Booklet for undp on achieving development goals

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Bangladesh and UNDP



GOALS Wasif Gaws Creative Director Grey Shack Limited Grey Shack, a communications and consultancy company which provides support to development organizations, multi-nationals, large corporations, SMEs, NGOs, institutions and individuals in all aspects of Communication Solutions, ICT Solutions and Strategic Business Consultancy. We provide special assistance in social awareness raising, behavior change communication, advocacy campaign, information education and communication, visibility and branding. By creating an end to end communication strategy and carefully planned implementation, Grey Shack helps to empower all its stakeholders understand the project goals and to contribute actively to the decision-making processes of development as a whole.

Bangladesh UNDP partnership document

Wasif Gaws Creative Director Grey Shack Limited Grey Shack, a communications and consultancy company which provides support to development organizations, multi-nationals, large corporations, SMEs, NGOs, institutions and individuals in all aspects of Communication Solutions, ICT Solutions and Strategic Business Consultancy. We provide special assistance in social awareness raising, behavior change communication, advocacy campaign, information education and communication, visibility and branding. By creating an end to end communication strategy and carefully planned implementation, Grey Shack helps to empower all its stakeholders understand the project goals and to contribute actively to the decision-making processes of development as a whole.



Bangladesh and UNDP: Bangladesh and UNDP:


From a modest beginning in 1971, From a modest beginning in 1971, has recorded impressive Bangladesh hasBangladesh recorded impressive in pulling gains in pulling gains its people out ofits people out of poverty; and made strides in poverty; and made excellent stridesexcellent in the area of health and education, the area of health and education, especially in ensuring gender parity. All especially in ensuring gender parity. All of this achieved by leveraging of this was achieved bywas leveraging breakthrough thinking and wide breakthrough thinking and wide ranging partnership. ranging partnership. It is this very It is this very feature of Bangladesh’s development feature of Bangladesh’s development journey inspired journey that inspired thethat 2013 Humanthe 2013 Human Development to list the country Development Report to list theReport country among the 18 countries who have among the 18 countries who have performed superlatively. performed superlatively. And it is also And it is also this feature of Bangladesh-UNDP this feature of Bangladesh-UNDP over lastthat the 4 decades that partnership overpartnership last the 4 decades makes it unique. makes it unique. partnership between Bangladesh The partnershipThe between Bangladesh and UNDP originates and UNDP originates in 1972 - beforein 1972 - before Bangladesh formally Bangladesh formally joined the UN injoined the UN in September September of 1974. During of the1974. earlyDuring the early days, the partnership focused on days, the partnership focused on rebuilding the much needed communirebuilding the much needed communicationand infrastructure and institutes like cation infrastructure institutes like centres etc. to immediately training centrestraining etc. to immediately the skills gaps faced by the address the skillsaddress gaps faced by the country. However, partnership soon country. However, the partnership the soon and deepened in areas broadened and broadened deepened in areas considered critical for national developconsidered critical for national development. ment.






jointlytoworking to find a customizedIn a country In awhere country wherereduction poverty reduction The Bangladesh-UNDP partnershipjointly working find a customized poverty The Bangladesh-UNDP partnership social-protection for the country has traditionally results in the social-protection policy for policy the country discourse discourse has traditionally focused focused producedproduced innovativeinnovative results in the almost singularly on ruralthis poverty, this country’s battle to reduce persistentas a a whole. almost singularly on rural poverty, country’s battle to reduce persistent shift cannot be underestimated. poverty and disparity focussing on shift cannot be underestimated. poverty and disparity focussing on Urban Poverty TacklingTackling Urban Poverty poorand women and households extremelyextremely poor women households the key innovations Reducing Poverty in the CHT keyof innovations of this of this Reducing Poverty in the CHT bypeople women, people headed byheaded women, living in living inOne of theOne partnership the first major comprehenThe historic Peace Accord that partnership is the first ismajor comprehenThe historic Peace Accord that ended theended the urban in the post-conflict urban slums, andslums, in theand post-conflict sive programme to tackleurban growing urban bloody in the Chittagong sive programme to tackle growing bloody conflict inconflict the Chittagong Chittagong area. Chittagong Hill-TractsHill-Tracts area. poverty. Our joint intervention has Hill-tracts Hill-tracts region of Bangladesh poverty. Our joint intervention has region of Bangladesh paved paved Empowering empowered over3 million thethe ways for the partnership Empowering People People empowered over3 million poor slumpoor slum the ways for partnership to take upto a take up a the lastone decade, one keyinitiative dwellers, of nearlyhouseholds 800,000 households new area of challenge—poverty During theDuring last decade, keyinitiative dwellers, of nearly 800,000 new area of challenge—poverty reduc- reducwas theofcreation a social protection have formed 2,500 Communitytion in a post-conflict tion in a post-conflict area. In partnership was the creation a socialof protection who havewho formed 2,500 Community area. In partnership for about 30,000who women who Development Committees with theofMinistry of Chittagong Hill system forsystem about 30,000 women Development Committees (CDC), to (CDC), towith the Ministry Chittagong Hill headed households in rural Bangladesh. identify their own needs and implement headed households in rural Bangladesh. identify their own needs and implement The innovative design of the scheme ownSupported projects. Supported and local CSO, UNDP’s The innovative design of the scheme their own their projects. by the by the traditionaltraditional circles andcircles local CSO, UNDP’s thethe initiative the distinct honour partnership, Bangladesh first support was instrumental in progressive earned theearned initiative distinct honour partnership, Bangladesh hosted itshosted first its support was instrumental in progressive of being considered Urban Forum in 2011 that crystallized implementation of the accord of being considered “the best”“the in best” in Urban Forum in 2011 that crystallized implementation of the accord and layingand laying independent in promoting national thinking nationalon thinking on urban povertythe foundation the foundation human development, independent studies in studies promoting urban poverty for humanfor development, graduation fromInspired Inspired the andissues led to of inclusion stability, and long lasting peace in the graduation from poverty. the by issues led toand inclusion urban of urbanstability, and long lasting peace in the success, Bangladesh issues in all subsequent policy discourse. success, Bangladesh and UNDPand are UNDP are issues in all subsequent policy discourse. region. region. Partners: Department for International Development,Australian Agency for International Development,Government of Partners: Department for International Development,Australian Agency for International Development,Government of Norway,European Union,Canadian Development Agency, Danish International Development U.S. Agency for Norway,European Union,Canadian InternationalInternational Development Agency, Danish International Development Agency, U.S. Agency, Agency for Development, CARE Bangladesh, Japan and Government of Bangladesh InternationalInternational Development, CARE Bangladesh, GovernmentGovernment of Japan andof Government of Bangladesh




A Comprehensive Approach A Comprehensive Approach

Wasif Gaws Creative Director Grey Shack Limited

With30% overof30% of its population exposed With over its population exposed to floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and river to floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and river bank erosion,Bangladesh also a global bank erosion,Bangladesh is also is a global and innovator in theoffield of leaderleader and innovator in the field disaster management and risk disaster management and risk reduction—a keyof focus reduction—a key focus the of the Bangladesh-UNDP partnership. Bangladesh-UNDP partnership. In the In the 70s, thewas focus on improving 70s, the focus onwas improving early early warning systems. In the 80s, UNDP warning systems. In the 80s, UNDP thefor need for comprehenstudiesstudies showsshows the need comprehensive policy and national preparedness. sive policy and national preparedness. Consequently, establishment of “Disaster Consequently, Con Co nsse eq qu ue e establishment of “Disaster Management Bureau (DMB)” in 1993, and Management Bureau (DMB)” in 1993, and formulation of the “Standing formulation of the “Standing Order Order on on Disaster” – that finally codified a Disaster” in 1997in–1997 that finally codified a new disaster management landscape – new disaster management landscape – became two milestones other milestones became two other of this of this partnership. partnership.

Grey Shack, a communications and consultancy company which provides support to development organizations, multi-nationals, large corporations, SMEs, NGOs, institutions and individuals in all aspects of Communication Solutions, ICT Solutions and Strategic Business Consultancy. We provide special assistance in social awareness raising, behavior change communication, advocacy campaign, information education and communication, visibility and branding. By creating an end to end communication strategy and carefully planned implementation, Grey Shack helps to empower all its stakeholders understand the project goals and to contribute actively to the decision-making processes of development as a whole.



Adopting a Winning Adopting a Winning ModelModel

This trusted partnership, This trusted partnership, duringduring the lastthe last decade, inspired the country to adopt a decade, inspired the country to adopt a multi-hazard, ‘all-risks’ , national risk reduction multi-hazard, ‘all-risks’ , national risk reduction a global in Bangladesh. model,model, a global first, infirst, Bangladesh. The The Combination the country’s improved Combination of the of country’s improved capacity, coordination and leadership, capacity, coordination and leadership, and and multi-hazard resulted in casualties fewer casualties multi-hazard focus, focus, resulted in fewer when Cyclone Sidrstruck in than 2007,athan a similar when Cyclone Sidrstruck in 2007, similar cyclone inWithin 1991. Within 48 hours, more than cyclone in 1991. 48 hours, more than three million were evacuated from the three million peoplepeople were evacuated from the area, andand relief and rescue items reached area, and relief rescue items reached 70 70

Preparations BetterBetter Preparations

88 million have twodays extra days Today,Today, 88 million citizenscitizens have two extra of notice for impending 112 million of notice for impending floods,floods, 112 million have access early warning systems, peoplepeople have access to earlytowarning systems, 18 million children knowtohow to 18 million schoolschool children know how prepare andto react to disaster, and disaster, prepare for andfor react disaster, and disaster, risks, and vulnerabilities have been climateclimate risks, and vulnerabilities have been reduced for 3 million people. reduced for 3 million people.

Building Resilience Building Resilience

In recent years, theof focus ourhas work has In recent years, the focus our of work towards building resilience shiftedshifted towards building resilience in faceinofface of ever increasing from natural disasters ever increasing threatsthreats from natural disasters to climate change. Bangladesh linkedlinked to climate change. Bangladesh andUNDP partnered in establishing andUNDP partnered in establishing three three of Southern Bangladesh - one area ofarea Southern Bangladesh - one of the of the management. management.

Department for International Development,Australian for International Development,Government of Partners:Partners: Department for International Development,Australian Agency Agency for International Development,Government of Norway,European Union,Canadian International Development Danish International Development U.S. Norway,European Union,Canadian International Development Agency,Agency, Danish International Development Agency,Agency, U.S. for International Development, CARE Bangladesh, Government Japan and Government of Bangladesh Agency Agency for International Development, CARE Bangladesh, Government of Japanofand Government of Bangladesh




Strengthening Local Governance Strengthening Local Governance

Another key milestone of the of the Another key milestone Bangladesh-UNDP partnership is Bangladesh-UNDP partnership is strengthening institutions of democratic strengthening institutions of democratic governance, especiallyespecially at the local governance, at the local level.Starting in the early 1990s, UNDP level.Starting in the early 1990s, UNDP and Bangladesh explored developinginand Bangladesh explored developinginnovative solutions make local governnovative to solutions to make local governing systeming ofsystem direct funding of directschemes, funding schemes, development of planning development of processes, planning processes, including including introduction of open budget introduction of open budget consultations, is accepted as the standard consultations, is accepted as the standard operatingoperating procedureprocedure through the 2009 through the 2009 Union Parishad UnionAct. Parishad Act.

Supporting EffectiveEffective Grassroots PlanningPlanning Supporting Grassroots 118 million voices arevoices reflected local budgets. similar goals, thegoals, partnership promotedpromoted 118 million are in reflected in local With budgets. With similar the partnership introduction of the Union Information and Service otherand ICT other enabled introduction of the Union Information andCentres Serviceand Centres ICTservices enabled services have reduced costs, andcosts, addressed accessibility issues by issues makingbygovernment havewaiting reducedtime, waiting time, and addressed accessibility making government seen the Village Courts programme provide access to access justice to justice disadvantaged groups, and seen the Village Courts programme provide to disadvantaged groups, and


Partners: European Union, UNCDF, U.S. UNCDF, Agency U.S. for International Development, DepartmentDepartment for International Development, Danish International Development Partners: European Union, Agency for International Development, for International Development, Danish International Development Agency, Swedish International Development CooperationCooperation Agency, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Government of Bangladesh Agency, Swedish International Development Agency, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Government of Bangladesh


Enhancing Democratic SystemsSystems Enhancing Democratic

Nationally,Nationally, UNDP hasUNDP partnered with government to enhance systems, such as such as has partnered with government todemocratic enhance democratic systems, compilingcompiling a nationalabiometric voter list ofvoter 81 million voters in 2008and (Geographic national biometric list of 81 million voters inGIS 2008and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) based constituency demarcation. It alsostrengthened parliamentary Information Systems) based constituency demarcation. It alsostrengthened parliamentary democracy and critically to puttingto inputting place prerequisites for a vibrant democracy andcontributed critically contributed in place prerequisites forcommittee a vibrant committee system forsystem public for oversight. The establishment of the National Rights Commission public oversight. The establishment of theHuman National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in (NHRC) 2008, after yearsafter of persistent engagement with the government was a landmark in 2008, years of persistent engagement with the government was a landmark moment in Bangladesh. Similarly, the establishment of dedicated centres to support victims moment in Bangladesh. Similarly, the establishment of dedicated centres to support victims of violenceofand child abuse, theabuse, doubling womenofpolice form 2.5%form in 2009 toin 6.7% into 2013, violence and child the of doubling women police 2.5% 2009 6.7% in 2013, and introduction of modernofforensic are some significant of this partnership. and introduction modernlabs forensic labs of arethe some of the significant of this partnership.




the previous section highlights of development WhileWhile the previous section highlights somesome of development innovations supported by UNDP-Bangladesh partnership innovations supported by UNDP-Bangladesh partnership over over the4last 4 decades, are many the last decades, there there are many more.more. SomeSome majormajor ones ones are are partnering in conversion of natural gasCNG intoto CNG to eliminate partnering in conversion of natural gas into eliminate the the of from CFCs Bangladeshi from Bangladeshi factories; supporting private use ofuse CFCs factories; supporting private enter-enterto invest low emission factories that halved prisesprises to invest in lowinemission “green“green brick”brick” factories that halved carbon emissions; redefining services by introducing carbon emissions; redefining policepolice services by introducing the the country’s first model police stations; delivery of public services country’s first model police stations; delivery of public services mobile phones and the internet; introducing mobile usingusing mobile phones and the internet; introducing mobile phonephone payment systems; and creating state ICT based basedbased payment systems; and creating a statea of theofartthe ICTart based litigation management systems. litigation management systems.



Partners: Environment U.S. Agency for International Development, Department for International Partners: Global Global Environment Facility,Facility, U.S. Agency for International Development, Department for International Development and Government of Bangladesh, Montreal Protocol and Government of Bangladesh Development and Government of Bangladesh, Montreal Protocol and Government of Bangladesh


Besides creating fostering partnerships various government Besides creating andand fostering partnerships withwith various government institutions, we have worked along society organizations institutions, we have worked along withwith civilcivil society organizations private enterprises.After 40 years of experience a trusted andand private enterprises.After 40 years of experience as aas trusted andand respected partner of successive governments in Bangladesh, UNDP’s respected partner of successive governments in Bangladesh, UNDP’s track record in forming close partnerships ministries track record in forming close partnerships withwith key key ministries andand departments it apart many otherdevelopment bodies. departments setssets it apart fromfrom many otherdevelopment bodies. We We are committed to keep working closely government are committed to keep working closely withwith the the government to to delivers short-term needs, as well as builds capacity delivers bothboth vitalvital short-term needs, as well as builds capacity for for long-term transformational change. long-term transformational change. 11








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Wasif Gaws Creative Director Grey Shack Limited Grey Shack, a communications and consultancy company which provides support to development organizations, multi-nationals, large corporations, SMEs, NGOs, institutions and individuals in all aspects of Communication Solutions, ICT Solutions and Strategic Business Consultancy. We provide special assistance in social awareness raising, behavior change communication, advocacy campaign, information education and communication, visibility and branding. By creating an end to end communication strategy and carefully planned implementation, Grey Shack helps to empower all its stakeholders understand the project goals and to contribute actively to the decision-making processes of development as a whole.


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