Grey't ideas weekly 23.01.2015

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Grey’t Ideas weekly 23.01.2015

Fashion fashion?weak ad Mercedes invites you for Fashion Week Berlin byzostał parody pobity of all fashion Nie odchodzimy z Kickstartera, na którym rekordads w in the world. Will it encourage target Depends how serious they are. zbiórce funduszy na, nie ma cogroup? się oszukiwać, dość specyficzny, aczkolwiek urokliwy pomysł. A Mercedes C111 looks perfect since 1968…

If you are walking in slow motion sometimes, be careful – possibly you woke up on the fashionable side of the bed to. 3

Game of the (1996) year! Are you tired with playing Tetris on Gameboy or chess via mail? Finally comes a breakthrough. Independent studio Pixel Titans is gathering funds on Kickstarter for „Strafe” – revolutionary FPS game. But revolutionary for 1996. Why makers go for retro 90’s look? We have no clue, but they imitate them really well. Check: project website: promo: back up:

Game of the (2015) year? We are still on Kickstarter where we have new record in fundraising.

The creators of one extremely funny project want to get 10K$ they earn over 2KK$. Wonder what is this project? Of course it is connected to cats. This is a card game called „Exploding kitten�. You want to know the rules, click on the link below

Revolution in technology? Last week we registered a small earthquake on new technologies market. Microsoft, old giant from Redmond, surprised everybody by taking the lead in never stopping technological race.

Yesterday’s Microsoft Conference brought us some surprises. We wrote before about Windows 10, but now they thrown some more information. New Windows is like a bride on a weeding wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Most of those features look very promising

Google Glass

Microsoft HoloLens

But that’s not all. Earlier this week Google announced it is halting the sale for Google Glass that promised revolution, but ended with a flop. This seems like the end of this chapter in Google history. But at the same time Microsoft revealed their secret weapon they’ve been working on for a long time – HoloLens – glasses that enables working on augmented reality. Project looks pretty advanced. See them in action:

Machine of doom Vending machines are can be our saviours when hunger strikes. But they have a dark and devious nature underneath. Most of the time wending machines Howdy work just fine, but sometimes they rebel. If you are hungry or too mean to sacrifice PLN 2, then you go on rocking and shaking the machine. Sometimes they retaliate. Michael Cosio, American orthopedist, collected all cases of death resulting from misunderstanding with wending machines. If you want to know more about 64 deaths – log on this site:

last idea// gif book

If you are gif fans like us, you have to take a look at this first, only gif, novel. But if you’re not – take a break, cause the lack of plot is going to bore you to death.

Thank you for your attention and see you next week

This is a Grey Worldwide publication edited by Krzysztof Bogdalik, Adam Brzuszkiewicz, Marcin Ejsmont,Tadeusz Fułek. If you would be interested to see how digital can change your business, too, please contact your local Grey Agency.

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