ENTJs prefer to be around others who share their capability and skill, and have little patience for incompetence.


My personality test


Kidrobot always organizes loads of interesting artstis events. I myself have attended one in lithuania, that was sponsored by them and a moabile broadband company

I decided that an event would be the best way to go. In order to amke it more realistic I decided to choose sponsors. I thought of the best media to advertisise the companies: Mobile broadband company, creative reseource (online prersence), coffee shop (worldwide), a magazine (relevant) and a youthfull TV chanel.Ex. for UK event.


The event would take place in 32 Europe countries

I decidec to choose the countries by population and wanted to have a russian example. In order to find out a bit more about the Russian possible ways of promotion I facebooked a friend that lives and creates in Moscow. Trying to find out more inside knoledge about the creative promotional ways.


He gave me a lot of usefull advice on what is trendy and what I could use for the promotional material


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