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APRIL 25, 2017


VOL. 128, ISSUE 41


During each Saturday in May, UChicago Dining will pilot a new Saturday Night Meal Swipe Program. The Saturday Night Meal Swipes will be automatically added to student accounts on the Unlimited, Phoenix, and Apartment meal plans, as well as resident staff accounts. Saturday Night Meal Swipes will be redeemable only at Hutchinson Commons between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. The swipes will not roll over between weekends, and will include combo meal specials and dessert options from each station in Hutchinson Commons, including Saffron and Noodles. The number of meal exchanges and Maroon Dollars in a student’s account will not be affected by the Saturday Night Meal Swipes. Hutchinson Commons will be open for an additional 30 minutes for each Saturday throughout May, closing at 7:30 p.m. instead of at 7 in order to accommodate the pilot program. The program is intended to provide more weekend food options for students while addressing student concerns about the limitations of the Saturday Night Social Club (SNSC) program. The SNSC serves as a meal option for students on Saturdays, providing a themed, “family-style dinner,” according to UChicago Dining’s website.

The SNSC program is free to students on a meal plan and $10 for students not on a meal plan. SNSC also operates by appointment, although students without appointments are provided food. The issue of inflexibility, particularly for students who did not know their weekend plans in advance, was one of the concerns voiced to Dining. Dining proposed the Saturday Night Meal Swipe Program as a solution to allow more flexibility for students and for food to be taken outside of Hutchinson Commons after collaborating with various student groups, the Center for College Student Success, and the Campus Dining Advisory Board (which is composed of Student Government and Inter-House Council representatives). The next SNSC will be on April 29, but the program will not be held in Hutchinson Commons throughout May. Feedback will be taken each Saturday from those who participate in the Saturday Night Meal Swipe Program and a survey will be sent out after the pilot period to those who did not redeem their swipes. If the feedback is positive, Dining will consider implementing the program for the entirety of the 2017–18 school year at no additional cost to students, according to Stacey Brown, the assistant executive director of dining operations.

Courtesy of the University of Chicago Former President Barack Obama speaks with third-year Max Freedman in an appearance at the Logan Center.



In 2008, Barack Obama told Chicago that he was “fired up and ready to go.” Monday morning, now on the other side of his two terms in office, he showed the city’s students that he still is. The former president kicked


TRUMP t100 Days xt for the #firs Finding Conte

THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 5:30pm Join faculty experts from @UChicagoSocialScience for a panel discussion exploring the #first100 days of the @realDonaldTrump presidency. Social Sciences Research Building, Room 122 1126 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 PARTICIPATE IN THE CONVERSATION

#TalkingTrump #100days

Portrait: Re-Painting Familiar Tales

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SG’s plan to dissolve the Uncommon Fund lacks common sense.

On Monday, Student Government (SG) Assembly passed the proposed budget for the 2017–18 academic year. After 23 minutes of discussion between Graduate Council and College Council members, the budget passed with 24 in favor, four opposed, and two abstentions. The SG budget is generated from a pot of money gathered from the Student Life Fee, a quarterly fee paid by undergraduate and graduate students on campus. Each year, the budget, which often totals over

At last weekend’s meet, the women and men’s teams placed second and fourth, respectively.

Feachair: The Best Seats on Campus

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This article is by Jamie Ehrlich, Marjorie Antohi, and Rachana Muppa.

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Fourth-years Breanne Johnson and Alice Xiao discuss their work and artistic growth.

You’ve sat in them. You’ve studied in them. Maybe you’ve even slept in them. But do you know their story?

on Friday, the University and press outlets released few details. As students speculated about who would be invited to attend the event, second-year Richard Omoniyi-Shoyoola, who was in Regenstein Library at the time, received a personal call from an Obama staffer asking if he would introduce Obama. Setting the tone for the event, Omoniyi-Shoyoola spoke about Obama’s rise to the top in his introContinued on page 2

SG Passes Budget Cutting NYT Readership, Uncommon Fund

South Siders’ Stellar Showing at UAA Championships

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Uncommonly Fun

off his post-presidency public life at UChicago’s Logan Center for the Arts as students, educators, and community organizers from across Chicago gathered for a panel on young people in civic engagement. Six current students and graduates of Chicago schools participated in a Q&A panel onstage with Obama, discussing youth mobilization in politics, media in the age of the internet, and dialogue across the aisle. When the event was announced

$2 million, is allocated to a number of funding committees supporting student groups, campus initiatives, and the College and Graduate SG Councils. Prior to 2016, when funding committees didn’t spend their total allocated funds, the leftover money would lay dormant in individual accounts, slowly accumulating over time. In the budget for the 2016–17 year, Former SG President Tyler Kissinger swept up the layover funds in the various bank accounts and accounted for them in the allocated budget. SG was able to provide services beyond the amount providContinued on page 2

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