GRG of Brevard July 2015 Newsletter

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GRG of Brevard


ISSUE # 168



Over 100 grandparents and grandchildren attended our annual summer picnic and it was wonderful to see the children having such a good time. A special thanks to Capt. Mark from Blue Dolphin for providing the boat rides again and A Sporting Chance. Thanks to volunteers who made the day memorial for the families.

Please call and let us know if you are in need of school supplies and backpacks as we have to make purchases and need a number of grandchildren who need assistance with supplies. Call 321-631-7776 before July 24th to be included.

CAMP CHANCE The Brevard County Sheriff's Dept. is sponsoring another CAMP CHANCE to be held on Thursday, July 23rd. We will meet at 8:00 AM at the GRG of Brevard office, 123 Barton Blvd, Rockledge to be transported to the site. For each child attending please bring bathing suit, towel, water bottle, sun screen and a box lunch – also remember to bring a lunch and water bottle for yourself. The bus will leave Camp Chance between 2:30 PM and 3:00 PM to bring us back to the office. Please call before July 9th if you plan to attend. Caregivers must attend with your grandchild.

CHRISTMAS IN JULY GRG of Brevard will be holding a Christmas in July vendor/craft event on Saturday, July 25th from 10:00AM - 3:00PM at the Martin Andersen Senior Center, 1025 S. Florida Ave. Rockledge. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a space, the cost is $35.00 for a table and two chairs. For more information contact Karen at 631-7776 or 506-4554.

2016 CALENDAR GRG of Brevard is planning on publishing a 2016 calendar as a fundraiser. If you would like to have your grandchild appear in the calendar please drop off or mail a picture and preferred month to appear, at the GRG office: 123 Barton Blvd., Rockledge, FL 32955 no later than June 30. You will be required to sign a Photography Release for your minor grandchild or grandchildren. The calendar will also mark the dates for every Support Group Meeting and upcoming events. If you have any questions, please call either Karen or Mary Ann at 321-6317776

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Issue 168

GRG of Brevard

LETTER TO MEMBERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR It is very important that we share some information with you. In this era of belt-tightening, "cost effectiveness" is a key expression in people's minds. If there is a perfect example of cost-effectiveness, it has to be the GRG of Brevard Support Group Meetings. Over the past 20 years, this program has helped thousands of families. What would have become of them if support groups did not exist? What will become of current participants if program funding is eliminated? The answers are many and varied. This is the only time we have to come together to unwind, and share our problems. Support Groups are for new relative caregivers as well as our long time caregivers; they serve double duty, connecting you with community resources that will help. Without the Support Groups as a place for grandparents to vent their problems and build their parenting skills stress builds. Grandparents learn from each other's mistakes, and children learn by their grandparents' example. We have had less participation in our activities and support group meetings lately. It could be due to the end of the school year and summer vacations; however please let us know WHY. Just to let you know if we do not have good turn outs at these events it can hurt our ability to receive funding. With grant funds we are able to provide summer camp assistance, backpack and school supplies, a summer picnic, Christmas assistance, a Christmas Party, parenting classes, legal assistance, an office, and gift cards for good grades. In order to remain a vital resource to the grandparents who need our help; please try to attend at least three support group meetings a year, attend our special events and volunteer to assist with events. If you have received legal assistance, please let us know the status of your case and results. For those of you who do participate thank you very much. Your involvement is so important to keep our organization doing what we hope is that by assisting you we help meet the needs of your grandchildren for a successful transition. Let us hear from you with any suggestions which we may implement to improve our services.

Mary Ann

GOOD GRADES The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren organization is so proud of our grandchildren's improvement in their endeavor to improve their grades. Kids bring your honor roll report cards to our office and you will receive your $25.00 gift card. Keep up the good work! We are so proud of our A-B Honor Roll Students; however, we are going to have to limit the students to two (2) gift cards a year. Wish we had more funds for their wonderful performance, but at this time we are limited.


Senate Bill 1666 which strengthens laws and increases resources to protect children from abuse and neglect; passed the senate 37-0 last July adds more than $47 Million for DCF services (nearly 200 new investigators). The bill places “an emphasis on child safety above family reunification. GRG’s comment: This supposedly was going to make our Child Welfare System better. Senators pushed through more than a dozen late filed amendments to bring their bill in line with a companion bill in the House. The amendments addressed everything from keeping siblings together in Foster Homes, whenever possible, to requiring DCF to post child death information on their website in an effort to improve transparency and placing a preference on putting children in Foster Homes instead of group homes and institutions. For several years, DCF has placed a premium on putting fewer children in foster care and, instead, offering family services while the child remains at home. Experts say there are gaps in those services and lax enforcement, usually nothing more than a verbal agreement from a parent to stay away from an abusive spouse, attend parenting classes or to quit drugs. But a new amendment stressed that safety plans can no longer rely on verbal promises from parents. Check out the website for more information: Let us know if you have seen a difference since this was implemented a year ago. Page 2

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GRG of Brevard

POST ADOPTION SUPPORT GROUP MEETING There is a post adoption support group that meets every first Tuesday of the month at the Brevard C.A.R.E.S. resource center from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Light refreshments and drinks are served, with activities for kids. There may be more services and programs available to you and your adoptive child. Our postadoption services are provided by the Post Adoption Support Coordinator at Brevard C.A.R.E.S, Kristin Pirozzi, by email at or by phone at 321-752-4650 x 3054. The Space Coast Foster Adoptive Families Alliance Support Group Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month from 630p-8p at New Hope Lutheran Church in West Melbourne FL.


The amount of time children spend in front of a screen –television, video games or computer – can hurt their social and intellectual development. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that preschoolers limit screen time to two hours a day. A recent study, however, found that 66% of young children exceed that mark. Too much screen time can lead to speech delays, obesity, and increased psychological problems, including difficulty in getting along with friends. For older children, screen time isn’t defined by how much time a child may spend, but by how screen time affects the rest of their life. Some suggestions for reducing screen time are: • Remove TVs, game systems and computers from children’s bedrooms • Use a stopwatch or clock to manage screen time. Some video systems have shut-off features • Limit the use of portable systems away from home • Instead of hours per night, agree to one or two gaming days or nights per week • Discuss the importance of limiting screen time In a article Obsessed with Tech by Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle, Millennial Minds; researchers recently found that nearly 3 out of 4 students had significant emotional responses (including anxiety, irritability, loneliness and anger) if they were forced to unplug from technology for an entire day. Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle is a psychologist practicing with Florida Counseling Center, 1299 Bedford Drive, Suite A, Melbourne.

We know it is summer but please try to attend!

JULY 2015 ~ SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Thursday, July 9th – Club Esteem Support Group Meeting (children’s activities: bowling and skating) Club Esteem 3316 Monroe Street, Melbourne 10:00 – 11:30 am. (This meeting is always the second Thursday of each month) Tuesday, July 14th – Titusville Support Group Meeting 805 Century Medical Dr, Building B, Titusville. This group is partnered with Parrish Senior Solutions. 10:00 – 11:30 am (This meeting is always the second Tuesday of each month) Wednesday, July 15th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting Memaw’s Restaurant, 4916 Babcock Blvd, Palm Bay 6:00 – 7:30 pm (Dinner is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the third Wednesday of each month) Tuesday, July 21st – Central Brevard Support Group (children’s activities: arts and crafts) GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd, Rockledge 9:30-11:30 am (This meeting is always the third Tuesday of each month) Thursday, July 30th – Beach Side Support Group Memaw’s Restaurant, Indian Harbour Beach, 9:30 – 11:30 am (Breakfast is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the last Thursday of each month) Page 3

The Child First!

ARE YOU RAISING YOUR RELATIVE’S CHILDREN? ARE YOU A PROFESSIONAL HELPING TO MEET THE NEEDS OF RELATIVES RAISING CHILDREN? Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County FL, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are deductible on corporate, foundation and individual tax returns to the extent provided by state and federal laws. Members of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. receive our newsletter and invitations to events where they can meet others in similar situations Name Date: Address:

I am raising children who are not my own I am their: [ ] Grandparent [ ] Aunt / Uncle [ ] Sister / Brother [ ] Other (please specify)

City/State: Zip: Phone:

[ ] I am not in this situation but I want to join GRG of Brevard because I am interested in what you do.

Email: [ ] Annual Membership $20 per family or $10 per caregiver [ ] Annual Corporate Membership $500 I want to be a friend of the GRG of Brevard and enclose an additional donation of: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 Other: $

Please make your check payable to: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard

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