GRG of Brevard
ISSUE # 157
HUNGER DOESN’T TAKE A SUMMER BREAK! Summer Lunches for Children Free lunches for children will be served beginning in June throughout Brevard County as part of Florida’s Summer BreakSpot and United Way of Brevard’s Feed and Read. Meals are available to anyone 18 or younger. Breakfast also will be served at some sites. Opening dates sites vary. Summer BreakSpot locations are updated frequently. http://www.summerfoodflorida.or g/sites.html You can also find locations using your mobile phone: Download the School Lunch by Nutrislice app Dial 2-1-1 or Text "FOODFL" to 877-877 A Summer Reading Opportunity To combat the ‘summer slide’, Brevard Public Schools and United Way have teamed up on a new initiative “Tag In”. The concept is that teachers are ‘tagging out’ for the summer and parents must increase their role as primary educators of their children. Many
parents are not even aware of the negative impact of summer learning loss. Check the websites for more useful and fun information to encourage and support your grandchildren through the summer months. ls/parents/RideReadingWave.html ard/docs/summerslideflip2014
YOU NEED TO KNOW Governor Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 1666 on Monday June 23rd, aimed at overhauling the childwelfare system after hundreds of child abuse-related deaths in the past five years. The new law calls for a fundamental shift in the way the Department of Children and Families investigates and responds to cases. It clearly states that protecting a child from abuse is paramount and more important than keeping a family together. The law will fund jobs for 270 additional child protective
investigators to reduce caseloads. Child advocates said substance abuse treatment issues are at the heart of many child deaths The new law comes on the heels of a scathing series from the Miami Herald, which highlighted the deaths of 477 children involved with the Department of Children and Families in the past five years. A report released last fall reviewing 40 child deaths revealed that welfare authorities overlooked danger signs, such as parental drug abuse or domestic violence. Most children who died were younger that 5 and many of the deaths involved substance abuse. . Taken from Florida Today, June 24, 2014.
THANK YOU! A hugh thank you goes out to Brevard County Sherrif Wayne Ivey and his deputies The trip to Camp Chance was awesome! The grandchildren and the grandparents really enjoyed themselves.
[Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]
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Issue 157
GRG of Brevard
SUMMER CAMP Thanks to Community Foundation for Brevard and a very generous donor Grandparents Raising Grandchildren will assist you with summer camp fees. You select the camp, notify GRG of the registration or intent and cost and we will help you with the expense. You will have to supply us with your receipt and a copy of the registration. Please contact the office with the child’s name, your name, and the camp that you have selected with the dates of attendance. 321-631-7776
E-NEWSLETTER Are you interested in receiving an online version of our newsletter rather than a printed version? Please send an email to and include your name, email address and mailing address to insure we update your record accordingly! Thank you for helping us save on printing costs so that more of each dollar can benefit children and families.
CONGRATULATIONS C.J. & Cyrah Livingston, Diamond Rush, Eldreth Rosalie, Cedric & Makayla Williams for being outstanding students. Each won prizes for the hard work they put into their studies. What are your grandchildren’s grades? Let us know; maybe they will win one of our outstanding student awards!
Congrats to Janet Adams the winner of this month’s bean recipe. Ingredients: 1 pkg beans & rice, 6-8 cups of water, 1 lb of ground turkey, 1 pkg Taco mix, 1 cup water, 1 16 oz can of pinto beans, Hot sauce (optional) Directions: Pour water into a sauce pan, bring to a boil. Add beans & rice. Lower heat & simmer for 20 minutes. Add seasoning mix from beans & rice pkg. Stir well to mix. Brown ground turkey, drain oil from pan. Add Taco mix & 1 cup of water. Simmer 10 minutes. Add pinto beans. Mix into rice mixture and serve. If you have a recipe for the beans & rice please share it with us. You could be our next winner. We still have a supply of beans & rice in the office Please stop in and pick up a package or two, or three.
ALL MEETINGS THIS MONTH WILL INCLUDE ACTIVITIES FOR THE CHILDREN! You're Stronger When We're Together! Come and get support for parenting the second time around!
JULY 2014 ~ SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Thursday, July 10th – Club Esteem Support Group Meeting 10:00 – 11:30 am. Skating at Galaxy Skateway, 1488 Aurora Road, Melbourne
Tuesday, July 15th – Titusville Support Group Meeting 10:00 – 11:30 am Bowling at River Lanes, 800 Cheney Hwy Titusville, (Please note that the meeting date has changed for this month only! Please call Karen at 693-5136 or 631-7776 by Friday, July 11th if you want to participate in this activity. We need to have a headcount in advance.
Tuesday, July 15th – Central Brevard Support Group 9:30 -11:00 am Bowling at Shore Lanes, 600 N Courtenay Pkwy, Merritt Island
Wednesday, July 16th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting 6:00 – 7:30 pm Bowling at Shore Lanes4851 Dairy Rd Melbourne
Thursday, July 24th – Beach Side Support Group
9:30 – 11:00 am Bowling Brunswick Bowling Lanes 1099 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne
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Issue 157
GRG of Brevard
Cinemaworld's Summer KidFest 2014 Free films, seven days a week, all summer long! Every day at 10am, Cinemaworld Melbourne features a Family-Friendly G or PG rated film for your kids to enjoy, with new movies premiering on Fridays. Children are FREE. Adults are just $2 or FREE with the donation of a non-perishable pet-food item to benefit the Brevard County Humane Society. Premier Oaks, Melbourne
Visiting his grandparents, a small boy opened the big family Bible. He was fascinated as he fingered through the old pages. Suddenly, something fell out. He picked it up and found that it was on old leaf that had been pressed flat between the pages “Grandma, look what I found”, he called out. “What have you got there, dear?” his grandmother asked. With astonishment in his voice, the little boy answered, “I think it’s Adam’s underwear!
Movies are Tues, Wed, Thur @ 9:15 Doors open at 8:45 Limited Seating Cobb Theaters, Merritt Square Free movies start at 10 am Tues, Wed and Thurs Doors open at 9:45. Carmike Theaters, Viera Movies are 10am every Tuesday & Thursday. Movies are not free this year. A $4 admission charge is applicable, but includes a kids snack (popcorn and drink).
injury-related death among children between 1 and 4 years old. And it’s the third leading cause of death among children.
Movies are Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday at 10am. Movies are Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday at 10am.
Thursday July 17th 12-3 p.m. We will host “The Reality Check Program” with Lawrence Lawton. The Reality Check Program is designed to prevent pre-teens, teens and young adults from making bad choices and heading down the wrong path in life. Call 631-7776 to register your grandchildren for this program. You are encouraged to attend with your grandchildren. We are asking $10.00 per family to help cover Mr. Lawton’s expense. Snacks will be provided.
Drowning is the leading cause of
Satelite Beach Cinemas
Sears Town 10 Titusville
Never leave your child unattended around water. We know it sounds strict, but there is no room for compromise on this one. Babies can drown in as little as one inch of water. Put the cell phone away, forget about all the other things you have to do and give young children 100 percent of your attention when they are near or around water. Empty all tubs, buckets, containers and wading pools immediately after use. Store them upside down and out of children’s reach. Keep toilet lids closed and use toilet seat locks to prevent drowning. It’s also a good idea to keep doors to bathrooms and laundry rooms closed. Parents have a million things to do, but learning CPR should be on the top of the list. It will give you tremendous peace of mind – and the more peace of mind you have as a parent, the better.
Saturday, July 19th 12- 4:00 p.m. Our annual summer picnic will be held at Kiwanis Park, Merritt Island. This year’s picnic will be held across from the pavilion on the right side of the road. We will not have access to a kitchen this year so prepare food with that in mind. Please bring a covered dish or desert and a lawn chair, towel and sunblock. We will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs, water & drinks. We do need volunteers to help with the cooking, setting up the activities and the clean up. Call 631-7776 if you can help. There will be a water slide, bounce house, other activities for the children, bingo with prizes and Space Coast Tours (Michelle & Mark Anderson) will provide a nice boat ride along the Banana River.
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Issue 157 Raising Grandchildren Grandparents of Brevard County, FL, Inc. 123 Barton Blvd. Rockledge, FL 32955
HELP THE GRANDPARENTS AND CHILDREN OF GRG OF BREVARD BECOME A MEMBER AND/OR FRIEND Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County FL, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are deductible on corporate, foundation and individual tax returns to the extent provided by state and federal laws. Members of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. receive our newsletter and invitations to events where they can meet others in similar situations Name
I am raising children who are not my own I am their: [ ] Grandparent [ ] Aunt / Uncle
[ ] Sister / Brother
[ ] Other (please specify) [ ] I am not in this situation but I want to join GRG of Brevard because I am interested in what you do.
City/State: Zip: Phone: Email: [ ] Annual Membership $20
[ ] Annual Corporate Membership $500
I want to be a friend of the GRG of Brevard and enclose an additional donation of: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 Other: $
Please make your check payable to: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard
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