GRG of Brevard
ISSUE # 146
Thanks to YOU, our donors, volunteers and supporters,
Happy 4th of July On Saturday, July 27th, our 8th
During the month of July all GRG
Annual Children’s Picnic will be held
of Brevard support group meetings
at the Kiwanis Park on Merritt Island
just east of the Merritt Island Mall on
State Rd. 520 from 12:00 to 4:00PM.
include plan
children’s to
There will be a large water slide,
We still have spaces open for
snow cones, hot dogs, hamburgers,
assistance with summer camps. You
organized children’s games, bingo
must find where you want your
and door prizes. Once again the
grandchildren to attend. GRG of
River Cruise will be provided by
Brevard will provide the payment to
Capt. Mark & 1st Mate Michelle!
the camp you have chosen and
you will be responsible for getting a
change. Mark your calendars there
receipt for these activities to our
is something for everyone. For a day
of fun don’t forget to bring bathing
We have two passes to the
suits, a towel, sun-block, and a
Brevard Zoo for 2 adults and up to 6
covered dish to share.
grandchildren in free of charge.
Your support is essential to the success and continuation of our programs. Our community partners work by side with us to create a better world for children and families.
If you are interested you must request the pass and have it back in an allowed amount of time, so that others can utilize this passes. Please call the office at 321.631.7776.
[Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]
And Special Thanks To: MeMaw’s Restaurants, Parrish Senior Solutions & Club Esteem who provide meeting space for our monthly support meetings. Thanks to our faithful volunteers and donors across the county. Your support is essential to the success and continuation of our organization.
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Issue 146
GRG of Brevard
THE EVANS FAMILY A few years ago a tragedy took place in our community; three young girls lost their mother when she died suddenly on her way to attend the funeral of a family member. Sandra Evans, the girl’s aunt that was here visiting for the funeral became their guardian angel. She has left her job and home to relocate to Brevard County to be their relative caregiver. It's hard to ask others for help. As a caregiver you are pulled in many different directions all at the same time. You feel like your world is being manipulated by outside forces and is out of your control. The three girls are not typical in any way; the 16 years old has sickle cell anemia, the 14 year old has Type II diabetes and the ten year old is in a wheelchair with a feeding tube. Her diagnosis is developmentally delayed impairment, hypoxic encephalopathy, congenital heart disease, cerebral palsy and seizure disorder. Sandra has to be with the youngest child 24-7 and receives very little assistance to help her with the care of these children. The oldest child has to be taken to Arnold Palmer routinely and Sandra has no family in this area to assist with care for the youngest child. The family was living in a Habitat for Humanity home. This home became unlivable when rain damage caused a mold concern. They had to move out and live with friends. This was 4 months ago. Sandra has tried desperately to fulfill the requirements for these repairs to be made and has been unsuccessful in getting the repairs completed. I hope you'll join GRG of Brevard in raising awareness and sending love and support to this family. For information on how you can donate to the Evans Family please contact Mary Ann Sterling, Executive Director GRG of Brevard at 321-631-7776 or email Subject: Evans Family.
SENIOR COUNSELING ~ A REMINDER Cliff Valentine has offered senior counseling. Cliff is a certified counselor and has offered his services each Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Each client will receive an hour of counseling free of charge. If you are interested in using his services please call 631-7776 for an appointment.
E-NEWSLETTER Are you interested in receiving an online version of our newsletter rather than a printed version? Please send an email to and include your name, email address and mailing address to insure we update your record accordingly! Thank you for helping us save on printing costs so that more of each dollar can benefit children and families.
CONGRATULATIONS A celebration was held on June 20, 2013. After 5 years custody was finally granted for Dolores Collins for her grandson, Tavarious. Dolores has weathered the storm. We lost count of the times we have been to court on this pursuit. We share in her happiness for this event.
DID YOU KNOW? The US Department of Agriculture estimates it costs in the range of $11,000 to $14,000 per year to raise a child at a mid-level standard of living. Child Support can be an important resource to help you with the daily living costs of raising a child. The child (or children) you are caring for may already be entitled to receive child support from one or both of their parents. Or, it may be that a child support case was never brought against either parent.
Giving your time, love and resources makes all the difference in the world, especially for the children and families served by GRG of Brevard
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Issue 146
GRG of Brevard
SHINING STARS Congratulations to Diamond, granddaughter of Lillian Sanders and Carleton (C.J.), grandson of Priscilla Livingston for being accepted into Stone Middle School's Science and Technology Choice Program. The Science and Technology Choice Program endeavors to provide students with educational activities that integrate various technologies in a greater degree than a standard middle school curriculum. The goals of the program are: 1) High Student Achievement/Preparation 2) Unique Learning Opportunity Integration Inquiry Science and Technology 3) Positive/High Interest Learning Environment and 4) Attract /Retain Students. To be accepted into the program a student must maintain a “C” average or above and scored level III-V on FCAT Math and FCAT Reading. Diamond and C.J. are two of the 110 7th graders to be accepted into this program for the upcoming school year. Congratulations them again for all the hard. And wish them well on as they begin their journey into Middle School.
Just the facts… You need to know if the Department of Children and Families (DCF) removes your grandchildren from your child’s home and places them into your care. If you don’t insist that DCF puts them into your custody. They will say the children are safe and walk away. This will mean a difference in your benefits and ability to keep your grandchild safe. Also be aware that if you apply for funding the state will go after the parents for these funds.
hearing or within 30 days of the adjudicatory hearing. Case Plan Approval – Within 30 days of the disposition hearing a judge will review the case plan Judicial Reviews – within 90 days of the disposition hearing. Permanency Hearing – must be held no later than 12 months after the date the child was removed from the home or no later than 30 days after a court determines that reasonable efforts to return a child are not required, whichever occurs first. For a booklet on this information please call 631-7776. .
If DCF agrees to put the children into your custody there are seven steps before the grandchildren are adjudicated into your permanent custody or guardianship. Shelter Hearing – 24 hours after child is removed from home. Arraignment Hearing – 28 days of the shelter hearing Adjudicatory Hearing (trial) - If the parents or legal custodians deny any of the allegations in the petition, an adjudicatory hearing occurs within 30 days of the arraignment hearing. Disposition Hearing – should occur within 15 day of the arraignment
Help is just a Call Away: Office: 321.631.7776 Cell: 321.848.8006 123 Barton Blvd. Rockledge FL 32955 GRG of Brevard offers information and referral to assist you, support and discussion groups to connect you and educational workshops to inform you.
JULY 2013 ~ SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS During the month of July all GRG of Brevard support group meetings will include children’s activities. There are also extra meetings, please plan to bring your grandchildren. Thursday, July 9th – North Brevard 10:00 am - RIVER LANES BOWLING, 800 Cheney Hwy., Titusville Wednesday, July 10th – South Brevard 10:00 am - SWIMMING, 3400 Monroe St., Palm Bay Thursday, July 11th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting (Morning) 10:00 am – BOWLING, Call for location Tuesday, July 16th – Central Brevard Support Group 10:00 am – KAYAKING, Kiwanis Park, Merritt Island Thursday, July 18th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting (Evening) 6:00 pm – MOVIE – Memaw’s Restaurant, 4916 Babcock Blvd, Palm Bay Wednesday, July 24th – Central Brevard Support Group 10:00 am - ARTS AND CRAFTS GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd., Rockledge Thursday, June 25h – Beach Side Support Group 10:00 am – BOWLING, Brunswick Harbour Lanes, 1099 N. Wickham Rd. Melbourne Wednesday, July 31st – Central Brevard Support Group 2:00 pm – PLANETARIUM, BCC Cocoa Campus
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Issue 146
GRG of Brevard
HELP THE GRANDPARENTS AND CHILDREN OF GRG OF BREVARD BECOME A MEMBER AND/OR FRIEND Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County FL, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are deductible on corporate, foundation and individual tax returns to the extent provided by state and federal laws.
Members of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. receive our newsletter and invitations to events where they can meet others in similar situations Name
I am raising children who are not my own I am their: [ ] Grandparent [ ] Aunt / Uncle
[ ] Sister / Brother
[ ] Other (please specify) [ ] I am not in this situation but I want to join GRG of Brevard because I am interested in what you do.
City/State: Zip: Phone: Email: [ ] Annual Membership $20
[ ] Annual Corporate Membership $500
I want to be a friend of the GRG of Brevard and enclose an additional donation of: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 Other: $
Please make your check payable to: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. 123 Barton Blvd. Rockledge, FL 32955
Address Label
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