Grief dreams newsletter summer 2016

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Grief Dreams Newsletter

Summer 2016

Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream. —Euripides

Thank you for your interest in the grief dreams newsletter! We have lots of exciting news to share! Joshua Black has been promoting the topic of grief dreams through many means over the last year. He has continued to spread awareness in the community by doing multiple presentations in Ontario (Canada) and just had a couple in Nova Scotia (Canada). With every talk he is seeing people get something they were missing in their life. From wanting understanding about dreams to just wanting to be among others that want to talk about it. What Joshua has told me is that seeing so many people from different races, culture, age, and careers embracing the topic is a wonderful feeling. It is a topic that is bringing people together in a world that tends to try and separate everyone.

If interested, upcoming and past talks can be found on

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