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VACCINATIONS FOR GREYHOUNDS The Code of Practice requires all greyhounds to have a current C5 vaccination. Please speak to your veterinarian about when your greyhounds are next due for a vaccination and ensure your Kennel Cough vaccine is up to date. Just a reminder that the vaccination requirements for acceptance into GAP are more specific, so please check with GRV if you are planning to get a vaccination for this purpose. These requirements are also on the GAP page of this magazine. In addition to recording your greyhound’s vaccinations in its Greyhound Record, please also provide GRV with copies of your C5 vaccination certificates for GRV to upload into FastTrack if you are considering, or are already, breeding from your greyhound. These vaccination certificates are required to keep the Pink Card active.
Increased Greyhound Recovery Initiative (GRI) funding
To further reduce on-track and off-track euthanasia, GRV is pleased to announce the funding model for the GRI for serious injuries sustained during a race or a race-day trial has been extended. From 1 December 2020, all greyhounds who suffer a GRIeligible injury (or the On-Track Veterinarian suspects they might have a GRI-eligible injury) will be offered: ■ up to $2,000 towards off-track veterinary costs (increased from $1,500) AND ■ up to $500 in a NEW rehabilitation grant paid directly to the participant to support recovery from the injury (it can also be used for additional veterinary costs). Eligibility for GRI hasn’t changed, so combined, this is an additional $1,000 available to participants in support of surgery and recovery of greyhounds with GRI-eligible injuries. It is important to point out that when a greyhound is admitted into the GRI, the initial off-track consultation is funded regardless of the diagnosis and treatment option decided by the owner and off-track veterinarian. For more information on the scheme, please speak to your OTV and visit https://greyhoundcare.grv.org.au/greyhoundrecovery-initiative/.
Kennel Cough outbreak in NZ
New Zealand is currently in the middle of a widespread and severe Kennel Cough outbreak, which appears to be caused by the bug Mycoplasma cynos (a recognised cause of Kennel Cough but not covered by any vaccine). It is thought to have arrived in NZ at the same time as four greyhounds from Australia, but other domestic dogs arrived at the same time, so the origin is not certain. This bug is already present Kennel Cough cases here at the moment. It is critically important that all participants remain vigilant for signs of Kennel Cough and report any cases to GRV. Any greyhounds that haven’t been vaccinated for Kennel Cough in the last 6-12 months should be re-vaccinated now. Protecting them against parainfluenza and Bordetella (what’s in the Kennel Cough vaccine) will reduce the chances of them getting sick with Mycoplasma.
Hot Weather
Just a quick reminder that the updated Hot Weather Policy is now in force to protect the welfare of the greyhounds over the summer. GRV asks participants to note that clause 19 now states that taking advantage of penalty-free scratching provision is a breach of the policy.
Hot Weather Policy update: From 1 January 2021, early kennelling for hot weather affected MORNING meetings will no longer be offered. Early kennelling will continue to be offered for hot weather affected Day, Twilight and Night meetings.
The updated Transport Policy is also now in force. If the forecasted maximum temperature is 32°C or above at any point in the journey at any time that day, the hot weather requirements apply (i.e., mandatory air-conditioning and barking muzzles banned) regardless of the time of the day of the journey. The updated policy stipulates that the internal trailer temperature must be kept at or below 30°C (but ideally at 16 - 24°C), so the air-conditioning should be started at in Australian greyhounds but there do not appear to be any
least 30 minutes prior to loading greyhounds into the trailer and must be kept running during travelling.
Kennel Returns
In August 2019 GRV enhanced the Kennel Return functionality on FastTrack to allow a Kennel Return for all greyhounds, not just named greyhounds with a trainer. The Kennel Return is used to advise GRV of both the location of the greyhound and what it is currently doing (e.g. training, breeding, spelling etc). While spelling is usually defined as a greyhound taking a
long break from racing (e.g. recovering from injury), this option can be used in a Kennel Return where none of the other options apply. For example, if a greyhound is being wound down or being re-trained in preparation for rehoming, or the greyhound is boarding with you, it is OK to select spelling as the activity. If you plan to breed with your greyhound and you are waiting for the greyhound to come into season, you can record your greyhound’s activity as breeding. It is also important to remember that if the greyhound is changing ownership or is being retired as a pet, those changes must be processed in the usual manner (retirements) and not just recorded in a Kennel Return.
Post-whelping certificate
Under the Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds, a breeding female greyhound must have a general health check by a veterinarian 6-8 weeks after whelping. GRV has created a template Post-Whelping Veterinary Certificate to support breeders in ensuring they meet the requirements of the Code of Practice. The template is available at https://greyhoundcare.grv.org.au/wp-content/ uploads/2020/12/Post-Whelping-Veterinary-Certificate-2020. pdf. Ask your veterinarian to complete the certificate when they examine your female and ensure you keep a copy as part of your Greyhound Record. On behalf of everyone at Greyhound Adoption Program, we want to say Merry Christmas! We sincerely hope that 2021 is a prosperous year for you all. Here at GAP, 2020 has certainly brought its challenges but we are proud to say that we have been able to adapt quickly to ensure we continued finding forever homes for our beloved greyhounds. We also wanted to take this chance to let you know that behind the scenes we are busy working to ensure all your favourite GAP events can return bigger and better in 2021. GAP Seymour will be closed from December 24 and reopen January 11. To keep up to date on all GAP events and announcements, please make sure you are following us on Facebook & Instagram.