August 2015

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GRG of Brevard


ISSUE # 169



Brevard County schools start on August 12th. Did you know that out of the 73,000 children in Brevard County Schools 1 of 12 children are being raised by grandparents or other relatives? These children are also considered “homeless” by the school system. If your grandchildren are receiving state funding some of them qualify for free lunches and if these children are not performing at grade level they should have an “IEP” (Individual Educational Plan). Contact your school to find out about this program. The McKay Scholar Program is a program which enables you to possibly allow you to transfer your grandchild to a private school. Go on line to McKay Scholarship to see application and how to apply.

Unfortunately at this time we do not have legal funds available. If you have received assistance with your legal expenses to obtain, adoption, custody, or guardianship from Grandparents Raising Grandchildren please consider making a donation to assist others who need assistance or volunteering your time to pay it forward for someone else in need. For those of you who currently need assistance, we will be conducting an informational workshop on you making an effort to get custody, guardianship and adoption. This seminar will cover: • Forms for the parents to sign • Assistance on filing your papers • Diligent search if you cannot find a parent Please contact the GRG of Brevard office for more information and to register to attend. 321-631-7776. Please be aware we are working diligently writing grants and future fundraising so we may help more families.

Get ready

For the initial enrollment you will need: Withdrawal form from the last school the child attended, if the child attended a different school previously Medications taken at school Birth certificate Immunization record Documents for special education and Section 504 services School transcripts Court orders establishing custody

GRG of Brevard Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting August 21st – 12:00 -1:00 pm This meeting will be at the GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd. This meeting is open to all GRG of Brevard members, and you are welcome to attend.

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Issue 169

GRG of Brevard


It is very important that we share some information with you. On Thursday, July 23, we were invited to attend a day at the Brevard County Sheriff's Camp Chance. They sent a school bus to pick us up. There were doughnuts for us when we arrived. They brought 3 dogs from the K-9 unit, 2 air boats for us to ride, as well as snow cones, popcorn, games and other activities. It took a lot of time and effort for them to put all of this together for us. We had 27 people sign up to attend, but only 12 actually showed up. We try to schedule activities that are of no cost to us so that our grandchildren can experience a variety of things and enjoy spending time with other children and grandparents. Attendance at these activities seems to be getting smaller and smaller. At the rate it is going we will have to start cutting back on some activities and may not be invited to participate in some offered by other agencies. This is something we would hate to see happen. Please remember that if you sign up to attend an event everything from the food to the activities are planned around the number expected. A lot of time, money and effort go into putting on these events, so please if you sign up, plan to attend or give us 48 hours notice if your plans change. We realize sometimes things come up and we will understand. We may have been small in numbers, but we had a BIG time. THANKS to those that attended and we hope to see our numbers grow for our next event.

Mary Ann


Taken from Back to School Safety in the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office BCSO Star publish in July 26, 2015 TODAY Newspaper Every day, millions of children take to the street and highways to get to and from school. For many children this experience is a new one and they may not understand or be able to us the safety rules. Young children do not have the same frame of reference for safety as adults do. The tips noted below will help prepare for a safer journey. 1) Instruct your children to always TAKE a Friend. 2) Walk the route to and from school with your children pointing out landmarks and safe places to go if they are being followed or need help. 3) If anyone bothers your children or makes them feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused, while going to or from school, teach your children to trust their feeling, immediately get away from that person, and TELL you or another trusted adult. 4) Even though there can be more safety in numbers it is still not safe for young children to walk to and from school especially, if they must take isolated routes… 5) Instruct your children not to wear clothing or backpacks with their name if visible to strangers. 6) Ensure current and accurate emergency contact information is on file for your children at their school. 7) Teach your children if anyone tries to take them somewhere they should quickly get away and yell, “This person is not my father/mother.” 8) Teach your children if anyone follow them on foot to get away from that person as quickly as possible 9) Instruct your children to never leave school with anyone until they’ve checked with a trusted adult. 10) In the event your children may be lost or injured, make sure they carry a contact card with your name and telephone numbers such as work and cellular.

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Issue 169

GRG of Brevard

POST ADOPTION SUPPORT GROUP MEETING There is a post adoption support group that meets every first Tuesday of the month at the Brevard C.A.R.E.S. resource center from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Light refreshments and drinks are served, with activities for kids. There may be more services and programs available to you and your adoptive child. Our postadoption services are provided by the Post Adoption Support Coordinator at Brevard C.A.R.E.S, Kristin Pirozzi, by email at or by phone at 321-752-4650 x 3054. The Space Coast Foster Adoptive Families Alliance Support Group Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month from 630p-8p at New Hope Lutheran Church in West Melbourne FL.


Lillian Hobson is an independent Avon Representative. She has offered to donate 10% to GRG of all sales made at with Direct Delivery via UPS. Avon offers a wide variety of products including, but not limited to, skincare, makeup, clothing, jewelry and other gift items. Keep this in mind when you do your online shopping for yourselves and special occasions! This is a national website so orders can be made from all over the country! Do your shopping and benefit GRG at the same time. This offer is good through December 31, 2015.


The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren organization is so proud of our grandchildren's improvement in their endeavor to improve their grades. Kids bring your honor roll report cards to our office and you will receive your $25.00 gift card. Keep up the good work! We are so proud of our A-B Honor Roll Students; however, we are going to have to limit the students to two (2) gift cards a year. Wish we had more funds for their wonderful performance, but at this time we are limited.

BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Reminder for those of you who signed up for school supplies. They can be picked up on Friday, August 7th between 10:00am and 2:00pm at the GRG of Brevard office, 123 Barton Blvd. Suite 102, Rockledge.

We are stronger when we are together!

AUGUST 2015 ~ SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Tuesday, August 11th – Titusville Support Group Meeting 805 Century Medical Dr, Building B, Titusville. This group is partnered with Parrish Senior Solutions. 10:00 – 11:30 am (This meeting is always the second Tuesday of each month) Thursday, August 13th – Club Esteem Support Group Meeting Club Esteem 3316 Monroe Street, Melbourne 10:00 – 11:30 am. (This meeting is always the second Thursday of each month) Tuesday, August 18th – Central Brevard Support Group GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd, Rockledge 9:30-11:30 am (This meeting is always the third Tuesday of each month) Wednesday, August 19th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting Memaw’s Restaurant, 4916 Babcock Blvd, Palm Bay 6:00 – 7:30 pm (Dinner is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the third Wednesday of each month) Thursday, August 27th – Beach Side Support Group Memaw’s Restaurant, Indian Harbour Beach, 9:30 – 11:30 am (Breakfast is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the last Thursday of each month)

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The Child First!

ARE YOU RAISING YOUR RELATIVE’S CHILDREN? ARE YOU A PROFESSIONAL HELPING TO MEET THE NEEDS OF RELATIVES RAISING CHILDREN? Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County FL, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are deductible on corporate, foundation and individual tax returns to the extent provided by state and federal laws. Members of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. receive our newsletter and invitations to events where they can meet others in similar situations Name Date: Address:

City/State: Zip: Phone:

I am raising children who are not my own I am their: [ ] Grandparent [ ] Aunt / Uncle [ ] Sister / Brother [ ] Other (please specify) [ ] I am not in this situation but I want to join GRG of Brevard because I am interested in what you do.

Email: [ ] Annual Membership $20 per family or $10 per caregiver [ ] Annual Corporate Membership $500 I want to be a friend of the GRG of Brevard and enclose an additional donation of: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 Other: $

Please make your check payable to: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard

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