JANUARY 17, 2017
VOL. 128, ISSUE 19
THE MYSTERIOUS WORLD OF SID COLTON Why This SSA Alum Is Posting (and Timestamping) Every Article About the University on His Social Media BY JAMIE EHRLICH DEPUTY NEWS EDITOR
No one from the University of Chicago is more active on Facebook than alumnus Sid Colton (A.B. 89). He posts his photographs of ducklings f loating in Botany Pond. He keeps the campus updated on the University’s DIII athletic teams. He shares almost every news article that even peripherally involves the University— often adding a timestamp and some criticism of the administration.
A University alumnus and campus employee for nearly 47 years, Colton knows campus like the back of his hand. I spoke with Colton in October and again last week about his involvement with the University. Colton is somewhat of a Facebook “celebrity.” A member of over 150 groups on Facebook, he is a frequent poster on Overheard at UChicago and the “Class of ” groups for the graduating classes of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
U of C Leftists Unite Against Trump A new activist coalition is mobililizing to combat Trump’s “bigotry.”
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Sid Colton pets his dog, Ethel, in the SSA building.
Ruben Abbou
Nikita Dulin
Hundreds of people filled a room in Kent for the first U of C Resists meeting.
On Friday, January 13, a UChicago coalition of concerned students, faculty, and staff in the dawning age of Trump made a call for an Inauguration Day protest here at the University of Chicago. Collectively known as U of C Resists, the new coalition hosted its fi rst meeting at Kent
Baptism by Fire Page 7
107, officially titled “Resisting Trump: Where Do We Go From Here?” “This is a matter of life and death,” third-year Steph Ban said to a fully packed Kent lecture hall. Seconds later, the auditorium-sized room erupted into an applause for Ban. Ban was speaking on behalf of the Organization for Students with Disabilities (OSD), one of
11 University and local organizations that lent their voices to the event of the evening. U of C Resists describes itself as a “coalition of UChicago students, staff, and faculty organizing to resist Trump’s agenda and the bigotry that his election has emboldened.” Days before the 13th, posters for the event had been distributed across campus.
Away Weekend Ends in Wash for Chicago
Contributing to the Maroon
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T he University is often perceived as a place of privilege in an area that has historically been neglected and marginalized.
“This weekend is the toughest travelling trip in the UAA, and we managed to escape 1–1.”
Trump and the U of C: Title IX
Espresso Yourself Without Stigma
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As the Trump administration poises to take power, the future of Title IX policies nationwide remains unclear.
“I think it’s the perfect ending to the week—an informal setting to bring people together to celebrate difference.”
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