A Funny Thing Happened To Open Forums

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Student Government and the University’s administration are considering whether and how to replace open forums with “social media,” because students don't show. But will it revolutionize how students get involved with their school? by Asher Klein


afeRide, amirite? Damn buses can never get it together. I mean, it takes half an hour to show up after you call, so you get smart and call 30 minutes before you want to go. Naturally it comes in 15 and there’s no call, and you end up in the street waiting like a sucker for that squat little bus. Yes, you think, you could walk the two-and-a-half blocks to the East Route and pick that up but who knows if you’ll catch it and it’s cooold and anyway you’ve been waiting so long and you’re paying for this thing. It’s just a broken system, you think to yourself, when the bus arrives, the door opens, and the driver gives you a look that says, “this guy....” Mussolini would never have allowed service this shoddy, you think, the foul analogy matching your mood. But what are you gonna do about it? Sign a Facebook petition? Yeah, probably. Last November about 500 people joined a Facebook event critical of the service, calling it unreliable at a time when students were being assaulted close to campus. “The more of us who participate, the more likely we are to see a favorable change,” the Facebook page said, and many sent e-mails to administrators further expressing their dissatisfaction. (Over 2,200 people were invited to join.) Th i s w a s n ’ t u n w e l c o m e f e e d b a c k . Transportation chief Rodney Morris, like many other administrators, wants to hear from students so he knows how to improve service. In fact, he had appeared at an open forum on security and transportation about a week before the Facebook petition was started and answered a couple of students’ questions on SafeRide, according to secondyear Frank Alarcon, the undergraduate liaison to the Board of Trustees who helped organize that forum. But would you actually show up to a meeting on SafeRide and air your grievances? Student Government (SG) thought


so. Those 500 people really seemed to indicate a groundswell of support; it was one of the largest online gatherings in school history up to that point, if not the largest. SG and Transportation organized another open forum, this one specifically about SafeRide, then found a large room in anticipation of a big, outspoken audience, like the group on Facebook had been. Ten people showed up to the second forum: three administrators, three SG members, three people who’d formed the facebook group, and a Maroon reporter. “There are deeper issues, and we can’t just do it with seven people in the room,” Morris said at the time. (He didn’t respond to requests for comment.) “Getting things changed takes a little time, but we are working on the process. I need your help, I need your input, I need your honesty.” Getting University of Chicago students more involved in the day-to-day aspects of student life is a growing problem, as fewer students show up to open forums, where any student can confront a high level administrator with whatever is on his mind, and fewer substantial questions are getting asked. “You want to have constant communication. You don’t just want to have communication when there’s a problem,” Vice President for Campus Life Kim Goff-Crews said. Getting students to do more than just complain about a few things that bother them is a harder nut to crack. With the SafeRide petition, students demonstrated a clear preference for engaging the administration online. “Our sense that attendance [at the open forums] is equal to interest and engagement in the institution may not be the best measurement for this particular student body,” said Goff-Crews. But how should the University gauge student interests, and what is the best format for U of C students to share their concerns? Those are questions the University has looked into for some time. Goff-Crews organized a working group on student engage-

ment a couple of years ago. The meeting inspired one of its members, sociology graduate student and former graduate liaison to the Board of Trustees Brian Cody, to undertake a study, on what students want out of campus communication “because everyone seems to think it’s not going well,” he said in a phone interview. No open forum has been close to full since one held last March, after the arrest of a student in the A-level of Regenstein Library; four years ago the first forum with President Robert Zimmer overflowed. The University’s investment in Sudan and Zimmer’s commitment to transparency were in question then. Today, it is students’ commitment to anything that’s in question. In May of last year, just three students showed up to an open forum with Goff-Crews, Alarcon, and outgoing SG President Jarrod Wolf (A.B. ‘10). This quarter’s three open forums averaged fewer than 40 attendees, including administrators—far fewer than the 100 or 200 who show up when people are passionate about an issue. Over 1,000 people will be invited to an open forum on Facebook, but often 25 will show up. Many have axes to grind at the University of Chicago, but few seem interested in talking to the president or other administrators about what bothers them. Many of those who do are SG members or administrators themselves, people who are already working on the University’s problems. This turns the forums into awkward exercises in administrative obligation. Fifteen minutes before this quarter’s first open forum, I ran into a friend buying a sandwich at Hallowed Grounds. I asked if he ever considered going to an open forum, like the one about to start downstairs in the McCormick Tribune Lounge. He laughed like it was a stupid question. Why would he go to an open forum? Well. Cheaper meal plans, better working conditions for housing and dining workers, healthier food, making sure the University


recycles, bringing a Chipotle to campus. Those are just a few issues he might have brought up at that day’s open forum on housing and dining, where administrators were eager to take questions and suggestions from the 12 or so students who did show up. Before the January 20 dining forum began, a young female student with red hair popped her head in the door to ask if she could have a sandwich. When second-year and liaison to the Board of Trustees Frank Alarcon said sure, but would she stay for the forum? “Um, I have a thing,” she said, grabbing a sandwich and strolling toward Hutch Courtyard. Another typically empty forum—two students gawked at computer screens, and an elderly couple left halfway through. Despite the red-letter items discussed, like bids for a new dining contract and the possibility of using Flex Dollars off campus, Associate Vice President for Campus Life Karen Warren Coleman was faced with extended pauses, filling them by asking, “Other thoughts?” A few more students attended the February 24 “A-Level Study Break” forum on student health and off-campus housing, though attendance was still around 25. Representatives from MAC Property Management used the opportunity to pitch their services to students. The last forum of the quarter, with Zimmer, brought out around 75 students, but the longest exchange between students and the president was around how great the renovation to Harper Library was, and when Zimmer used to study late at night. Zimmer answered each question in his usual terse but well-reasoned way, and was never seriously asked to defend his thinking. Goff-Crews said she expects members of the University community to be good “institutional citizens”—up to speed on campus policies, and motivated enough to come to administrators with their concerns. The many e-mails she gets, and the University students who fill focus groups and other

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