March 2015

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GRG of Brevard


GOOD START TO THE NEW YEAR! GRG of Brevard has received a grant from the Wal~Mart Foundation to assist with the Children’s Summer Picnic and Back to School Supplies. We have also submitted grants to United Way of Brevard, The Community Foundation for Brevard and The City of Palm Bay for The Child First Program. We will keep you updated on our progress.

NEW MOVIE – BLACK & WHITE Taken from a recent Huffington Post article by Donna Butts, Executive Director of Generation’s United:

ISSUE # 164

Joyce Wright Our thoughts and prayers are with Joyce Wright; she has been in the hospital. Get well, Joyce; we look forward to seeing you soon!

T.A.R.G.E.T. TRAINING IS COMING For those new to GRG of Brevard TARGET is a sixweek training course that covers the latest information from community and state experts on topics ranging from financial stability and legal assistance to parenting autistic children. Dates will be announced in the upcoming newsletters and support group meetings. “It's about family, shining a light on the changing face of families in America. It's about a little girl who needs what all children need -- a safe and permanent family. And like 7.8 million other children in America, she found that in a home belonging to her grandparents. In the end, Eloise was the bridge between the people who loved her. She gave them the reason to be better people. She believed in them. And flawed as they were, they learned to trust each other and meet--not in black or white-but gray where a child waited.” pYQNMuxk%3d&tabid=157&mid=606

THANK YOU The holidays may be behind us, but the memories YOU helped us to create will last a lifetime! Our many thanks to all who contributed, volunteered and supported GRG of Brevard in 2014.

[Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]

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Issue 164

GRG of Brevard

WHAT’S NEW After School Tutoring Melboure

Grant Street Community Center, 2547 Grant Street 321-674-5723 M-F 3:00 - 5:00 PM Ages 8-17 (Call for Information) Sharpes Walter Butler Community Center, 4201 US HWY 1 321-433-4448 (By Appointment) Melbourne / Palm Bay Lipscomb Community Center, 3316 Monroe St. 321-674-5725 M-F 5:30 – 7 PM Ages 6-12 (Call for Information)

Parenting Again Survival Training ~ Bring Your Ideas, Questions, and your Sense of Humor! This will be a new program offered by GRG of Brevard. Workshops will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting March 11th 10:30 -1:30am at the GRG office (123 Barton Blvd. Suite 102, Rockledge). The group leader and trainer will be Cliff Valentine, a retired mental health and addictions professional. Cliff has over 40 years of experience in directing and providing Family and Addictions programs in private practice, industry, government, military, and non-profit settings. He believes in the power of support groups such as GRG and looks forward to working with all the GRG participants. The sessions will be divided into 3 parts: 1 - Learning to be One’s Own Counselor, 2 - Parenting Techniques that Work & 3 - Q & A - Problem Solving and Resources available.

Relative Caregiver Funding Grandparents qualify for these funds when they receive custody through the Dependency Court (Judge McKibben) DCF involvement Per child per month ► 6-12 years $249.00 ►13-17 years $298.00 Relative Caretaker Funding also known as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Grandparents qualify for these funds when they receive custody through the Family Court, have a POA, or no paper work. Per child per month ►All ages (1 child) - $180.00 any additional children will receive $61.00 each ►2 children - $241.00 total ► 3 children $303.00 total ► 4 children - $364.00 total Please Note: If you allow your child, the parents of your grandchildren to move into your home you lose these benefits. You're Stronger When We're Together

MARCH 2015 ~ SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Tuesday, March 10th – Titusville Support Group Meeting (Cynthia Koppler – BrightStar) 805 Century Medical Dr, Building B, Titusville. This group is partnered with Parrish Senior Solutions. 10:00 – 11:30 am (This meeting is always the second Tuesday of each month) Wednesday, March 11th – Parenting Again Workshop GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd, Rockledge 10:30 -11:30 am (This meeting is always the second Wednesday of each month) Thursday, March 12th – Club Esteem Support Group Meeting (Cynthia Koppler – BrightStar) Club Esteem 3316 Monroe Street, Melbourne 10:00 – 11:30 am. (This meeting is always the second Thursday of each month) Tuesday, March 17th – Central Brevard Support Group (Cynthia Koppler – BrightStar) GRG of Brevard Office, 123 Barton Blvd, Rockledge 9:30 -11:00 am (This meeting is always the third Tuesday of each month) Wednesday, March 18th – South Brevard Support Group Meeting Memaw’s Restaurant, 4916 Babcock Blvd, Palm Bay 6:00 – 7:30 pm (Dinner is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the third Wednesday of each month) Thursday, March 26th – Beach Side Support Group (Cynthia Koppler – BrightStar) Memaw’s Restaurant, Indian Harbour Beach, 9:30 – 11:30 am (Breakfast is available at member's expense) (This meeting is always the last Thursday of each month) Page 2

Issue 164

GRG of Brevard


On January 20, 2015, Diamond was adopted by her paternal grandparents; who have raised Diamond since she was about 6 weeks old. Bob and Marie Bridges are thankful for the guidance and support of GRG of Brevard and Attorney Scarlett Davidson over the years to finally reach this goal in providing Diamond a loving, secure and stable family home. Pictured left to right are: Scarlett Davidson, Judge Nancy Maloney, Marie Bridges, birth mother, and Bob Bridges.


When you are seeking assistance with child care: If you received your grandchild(ren) through DCF you qualify immediately for child care assistance through age 9. If you did not receive your grandchild(ren) through DCF, even if you have custody through Family Court, POA, or no paper work, and you are receiving TANF and meet a standard of needs (working, senior citizen or disabled) you qualify for child care by being put on a "waiting list" which could be 6 months or longer. You cannot receive after school care. This group of grandparents can receive child care until the child is 6 years of age. PLEASE NOTE: If you have one grandchild the wait is longer than if you have a school age child and a toddler under 3.

A SUPPORTIVE LOOK AT ADHD by Troy RWeber-Brown, LMFT As a caregiver for a family member’s children, you may be parenting a grandchild with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). One in 20 children lives with symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is a biological as well as behavioral disorder. Common symptoms include: · Trouble paying attention · Trouble focusing on just one thing · Trouble keeping still · Trouble thinking before acting · Trouble keeping track of things · Trouble learning in school Not all children with ADHD have the same symptoms. If the child you are parenting has any or all of the symptoms listed above, you’ll need to learn how to help and support them. One way to help is to develop a support system for your child. Support systems may include parents, counselors, therapists, tutors, teachers, friends, coaches, and your doctor. Each member of your child’s support system can assess how your child’s unique symptoms affect his/her daily activities ,and offer specific ideas on how to help manage symptoms and medication, become more organized, and make friends. Caring for a child with ADHD is not easy. It’s important to develop a support system for yourself as well. People who don’t understand the challenges often try to help by saying things like, “Always look on the bright side,” “Look for the silver lining,” and, “What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Hearing these things, even though they are well-meant, is not usually very helpful. After all, you know the end of that final cliché, “You’d be surprised what you can live through!” Having a support system of people who understand the difficulties of raising a child with ADHD will help you not just live through, but enjoy, the children in your care. Finally, find and acknowledge the strengths in your children. Children with ADHD are energetic, curious, creative, sensitive, humorous, and enthusiastic. Help them to value those strengths and share them with you. Reprint permission granted.

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GRG OF BREVARD The Child First Program Thank you for helping GRG of Brevard to identify the issues and challenges facing relative families in Brevard County. Over 8,500 children in Brevard are being raised by relatives other than their birth parents. GRG of Brevard is working to provide a voice for these families, and we need your HELP! By completing this form for your relative care family, you will help us to educate state and local policy-makers and funding organizations about the experiences of relative care families in Brevard County. Please complete all sections of the survey, however, if there is information requested that you are not comfortable sharing, please feel free to leave the area blank. We will not share your personal information with anyone. Once we have recorded your answers and added your name and address to our contact list; we will shred the name and address section of the form and retain the non-identifiable information in our files. Name: Address:

City: State:


Email address: Phone numbers:

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Please indicate the importance of the following supports and services needed by your family as a result of your relative care arrangement with (10) being most important and (1) being least important. Financial 1. School/Recreational Expenses 2. Food 3. Clothing 4. Legal Expenses Supports 1. Respite Care 2. Child Care 3. Advocacy 4. Support Group 5. Training 6. Tutoring 7. Transportation Medical/Mental Health 1. Insurance 2. Dental Care 3. Vision/Eyeglasses 4. Physical therapies 5. Counseling Other: ________________________________ 1.

Please check all of the following which apply to your relative care situation. Child 1. Emotional disability 2. Physical disability 3. Developmental disability 4. Learning Disability 5. Chronic Health Condition 6. Drug usage by child Self 1. Chronic/Acute Health condition 2. Difficulty managing children 3. Overburdened by responsibility 4. Conflict over parental rights 5. No personal transportation Family 1. Not enough money to support children 2. Housing is overcrowded 3. Parental visits pose risk to child 4. Planning for child postincarceration 5. Don’t understand agency rules 6. Don’t know where to go for help. Other: ________________________________ 1.

The top portion of this document will be destroyed after we have added your contact information to the data base. Thank you. How many Relative care children are living in your home and what are their ages?

 0-12 months  1-2 years  3-5 years  6-12 Years  13-18 years  over 18 years Was the child/children placed by  social services (DCF) or  the birth parent? How long have you provided relative care? _______________ Income level of your household.  under $10,000

 $15,000-$24,999  $60,000-$80,000

 $25,000-$39,999  over $80,000

 $10, 000-$14,999  $40,000--$59,999

Is primary income from government social security or disability? Yes / No Please mark any of the following that apply to adopting the children.

 Financial concerns  Parent Unwilling to terminate rights  Potential conflict with parent  Child does not want to be adopted  Other:

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Please use these lines to provide us with any additional information that you believe may help us to speak out more clearly with one voice for all relative care families in Brevard County. (You may also attach a separate sheet of paper.) Thank you for your time in completing this survey. If you have provided us with your address/other contact information, then we will add you to our contact list and keep you posted on any relative care initiatives which result from this project. Mail to:

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County 123 Barton Blvd. Suite 102 Rockledge, FL 32955

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The Child First!

HELP THE GRANDPARENTS AND CHILDREN OF GRG OF BREVARD BECOME A MEMBER AND/OR FRIEND Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County FL, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All gifts are deductible on corporate, foundation and individual tax returns to the extent provided by state and federal laws. Members of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard County, FL, Inc. receive our newsletter and invitations to events where they can meet others in similar situations Name Date: Address:

I am raising children who are not my own I am their: [ ] Grandparent [ ] Aunt / Uncle [ ] Sister / Brother [ ] Other (please specify)

City/State: Zip: Phone:

[ ] I am not in this situation but I want to join GRG of Brevard because I am interested in what you do.

Email: [ ] Annual Membership $20 per family or $10 per caregiver [ ] Annual Corporate Membership $500 I want to be a friend of the GRG of Brevard and enclose an additional donation of: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 Other: $

Please make your check payable to: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Brevard

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