There are 560 comments. 879 people watching. NewestOldestReader Recommended Carl Lohan Carl Lohan 6 minutes ago None of this would have happened if Saddam Hussein was still at the helm. Yes, a heinous dictator but there is a reason he rose to power in Iraq. He was ruthless. He didn't fool around. He would crush any dissenters. So, by us beheading the dictator we have created this chaos. Secondly, just 3 weeks ago the same group of "hystericals" were screaming that we walk into WW3 with Russia. We have no business being the world's policeman. More often than not, we are unable to anticipate what our ill-conceived actions will bring. We need to advance a non-interventionist policy, as opposed to the aggressive Neocon insanity we have rolled out over the last 45 years. Reject the Neocon bullying that you are unpatriotic and an isolationist if you don't support US world hegemony. It must stop. David Brown David Brown 1 minute ago @Carl Lohan You know we are probably on opposite polls of thought but I might agree. Unless we can overcome our bi-polar behavior we should not engage anywhere in the world. So let's just give up and open all our borders (the few that are not already) and just bend over and kiss our selves goodbye. You lefties think it was Bush who went to war - it was America that went to war! David Brown David Brown 12 minutes ago I feel sick to my stomach - one combat veteran. William Koehler William Koehler 13 minutes ago "The one we've got can barely notice or doesn't care." - Daniel Henninger How about he barely notices and when he does, he doesn't care? 1 AMY ROTH AMY ROTH 26 minutes ago Ed Burns: YES you leave them there forever if that's what it takes. How long were U.S. troops in Germany? Japan? Okinawa? You think there weren't die-hard insurgents in Germany after the Nazi defeat? Then you don't know your history. What we're witnessing now is the same thing as the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War, when the North was "fatigued" with patrolling the South, and so the hundred years of slavery-in-allbut-name began, and the 700,000 U.S. bodies that were buried to bury slavery were sacrificed in vain. Just like George Bush's victory in Iraq is now gone with the wind. Obama's refusal to negotiate a status-of-forces agreement in Iraq when he became president is the very worst thing he's done. And that's saying a lot.
3 James Doppelheuer James Doppelheuer 30 minutes ago Obama's new spokesman said Iraq is one of his top foreign policy achievements. Just like Crimea... Dirk Dreux Dirk Dreux 31 minutes ago So, now, after nearly 6 years of Liberal ineptitude and falsehood based upon the perceived symbolic equity attached to America's first Afro-American President, we're being asked to consider Hilary Clinton, failed Secretary of State under the aforesaid Hero of Syria, to become the first female President under the same false doctrine of perceived fairness as opposed to the competence and strength necessary to actually do the job. The ongoing failure of this narcissistic and impotent administration becomes frighteningly clearer every day. 3 Ed Burns Ed Burns 41 minutes ago Ok then, Mr. Henninger, what's the solution? You say it was recommended that we leave troops in Iraq longer. How much longer? Toward what end? Simply forestalling this disaster a littler longer, time paid for with the blood of American soldiers? There will always be Islamists in the region who want to take territory by force. It doesn't matter if we bring all our troops home today tomorrow or ten years from now. They will wait us out, and then this will happen. We've already been fighting these wars for 10+ years and nothing has improved. Leaving more troops in Iraq or Afghanistan simply puts Americans in harms way for no tangible benefit. Anyone think we should just occupy the whole region indefinitely? 1 GOPAL VENKAT GOPAL VENKAT 40 minutes ago @Ed Burns , Solutions from Mr. Henninger? He is just an armchair critic - Solutions are not his forte! James Doppelheuer James Doppelheuer 43 minutes ago Obama is spitting on Iraq War veterans just like liberals spit on Vietnam vets. And then Obama is allowing them to die waiting on a VA appointment. 5 Richard Mourdock Richard Mourdock 46 minutes ago Brilliant analysis by Mr. Henninger. 1
Elena Barbera Elena Barbera 46 minutes ago He isn't doing much to help Americans here at home, either. What exactly is this man spending his time on? It's an embarrassment and a disgrace. 2 William Ledsham William Ledsham 41 minutes ago @Elena Barbera Golf and fundraising, actually more the latter than the former. Check his schedule any day. A bunch of fundraisers today, and then off to Palm Springs for some golf and fundraisers. Oh, I did forget, he occasionally reads a speech somebody else has written to some group or other to justify his trips as "official business" so the taxpayers can pick up the tab. 1 Barry Soetarro Barry Soetarro 1 hour ago FTA: "The fall of Mosul, Iraq, to al Qaeda terrorists ..." I thought it was reported that Al Qaeda disavowed these Islamist extremists that are marching toward Baghdad? So why does the author think it's Al Qaeda? James Doppelheuer James Doppelheuer 47 minutes ago @Barry Soetarro Does Obama or Al Qaeda have better credibility? 4 Frank Pecarich Frank Pecarich 1 hour ago "The big Obama bet is that Americans' opinion-polled "fatigue" with the world (if not his leadership) frees him to create a progressive domestic legacy." That's a pretty decent bet. I certainly wouldn't bet against him. JOHN MINARD JOHN MINARD 1 hour ago Hmmm......didn't Obama win a Nobel Peace Prize? Couldn't he go over there, bow and scrape, apologize a few times, and declare that Al-Queda and the Taliban are decimated? 3 Robert Post Robert Post 1 hour ago Wow .. you have got to be kidding me .. we are now looking at these terrorists marching on Bagdhad? I don't know why the author thinks they will surely stop at Bagdhad .. who's going to stop them: Maliki, Obama? Two useless leaders 1 anne marie erskine anne marie erskine 1 hour ago
Why anyone continues to assume that Obama cares anything about the USA, about our military, about peace is just nuts. Obama cares NOTHING about anything except Obama and the rise of radical terrorists. He is a radical Fascist traitor to the USA. His actions have proven that - destroy the USA and our economic base and our middle class and our education system - flood our nation with illegals - spit on the Constitution-break the law because the Democrat senators will do NOTHING to stop him - and arm our enemies. Of course, anyone with a brain knew all this in 2008 Throw Democrats out and eradicate Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, Fannie and Freddie, farm subsidies, every single American citizen MUST pay taxes, end government control of student loans; stop bailing out business and Wall Street; pass a voter ID LAW; put all illegals on a bus and send them back ; CLOSE our southern border; cut the pay of the president and all federal employee pay - ETC WAKE THE HELL UP, AMERICA 9 Robert Pruter Robert Pruter 1 hour ago The "Narcissist in Chief" has shown he can defeat straw men and imaginary foes all day long! Actual Bad Men.......Not so much! 11 Alex Nagy Alex Nagy 1 hour ago Perhaps President Obama should tell ISIS that, as to who's in charge in Iraq, "the debate is over." 7 Elliott Widaski Elliott Widaski 1 hour ago Golf this weekend for the President? 6 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 1 hour ago @Elliott Widaski - You bettcha! Our treat! 2 MICHAEL SULLIVAN MICHAEL SULLIVAN 1 hour ago I think Obama needs to proclaim the borders of Iraq secure as he did ours in 2009 . Problem solved and of course the WSJ would agree after all our security can't be more of any consequence when we could police the borders of the world instead. 2 Robert Post Robert Post 1 hour ago @MICHAEL SULLIVAN
Of course the US borders are secure .. just ask the 40,000 illegal immigrant children that have crossed into Texas in the last 5 months ... secure as a drum 1 Ernest Moosa Ernest Moosa 1 hour ago Just how many American lives, how much American money, and how many American families have been lost and devastated with our failed efforts at Nation Building? When you take out an enemy, let them rebuild themselves with their own money, their own soldiers. If the price to pay for combat is to lose all your nation's progress, they might think twice before doing it again. if there is no long term price for aggression, there will be no long term drop in aggression. 2 Daniel Evans Daniel Evans 12 minutes ago @Ernest Moosa Absolutely on point!!! The job of our military should be redefined to its original purpose... In other words, if we find it necessary we will invade the location, break things, and kill people. Then we will leave. Period. Don't like the solution? Don't start the problem.... We will not build you schools, roads, and give you all sorts of goodies.... if you are lucky we will leave some body bags. France Childsky France Childsky 2 hours ago This is the Repo's (Republicans) debacle. What really is there here for America? What is our vested interest? What is in it for the Demos? The Repo's have squandered the last six years doing everything they can to prevent (successfully) Obama from being the next FDR, at the cost of the US economy and martial spirit needed to take on significant world challenges. All for the privilege of who gets to own (rob) the Treasury. Ironically Candor was caught up in his own machinations. 3 TED MOSS TED MOSS 1 hour ago @France Childsky Obama has the economic skills of FDR. FDR was able to foster and grow a bad economy into 10 yrs of economic misery. Obama has not caused 10 yrs of misery yet. Thankfully, term limits will prevent that. But, one could argue that Abysmalcare may permit Ozero to out FDR FDR in econonmic ruin. Fortunately, FDR did not hate America and it's might to do right and did not whither under battle setbacks. Imagine Ozero as Commander in Chief as news of D Day came in... The European Union would have a completely different meaning.
4 Otis Copeland Otis Copeland 1 hour ago @France Childsky Oh, if only we had given Obama a blank check, everything would be perfect. If wishes were fishes. 3 Jim Miller Jim Miller 1 hour ago @France Childsky Good grief! TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 1 hour ago @France Childsky - It is truly amazing people like you see the world as you do. Absolutely mind boggling. 3 Tom Topar Tom Topar 1 hour ago @France Childsky It is unbelievable that after all Obama's TOTAL foreign policy failures that there are still people that will go to the wall for this bozo. Your revisionist history conveniently lets you omit the fact that the war in Iraq was approved by the senate and the house including the best the democrats have to offer, Hillery Clinton[commodity trader par excel lance]. 3 Daniel Evans Daniel Evans 8 minutes ago @France Childsky yep "Candor" ... you are a Child Childsky. Robert Brooks Robert Brooks 2 hours ago "This Friday Mr. Obama is giving a speech to the Sioux Indians in Cannon Ball, N.D., about "jobs and education." Given the audience, the President will no doubt also mention his opposition to the Washington "Redskins" name--an absolutely critical issue for our Washington lawmakers to be spending their time on. 4 Jean-Marc Dupuis Jean-Marc Dupuis 2 hours ago Regardless of who created the mess, act now Mr President, before millions of people end up in a nation run by extremists. You got the power, use it. 1 Ernest Moosa Ernest Moosa 2 hours ago @Jean-Marc Dupuis It's not our business. It never was.
The people of Iraq need to make their own choices. We have kept them from doing so for more than a decade.
TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 1 hour ago @Ernest Moosa - Yes, the people of Iraq are now free to make their own choices. Beheading or hanging. 1 Mark Johnson Mark Johnson 2 hours ago Not to worry, the current US president has a fund-raiser scheduled tomorrow to deal with the situation. Reportedly, Beyonce, Jay-Z and some other Hollywood A list people will discuss the NBA playoffs. Saturday, everyone will hit the golf course. It is all good, baby. 12 William Ledsham William Ledsham 2 hours ago @Mark Johnson " President Barack Obama will deliver the UC Irvine commencement speech at Angel Stadium in Anaheim on June 14, the White House announced today. The president and first lady Michelle Obama are scheduled to arrive in the Southland June 13, and first travel to Palm Springs. The following day, Obama is scheduled to take part in a roundtable discussion in Laguna Beach with about 25 supporters who contribute up to $32,400 for the privilege, according to a Democratic National Committee official. The location of the event was not released, but Laguna Beach is home to notable Obama fundraiser Janet Keller, who serves on the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities and heads a fundraising and political strategy firm. Obama will then go to Angel Stadium for the commencement ceremony." Yep, first to course at Palm Springs, then to the fundraisers. On the taxpayer dime, of course. 2 Mark Johnson Mark Johnson 1 hour ago @William Ledsham @Mark Johnson Truly scary when the fact overshadows the supposition... TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 1 hour ago @William Ledsham @Mark Johnson - I hope they make him throw out the first pitch again. 1 Michael Higgins Michael Higgins 2 hours ago
I use to think that by the time Obama leaves office, he will have effectively destroyed much of the US -- our health care system, our economy, our military, and our traditional culture of hard work and self sufficiency. But now it looks like when he leaves office, he will have also spread that destruction across the globe -- leaving wide swaths of regional and civil wars that might become world wars. Elections have consequences. Terrible consequences. 10 Leon Longchamp Leon Longchamp 33 minutes ago @Michael Higgins I still have my "Romney" bumper sticker. Next to it I have one that says "Don't Blame Me" STEVE STEVENSEN STEVE STEVENSEN 2 hours ago Just like the rest of this administration's scandals, I'm sure Obama first heard of this from the evening news. 6 Edward Tj Gerety Edward Tj Gerety 2 hours ago At this rate, the United States will either have to go back in to free the country or develop massive bases in Israel in order to maintain any type of force in the region. A few drone strikes would have saved the lives of all the military men and women who will someday have to return because we left to early. 9 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 2 hours ago A liberal friend sent me this headline from the NYT. U.S. SAID TO REBUFF IRAQI REQUEST TO STRIKE MILITANTS The Obama administration declined last month’s request by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki because it was reluctant to open a new chapter in a conflict that the White House has insisted was closed. 13 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 2 hours ago @Kenneth Perlman The conflict in Iraq is closed. Period. 4
Edward Tj Gerety Edward Tj Gerety 2 hours ago @Peter Dodson @Kenneth Perlman It certainly looks that way doesn't it... Oh wait! Someone forgot to tell the terrorists that it was over. 10 Mary Goodson Mary Goodson 2 hours ago @Edward Tj Gerety @Peter Dodson @Kenneth Perlman I'm thinking Peter is doing something along the lines of Obamaramadingdong saying "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. PERIOD" 1 Paul Taggart Paul Taggart 2 hours ago @Peter Dodson "Period". That is what Obama says when trying to make one of his lies believable. 1 KIMBLE JOHNSON KIMBLE JOHNSON 1 hour ago @Peter Dodson @Kenneth Perlman Our Grand Caliph said so, so under Allah, it must be so. Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 2 hours ago @Kenneth Perlman - it is a shame, isn't it, that Obama & others in his administration don't live in the real world. 1 David Birnbaum David Birnbaum 2 hours ago You guys need to change the channel.... More drone strikes from Obama than Bush did -- I guess because he is 'golfing' and does not care about terrorism? (PS GWB took more vaca days than Obama, and 911 happened on his watch AND he was warned about it months in advance). Bin Laden captured under Obama -- so if he is pro terrorist, why didn't he call off the that strike? You're ready for more wars?? GWB's Iraq war was successful?? His foreign policy protected us from Muslim terrorists how?? Obama wants terrorists to succeed in harming the USA? Please - you don't need to agree with his policies but stop acting like you're part of the GOP flat earth society.
3 patricia bonamo patricia bonamo 2 hours ago @David Birnbaum And more deaths to our forces under Obama than GWB...and " al qaeda is on the run "....Let's just call his presidency " The Longest Day "; " The Fuhrer is Asleep ". Period 12 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 2 hours ago @David Birnbaum YADA YADA YADA. Look at the world. Open your eyes. Russia, China, NK, Iran and Al Qaida (and its affiliates) are all on the march. Stop playing the fool. 10 Robert Murawski Robert Murawski 1 hour ago @Kenneth Perlman @David Birnbaum The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Russia, China!!, NK!!!, Iran and all the affiliates of the affiliates. Would Mr. Perlman prefer to have us marching our troops throughout the world like some Roman Legions? Mr. Perlman is Cassandra's evil twin‌..predicting calamity and the calamities DO NOT occur. 1 Bruce Ryman Bruce Ryman 2 hours ago @David Birnbaum Me thinks you twist the words of the author a bit. The point is that there are times when occupation forces are necessary...see the Roman Empire history. The number one job of the Executive Branch is NOT domestic policy, but building a truly working international policy that will protect as best as possible USA's interests. Leaving the work to others without our best interest in mind is highly best. BTW, the drone strikes allow Mr. Obama to not "feel" the fight and to ignore the collateral damage...and how the populations of the MidEast just abhore the innocent fallout of it all. We are supposed to be better than those we fight 2 Mary Goodson Mary Goodson 2 hours ago
@David Birnbaum Jeesh David, still reading from the 2012 Talking Points memo? Obama unfortunately still has more than 2 1/2 years left, vaca days aren't over yet. Plus Bush's so-called vaca days was actually working at his ranch, not hanging out eating ice cream at Marth's Vineyard. Bush actually got to the office before 7:00am every morning and actually even attended the morning briefings. Obama shows up at his convenience, after he works out, after a hard night at a $35,000 fundraiser, eating all those lobsters and fine wine. Poor Obama, what he has to go through. Obama didn't capture bin Laden, he just ok'd it, which any POTUS would have done, except Obama took over 16 hours to "think" about it, which NO competent POTUS would have done. Apparently you can't defend Obama, you have to rely on going back to Bush, you really need new talking points, and get yourself out of the Democrat Echo Chamber. 11 Thomas Tsotsis Thomas Tsotsis 50 minutes ago @Mary Goodson Once again, you're spouting nonsense (why should today be any different?). Robert Gates said that the order to take out Bin Laden was “one of the most courageous decisions I had ever witnessed in the White House.� So your contention that "Obama didn't capture bin Laden, he just ok'd it, which any POTUS would have done, except Obama took over 16 hours to "think" about it, which NO competent POTUS would have done." is simply ludicrous. And, speaking of echo chambers, please lock yourself in one so you can't hear us and, more importantly, we can't hear you. 1 Leon Longchamp Leon Longchamp 27 minutes ago @Mary Goodson @David Birnbaum How long did Obama "think about" Afghanistan before he sent in 30000 troops?? 1 Paul Taggart Paul Taggart 1 hour ago @David Birnbaum Yes, if President Bush warned Americans to be on the lookout for young Muslim men plotting acts of terrorism, how do you think that would have worked out? 9/11 happened because we had a prior administration that was soft on terror. Multiple acts of terrorism against the US were met with inaction. 2 JOHN MINARD JOHN MINARD 55 minutes ago @David Birnbaum I presume you are recommending a switch from Fox News. Well, I watch Fox News and I know for a fact that the earth is not flat. Now, about the comparison of BHO and GWB. 9/11 occured approximately 9 months after GWB took office. If he was warned "months" in advance, his "warning" probably was that after 8 years of Clinton stripping our
military/intelligence, we are vulnerable. Finally, Mr. Birnbaum, how many acts of muslim terror occured in the U.S. during the remaining years of Bush's administration? Zero. How many have happened since YOUR messiah took over? Boston, Fort Hood, yada yada yada. And Bin Laden captured under Obama? According to the new book by HRC, Hillary was at her post when that dude got smoked. 1 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Ruggiero 35 minutes ago @David Birnbaum The world is not flat? Ben Colandreo Ben Colandreo 2 hours ago The parallels with Woodrow Wilson's catastrophic failures after WW I are becoming uncomfortably clear. Most who study history understand Obama has channeled Wilson in other policy decisions. We can only wonder now if Obama will further stumble and create the conditions that will bring us the next murderous dictator as Wilson did with Hitler. 7 Harvey Sorenson Harvey Sorenson 2 hours ago @Ben Colandreo 0bama makes Wilson look like Churchill. 9 William Fredrickson William Fredrickson 2 hours ago Had the opportunity to tour the Bush 43 Library in Dallas earlier this week. While not agreeing with all 43 did, what kept popping into my head was what a difference in leadership between 43 and that ying yang we have in the WH today! 11 James Whiteley James Whiteley 2 hours ago Every time I think the Obama administration can't become more incompetent. Pinocchio rises to the occasion. Were are just lucky he is the smartest black in America?. 7 Tom Boucher Tom Boucher 2 hours ago @James Whiteley Barry isn't black. 2 Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 2 hours ago @Tom Boucher @James Whiteley - then why does he claim to be? Paul Taggart Paul Taggart 1 hour ago @Maggie Finney According to Harry Reid, he only speaks with a negro dialect when he wants to.
1 Mark Johnson Mark Johnson 2 hours ago @James Whiteley The reknowned historian Michael Beschloss has pronounced that the current US president is “probably the smartest guy ever to become president.” And he went to Williams College and Harvard. Therefore he MUST be correct. JOHN MINARD JOHN MINARD 52 minutes ago @Mark Johnson @James Whiteley I wonder if Beschloss ever bought the Brooklyn Bridge? 1 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 2 hours ago While we sleep Putin plans. “Kurdish Forces Take Control in Northern Iraqi City of Kirkuk” Earlier I wrote about a map in this article that everyone should see to understand that Iraq is no more, that three new countries are coming into being: Kurdistan, Shia Iraq and ISISland, this last one comprising huge chunks of Syria and the old Iraq. As ISIS expands, remember their objective is a Middle Eastern caliphate and there is now nobody to stop them, especially the way Middle Eastern countries are divided. The only hope would be that they fall together under US leadership but I don’t need to tell anyone that that is not in the cards, we don’t have a leader. In the meantime who has been very active and all over that region, including Iran? Why Putin of course. While we slept Putin has been conniving and will soon be the most influential person controlling well over half of the world’ supplies of oil, including Russia’s. Way to go Obama and Susan Rice! 4 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 2 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Can you imagine the laughter of our enemies. Actual belly laughs at this buffoon and his admin. With Hillary on the horizon. 4 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 2 hours ago And Kerry and Hagel, gawd, what did we do to deserve that lineup?!!! 1 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago
Great piece - but the title should be 'While Obama Golfs'. 8 Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 2 hours ago @TIM LUKER - or fills in basketball brackets Chauncey Gardiner Chauncey Gardiner 2 hours ago So, what policy prescriptions would anyone care to advance? Should the United States military go back into Iraq in some capacity? Or perhaps Iraq should be allowed to burn for a while. You know, before September 11, our Al Qaeda friends were based in Afghanistan -- not exactly prime real estate. So, what were we thinking? That somehow tossing out the bad guys from the formal positions in government would somehow resolve everything once and for all? And the same with Iraq: bouncing the bad guys from their formal positions in government would resolve everything? Evidently not. Perhaps there is no once-and-for-all solution. Perhaps the Islamic world needs its internal wars of religion so that it might purge itself. And, remember. In the West, the purging wars of religion went on for most of two centuries. They went on from the days of Martin Luther until at least 1688. TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner - "So, what policy prescriptions would anyone care to advance?" Anything contrary to what this president prescribes. How's that Chauncy? 5 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner - The Islamists are shooting for 1488, nevermind 1688. I hope you enjoy the next 200 years of purging. Should be fun. 4 Tom Boucher Tom Boucher 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner Let's try a new president. 3 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner It is WSJ policy to use your real name. Since you do not. I do not read your posts.
Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner It is WSJ policy to use your real name. Since you do not. I do not read your posts. Bruce Ryman Bruce Ryman 2 hours ago @Chauncey Gardiner You may be right about the "purge". All the more reason for USA to be the big dog on the block, with clear "don't mess with us" real world actions. An associate summed it up nicely last week: "Take care of our true allies, and scare the bejeesus of the rest so that they think twice, or more, before acting against us" 1 KIMBLE JOHNSON KIMBLE JOHNSON 1 hour ago @Chauncey Gardiner I agree with your timeline on the religion part, but the democracy part took the Brits 1,000 years, and they didn't even have a great deal of religious interference, as does the Middle East. I think you are right. We have a great number of seventh century savages who want to duke it out. If we can keep the world supplied with oil, and we can contain these scorpions in a bottle, we should allow them to settle their differences. An may the best idea win. David Peterson David Peterson 2 hours ago "These foreign wildfires, with more surely to come, will burn unabated for two years until the United States has a new president. The one we've got can barely notice or doesn't care." Does anyone really think that Hillary "What Difference Does It Make?" Clinton would be any better? 7 Tom Boucher Tom Boucher 2 hours ago @David Peterson Of course not - she's as much to blame as Barry is. 4 Brian Seel Brian Seel 2 hours ago If you look at the globe pre and post Obama it is a pretty depressing tale. Or at least a cautionary one about electing a rookie Senator from the Chicago machine to be the leader of the free world. 8 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago
@Brian Seel - Right, we won't make THAT mistake again. Next time - we're going to elect an unqualified socialist lying liberal grandmother. 8 John Paul Harmon John Paul Harmon 2 hours ago @TIM LUKER Chelsea has a kid? Mary Goodson Mary Goodson 2 hours ago @John Paul Harmon @TIM LUKER Chelsea is the math. 3 Chi Sheng Yang Chi Sheng Yang 2 hours ago Would someone please explain to me, why nearly 70 years after the WWII we still have near one million troop in Europe and German. We also have over 100,000 troops in Japan. 55 years after the Korean war we still have 100.000 troops in Korea. Then, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are actually far from over, we pull all the troop back home. Why? Are we in favor for Taliban type to take over the world. 3 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago @Chi Sheng Yang - Because it is the president's pleasure. 3 Gregory Bilhartz Gregory Bilhartz 2 hours ago @Chi Sheng Yang Boy are your numbers outdated! Our footprint in Europe is down around 60,000. We have some 50,000 in Japan and maybe half that in Korea. Ground combat forces are but a fraction of that--less than 10k in either Europe or Korea, none to speak of in Japan. WE aren't in favor of a Taliban takeover, but Obama's intent is less clear. You need to ask him why. Don't expect a coherent answer. 4 patricia bonamo patricia bonamo 3 hours ago " The world is safer than it's ever been ". That is what Obama said yesterday when addressing a group of Tumblr. users in the W.H. - He really knows how to engage with the big boys ( sarc ). Is this president certifiable? or does he just not give a d**n because it wasn't his war. Thank goodness he wasn't Truman when FDR died. 4 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 2 hours ago
@patricia bonamo - Anyone on TUMBLR is stupid enough to believe it. 2 Harvey Sorenson Harvey Sorenson 2 hours ago @patricia bonamo If 0bama were President when FDR died, he would have surrendered to Japan... 4 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 2 hours ago @patricia bonamo Patricia he doesn't give a daxm because he does not like you nor me Nor actually any American. Dead American servicemen? No problem but IF I HAD A SON!!!!!!! He must be thrilled with the tragedy on the Southern Border. It reminds him back home in Africa. 3 Gina Liggett Gina Liggett 3 hours ago Proponents of totalitarian Islam are being rewarded for their patience, as decades of do-nothing by the U.S. have reached a climax with Obama's whimsical foreign policy. Under this president's watch, totalitarian Islam has metastasized all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Under this president's lack of principles, Iran----the fountainhead of modern totalitarian Islam---is ever-closer to building their own nuclear weapon. Under this president's leftist disdane for American founding principles, Islamists worldwide have become so emboldened, that they no longer fear the power of freedom. I can't imagine a happier group of nihilists, who must be laughing scornfully at the impotence of the West. 4 John Paul Harmon John Paul Harmon 2 hours ago @Gina Liggett The fact that the West is no longer Christian has a lot to do with it. When faced with real belief, the nihilists (that's us, not them) have nothing to say. What could we say? Imagine the word "Crusade" coming from the lips of the President. Nope, ain't gonna happen, we're "better than that". Instead, we say "UN Treaty on Human Rights". Doesn't quite have the same ring, and the Muslims (who have a very clear idea of what's right, and it doesn't involve disappearing as a group... for them) laugh scornfully. Despite what you've heard, it matters, Whom you worship. 1 Dave Mulligan Dave Mulligan 3 hours ago "But from the Obama presidency, barely a peep." Hey, give President 9-Iron a break... he's still got a lot of work to do on his backswing.
4 James Mills James Mills 3 hours ago @Dave Mulligan Hey, at least we have universal health care, right? 2 Harvey Sorenson Harvey Sorenson 2 hours ago @James Mills @Dave Mulligan Yeah, except for fewer people actually having coverage and fewer doctors treating those people. But the measure of success is always 'flexible'. Madelene Teperson Madelene Teperson 3 hours ago Why is anyone surprised? Obama has one rule - if it's bad for America, he's for it, and vice-versa. The Democrats have given us a traitor for President. 12 G S Beckett G S Beckett 3 hours ago The time has come to really start questioning where this President's loyalties lie. They certainly are not with protecting the USA or even the free world from terrorism and Russian aggression. If he isn't a card-carrying member of the Taliban, then it looks like he has an application on file. Am I the only one thinking this man needs to be impeached for acts of treason? Not from what I'm reading. 7 Ariel St. Germaine Ariel St. Germaine 3 hours ago Under the Obama Administration, the United States has been transformed into a source of amusement to her enemies, a treacherous bully to her friends and citizens, and an impediment to her own well being. 13 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 3 hours ago An an assumption [which might be unrealistic] that Obama and the Left agree that what is happening in Iraq right now is not good........ is their plan for Afghanistan -- which will be the same "cut and run" ending per Obama's current plan --- not going to have the same tragic end result? If you were an ally of the US in Afghanistan looking at what Obama has in mind for you a year from now, how dedicated would you be to the cause? Exactly. Look for the implosion in Afghanistan to happen ever faster. Better to get our guys and gals out right away and just let it happen, rather than waste more lives and treasure for a cause that the President does not believe in. 4
Susan BUCKLEY Susan BUCKLEY 3 hours ago Another terrific article by Mr Hessinger. The tragedy is that he speaks the truth. 5 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago Its too late. Having given away any gains we did make, no future president (regardless of party) will be able to muster the support necessary to fight the Islamists. The world will have Morlocks in control of a giant Caliphate sowing terror and death to ever increasing areas. That is the Obama legacy and his trolls, and apologists could not care less how much worse off America and the world will be. 12 LEE BARNETT LEE BARNETT 3 hours ago @Kenneth Perlman and is. Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 3 hours ago @Kenneth Perlman So are you saying we need to actually defeat Iraq and Afghanistan, make them democracies and give up their centuries-old religions? Yep. That ought to work to make the world better. 2 SCOTT ROWLES SCOTT ROWLES 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @Kenneth Perlman Nobody is talking Jeffersonian democracy. I'd settle for some degree of stability where it doesn't become a base for attacks against our homeland. Were you comatose during 9/11? Did you see the towers come down? Want a repeat? 2 DAVID DUNBAR DAVID DUNBAR 3 hours ago As someone who was a young Naval officer in the Vietnam era this is feeling eerily similar to Saigon in April '75. 7 Madelene Teperson Madelene Teperson 3 hours ago @DAVID DUNBAR yep 2 Milan Sturgis Milan Sturgis 3 hours ago Another example of timelines replacing strategy. The elephant in the room is Afghanistan and what
looms next for more at 2 AL MOFFATT AL MOFFATT 3 hours ago Just all of BO's plan to 'transform' America; he's doing it right before our eyes, but yet few believe it to be true because they can't grasp nor deal with the fact this country actually elected a terrorist sympathizer, not a terrorist suppressor. His actions (or inaction) say as much. 5 Richard Startzman Richard Startzman 3 hours ago Turkey, when it had control over the country we call Iraq, administered the area as three provinces; Basra ( Shia,) Baghdad (Sunni,) and Mosul ( Kurdish.) Attempts to forge a single nation have only been possible with thuggish internal force ( e.g. Sadaam) or with the use of foreign troops ( Britain and the US.) Joe Biden once seriously proposed that Iraq be divided into its original components, but the idea gained no traction. Like a broken clock that's right twice a day, Joe's idea was a good one. The people of the region will, through military force, do what we should have done years ago and establish their own borders and countries. And let's make a promise to ourselves; stop building nations in places where we don't understand the people and their history. 7 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 3 hours ago @Richard Startzman Dumb Joe's suggestion would have created the very obama civil war you unfolding now, the seeds sown when he declared defeat, fled Iraq and left a huge power vacuum. 3 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Richard Startzman As not all of the three areas you suggest are equally rich in oil, the poorer ones will fight to retain a share. Biden, as usual, was dead wrong. 4 James DiLorenzo James DiLorenzo 3 hours ago I live in the Boston area and the news of the day was that Obama made an unscheduled stop ( if you buy that) at a HS in the Worcester area after scheduled stops. He gave his usual BS speech about how he is working to cure the inequality etc. The students particularly the young woman were besides themselves, some of them in tears, clearly thinking God had descended down at their HS. I was stunned and it reinforced in my mind how the pop culture, social media society of today really has no clue as to what is going on in world affairs. And how Obama plays that like a master. If we are really concerned about what he is doing , fiddling if you will, we must all recognize the danger in people like Obama who can play all the media, with no real substance. Hillary is the next one. So
I am tired of all this talk about what he is not doing. What are we doing to ensure someone like him is never elected again. 21 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 3 hours ago @James DiLorenzo I'll bet if he was white like Jesus was, you would have like the speech better? Just wondering. Madelene Teperson Madelene Teperson 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo go away, troll. the racist argument is pathetic. 8 William Ledsham William Ledsham 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo Actually, if he was black like Cain, and said the things that Cain says, I would like it a lot, lot better. Cain is a bona fide black man. Jim Crow south, two black parents, self made man, successful business man, cancer survivor, etc. All the things that the half-black, raised in Hawaii, private school, no business experience person that Obama is, is not. And yes, I do have my Cain tee shirt from the primary campaign. 5 James DiLorenzo James DiLorenzo 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo Pathetic Jonathan. This has nothing to do with race. All of us , white, brown, black, yellow should be up in arms about what is going in this country and the world. When will folks like you ever stop bringing up race? 5 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 2 hours ago @James DiLorenzo @Jonathan Campbell Please give us a "Cliff's Notes" version of why we should be "up in arms" in this country right now. I actually found Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts and meanwhile you and yours keep screaming you want your country back. Why not go to that country and stay there? Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 2 hours ago @James DiLorenzo @Jonathan Campbell I'll stop bringing up race on the very day you and yours decide to quit hating our president. Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 2 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo Campbell I do not hate our boy in OUR white. I am scared to death of him. DAVID CARDENAS DAVID CARDENAS 2 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo I wonder if George W Bush was black the left would
have like him better? 1 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 2 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @James DiLorenzo This racist thing is getting old. What are you people going to do when no one pays attention. Friend I have worked in Ghetto clinics, washed their rotted leg ulcers, ministered to pathetic people with leaking syphilitic aneurysms pounding through their sternums. I have gone into their homes to help the ill. But I do have strong racist thoughts about this negro in OUR White House who is filled with hatred and envy. And sir you have done what for the black community? BTW what uniform did Obama wear, I keep forgetting. 1 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 3 hours ago The obama and Hilldebeest's legacy: The world in flames. Dinesh D'Souza's predictions for 2016 are coming true. He forecasted obama would decimate national defense, engulf America in debt, and sit back to watch the rise of the "United States of Islam".
1 MARCO MARTINS MARCO MARTINS 3 hours ago incompetence is the defining hallmark of this administration, in every thing it does. It is not surprising given the politicisation of everything, but it is shocking to see nonetheless. 2 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @MARCO MARTINS Which constantly makes me wonder if anyone could be so inept all the time, or if there really is some method to the madness. 2 William Ledsham William Ledsham 3 hours ago @Kenneth Perlman @MARCO MARTINS Obama was a product constructed and sold to the American people by Axelrod. Like the Yugo, people bought it. 2 Robert Murawski
Robert Murawski 3 hours ago I may be wrong, but isn't ISIS the same group that is fighting against the Syrian government? I do remember that the Right Wing here, led by John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others wanted to arm the group that was fighting Assad. Sounds complicated, and I do not trust the right wing to come up with a viable solution. And please, please do not attempt to say Iraq was not Bush's war. He broke the country and now fixing it seems to be impossible. David Cousins David Cousins 3 hours ago @Robert Murawski "now fixing it seems to be impossible." Only for a no-will, incompetent fool, we call the POTUS. 6 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Robert Murawski You are wrong Murrkey (quell surprise). "John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others wanted to arm the group" of non-Islamic rebels who originally rose up against Assad and who we could have helped win, long before the Islamists got involved and took over since they are better armed and trained. 3 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 3 hours ago Muraski -- ISIS is part of the Syrian rebel "coalition". Does your memory about what the "right wing" wanted to do include even one reference to arming ISIS? And please -- Obama saw to it that the victory in Iraq --- and that's exactly what it was --- would be squandered when he didn't figure out how to get a workable SOFA in place that would have allowed significant US intel and training assets to remain there --- assets which likely would be making a big difference right now. Obama lost Iraq...not Bush. Your Bush Derangement Syndrome is acting up. 3 patricia bonamo patricia bonamo 3 hours ago @Robert Murawski And a " viable solution " was available to Obama but he passed on a " Status of Forces Agreement " 3 years ago. He's too paranoid to trust his own " strategy " and his own " generals "; he owns it now. 2 Alan Freemond
Alan Freemond 2 hours ago @patricia bonamo @Robert Murawski The non implementation of the status of forces agreement was contrived by one of those slack wristed metrosexuals up there in D.C it was a marvelous excuse for our boy. 1 William Ledsham William Ledsham 3 hours ago @Robert Murawski Bush left if in a somewhat working condition. Obama was like a guy driving a car without putting oil in it and changing the tires. Blame Bush is simply lame at this point. 3 Harry Nickelson Harry Nickelson 3 hours ago ""Barack Obama is fiddling while the world burns. Iraq, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, Syria...."" What!? Somebody better wake up the pres and turn on the news...then he'll get right to the bottom of it... Man! If he'd only known! Problem is the pres- like his IDIOTIC SUPPORTERS actually believe their inane and silly bumper stickers about war not being the answer... NEWS FLASH: IT IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN: their liberal naivety in the face of the menace[s] confronting the world are helping plunge the world into another dark age. Appeasement and complacency = complicity. 10 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Harry Nickelson I'm sure that he will be deeply concerned once he reads about it in the papers. Some one also should mention that invasion of children along our Southern border in response to his pen and phone not to enforce immigration laws. All of latin america knows that if they can get their under age 18 "children" across the border, we won't send them back and eventually we might let their parents come too. 3 David Partain David Partain 3 hours ago What was it our beloved leader's pastor once said - "chickens coming home to roost!" Hope is not a strategy. 4 Bryan Smith
Bryan Smith 4 hours ago Toxic... And I'm not talking about the smoke filled back rooms... I'm talking about the lack of foresight shown by ignorant policy neophytes that Obama surrounds himself with... Obama himself is just a 'Creation' with no substance, and is weak mentally, and unsure of himself. Obama is just another "Michael Jackson" that wants the pain to go away, and to be left alone to love the little children he calls his base. His administration is becoming an entrenched camp of leftest ideology and Socialist myth, and Obama is so immersed in it, he does not know what the real world is anymore. He is a hand puppet...that is being badly played by a script that has been written over the years, and is inflexible... That is why he fails, and will continue to fail...because the blind is leading the blind. 4 Glenn Donovan Glenn Donovan 4 hours ago @Bryan Smith Oh, so the outcome in Iraq is Obama's fault? Get a grip - and I'm a fellow right winger. Bryan Smith Bryan Smith 3 hours ago @Glenn Donovan @Bryan Smith Iraq is one of the countries with the highest natural oil reserves in the world. Like it or not, this country is controlled by oil. Everything we do, eat, or make, uses oil. So what happens when oil becomes $200.00 a barrel, or $300.00? That would really put a crimp on Obama's 'Stick-in-the-mud" policy over not permitting the Keystone pipeline. This is getting out of control to the point it is affecting global markets, which will negate any 'recovery' for this nation. Obama is at the helm, it is his ship now, and yes, after 5 1/2 years I do blame him! You will think differently when your car is out of gas, and the grocery prices are out of sight! Look at the bigger picture...and look at the stock market now... 4 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 3 hours ago @Glenn Donovan @Bryan Smith COMPLETELY the Liar in Chief's fault. Do you understand power vacuums?
Why not pull completely out of South Korea? What does your brain tell you would happen? 1 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Glenn Donovan @Bryan Smith We still have troops in Japan, South Korea and Germany, yet none in Iraq. Obama sent Joe Biden (JOE BIDEN) to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement. Joe cam up empty and a trillion dollars and 4500 American lives were completely and utterly wasted. Yes, the outcome in Iraq is Obama's fault, as will be the coming debacle in Afghanistan. Its really easy to end a war. All you have to do is surrender. 3 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 4 hours ago “Kurdish Forces Take Control in Northern Iraqi City of Kirkuk” There is a map in this article that everyone should see to understand what is happening to Iraq. More accurately, Iraq is no more and three new countries are coming into being: Kurdistan, Shia Iraq and ISISland, this last one comprising huge chunks of Syria and of the old Iraq, as per the map in the article. Keep that in mind as ISIS expands its sphere of influence. Remember that their objective is a Middle Eastern caliphate and at this point there doesn’t seem to be anyone that can stop them, especially the way Middle Eastern countries are divided. The only hope would be that they fall together under US leadership but I don’t need to tell anyone here that that is not in the cards, we don’t have a leader. While Obama fiddles the world's oil supplies are falling into control of our "friends," Russia's Putin and the Islamist extremists of ISIS. 9 Glenn Donovan Glenn Donovan 4 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Why do you think we should do anything about this? What is our national interest? We created ISIS by invading Iraq - what, you want to do more of the same? Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 2 hours ago @Glenn Donovan @XAVIER L SIMON Glenn simply give the Israelis everything that t hey need ask Netanyahu politely to take care of the problems. and sit back and enjoy. We're not going to do it. Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Meanwhile, while the country was looking at the Taliban 5 , Obama's EPA took over the energy sector of our economy. 1 Henry Newbold
Henry Newbold 3 hours ago In Iraq, most of the oil resides in the Kurdish and Shia areas. Which, of course, will motivate the ISIS thugs to continue to wage war to get it. Nice job Obama. 1 Nancy Kelly Nancy Kelly 4 hours ago Come on.....we all new he was going to let this happen days after he took office and bowed to the Saudi King. The traitor within is winning with the able help of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and unchecked Democrats at large. Public school teachers and comic book publishers did a good job over the last three decades of brainwashing our children to never ask questions, never think critically, and to renounce "truth, justice and the American way" in favor of the United Nations. Guess what party they support? 7 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago This is why leadership matters. Cool teleprompter reading does not. Had obama not fled Iraq, declared defeat, and left a vacuum ISIS quickly filled, this would have been prevented. US Air power would have stopped the ISIS in its tracks. Having just a credible US Military presence there would have changed the ISIS calculations completely. What would happen if obama completely pulled out of North Korea? In 2009, the Iraq war had been won and a democracy was emerging there. Even AQ said they had been defeated. obama doesn't end wars, he losses them and lazily sits by as innocents are again slaughtered. He is malevolent to the core. 5 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 3 hours ago
South Korea. DB HENDRIKS DB HENDRIKS 4 hours ago Mr. Henninger reels off a long list of troubles in order to lay them all at the feet of the U.S. President. Let's, just for a moment, consider the possibility that events may occur which are beyond the power of the United States to control. Remember that before surrendering his integrity Colin Powell is supposed to have warned Bush in regards to Iraq that "If you break it, you bought it". Well, we broke it, but American voters signaled in 2008 and 2012 that, whether they'd bought Iraq or not, they did not want it. I, for one, still don't, nor do I consider every conflict people around the globe may have to be my, or any American's, responsibility I wish all Iraqis, Syrians, Afghanis and Ukrainians the best of luck, but am completely unwilling to send American young people to die in their civil wars. Far fetched as it may sound to uncritical consumers of political hogwash from both political parties, we might, for the first time in my lifetime, try minding our own business. 1 Jason King Jason King 4 hours ago @DB HENDRIKS #BestOfLuck Ignorant fool. 2 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @DB HENDRIKS You are entirely correct that In 2008 and 2012 American voters elected Obama. So I guess its our own fault, but how exactly does that get Obama himself off the hook for the failures? 1 David Cousins David Cousins 3 hours ago @DB HENDRIKS Mr. Chamberlain we all want peace in our time, but as we have discovered over the centuries, peace comes at a very high price. 1 SCOTT ROWLES SCOTT ROWLES 2 hours ago @DB HENDRIKS Minding our own business got us 9/11. Marc Boswell Marc Boswell 4 hours ago The left's fomentation of the Khmer Rouge is alive and well in Syria and Iraq. Same ideals, same pending disaster.
And a plurality of Americans prefer to watch "The Bachelorette". Disgusting on so many levels..... 1 SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA 4 hours ago I love it. All this crying from the WSJ's editorial pages about the Middle East and how the world is melting. What is the solution? More troops, and more soldiers whom come home, badly injured, for naught?? Nothing has been accomplished in those wasted wars. And the neocons blame Obama? These were truly Bush's wars and they didn't accomplish anything. Look at the reports....the local troops are ABANDONING their posts! They don't want to fight. So that means our soldiers and our $$$ must be put to work? This means that Obama is "weak"? A terrible or feckless President? To all of those who make such statements, I can already see the solution in these comments. Get up, get ready and go fight. Better yet, send your kids. With Rand Paul emerging on the Right, this will be an interesting death match for the GOP. And finally, Obama WANTED to do something in Syria. The GOP refused to allow him (because they cannot support anything this President does), and the public didn't want in. Fact. 2 Marc Boswell Marc Boswell 4 hours ago @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA Cowardly words indicate cartilage in a bleater instead of backbone. Not that any of the bleaters here have a backbone. Seven percent of the populace has worn the uniform, Sanjay. It is they and their families who have earned the right to talk about "war weariness". Not you. Your psychosis is evident in this post, especially when speaking about Obama "wanting" to engage in Syria.
8 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 4 hours ago @Marc Boswell @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA War weariness is not confined only to those who wear the uniform Marc. It's with all of us who have had to endure the loss and maiming of loved ones. Obama wants us out of wars we cannot win. The Tea Party wants war with anyone who doesn't look or speak like they do. Ask Haliburton how money they've made on the war in Iraq. That ought to help change your thinking a little. 1 Chris King Chris King 4 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell your utter lack of understanding of the global landscape and how it affects us
here in the US is shining through....thanks for sharing your thoughts and lending insight into your delusional thought process... 4 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 3 hours ago @Chris King So Iraq and Afghanistan are "key" players on the world stage in your opinion? Why not just send your own kids, relatives and friends to fight wars that cannot be won? David Cousins David Cousins 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @Chris King We never expected you or your ilk to ever stand up and defend this country, it is just not in your DNA. 2 Chris King Chris King 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell perhaps you shouldn't speak to people that you don't know and assume you know anything about them...I have served our country, as did my father....perhaps if you had the backbone to do the same, you'd have a better understanding of what actually goes on, instead of believing everything you are spoonfed via MSM... 2 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @Marc Boswell @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA "Obama wants us out of wars we cannot win." Always the mantra of the surrender monkey. Which war can we win in your estimation? Is Japan worth helping. South Korea? South America? Israel? Europe? Do we really need Hawaii? 3 STEVEN SHELTON STEVEN SHELTON 33 minutes ago @Jonathan Campbell How are you dragging the Tea Party into this? The Tea Party didn't exist when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started. The Tea Party is almost solely concerned with domestic economic issues. Typical lib throwing out lib code words: Haliburton, Tea Party, etc. TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 4 hours ago @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA - Thanks for your input. You're free to leave anytime. 5 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA What planet are you from and how long will you be visiting? The Liar in Chief's weakness invited Syria...his toothless "red line". He only went to Congress to
try to bail him out. He was behind the collapse of Libya that is now becoming a terror state. He fled Iraq after that war was won and a credible US military presence there, especially air power, would have stopped the ISIS in its tracks. His weakness and cowardice encouraged Putin to invade and annex Crimea. China is flexing its muscles and I expect them to invade Taiwan in the near term. Central America is flooding our southern border at the Liar in Chiefs invitation. The obama Terror 5 are back in the war. Vets are dying on death lists. obamacare is a disaster. America is awash in debt as economic growth stalls. The Country is divided, angry, and leaderless. What was your point again, space visitor? 8 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA This means that Obama is "weak"? A terrible or feckless President? IN A WORD, YES. After 5 years of US retreat, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and the Islamists have moved into the void. 2 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 1 hour ago @SANJAY RAMAKRISHNA My friend Sanjay Mumbai needs you, we don't 1 James Doppelheuer James Doppelheuer 4 hours ago When told of this, our War Criminal Secretary of State said "Pastrami". 5 Chris Henry Chris Henry 4 hours ago The world's wildfires ARE Obama's legacy. 9 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 4 hours ago @Chris Henry Do mean the wildfires in California? Gee, I didn't know Obama started those fires. Let's start blaming him for that too. We will really sock it to him this time Chris. Deep thinking on
your part! Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @Chris Henry Oh, you're just a troll. Its so hard to keep up. After that silly waste of cyberspace by you, I"ll treat you as a troll. 2 David Cousins David Cousins 3 hours ago @Jonathan Campbell @Chris Henry Speaking of the wild fires in CA, are you aware that the BLM, Forrest service refused help from Nevada in putting out the fire. I wonder why? Is it because they are trying to stir up global warming or something? Off topic I know, but you did bring it up. Jason King Jason King 4 hours ago So what will be the next liberal response? #SorryWeLeftYouToBeSlaughtered
12 Alan Maxwell Alan Maxwell 4 hours ago @Jason King That would be taking ownership and not something that you will see happen. 4 Harlin Smith Harlin Smith 4 hours ago When O'Dufas took office, gasoline was $1.84/gallon, there was no reason to believe that the recession would last longer than the historic average of 18 months, there was no Gestapo Branch in the IRS, and the people had healthcare insurance with affordable deductibles. 10 Dave Maynard Dave Maynard 4 hours ago This is another scintillating example of the failed foreign policy of Barack Hussein Obama and Hilary Rodham Clinton. 13 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago @Dave Maynard you forgot Kerry! 4 Russell J. Bell Russell J. Bell 4 hours ago @Dave Maynard ...and the main stream media are wetting their pants at the idea of Hillary as president. What godly reason would she be qualified to lead this country with her record?
As someone succinctly pointed out recently, name one country that we have a better relationship with since January 20th 2009. Sadly not a single one, and this is just another example of a totally failed foreign policy led by Barry and Hillary. 11 Chris Henry Chris Henry 4 hours ago @Russell J. Bell @Dave Maynard That someone was Ken Langone, founder of Home Depot. He really put the liberal NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent on the spot! Hopefully the Republicans can do some of this as the fall campaigns heat up. 1 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 4 hours ago Many are arguing that it is not our fight in the Middle East, and I would agree wholeheartedly except that the very highly interconnected world economy runs primarily on Middle Eastern oil. Wait until there begin to be disruptions to the oil supply. Already this week there was an article in this Journal about how we will soon suffer a shortage of palladium for catalytic converters because of a miners strike in South Africa. Wait until the shortages of other key materials spread as the supply of oil to the world economy is itself disrupted. And remember that at least ISIS, which now controls a huge chunk of Syria and Iraq, enough territory to call it a new nation, has declared its intention of creating a new caliphate throughout the Middle East. Who will stop them if the countries in the region are in disarray because of a lack of centralized leadership of the kind only the US can offer? 4 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON how the lessons of ignoring problems in Afghanistan can show up in a plane in new york or washington any day of the week! Letting the bad guy win anywhere is a BAD IDEA. Being greedy while doing even worse! Obama, a case study in a person completely beyond their ability! 5 Marc Boswell Marc Boswell 4 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON It was not our fight in Europe either. When a woman is being raped in an alley and an able bodied man walks by and hears her screams, is it not his fight? Sheesh! DONNA FELDMAN DONNA FELDMAN 4 hours ago
@XAVIER L SIMON I believe the appropriate response to those people goes something like "you may not want War but War wants you." 2 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago Are there any supporters of Obama that can defend his disastrous foreign policy? 11 DENISE PRINDLE DENISE PRINDLE 4 hours ago @Ed Barry Obama lovers will always defend him, no matter what. He, his administration, and those who re-elected him have destroyed our nation. And they are facilitating the suicide of countrymen too weak to protect or save themselves. It'll take years to bring America back to the wonderful country it used to be. And Hillary will not be the one to achieve that. But....what difference, at this point, does it make! 5 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago @Ed Barry Plenty remain. obama could pee on their shoes and they would thank him for the shine. 3 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @Ed Barry Whenever I bring up an Obama failure, any Obama failure, I have liberal friends who actually respond that Bush lied about WMD. That's it. That's their defense as the world burns. 1 douglas watts douglas watts 4 hours ago Don't worry Ralph, they will still sell the oil. The problem is what they do with the receipts 3 RALPH AMENDOLA RALPH AMENDOLA 4 hours ago My solution, Drill here, Drill now, Pay less and Export Oil, so whatever happens we are prepared. What will the economy be like with $6.00 per gallon of oil. No one can tell but it probably not be good. 3 douglas watts douglas watts 4 hours ago Anyone beginning to see a pattern here? We let the 5 insignificant bad guys out of Gitmo and shortly thereafter the Karachi airport is attacked twice. Then a full scale invasion of Iraq occurs.
What is next? Hillary told us not to worry though so it is probably OK 8 RALPH AMENDOLA RALPH AMENDOLA 4 hours ago @douglas watts But what difference does it make? 3 Kenneth Perlman Kenneth Perlman 3 hours ago @RALPH AMENDOLA @douglas watts Absolutely no difference at all to her. There is a maxim of law that even a dog knows the difference between being tripped over and kicked. Yet, for Hillary that makes no difference at all. Armed terrorsm or, as she put it, some guys out for a stroll. No difference. And she is the fave to be the next President of this once great country. 1 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 4 hours ago Well, this column seems to have been written before the following news "Kurdish Forces Take Control in Northern Iraqi City of Kirkuk" currently in the front page. The partition of Iraq has begun. Kiss goodbye to Iraq thanks to the monumentally incompetent cast in the White House. One has to wonder how the Sunday morning show diva, Susan Rice, will explain it next Sunday. 7 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON I expect she will state the retreating Iraqi troops are serving with "honor and distinction". 5 Wes Jenkins Wes Jenkins 4 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Is there a documentary they can blame this on? 1 David Walker David Walker 4 hours ago I've always been unclear on how the "Arab World" has responded to all this going on in Iraq, Pakistan, and the region. In fact, sometimes I get the feeling it's only Western nations that care. I have always been disappointed by the "Arab" attitude of letting us spend our resources and lives until we are vulnerable for a religious and economic surrender. 1 RALPH AMENDOLA
RALPH AMENDOLA 4 hours ago There we go again. The price of Oil is over $112.00. Anyone for $6.00/gallon of gas. Who says what they do over there doesn't make a difference. If only I could put a windmill on top of my car. 2 MICHAEL GREENBERG MICHAEL GREENBERG 4 hours ago @RALPH AMENDOLA You can. It's called a Tesla. 2 Richard Chupp Richard Chupp 4 hours ago @MICHAEL GREENBERG @RALPH AMENDOLA Or Chevy Volt 1 RALPH AMENDOLA RALPH AMENDOLA 4 hours ago @MICHAEL GREENBERG @RALPH AMENDOLA Will you loan me $100,000+. 3 RALPH AMENDOLA RALPH AMENDOLA 4 hours ago @MICHAEL GREENBERG I will buy a chevy volt when GM straightens out its starter keys. By the way will you loan me $40,000 for the purchase price. Drill here Drill now, Pay less. 1 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago @MICHAEL GREENBERG @RALPH AMENDOLA what is the tax subsidy on Tesla...about $20k a car? 1 John Canfield John Canfield 4 hours ago @MICHAEL GREENBERG @RALPH AMENDOLA Problem is the energy to charge your electric vehicle comes from oil, coal and gas. Alternative energy sources are a drip in the bucket. 1 Peter Von Nessi Peter Von Nessi 4 hours ago @John Canfield @MICHAEL GREENBERG @RALPH AMENDOLA "Problem is the energy to charge your electric vehicle comes from oil, coal and gas. " Wait until Obama's EPA gets through with coal. You won't be able to afford to recharge your electric vehicle because you'll be spending tons of money on your home utility bills. Welcome to the land of
Hope and Change. Let's see what we can do to make everyone poorer! 4 Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago @RALPH AMENDOLA By the time the Liar in Chief limps out of office, $6/gal. will be a fond memory. 1 Austin Lowrie Austin Lowrie 4 hours ago Yep,Barksdale should handle it, and lets not waste our smart bombs on them. 2d Bomb Wing - Barksdale AFB, Louisiana 11th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Gold Tail Stripe) 20th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Blue Tail Stripe) 96th Bomb Squadron (B-52H, Tail Code: LA, Red Tail Stripe) 1 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago I guess Obama's loser strategy is coming home to roost...what is this the 5th country to fail under Obama's world leadership.... Ukraine, Libya, Eygpt, Iraq, Afgham, Syria....Nigeria, Well at least Obama leaves a legacy go grand giveaways to the richest.... FED $4.5 Trillion gift to Wall Street, deficits nearing $10 Trillion....renewable boondoogles for his cronies. 3 JOSEPH GRECO JOSEPH GRECO 4 hours ago It is strange that the apologists of this President and his administration have not come to the realization that governmental policies of inaction,ignorance,and incompetence have brought us to the point of the abyss.No one argues that this nation has to use military power exclusively to maintain an international balance of power.But unfortunately this administration never had the expertise,imaginationand creativity to develop policies that would tame some of the forces imperiling this country.Henninger is right .He is fiddling but where will this country be at the end of his tenure 2 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago @JOSEPH GRECO what are you talking about? Geithner scored a 7 figure job! Daley and Lew
show the wealth ways of a revolving door administration is working well. Wall Street has never been given more federal money or more lenient treatment. The rich have never been richer.... Obama's and the DNC plans is working well. Buffet and Soros investment in Obama has paid vast dividends and the Cronies of the left have been rewarded! That the world is going up in flames and more people hate the USA under Obama than Bush is irrelevant to the greedy democrats of Gore, Clintion, Corzine, Obama, etc 1 douglas watts douglas watts 4 hours ago Some one wants to know what should have been done? How about stationing troops with drones in Iraq? That's really original isn't it? Too bad horrible decisions aren't an impeachable offense. 2 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 4 hours ago The 20th Century was the American Century. The 21st Century will be the Islamic Terrorist Century. The 22nd Century will not exist. 6 DENISE PRINDLE DENISE PRINDLE 4 hours ago @TIM LUKER WOW. Scary....because it seems we're on our way. Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 4 hours ago It occurs to me that responding to other's comments is a waste of time, the person so unlikely to ever see the response. This is no longer a discussion board, rather a simple comment board, which suppresses any real dialogue. 1 Ed Barry Ed Barry 4 hours ago @Donna Shaw So why comment...if you think people don't assess you intellect? DENISE PRINDLE DENISE PRINDLE 4 hours ago @Donna Shaw We used to be able to "follow" our comments where the WSJ would notify us via email whenever someone responded/replied to a comment. I don't know why we can't anymore. 1 Cameron D'Ambrosi Cameron D'Ambrosi 5 hours ago This article is long on whining, and pretty short on solutions. Does Mr. Henninger suggest that we spend another $2,000,000,000 picking a side in an Iraqi civil war? Sending more Americans to die in a sectarian conflict won't change a thing. 2 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 4 hours ago
@Cameron D'Ambrosi - He is suggesting the cut and run president screwed up again. 1 Cameron D'Ambrosi Cameron D'Ambrosi 3 hours ago @TIM LUKER @Cameron D'Ambrosi Are you suggesting we re-invade? Because that's sure what it sounds like to me. DENISE PRINDLE DENISE PRINDLE 4 hours ago @Cameron D'Ambrosi Excuse me, but isn't that the job of the President/Commander-in-Chief? And, besides, why come up with solutions when BO won't consider anyone's opinion, expertise, nor contrary ideas anyway. Waste of time. 1 Cameron D'Ambrosi Cameron D'Ambrosi 3 hours ago @DENISE PRINDLE @Cameron D'Ambrosi Either advocate for U.S. soldiers on the ground in Iraq, or sit down. You can't have it both ways. We've wasted enough blood and treasure in Iraq already, and the American public has had enough. Allen Huggins Allen Huggins 5 hours ago As the visible failures continue to add up, Obama's reputation continues to fall. No one deserves the scourge of public opinion more that he does. Obama has done little to avoid wasting the sacrifice of so many American lives. The progressive / democratic foreign policy does not and will not work any better than the domestic policies. 2016 cannot come fast enough. 1 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 4 hours ago @Allen Huggins So by your reasoning, we should send in more Americans to lose their lives in wars that can never be won? Why not just send your family and relatives and see if they can "save the day" for all Americans? Better yet, write to your Congressmen and tell them to send their own kids first so they can "lead by example." Raymond Klett Raymond Klett 13 minutes ago @Jonathan Campbell Rubbish. Sounds like an テ話ama apologist. He screwed it up just like the donkeys continue to do. Amazing they are so partisan they cannot run away from the inept one. Carter is happy. Terrence Jones Terrence Jones 5 hours ago Dan when are you flying to Mosul to fight for Malaki? 2 Cameron D'Ambrosi
Cameron D'Ambrosi 5 hours ago @Terrence Jones He wants to send your son there instead of course. 1 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 4 hours ago @Cameron D'Ambrosi @Terrence Jones - Your son fly a B-1 bomber does he? Leela Vosko Leela Vosko 5 hours ago With two years left in office, Obama's priority is now his legacy. And for that he's willing to risk the security of the nation and the world to fulfill a campaign promise. We shouldn't have pulled out of Iraq, and we should not even be thinking about pulling out of Afghanistan, at this time or in the near future. 5 Hanna Adnan Hanna Adnan 4 hours ago @Leela Vosko Obama is trying to pick up the pieces after two stupid wars crippled our armed forces and our economy. Yet, after all, didn't you oppose a Syrian air-strike? Stop being a hypocrite! 1 Tomas Pajaros Tomas Pajaros 4 hours ago "two stupid wars crippled our armed forces" ? ? ? what left wingnut planet are you writing from? 4 TIM LUKER TIM LUKER 4 hours ago @Hanna Adnan @Leela Vosko - Oh he's trying so hard! Tireless - that's what he is. Give it a rest Hanna. 2 Hanna Adnan Hanna Adnan 5 hours ago "Now if you want to vent about " George Bush's war," be my guest. But George Bush isn't president anymore. Barack Obama is ,,, the American presidency. Up to now, burying those responsibilities in the sand has never been in the job description." How stupid! Mr. Henninger, the blabber Bush waged two worthless wars where he was defeated. He gave the green light to the rogue Israel to stage AbuGrabe where America was disgraced. As a result, the American people lost interest in the outside world. When president Obama attacked Libya, you, the Republicans and the Zionists were complaining that Gaddafi was a US ally! Furthermore, when president Obama decided an air-attack against Syria, you, the Republicans and the Zionists were complaining that Syria was of no vital consequence to the US. How short-sighted, how IGNORAMUS! 2 Bob Lowe Bob Lowe 5 hours ago
@Hanna Adnan Wow, so many factual errors and just plain logical inconsistencies it's amazing. 5 Peter Von Nessi Peter Von Nessi 4 hours ago @Hanna Adnan After all of the inaccurate diatribe and drivel you wrote, you still can't point to any material accomplishment Obama has as President in the area of foreign policy (or anything for that matter) for the past 6 years. If Obama is your enviable standard for presidential leadership, you are as much of the problem for this country (as a misguided voter) as he is! 3 Jonathan Campbell Jonathan Campbell 4 hours ago @Peter Von Nessi @Hanna Adnan Well, he did pass the ACA, signed the Lilly Ledbetter fair Pay Act, ended the military's ban on openly gay service men and women, appointed two highly competent women to the US Supreme Court, avoided a war in Syria, got Bin Laden, but to folks like you, he could walk on water and you would still find fault. While looking for more fault this time, try again to find that birth certificate. Now that would prove to everyone you have a brain. Raymond Klett Raymond Klett 6 minutes ago @Jonathan CampbellCampbell If the ACA is an accomplishment your standards are below whale manure in the ocean. If you think the gay issue in the military has been solved then stupid is as stupid does. "Truth? you can't handle the truth." Keith Siegel Keith Siegel 5 hours ago Obama continues to show no leadership in matters so important to short and long term interests of the USA. I am completely dumbfounded at the lack of anything resembling a policy of strength and resolve to deal with major policy setbacks. To sit by and let your strategy (if you can call it that) remain the same as the opponent changes theirs is asinine. I am thoroughly disgusted and cannot wait for new leadership. 1 Frank Murray Frank Murray 5 hours ago According to you, Mr. Henninger, "...Obama fiddles while the world burns." I've got news for you, the U.S. is no longer the world's fire department. This country is done with sending its youth, its talent, and its future to fight for and assume responsibilities that the rest of the world refuses to. I do not care if that entire region is on fire. Let it burn. They smile at us, accept our money for their oil, and then channel that money to the same groups that are now shooting at each other, and
when not at each other, shooting at us. Let them shoot each other. If you and any other like-minded armchair warriors want to go over to Iraq and help the Maliki government, then please, by all means, do so. Leave America out of that insanity. Let them burn. 2 David Wruck David Wruck 5 hours ago Sounds just dreamy...I'm sure if we just wish that we will not be impacted, it will make it so. 3 Frank Murray Frank Murray 3 hours ago @David Wruck No one is arguing impact. We are impacted regardless. That's simple statistics, not wishful thinking. Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 4 hours ago @Frank Murray The fires will be burning your stuff real soon...especially your income and savings as most of your resources will go to soaring energy and food prices while your savings evaporate. Uncle sugar will be broke. You will be on your own. 2 Frank Murray Frank Murray 4 hours ago @Doug Schomberg @Frank Murray I'm on my own already. Nevertheless, as stated, if you wish to help the beleaguered Maliki and his joke of a government fend off the jihadists in pickup trucks, then please, help him. Doug Schomberg Doug Schomberg 3 hours ago @Frank Murray @Doug Schomberg You need to catch up. The ISIS is using state of the art military equipment captured from the retreating Iraqi army.
Frank Murray Frank Murray 3 hours ago @Doug Schomberg @Frank Murray Yes, including fighter jets and attack helicopters! Another grinding war of attrition erupting in that
region, and side by side with Syria to boot! Excellent! Peter Von Nessi Peter Von Nessi 4 hours ago @Frank Murray I guess you're prepared to spend $25 a gallon for gasoline and who knows how much for your utilities once Obama's EPA gets through destroying the coal industry. 3 douglas watts douglas watts 5 hours ago Now the jihadists will have a solid financial base. This is really bad news. michael radowitz michael radowitz 5 hours ago So what are you waiting for, Danny boy? You got the pipes, me lad...put on your boots and your cape, go overseas and save the world for truth, justice and the American way!
1 Herb Kay Herb Kay 5 hours ago Obama's entire presidency has been repulsive to watch. He has now firmly taken the lead as the Worst President in US History. James Buchanan can rest easy. 4 Wesley Dallas Wesley Dallas 5 hours ago One thing gives us older people joy is the knowledge that today's legions of bubble brats, Sandra Flukes, Rachel Cannings, metros, slackers, tweeters, bloggers, and all the other groups that make up Obama voters will soon have their mothers' sofas turned upside down and they will all hit the hard ground of reality to begin their atonement for their collective sins of refusing to grow up, laziness, and political ignorance. When that day comes they will no longer be able to hide in the alternative universe they've created for themselves in all their electronic gadgets. It will be fun to watch. It's always a treat to see someone confronted with the lies they've bought into as they are forced to face reality. 9 Gregory Bilhartz Gregory Bilhartz 5 hours ago @Wesley Dallas There is no solace in that point of view for me. One thing this older person and twenty year Army veteran stays up nights thinking about is that my 12-year old son will be old enough to volunteer for (or be drafted into) the military under the next president--whoever that may be. It is today's middle schoolers who will have to pay the price for the incompetence, the
indifference, and the rigid ideological myopia of the man who can barely even bring himself to vote "present" even as the world comes crumbling down around us. Assuming he survives the cauldron that Obama has set up for him, then there is the issue of $30k (and counting) in national debt that Obama has added in just the past 5 years for him to make payments on for the rest of his life. It's not like he "could be my son" as Obama liked to say of Trayvon Martin. This IS my son and the legacy this president is giving him. Talk about a war on children! 6 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 5 hours ago @Gregory Bilhartz Precisely!! It's the Children, the Family, Religion and the Country!! 1 david pelino david pelino 5 hours ago How exactly is ISIS a "terrorist" group if they are also a "trained and organized army" battling another (apparently) less trained and organized (Iraqi) army? If ISIS is really this big and this organized, then it sounds like they are actually an army engaged in a civil war - which of course is exactly what's been going on in Iraq ever since Bush led "from ahead", and invaded the place in 2003, predicting a flowery welcome which would bloom magically into a democracy. Henninger apparently wants us to go back in, apparently to save the corrupt and inept Iran-aligned government that Bush installed many years ago. The irony that the Iraq government has close ties with our supposed arch-enemy of Iran is the bitterest irony. In any case, is Henninger ready to sacrifice his own blood and treasure to save this government? James Doppelheuer James Doppelheuer 5 hours ago @david pelino Unfortunately, Obama has squandered all that our blood and treasure accomplished in Iraq. 5 david pelino david pelino 5 hours ago @James Doppelheuer So you think Bush installing a corrupt and inept Iraqi government with close ties to our supposed arch enemy Iran was an accomplishment?
1 David Wruck David Wruck 5 hours ago What is your plan? david pelino david pelino 4 hours ago @David Wruck Let the people in Iraq solve their own problems. We had decades of civil dissension and a subsequent civil war in this country - it was ugly, but we worked it out on our own. What's the reason for holding the people in Iraq to a different standard?
Timothy corrigan Timothy corrigan 5 hours ago Look what happens when you hire a man child to do the job of a CEO. Affirmative action at its best. Barry couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag, the man is so incompetent it isn't even funny. I have known tree stumps with more raw talent than Barry. The man (if you can call him that) is pathetic. 8 PRINGLE HILLIER PRINGLE HILLIER 5 hours ago Militant Islam knows no bounds. America and the rest of the world better get its thinking straight about this threat. ISIS, etc. are not just a bunch of crazies who run around the world blowing things up for the fun of it. Neither are they a Nation State with an ax to grind over past injustices. They are on a religious jihad. No place is safe from the assault. They rule by terror. Their objectives are unlimited. That is why we should care about the disasters in Iraq and Syria, the ones to come in Afgan and Pakistan. 8 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 5 hours ago The goal is an Islamic Caliphate, run by the Muslim Brotherhood, which would unite Shiites and Sunnis under Sharia law. secular governments in the Middle East oppose the caliphate because the secular governments would lose control. An Islamic caliphate is really what the Arab Spring was all about. 3 Richard Chupp Richard Chupp 5 hours ago When he leaves office this President will be remembered as a great Conqueror. With Harry Reid's help he will have conquered America by killing our economy, rendering our children hopeless, jobless, and burdened with staggering college debt, besieging our State and Local governments with
millions of immigrants, and empowering our enemy's around the globe. In far away lands surely he will be hailed as a hero. 11 Charles Sullins Charles Sullins 5 hours ago How do you feel now if your son, husband, brother, daughter, father died in Iraq? Just like my generation did after Vietnam. Betrayed by the politicians. But don't worry, the VA is here to help. You know, the VA that obama promised to reform several years ago? 9 WILLIAM L. JOHNSON WILLIAM L. JOHNSON 5 hours ago We just have to have/take more "selfies" with famous Hollywood/DC types and then...and then....twitter. We must twitter. More twittering and we can change the world. And then more selfies....and then... 9 Charles Sullins Charles Sullins 5 hours ago oh yes, he will have a legacy all right we will be very lucky if the Taliban fail to take Pakistan and the nuclear weapons stored there 3 bruce miller bruce miller 5 hours ago @Charles Sullins While, at the same time, POTUS is cutting back on our nuclear shield. This will not end well. 1 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 5 hours ago The POTUS is capitulating to the Islamists demands that were conveyed to Obama by Morsi in June of 2012, the same demands that were laid out by Osama Bin Laden pror to 9/11. Morsi called them Peace terms, but they are really terms of surrender. 2 paul grunder paul grunder 5 hours ago There is something very wrong with our President. His incessant fund raising, his constantly going to schools to talk to children, with a teleprompter no less, his inability to function without a back drop of his people behind him when he gives a speech, and his seeming indifference about anything other than himself. Is he really a person, or an illusion? I've never seen any thing like this in my life. (paul's wife) 12 James Doppelheuer
James Doppelheuer 5 hours ago Iraq was relatively peaceful and struggling with democracy when Bush left office. Then Obama surrendered... 10 Pat Curtin Pat Curtin 5 hours ago The white house Nero watches as his plans come to fruition. what a crying shame to have a coward, liar, and traitor as President. 10 Charles Sullins Charles Sullins 5 hours ago He is not sleeping and he is not incompetent. He has no interest in foreign lands. He is a very successful POTUS and is doing exactly as he promised, he is transforming America into a liberal, socialist state. Healthcare, energy, land use, environment, financial. He is using executive orders to reach government control into every aspect of life in this country. He, like Adolf Hitler, told everyone what he would do. No one listened. 13 christopher mast christopher mast 5 hours ago @Charles Sullins But at least Hitler was actually very competent at his madness, Obama is completely incompetent at his; let's face it none of the items he proposes or implements actually ever work and will disappear like a fart in the wind after he is out of office. 2 Ken Faust Ken Faust 6 hours ago If it isn't Bush's fault this time it must be our Arab allies. Don't even think about blaming it on our feckless foreign policy! The last line of the article says it all. The next President of the US will inherit a night mare in the Middle East. 4 Robert Boni Robert Boni 6 hours ago We have a traitor sleeping in the White House. 11 Bruce Saltzman Bruce Saltzman 5 hours ago @Robert Boni Proof of what Robert Boni posted: After the Seals killed Osama Ben Laden Barack Obama only waited 50 minutes before announcing
it to the world; there by, depribing the USA military from using any of the intelligence information that was in the hard-drives, DVDs, thumb-drives, cell-phones, and note-books taken by the Seals. Barack Obama always takes actions favoring the enemies of the USA. If you look at the photo of Barack Obama in the Situation Room when Osama Ben Laden was killed, you will notice that Barack Obama is still in his golfing outfit. Being image obsesed he came in from the golf course just in time for the photo-opportunity. 1 Dom Fried Dom Fried 6 hours ago Won't it be great when AQI can sell 3mm barrels of oil per day? 2 bruce miller bruce miller 6 hours ago At some point, Americans might realize the damage done by the progressives and a strong, resolute, free market leader will be elected to reverse this folly. Yes, another Reagan, it is to be hoped. Until then, we can only watch the damage unfold across the world and hope that it is not irreversible. The world was always a dangerous place, made safer only by a strong America. To progressives, a strong, free America is anathema. 4 William Ledsham William Ledsham 6 hours ago This morning's multiple choice test for Obama has been reported to be the following. The situation in Iraq. Should we do something? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Let's talk [X] Go fundraising 11 Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago If only Obama could play the fiddle while Washington burns. We could at least start over. Obama, making Carter look smarter, every day. 15 Raymond Klett Raymond Klett 5 hours ago
@Jacob Maczuga spot on. 3 ronald gonsalves ronald gonsalves 6 hours ago Geesh, perhaps Obama needs to explain to the Taliban and Al Queda this is not how things are done in the 21st century. 12 Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago @ronald gonsalves Get Old Horse Face Kerry out there to preach the horrors of global warming to those all so peaceful and loving Muslims. 8 ROY MCKAY ROY MCKAY 6 hours ago Those who said five years ago that Obama would govern like Carter on steroids were right. Carter lost Iran. Obama lost Egypt, Syria, Libya, Crimea and now Iraq. Pakistan will be next. Their nukes will then be unleashed. Obama will be cheering from the White House. His grand plan almost complete. Then, among the riots in the streets of America fostered by his fifth column he will declare marshall law and "postpone" the 2016 elections. 10 Richard Helfrich Richard Helfrich 5 hours ago @ROY MCKAY If the terrorists get nuclear weapons, Obama wont be able to cheer from The White House because there will be no White House. JF J F 6 hours ago If Iraq's don't want to fight against the terriosts, why should the U.S. We don't need their oil any more. Let the Saudi's, Kuwait's etc get off their backsides. It's time for the locals to do the dirty work. 2 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @J F A new nation, ISIS, will become a haven for terrorists. Terrorists who will surely target the West. Forget about oil -- it is our physical safety that we should be concerned about. 4 Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana @J F Protecting the US border will be even more important. Listen up Barry. 4
Linc Maguire Linc Maguire 5 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana @J F Bull! If that is the issue, then the only way to stop it is to terminate their existence. I can't see sending any troops over there unless the rules of engagement changed to allow "War", not police business. The Taliban, Al Qeida, etc. just keep moving from country to country and until we can eradicate the entire organization, you are kidding yourself. GeorgeB Purdell GeorgeB Purdell 5 hours ago @Linc Maguire @Alonzo Quijana @J F Spot on!. Our military is not a humanitarian organization. Send them out to kill, free them to return fire when fired upon, or keep them home. Mankind has not changed one wit since the first humanoid figured out how to bash the skull of his enemy with a stone. We need to recognize thugs where ever they are and make sure their true leaders understand they will be targets of retaliation if we are struck. I have not seen one dictator or one imam on the front line risking his backside and his cushy perquisites . Let them know if they send assailants of if they give comfort and assistance to those who do, they will have just graduated to the front line. 2 Richard Helfrich Richard Helfrich 5 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana @J F "Forget about oil -- it is our physical safety that we should be concerned about." Without oil, we have no ability to ensure our nation's physical safety. 1 RALPH AMENDOLA RALPH AMENDOLA 6 hours ago George bush looks better by the day. 16 Robert Taylor Robert Taylor 6 hours ago Obama = epic incompetence. 11 Howard Levinton Howard Levinton 6 hours ago This incompetent dreamer needs to go back to Chicago. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, just go. 14 David Zamos David Zamos 5 hours ago @Howard Levinton While I support your views on this issue, I suspect that, if the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth were known, it would be obvious that the most appropriate place for "The Obamanation" very well might be a federal prison, and that couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. 1 John Shniper John Shniper 6 hours ago IF the Polls show the Public doesn't care about the World, neither does this Administration. Wow. What leadership, indeed Statesmanship! 6 Marvin L. Foster Marvin L. Foster 6 hours ago A great article with which I agree. There are two issues here: 1) Obama's competency (or I believe lack thereof) to handle international affairs and crisis, and 2) what role the US should be playing in these countries. As Colin Powell expressed so well in his autobiography "My American Journey," we should never go in without clear and well defined objectives. We went into Iraq to oust Hussian and succeeded, but it is unclear what else we wanted to achieve. We went into Afghanistan to revenge 9-11 and destroy Al Quida. That was probably an impossible objective and we have only succeeded in draining our resources (human and financial), making ourselves more hated, and trying to impose our system of government in a culture of tribal leaders and warfare where they clearly are not ready for democracy. I believe Obama is incompentent in the area of foreign policy. I also believe we need to stop sending troops to every trouble spot in the world. 3 GeorgeB Purdell GeorgeB Purdell 5 hours ago @Marvin L. Foster Just think how different affairs would be had Bush wiped out every living thing in Tora Bora and come home. No extended Afghan campaign, no Iraq war. Just kill the 9/11 perp's swiftly and brutally and come home. Saddam and his pervert sons would still be a counter to Iran; we would have thousands less dead soldiers and tens of thousands less maimed; and trillions less in debt and wasted capital. Above all, avoiding the stupid adventures and expenditures of GWB would very likely not have given rise to the likes of Barak Hussein Obama. Just like diseases, communists strike best internally at moments of weakness. They then devote their energies to destroy the body's natural defenses. In Obama's case, that means attacking free speech, free markets, and the rule of law. Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago Just look at Obama's schedule and you'll see where his priorities are. Yesterday? A speech to students at a technical high school in Massachusetts. Then a fund raiser. Today? A photo op with the Australian prime minister, then lunch with Biden ("Joe, what about that
Lebron interview on ESPN last night?") and finally a ceremony (he loves ceremonies!) honoring a women's basketball team. Friday it's off to Palm Springs for another commencement address, more fund raising, some downtime, and presumably golf. Michelle is going too. Meanwhile, our national security diminishes day by day as radical Islamists gain more and more territory. Good site here that tracks O's doings: 12 Dom Fried Dom Fried 6 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana He doesn't need to be hands-on. His plans for our destruction are being executed very well. 2 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 4 hours ago A photo op with the Australian Prime minister? The same Prime Minister who is trying to build an international coalition to oppose Obama's anti- carbon taxes? Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago "Now if you want to vent about " George Bush's war," be my guest. But George Bush isn't president anymore. Barack Obama is because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency. Up to now, burying those responsibilities in the sand has never been in the job description." This just about sums it up nicely. It would really help if he and his people were competent, Dude! Maybe they haven't seen it on TV yet so they're unaware of it. 12 ROY MCKAY ROY MCKAY 6 hours ago All part of his silent plan to reshape the world. 6 Constantine Gonatas Constantine Gonatas 6 hours ago Maybe the editorial writer is suggesting that we should combat all evil in the world - bad as the islamic crazies are in Mosul, etc. but we've been there, done that. We can't hold up in Iraq forever we were already there with boots on the ground about three times longer than our participation in the second world war. It's not like that war where, once the organized enemy was defeated it stayed defeated. So the islamists in Iraq are going to be killing each other for a while. Maybe we can try containing them rather than outright military confrontation. We lost quite a few lives in the Afghan and Iraqi operations, suggesting that some accepting some terrorism is OK as a trade-off for losing a lot of soldiers in hot actions.
3 John Shniper John Shniper 6 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas Ever hear of Pearl Harbor or 9/11/01? Apparently NOT! 3 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas "...we were already there with boots on the ground about three times longer than our participation in the second world war...." We're still on the ground in Germany and a good portion of Western Europe. Japan too (Okinawa) and Korea. That's how we secured victory, or in the case of Korea, at least prevented defeat. You can't just cut and run. 5 Hanna Adnan Hanna Adnan 6 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana @Constantine Gonatas Why did we go there in the first place? Trust me, if we do not send George W Bush to The Hague, we cannot even start to carry out our obligations towards the US correctly. Howard Levinton Howard Levinton 4 hours ago @Hanna Adnan @Alonzo Quijana @Constantine Gonatas Pathetic. No wonder this country is in trouble around the world. 2 Raymond Klett Raymond Klett 6 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas Another uninformed obtuse comment. Are you seriously trying to defend the most incompetent president ever? 7 Troy Danekes Troy Danekes 6 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas If you want to live in a global society, then you must accept the fact that the strongest, most competent nations need to stand together against any group or country that tries to bring the world back to the Medieval Ages. We did it in Europe, twice. This is our generation's fight, and fight it we must. 8 Dom Fried Dom Fried 6 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas "We can't hold up in Iraq forever"
Nonsense. We are still in South Korea, Germany, ..., with no plans to leave. 3 Constantine Gonatas Constantine Gonatas 1 hour ago @Dom Fried @Constantine Gonatas yes, but with troops in regular training who get hot meals and can drink beers whenever they want to (my late father in law was an air force lieutenant stationed in Germany, whose main responsibility was taking care of pilots who crashed their planes after too many Loewenbraus...). As opposed to being in the field for 7 months at a time, eating MRE's and getting shot at, while being barely tolerated by ungrateful villagers you're trying to protect. Don't forget, we had more casualties in Afghanistan and in Iraq than on 9/11. Stuart Biliack Stuart Biliack 5 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas I agree with other responders about keeping troops in to keep the peace, as we've done for so many years in Germany, Japan, S. Korea, etc. The difference between this war and all of the others is Islam. We do not get the Islamic mindset, and haven't learned to deal with it or defeat it. Applying techniques and prerogatives that worked in other countries and cultures won't work in the War on Terror. 1 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 5 hours ago "Holding up in Iraq was the plan. The idea was to establish a foothold of democracy in the midst of Islamic chaos, from which the US could protect the interests of democracy and freedom. Progressive relativism denies the need for protection from the abuses of Islamist extremism, but common sense recognizes the reality. Relativism is the reason that the Obamas and Hillary refuse to do more than hold up hash tags in the face of Islamist extremism. 1 Gordon Howald Gordon Howald 4 hours ago @Constantine Gonatas Great strategy - let the terrorists regroup, release their friends in Gitmo, let radical Islamists get the bomb, and open the boarder! No profiling allowed! That should bring America to its knees... 2 Stephen Carroll Stephen Carroll 6 hours ago Obama wanted all the troops out of Iraq so he could brag to his base that Bush got us into the war and he, Obama got us out of the war. That was more important to him than the situation on the ground. Obama creates his own reality and this has worked will for him in his political career. 6 Troy Danekes Troy Danekes 6 hours ago
@Stephen Carroll It may have worked well in the short-term and for only half of the country, but history will not be kind to this man-child. 6 DAVID MAPLES DAVID MAPLES 7 hours ago All: Before comparing Obama to Neville Chamberlain, it would be instructive to read Churchill's history of WWII and measure Chamberlain's actions after Munich. Unknown by many, there WAS a turning point in the spring of 1939, when Chamberlain finally came to grips with the magnitude of Hitler's evil intentions. He was scheduled to make a domestic speech somewhere in England either on a weekend or on the Monday following, and instead tore up his speech and used the opportunity to call Hitler out for what he was. Yes, it was very, very late in the day, but at least Chamberlain had the moral fortitude to admit that he was wrong and that a change in direction was needed. It's been a very long time since an American pol has publicly admitted he was wrong on a policy issue...a VERY long time. 8 Hugh Mulcahy Hugh Mulcahy 6 hours ago @DAVID MAPLES Yes and that politician should be GW Bush for creating this mess in the first place. 1 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @Hugh Mulcahy @DAVID MAPLES Oh my. We're in the sixth year of Obama's presidency and we're still bleating about Bush circa 2002? 5 William Ledsham William Ledsham 6 hours ago @Alonzo Quijana @Hugh Mulcahy @DAVID MAPLES Sadly, it is the Liberal way. Nobody is responsible for anything. Everything is somebody else's fault. In so many words, the worldview of the four year old. 3 Stephen Carroll Stephen Carroll 6 hours ago @Hugh Mulcahy @DAVID MAPLES A good president takes the situation as he finds it. If Bush messed up that's to bad and we can't change what he did. It's Obama's job to pick up the pieces and move on. Instead we find willing dupes to excuse our current president from moving on. Did Churchill blame the incompetent French leaders Daladier and Reynaud for the fall of France. He could have easily. Did Churchill's supporters blame Gamelin?? No. 3 Pat Curtin Pat Curtin 5 hours ago Hey lunatic,
Under what president did the Islamic terrorists make their organizational structures and begin to attack the US homeland? Got it yet? Hint: Monica felated him while the Cole was attacked. 1 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @DAVID MAPLES Even Carter got it -- finally -- after the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. But Obama? He never seem to learn. 3 Richard Helfrich Richard Helfrich 5 hours ago @DAVID MAPLES Now is the time for the President to follow in Chamberlains' footsteps and admit the impossible: The man who would be God has failed. Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 5 hours ago Obama thinks that he is winning, achieving all his goals to fundamentally change America. 1 Hugh Mulcahy Hugh Mulcahy 7 hours ago The ethnic tensions have always been there but were kept in check by strongmen like Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad. The US in its wisdom decided to dispose of these 'leaders' and this is the result. If Obama had bombed Syria last summer its clear these ISIS guys would now be in total control there and what do you think would be happening with those chemical weapons? 2 Charles Hall Charles Hall 7 hours ago Obama never had the wherewithal to be president. He is weak and the world's leaders know it. Meanwhile he continues to weaken our own military by paring it down. Like Neville Chamberlain, he knows not that he knows not. We are in trouble now, and there's no daylight for at least two years. 3 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 5 hours ago Obama considers his weakness a strength. Obama supports the creation of an Islamic caliphate. Obama thinks that violence and abuse in the name of Islam is not violence and abuse is just a cultural difference. LARRY FRENCH LARRY FRENCH 7 hours ago Five thousand Americans served their country and gave up their lives for our interests in Iraq and this is how it ends? What did they die for? 4 ROY MCKAY ROY MCKAY 6 hours ago
You think Obama cares? 3 David Newton David Newton 7 hours ago At this point, what difference does it make! 7 Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago @David Newton Period! Dude! 3 Dave Rogers Dave Rogers 7 hours ago Henninger leaves out the fact that the Obama Administration wanted to leave troops there but couldn't come to a deal with the Iraqi government. Perhaps in this case, Maliki deserves the blame here, not Obama. David Newton David Newton 7 hours ago @Dave Rogers Its bushes fault. Obama never wanted troops in Iraq and never negotiated faithfully to overcome issues in the typical back and forth in negotiations on a Status of Forces Agreement. We have status of forces agreements with most countries. For some reason, Obama and Biden could not figure out how to negotiate with the Iraqis. Dave Rogers Dave Rogers 7 hours ago @David Newton @Dave Rogers How do you know that? Because it didn't work? Sounds like a big guess to me. 1 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @Dave Rogers Obama simply did not try hard enough. Had we pushed for the military's recommendation of 16K troops (versus O's 8K) we might have gotten a deal done. At 8K, Maliki did not think it worth the political heat he would have to take. To make matters worse, O appointed a clueless ambassador to Baghdad, with no Middle East experience. The Sibelius of diplomacy. 2 Pat Curtin Pat Curtin 5 hours ago Wrong. Leaders lead. They don't wait for a goat herder to agree with you. Kenneth Gimbel Kenneth Gimbel 7 hours ago Will for six years now Obama has been withdrawing from the world and turning in. Concentrating on the US economy. How's that working out for you?. I'm sure we'll get another great speech. I
wonder how many terrorists to be have streamed across our southern border? Obama has earned impeachment. I guess that makes me a racist. 7 derek crane derek crane 7 hours ago Muslims have been brutally killing each other for nearly 1500 years and will continue to kill each other despite all efforts to change their behavior. The lesson of our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan is simple: Despite our good intentions, there is nothing we can do to stop the killing -we should step aside, isolate them and engage only when they terrorize outside their borders. 5 Jacob Maczuga Jacob Maczuga 6 hours ago @derek crane Ahh, the peaceful Muslims. 5 Raymond Klett Raymond Klett 6 hours ago @derek crane You forgot, or didn't learn, that the artificial borders created by Britain's colonialism is contributing to the issues. Who in their right mind would force Shiites and Sunnis in the defined borders of Iraq? BTW they did the same thing in Africa. Of course this does not excuse Islam's hell bent desire to solve problems with blood. 1 Michael Furlong Michael Furlong 7 hours ago My only question is at what point do the problems in Iraq and Afghanistan become the problems for the governments and the people of those countries. Whoever you choose to blame for the wars/incursions/departures in these countries, at some point the United States has to let these countries work out their own problems. Perhaps the biggest mistake we have made as a country is believing democracy is the best government for every country. Some countries may not have the culture or history to value or to maintain a democracy, and I do not believe putting the young and talented men and women of this country at risk for countries that will not act competently on their own is a wise course of action or a wise foreign policy. 3 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @Michael Furlong Would you tolerate the formation of a terrorist state -- ISIS -- that would serve as a safe haven for AQ and their supporters as they plan attacks on the West? That looks to be what we are doing here. 2 ROY MCKAY
ROY MCKAY 6 hours ago Did you forget the purple fingers of 90% of those liberated in Iraq? 1 RODGER POTOCKI RODGER POTOCKI 7 hours ago It's appropriate that Obama is speaking to the Sioux while most of the world is topsy turvy. Isn't that where the delusional Custer made his last stand? Perhaps the First Lady will start a Tweet campaign urging Al Qaeda to leave Syria and Iraq? Let's all tweet at once, "Leave, please, you're interfering with our effort to control weather and income levels." 4 Art Haiss Art Haiss 8 hours ago We have built the most powerful war machine capable of reaching every person on the planet, and we still label it the Defense Department. David Wruck David Wruck 8 hours ago Not so much any more, it's being hollowed out. Beside that, there is something to be said for peace through strength. You can see around the globe today the chaos that is unleashed when we are weak. 2 Helmut Hauser Helmut Hauser 8 hours ago Couldn't be put any better. This nincompoop of a US-president, his clique of likeminded 'infertiles' and a monstrous Federal administration totally waco and out of control are on the way of burying us all. 14 Michael King Michael King 9 hours ago where is Dick Cheney when you need him? 9 Eric Biss Eric Biss 10 hours ago @Burns Again I ask, when has American soldiers on the Asian mainland ever worked out well? 2 Alonzo Quijana Alonzo Quijana 6 hours ago @Eric Biss Korea. But why are you confining yourself to the Asian mainland? Japan and the Philippines worked well. 1 Eric Biss Eric Biss 10 hours ago
When has American soldiers on the Asian mainland ever worked out well? 1 Burns Matkin Burns Matkin 10 hours ago The only war the left supported was when we were allies of Stalin. Since that time, the left has sided with communists and jihadists everywhere. Look at the flake the west took defending Korea. The left is still into MASH reruns telling us how the Koreans would have been better off under N. Korea. 6 Burns Matkin Burns Matkin 10 hours ago You forgot to add Egypt and Libya to Obama's wonderful list of failures. 5 David Zamos David Zamos 5 hours ago @Burns Matkin Indeed, and, as I've previously stated, by unilaterally ordering US military involvement in Libya with even attempting to first consult with the US Congress as required by Section 3 of the War Powers Resolution of 1973, "The Obamanation" trampled all over that standing law. Conversely, when our late Ambassador to Libya, Stevens, needed immediate US military assistance that, if provided on a timely basis could have saved his life, "The Obamanation" did nothing and, of course, Hillary "What Difference Does It Make" Clinton flouted her responsibility to insure that our diplomatic staff in Libya was provided adequate security. THEODORE BECKLEY THEODORE BECKLEY 11 hours ago Step back and take an overall look at what has transpired. The absolute total ignorance of President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld regarding the Middle East believing that a 6 week to 6 month war could be fought without sufficient ground troops is inexcusable. Remember “Mission Accomplished�. I am critical when there were 4,475 deaths, 32,220 casualties in Iraq and 2,165 deaths, 18,230 casualties in Afghanistan, 103,792 with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 253,330 with a Traumatic brain injury (TBI) at a cost of $1.26 Trillion to fight a war as retaliation for killing 3,000 people on 9/11 in New York. The incompetency of President Bush and his advisors regarding the execution of the wars is being blamed on the other incompetent President Obama and his advisors. Burns Matkin Burns Matkin 10 hours ago @THEODORE BECKLEY Wow, Bush did it!!
How novel! You're the first person ever to lay the blame on Bush. Amazing,
I wonder why I didn't think of that. Do you think that blaming Bush would be a good strategy to account for the last 7 years. Maybe we could blame Truman. After all he nuked Japan. 18 Joel O'Bryan Joel O'Bryan 9 hours ago @Burns Matkin @THEODORE BECKLEY Burns, you can't use logical, rational debate with intentionally blind stupid commenters here. Syria's refugees top 1 million. Easily over 100,000 are dead. Chemical weapons are continuing to be used on civilians. But the Obamaites just shut their eyes, cover their ears, and scream "blah, blah,Iraq, Bush! blah, Iraq, blah, Bush.....!" So you are wasting time and life with guys like Theo. 7 David Zamos David Zamos 10 hours ago @THEODORE BECKLEY Are you unaware that, unlike "The Obamanation" who does whatever he wants to whomever he desires regardless of the law, GWB sought and received US Congressional authority to introduce US military forces in Iraq with even then US Senators John Kerry and Hillary "What-Difference-Does-It-Make" Clinton voting in favor of granting the Bush administration such authority. However, at acute contrast with how the Bush administration acted, when "The Obamanation" wanted to introduce US military forces into Libya, he trampled all over Section 3 of the War Powers Resolution of 1973 by not even attempting to consult with the US Congress before illegally doing exactly that. What a guy! 15 James Savage James Savage 10 hours ago @THEODORE BECKLEY That's right, Ted, all we had to do was turn the other cheek after 9/11 and we'd be singing Kumbaya with Al-Qaeda right now. What color is the sky in your world, Ted? 13 David Wruck David Wruck 7 hours ago Excuse me, you cannot be commander in chief of the military, overseeing about 3x the number of fatalities in Aghanistan in five years that Bush had in eight, and then somehow give the current administration a pass. All presidents inherit their situations from the prior. Bush wasn't the first POTUS for gosh sakes. Sure, Bush deserves some blame and ridicule for the way he handled certain aspects of the initiation and execution of these wars, bu the current situation can't be his fault forever. When he left office, Iraq was largely a very a stable place, and Obama has managed to allow it to turn to total chaos. 7 Jake Manos Jake Manos 12 hours ago And this clown was re-elected. Nice job America. The next 9-11 that originates with these animals
taking over Iraq or the next 9-11 that originates from a terrorist walking across the border from Mexico while the border patrol passes out juice boxes to children, is on this clowns hands. God help us all. WORST PRESIDENT EVER. 17 Richard D Volkman Richard D Volkman 12 hours ago We should learn that mr. Obama admires al Qaeda, admires their ideas of governance and plans to follow Sal Alinsky's methods for reorganizing America. The signs are all there, groups of aggrieved young blacks (and others) will take to the streets on his command, arming the various government agencies to the teeth, to overcome citizen's response to riots. Then he will establish martial law, and that will be the end of America. Obama will be a dictator. Woe to us all. 11 David Newton David Newton 7 hours ago @Richard D Volkman I am not that cynical. Blacks show a united front. But I doubt they will go to the streets to riot and risk death so Obama can be a dictator. I also doubt Blacks care much about foreign policy. 2 Kerry Kendrick Kerry Kendrick 12 hours ago we've become a powerless world power. Thank you Mr. President 8 kevin jacobson kevin jacobson 12 hours ago Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be blamed on the next President assuming they are a Republican. If a Democrat, it will be blamed on the House GOP. 3 David Newton David Newton 7 hours ago @kevin jacobson Its the fault od the do nothing congress. Tommy Butler Tommy Butler 13 hours ago Apparently, skill in reading a teleprompter doesn't create national security and international peace. 11 Dennis Hoffmann Dennis Hoffmann 14 hours ago Obama's "whistle in the dark" strategy is working exactly as any realistic adult would have expected. Completely unrealistic and a comfort to the enemy. 4 William Glasheen William Glasheen 14 hours ago How badly does Barry have to screw the world pooch before his shills stop coming online here defending his incompetence. Un-believable.
"Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us." - JFK 10 KYLE TERADA KYLE TERADA 10 hours ago @William Glasheen that wont ever happen. you have a better chance of helping a blind man see then convince a man in denial he was wrong. 2 Peter Svider Peter Svider 14 hours ago It is all Bush fault. Obama is innocent bystander.He wasn't elected to do anything .He was elected to say -it isn't my fault and use WH facilities to enjoy good staff,pleasant life and receive Nobel prize. 18 Matt Cummings Matt Cummings 10 hours ago @Peter Svider. Don't forget the most important task - to play golf! 6 David Zamos David Zamos 6 hours ago @Matt Cummings @Peter Svider Indeed, "The Obamanation's" golf seems to be more important than anything else he does and really sad part of that is that he's undoubtedly better at golf than anything else he does. 2 Acco Hengst Acco Hengst 8 hours ago @Peter Svider The word present and president are only two letters apart. This may hurt his rock star ambitions and speaking fees as he follows Jimmy Carter after the latter's Iran debacle. 4 Richard Davidson Richard Davidson 14 hours ago We will do exactly as we did when Saigon fell to the ARVN troops, undoing what we spent a decade wasting our time doing. That is all we can do about these places -- nothing. We are not going in, guns blazing, again. Those countries can choose their own government, have their own civil wars, and watch tin horn dictators be in charge. Not our problem. There is no real American interest, or Nero would be doing something other than fiddle with domestic issues. Period. 4 Theodore J. Harvatin Theodore J. Harvatin 14 hours ago @Richard Davidson Korea, Germany, Japan. All worked out fine. Those who forget the lessons of
history are bound to repeat them. NOW we can say Iraq is another Vietnam. Betrayed by left wing Democrats in both cases, flushing down the drain hard fought gains. 28 paul grunder paul grunder 14 hours ago @Richard Davidson I think I agree, Richard. I was never enthusiastic about going into Iraq, and I was never enthusiastic about escalation in Afghanistan. Honestly, I really do think the tax payers are not interested in these foreign wars. We are tired of the whole thing, and just want to see our own country repaired in every way. We are also tired of the EPA's war on the public, the teacher's union war on children, the immigration services totally in disarray, and a president that is barely an American, and show signs of being mentally ill. (either that or he just plain hates the USA). We need to heal but we are in such trouble as a nation. (paul's wife) 6 Michael Yu Michael Yu 11 hours ago @Richard Davidson Are you nuts? Remember 9-11? You think something like this happening in the Middle East is not going to have consequences for us. Get your head out of the sand. 4 Acco Hengst Acco Hengst 8 hours ago @Richard Davidson JFK did not mind watching Diem getting assassinated. Took everyone's eyes off his womanizing. Diem would have fixed Vietnam and avoided LBJs escalation into stupidity and bad warfare. 2 William Bair William Bair 7 hours ago Richard, the ARVN was the South Vietnamese army----here is a news flash; the North Vietnamese army captured Saigon. Perhaps you are a little geographically challenged? 2 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 14 hours ago I do not expect Iran to sit idly by while the Sunnis retake Iraq. 4 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 14 hours ago @Peter Dodson The whole purpose of an Islamic caliphate is to unite the Shiites and the Sunnis under a single Islamic board, run by the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the remaining secular governments in the Middle East who oppose the Caliphate, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The other countries will simply fall in line. 3 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 14 hours ago @Donna Shaw @Peter Dodson The Sunnis and Shiites of Iran and Iraq were so united in the 1980s that they fought an 8 year war. 1
Richard Davidson Richard Davidson 14 hours ago @Peter Dodson They will do nothing. Just watch. They know we are watching them. 1 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 14 hours ago @Richard Davidson @Peter Dodson Iran will do nothing because we are watching them? We are watching them build a nuclear arsenal. 4 lucas watson lucas watson 14 hours ago Imagine how our military people feel at this point? They detest and distrust him, thinking him a traitor -- their anti-commander in chief. How can such a man hope to command in a real crisis? In this dilemma he's gotten us into, there is no good solution. I vote we keep him golfing and on the 'View' every day; get Jon Stewart to write the teleprompter stuff for him, make him feel clever. Obama has proven he's capable of anything so long as it's destructive to Americans -- limiting that is the most we can hope for. 11 Richard Davidson Richard Davidson 14 hours ago @lucas watson For starters, Obama has not gotten us into any of this. As for military men, having been one myself, any war for the sake of planting our flag in the middle of someone else's civil war is a waste of our blood and treasure. 2 William Glasheen William Glasheen 14 hours ago @Richard Davidson Wrong, Dick. This is Barry's war now. 5 Acco Hengst Acco Hengst 7 hours ago @Richard Davidson @lucas watson Obama not been President for 5.5 years? Someone tell Michelle! 2 John Dixon John Dixon 14 hours ago It's absurd to say that "al Qaeda terrorists" are taking over all of Northern and Western Iraq on their own as if this could possibly occur without massive support from Iraqi Sunnis on the ground. The
seeds were laid back in 2003 when the Iraqi army was dissolved and thousands of Sunni soldiers left jobless. Then in 2005 the US armed Sunni tribal militias in the region to suppress al Qaeda in Iraq. That worked temporarily. But promises to include those Sunnis in the security forces and in decisions about oil revenue were not kept by the Shiites under al-Maliki. So regardless of what group from Syria may be leading this insurgency, the whole region was ripe for an explosion since the US war destabilized Iraqi society and left Sunnis excluded from the post-war settlement. 1 Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 14 hours ago Obama is simply living up to what he was before being elected President. He has been as remarkable as President as he was when he lectured in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, namely, a nonchalant dilettante who did not write one single paper. In 2008, I wrote in another publication: "If Americans love incompetence, they will worship Obama." 21 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 14 hours ago Here's an idea. Let's ask Netanyahu politely, Barry boy, to wipe out all the problems. We can give him the necessary hardware to do so because we sure as Shxt don't have a government interested in such a move.. But OMG Al Sharpton the Zionist and Rev Wright will object. And that bachelor father of a child delivered from a a campaign worker will micturate green. 1 Jeremy Fuller Jeremy Fuller 15 hours ago Where is the United Nations in all of this? Why is everything that goes wrong in the world our responsibility? We aren't going to sacrifice thousands of American soldiers to prevent Crimean annexation or get involved the Iraq quagmire again, that's for sure. A U.N. resolution to create a multinational military force to go in and save the fledgling Iraqi government is the reasonable solution here. DAN SHEEHY DAN SHEEHY 15 hours ago Consume the Obama legacy? The guy is at best a failure to this point, a mendacious Manchurian candidate at worst. Exactly what legacy is there to consume? 4 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 15 hours ago This is a link to the terms of surrender that are behind the Obama Middle Eastern policy, the prisoner release, the reason that there were no Marines at either Tripoli or Benghazi and the reason that Hillary and Obama have refused to interfere in the Boko Haram kidnappings.
These are the same terms that were laid out by Osama Bin Laden and reiterated to Obama by Morsi in June of 2012. These demands were the real subject of the Egypt protest that proceeded the Benghazi attack. 1 Bryan Smith Bryan Smith 15 hours ago Meanwhile in the White House..."But, but, said Al Qaeda was on the run!" "Shut up already Barry! Can someone please tell me if we have another prisoner to rescue, to defray attention from this mess?" "Yes, how about that Marine in Mexico, Valerie?" "Perfect! And someone get Obama's golf clubs, he needs to show the American people that this will not distract him from his duty's" "um, Miss Jarrett, the driver is bent and the putter grip is worn out!" "Spare me the details, just let him "Act" like he knows what he is doing, I'll make sure "what" he needs is in his bag!" 3 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 14 hours ago @Bryan Smith no, that marine in prison in Mexico is a bad guy, he is white and he owns guns. 2 ROBERT HOLTON ROBERT HOLTON 15 hours ago Obama is an empty suit, particularly when it come to foreign policy, being utterly unwilling to lead the nation in any way that challenges his constituencies immediate wishes. Bush was sincere in his willingness to even sacrifice his political fortunes for what he felt the nation needed, but unfortunately lacked the wisdom, skill and cynicism needed to be effective at it. But ultimately our present calamitous position is a result of a majority of the nation refusing to shoulder the burden we have taken on for 70 years. As understandable as this is, the results are about what would be expected. But somehow, in a similar way that the average voter clamors for lower taxes, more services and less debt, we have asked that the nation keep us absolutely secure, with total privacy and ensure that the world is safe without any foreign entanglements. This is not a matter of party, unfortunately. 3 Jeffrey Ihnen Jeffrey Ihnen 15 hours ago
"Barack Obama is because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency. " Wrongo. Obama loved the campaign and winning them. The "job" was always some other sucker's problem. Dirty work, hard work, difficult work, guts, etc... Somebody else can do that. It's below his caste. I can't imagine him with any regrets sitting in the Oval Office at this hour. Instead he's probably watching a reality tv show and having an ice cream. 3 Marshall Dillon Marshall Dillon 15 hours ago Fundamental transformation in progress ... 4 jerome rathskeller jerome rathskeller 15 hours ago No more Oprah Winfrey movies for me. 2 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 15 hours ago We are moving into a new era courtesy of Obama, an era in which there will be great uncertainty and frequent interruptions to the world' soil supplies. An era during which Russia and Middle Eastern terrorists will control oil supplies. God save us. 9 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 15 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON I don't expect any shortage of dirt while Obama is in office. 1 David Zamos David Zamos 10 hours ago @Peter Dodson @XAVIER L SIMON Well, I would argue with that because there seems to be an overabundance of BS associated with everything "The Obamanation" does or even talks about. Bruce Fernandes Bruce Fernandes 15 hours ago Hillary cannot distance herself from Obama's failed foreign policy just because she is no longer Secretary of State. She was on board with many of these plans including believing in the Arab Brotherhood in Egypt. I predict if democrats are crushed in NOV she is not running. She will only run if she is assured victory and she will have to ask herself if dealing with a republican house and senate is her cup of tea. 9 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 15 hours ago You may have something there Bruce. On the other hand there is her naked ambition. 3
Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson 13 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON EWWW don't say naked when speaking of her. 2 Jesse Hollander Jesse Hollander 16 hours ago This is long list for Hillary to fix once she's president 2 Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 16 hours ago @Jesse Hollander - Hillary & her video are part of the problem 6 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 15 hours ago Who was in charge when the current foreign policies were concocted? 9 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 15 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Nobody 2 David Zamos David Zamos 10 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Excellent question, and, in that regard, below is a short video of then US Senator Hillary "What Difference Does It Make" Clinton defending her vote in favor of granting the Bush administration congressional authority to introduce US military forces in Iraq - then Senator John Kerry with Hillary on this measure. JOSH MCMINDES JOSH MCMINDES 16 hours ago Maybe it's time for Barry to draw a red line. 6 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago @JOSH MCMINDES I thought Valerie took his box of crayons away from him already :) 10 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 16 hours ago The ISIS incursion into Northern Iraq and Syria is counterintuitive to Iranian interests. Turkey is now feeling the effects more dramatically and has already been making nice with Iran. I would not
be surprised to see Iran and Turkey collaborate to turn back and stunt the growth of ISIS, before it gets a chance to settle in, starting with airstrikes. Iran needs al Maliki and Assad, they can't let this go unchallenged. This debacle rests almost entirely on Obama and his misguided minions! Half measures will not do! 2 William Bair William Bair 16 hours ago I wonder what giveaway the President will be announcing on Friday so the Sunday shows will have something to talk about and distract people from the newest foreign policy disaster. Maybe Susan Rice can appear and tell us that Mosul didn't fall and a half million people were only streaming out of the city to try and get an early start to go to the Persian Gulf beaches for the weekend. 7 Shawn Glanville Shawn Glanville 16 hours ago You could not have defined a greater Manchurian candidate than our current Occupy Washington POTUS. 7 Bryan Smith Bryan Smith 15 hours ago @Shawn Glanville If only country's could find a way to harness such complete and utter self delusion... Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 16 hours ago Osama Bin Laden is dead, and Al Qaeda is on the run. Sadly, they are running in force towards Baghdad. 4 David Rodman David Rodman 16 hours ago An America that does not know its own values can not project them abroad. Much less could it provide world leadership and the most important element - hope. It all starts with American leadership founded on American values. With leadership than is at once skeptical and often apologetic of American values, how could the foundations of hope do anything but crumble? 4 Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 16 hours ago @David Rodman - Obama & his amnesty policies have give "hope" to thousands of illegals swarming across our Southern borders mostly children who have been told that if they're under 18, Obama won't send them back to their own country. Cloward/Piven in action 2
Suzanne Smith Suzanne Smith 16 hours ago President Obama is committed to ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is not committed to ending them well. President Obama believes that he knows better than his predecessor and better than his generals. He cannot be bothered negotiating with his opponents, either at home or in foreign lands. Hence, the US has no status of forces agreement in Iraq and provides no support for the newly formed government there. Mr. Obama will likely blame the fall of Iraq on former President Bush (43), who has been living quietly in Texas for over six years now, on whose watch the war was won. It probably will not even occur to him that he, the great Obama, is to blame for the failure to negotiate, the failure to accept advise from those who understand international politics far better than he does, and the failure to maintain the peace bought with the price of much American blood and many American lives. 27 Alan Freemond Alan Freemond 15 hours ago @Suzanne Smith The loss of American blood and lives means absolutely nothing to this ghetto denizen. The inability to implement the status of forces agreement was a marvelous excuse to quit Iraq. Which one of those chardonnay sipping slack wristed metrosexuals up there thought that one up. 3 Jeff Funk Jeff Funk 6 hours ago @Suzanne Smith Well said Suzanne. John Williams John Williams 16 hours ago Obama is all about a crisis. He is a drama queen who believes in death by 1000 cuts. Every day there is a crisis or scandal.
1 Terence Favor Terence Favor 16 hours ago Sounds like ISIS is a Sunni group. Most of Iraq is Shia. The Iraq Shia can unite with the Iranian Shia, the Syrians and take on Al Queda. Lets get all of the Americans out. 1
Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 17 hours ago Perhaps someone in the White House should tell Obama that, while RUNNING is a good workout, it is not a principle on which America's foreign policy should be based. 1 Richard Coolidge Richard Coolidge 17 hours ago The Barbarians are at tbe Gates yet Obama fiddles. I've seen tbis movie before and it doesn't end well for tbe 'good guys'. Well, to the victor goes the spoils. I salute thee, the new rules of the world. 4 Gerard Muller Gerard Muller 17 hours ago Obama's positions on Iraq and Afganistan have been constantly poll tested and found to be consistent with the desires of most Americans, including those on this board who basically agree with his ME policy while detesting the fact of who is promulgating it. Paul or the others of his ilk wouldn't be following any ME policy that was different than Obama's. That's the reality. When America went into Afganistan and Iraq it did something that was on a scale without precedent and it showed. We knew how to shock and awe but didn't have a clue as to what to do afterwards. In WWII, we defeated and occupied countries with established governmental systems that we could work through. No such luck in the ME and so we now see the rise of the caliphate that has been poised to take over since we left. 2 Matthew Auman Matthew Auman 16 hours ago @Gerard Muller While I agree, we also occupied the Phillipines, stayed for half a century, and left a relatively stable, progressing country. South Korea is similar. What is dangerous is half measures. If we don't wish to be involved in the world's problems fine, but Bush did get us involved in Iraq and left it stable. Obama has destabilized it completely. If Paul were president now and retreating everywhere, this would be Paul's mess. Obama has to lead in the world we now have, not that which he would prefer. And this world doesn't defer to him like the American media. An overused but apt example is Neville Chamberlain at Munich - Chamberlain disowned previous pledges to allies, even though the pledges were from his predecessors. How has the world judged him? 11 Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 15 hours ago @Gerard Muller - the military knows what to do, its the lawyers running the show who don't our generals didn't have to contend with Rules of Engagement during WWII. We fought to win & win we did. we'll never win again under the present structure 4 Alan Freemond
Alan Freemond 14 hours ago @Maggie Finney @Gerard Muller Rules of engagement yeah sure In one of the volumes of Atkinson's Liberation Trilogy company officers are quoted as say that "well take no prisoner this morning. XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago "Barack Obama is fiddling while the world burns." If you have been watching the news even after Henninger wrote his column you'll know that what he said is not an overstatement. ISIS, a competing terrorist group that Al Qaeda has disowned because they are so much more violent, is now moving towards Baghdad and Iraqi soldiers are dropping their arms. A new power has been born in the Middle East and it is far worse than even Al Qaeda itself. All the while Obama is quite literally even if figuratively fiddling. It seems that is all he knows how to do. 19 Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 16 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON The world that is burning is America's world. Who will trust our policies? Our judgement? 2 France Childsky France Childsky 17 hours ago "Men do not go insane. They are driven to insanity" - Shakespeare The Middle East is an insane place. Much of this insanity is driven by our thirst for oil. Putting it kindly, our hands are not clean and have not been for many decades. The situation in the Middle East cannot go on forever. Who will clean this wound, this obscenity, this abomination? XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @France Childsky That may be so France, but it is the world we live in and we might as well get used to it and make the best of it. 1 France Childsky France Childsky 17 hours ago
@XAVIER L SIMON @France Childsky The question is, are we diplomats or statesmen or just common dogs? There is a price to be payed for all three choices. 1 Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 17 hours ago @France Childsky Another simplistic post by someone who does not understand economics. We do not have a"thirst for oil" any more than we have a thirst for fresh food, clean water, comfortable homes, and a growing economy. OIL IS GOOD. Oil is THE reason we have had economic growth in the past 150 years. The Middle East was messed up before oil. 12 France Childsky France Childsky 15 hours ago @Joseph Beaudoin Oil may be good, but what have we done to gain it? This issue is not about economics (we have many economic options for energy), but power and the abuse of it, over and over again. The question remains, are we diplomats or statesmen or just common dogs? Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 14 hours ago @France Childsky We do not have many options to replace oil. 90% of transportation fuel is derived from oil. With respect to your statement: " The question remains, are we diplomats or statesmen or just common dogs?" What the heck does that mean? 2 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 14 hours ago @Joseph Beaudoin The Middle East has always been involved in constant conflict and war, even before Mohammed invented Islam. 2 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 16 hours ago
@France Childsky Your quote does not sound like Shakespeare to me. What is your source? 1 JOSH MCMINDES JOSH MCMINDES 16 hours ago @Peter Dodson I think that was from the Moody Blues. 5 France Childsky France Childsky 15 hours ago @Peter Dodson I found the quote in a Shakespeare anthology decades ago. It was in interesting idea. It also rings true. Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 14 hours ago @France Childsky @Peter Dodson 2 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago
A source, a source, my kingdom for a source.
I studied a lot of Shakespeare. That quote is not familiar to me. Nor could I find it after looking for a little while on the net. Where is it from? Or did you make it up? 2 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 16 hours ago @Henry Newbold The fault, dear Henry, is not in ours, But lies in the vasty fields of France. 1 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago Peter: I may be a Henry, but I'm not the fifth :) 1 Peter Dodson Peter Dodson 16 hours ago @Henry Newbold Then, happy low, lie down! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. 1 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 17 hours ago
"Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness." George Washington 4 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @Maria Bonanno How appropriate! Thanks. 1 THEODORE BECKLEY THEODORE BECKLEY 17 hours ago Is Iraq more stable and people better off than when Saddam Hussein ruled? Are any of the countries more stable and better off than before “Arab Spring”? Non-Government Organizations (NGO) are financed by the USA government and organizations whose purpose is to undermine the governments of those nations’ policies we disagree with and make an effort to change by whatever means necessary. No thoughts are ever given to the unintended consequences in those countries as a result of our interference. We consider it as a normal loss for a desired result. You don't incite a revolution unless the army is on your side. The activists in these nations lost their ability to realize the consequence of their action. The NGO’s sold them a bill of goods they couldn’t deliver. XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @THEODORE BECKLEY What does that have to do with the price of rice in China Theodore? 3 THEODORE BECKLEY THEODORE BECKLEY 17 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON @THEODORE BECKLEY Posted elsewhere Military control of the war ceased when President Harry S. Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur. Since then the wars have been controlled by politicians and their appointees. We doomed the military from ever winning a war by eliminating the draft to have a standing army. It has been reduced to producing sound bites that we have achieved our objective e.g. “Mission Accomplished”. An examples is “13 years in Afghanistan”. The USA and NATO countries fought an undeveloped, uneducated country of Afghanistan, without any military industry, no army, approximate area and population of the state of California for 13 years and not win. Topped off by telling us to go home
and get out of their country. Simultaneously the same situation for 9 years in Iraq. Our country can no longer win a war or the enemies feel that they have lost a war. Rumsfeld's idea of technical superiority resulting in 6 week to 6 months maximum wars has been proven stupid when your enemies are religious terrorists. 1 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago Mussolini made the trains run on time :) And things were stable....if terrible...under Stalin. Of all the arguments for opposing the war in Iraq, one based on saying that Iraq and the world were better off with Saddam in charge is among the more silly one to proffer. 3 THEODORE BECKLEY THEODORE BECKLEY 11 hours ago @Henry Newbold The absolute total ignorance of President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld regarding the Middle East believing that a 6 week to 6 month war could be fought without sufficient ground troops is inexcusable. Remember “Mission Accomplished�. I am critical when there were 4,475 deaths, 32,220 casualties in Iraq and 2,165 deaths, 18,230 casualties in Afghanistan, 103,792 with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 253,330 with a Traumatic brain injury (TBI) at a cost of $1.26 Trillion to fight a war as retaliation for killing 3,000 people on 9/11 in New York. The incompetency of President Bush and his advisors regarding the execution of the wars is being blamed on the other incompetent President Obama and his advisors. PHILIPP EHRMAN PHILIPP EHRMAN 17 hours ago There is NO WAY IN HELL this country can survive 2 1/2 more years of Obama. 15 THEODORE BECKLEY THEODORE BECKLEY 17 hours ago @PHILIPP EHRMAN You haven't seen anything yet. Wait till he gets Congressional control in 2015. Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago @THEODORE BECKLEY @PHILIPP EHRMAN
Mr. Beckley -- on what basis do you make that prediction? 3 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 17 hours ago President Obama should take his pen and his phone and stick it ...... 5 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago While Obama fiddles a new caliphate is born that will soon control a big chunk of the oil of the Middle East. Then together with Putin they will hold the world hostage. 2 Warren Hall Warren Hall 17 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Is it possible that Obama is the caliphate? 3 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @Warren Hall At this point of this guy I believe anything. 4 david pelino david pelino 17 hours ago We invaded Iraq 11 years ago and since then it's been an ongoing variation of civil war. The current Iran-aligned government, installed during the Bush administration, has had upwards of 7 years to properly govern the country and has completely failed at it. So we're really supposed to spend more American blood and treasure propping up an Iran-aligned government and army that has completely failed to keep order for 7 years? For what exactly? David. E., Jr. Roberts David. E., Jr. Roberts 17 hours ago We have been in Korea for 60 years and Europe for 70... Complaints? The fact is Obama bailed on Iraq and the whirlwind is his 19 david pelino david pelino 16 hours ago @David. E., Jr. Roberts Iraq is a far cry from Europe, or Korea. It's an arbitrarily drawn place on a map whose problems we've only made worse since the 2003 invasion. What exactly is the purpose of American blood and treasure being spilled there - to save al-Maliki? Why?
XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @david pelino Pelino, any job is going to fail when it is leaderless. We are leaderless. 16 david pelino david pelino 16 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Iraq has been a failure ever since we set foot there in 2003. We're now reaping the harvest of the Bush "victory" there; an Iran-aligned incompetent government and army that has completely failed to keep order or develop the country. What exactly do you want us to go back there for - to prop up the failing, and likely soon failed state that Bush installed? Maggie Finney Maggie Finney 15 hours ago @david pelino - what we're seeing in Iraq is just another Obama failure he created it, he owns it 6 david pelino david pelino 7 hours ago @Maggie Finney And Iraq was succeeding before Obama? Richard Helfrich Richard Helfrich 8 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON @david pelino We are not absolutely leaderless, our problem is that we are leaderless from behind. 1 david pelino david pelino 7 hours ago @Richard Helfrich Bush led from ahead to invade Iraq in 2003. The rest is the history of the last 11 miserable years there. Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 16 hours ago Mr. Pelino -- the current government was elected in the first free elections those folks had seen....ever.
But yes -- most folks with no experience at democracy have large problems with it. For one thing, it's usually one man, one vote, one time. Had we managed to negotiate a workable SOFA with Iraq that allowed significant US presence there --- specifically intel and training assets --- likely the government would not be as hapless at defending itself as it now appears to be. Cutting and running as Obama did was a mistake. 10 david pelino david pelino 7 hours ago @Henry Newbold If a country needs a large occupying foreign force for an indefinite numbers of years in order to avoid constant civil war, then it can't in any way be described as a democracy. Rather, it's a country - if you want to call it that - made up of irreconcilable factions who are engaged in violence against one another. Such a country will either continue in civil war (as we're seeing now, and since the fall of Saddam Hussein), break up into separate territories (which may come next), or fall into the hands of a strong man (as it did with Saddam Hussein). The fundamental question remains - why do you want to continue to spill American blood and treasure in such a place?
Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 17 hours ago America is experiencing its equivalent of the 1940 Battle of France... America is on the run everywhere... diplomatically, politically, militarily. We don't even seem to be able to take proper care of those we sent to fight our wars. The regimes America set up in Iraq and Afghanistan are about to fall in the hands of people WORSE than those who ruled those countries before American interventions. So much for American military training of Iraq's army. How does anyone think the Afghan Army will fare against the Taleban? Even with the helicopters we bought from Russia. It is a complete discomfiture. Unlike the 1940 French, however, who faced a well prepared German military with complete command of the sky -- courtesy of a number of American firms and Wall St. -- , America today is losing to state-less terrorists organizations with NO air force.
America, under Obama, is a nation defeated. La dĂŠroute est complete. And Hillary is on her to the White House. God help us.
6 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 17 hours ago @Joseph Beaudoin Don't blame America for the shortcomings of the Iraqi army, blame our so-called leader for not finishing the job properly. 8 Joseph Beaudoin Joseph Beaudoin 17 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON America failed to complete the job it undertook when it invaded Iraq and removed Saddam. If you break it you should fix it... not walk away. America RAN away from Iraq, as it did in Vietnam, etc. 4 JAIRO PUENTES JAIRO PUENTES 17 hours ago Islamic radicals continue to advance in Iraq, Syria, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East. They probably thanks Obama's incompetence and neglect for their good fortune.Al Qaida was in the ICU unit when the Americans left, then came Obama who revived them and it is now increasing their numbers and reconstituting their ranks. He just released five top Taliban cabinet members as a proof of his collaboration with the enemy. Obama's strategy is to retreat and endanger the lives of all Americans. 7 Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson 17 hours ago @JAIRO PUENTES They are also advancing in south america. Just waiting for this "man-caused" crisis/chaos - they can now walk right in to our country. 4 JAIRO PUENTES JAIRO PUENTES 17 hours ago Lisa This is true. I am afraid that with the neglect of the border, many terrorists are crossing our borders and preparing to commit terrorist attacks in America. 4 RICHARD LUETTGEN
RICHARD LUETTGEN 17 hours ago You have to cut Barry some slack. After all, there are so MANY emergencies erupting in the Middle East, North Africa and now sub-Saharan Africa, that there's a lot to talk through with the advisors. Ukraine's not letting up, either, Central and South America keep calling us names and sending us their kids, and, sooner or later, another South Korea shoe is going to fall. It makes for a hectic, demanding day, distracting from the basketball, workout schedules and afternoon naps, not to mention the golf rounds. Here's an idea. Let's "pivot" back from Asia, tell Vlad the Impaler that we don't like the "reset" any longer and we've changed our minds about dumping our nukes; and give Israel the go-ahead on jumping ugly with Iran. 3 JULIE M HANEY JULIE M HANEY 15 hours ago Don't forget Sports Center. Glenn Donovan Glenn Donovan 17 hours ago What Iraq needs is a strong leader who will rule with an iron fist to keep the peace. Lol...And oh yeah, possibly the only way Al Qaeda could have an army by now is by removing Saddam. This all is predictable once we invade Iraq - so yeah, there is that... David. E., Jr. Roberts David. E., Jr. Roberts 17 hours ago But you supported clown boy removing Ghaddafi no doubt? So Saddam goes about gassing civilians and we do something about it and liberals complain. Focus dude, this is about your president not the one retired in Texas for 6 years now. 7 ms hendley ms hendley 17 hours ago a are his minions, and his voting public. God save the republic, if it can still be saved. 7 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 17 hours ago "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth - and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. If this be treason, make the most of it." . ~Patrick Henry~ 6
David Patch David Patch 17 hours ago Obama was too busy speaking at a High School Graduation in Massachusetts as he campaigns for fellow Democrats. Clearly the number one priority of Obama is not leading this country, it is traveling the country on a tax payer bill. 9 Henry Newbold Henry Newbold 17 hours ago The "Arab Spring" keeps expanding. Who knew that the Obama version would be much like the dead of winter......... 9 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 18 hours ago As per Capt. Eric Stahl on "Special w/Bret Baier" this evening. Subject: The 'Benghazi Tragedy", but also relevant to Mr. Henninger's excellent piece: Shades of MUMBAI!!!! 6 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 17 hours ago @Aloysius Koller Thanks for the link. 1 William Falzone William Falzone 18 hours ago To understand the complete and total incompetence of this administration, just listen to the State Dept. and White House spokesmen prattle on about "core al-Qaeda vs. al-Qaeda offshoots", as if there was a difference. Yes, it was a good thing Osama bin Laden was killed. No, that did not stop the danger from Islamic extremism. Wake up - the Middle East is disintegrating...and the only remaining world power with the will to use their influence, Russia, is not going to bail us out. 10 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 18 hours ago An Islamic caliphate IS the goal of the Obama administration. Releasing ALL Islamic prisoners being held in the US was part of the demands that Osama Bin Laden made prior to 9/11. It was also part of the demands that were made by Morsi in June of 2012. There is some indication that the protests in Egypt are related to Obama's failure to comply with this demand.
The other demands were for Obama to remove all US military personnel (this is probably the real reason that there were no Marines in either Tripoli or Benghazi). The last demand was for Obama to stop meddling in Islamic affairs. So, that pretty much explains what Obama is doing, complying with the demands of the Muslim Brotherhood (and Osama Bin Laden) and capitulating. The only thing missing is the White Flag and the official Surrender document. That would probably require consulting Congress, which Obama doesn't want to do. 13 Ken Jorgensen Ken Jorgensen 17 hours ago @Donna Shaw You make a very logical argument that is consistent with what Obama is doing. I think Obama's foreign policy is diminish America's power, roll and influence in the world with each opportunity. That is part of his transformation-of-America strategy.
3 Michael Forbes Michael Forbes 18 hours ago What difference, at this point - what difference does it make? It's George Bush's war and this is all Bush's fault! Obama; the James Buchanan of the 21st century! What a legacy! 6 Jerome Abernathy Jerome Abernathy 18 hours ago So, you want endless war in multiple countries? How much do you want your taxes to go up? When are you going to offer up yourself or your children to serve? 1 Donna Shaw Donna Shaw 18 hours ago @Jerome Abernathy No one wants endless wars, but sending the Taliban terrorists back to the battlefield is not the way to end them. Afghanistan was Obama's war, what Obama called, the "right war". Obama has no one to blame for Afghanistan but himself. America did not lose in Afghanistan, Obama did. 24 Lee Gaffrey Lee Gaffrey 17 hours ago @Donna Shaw @Jerome Abernathy He also lost Iraq after it was won.
17 ROGER KIMBER ROGER KIMBER 17 hours ago @Jerome Abernathy Jerome we already have endless wars in multiple countries due to your messiah's feckless incompetence and/or traitorous sympathy with the Islamists. The Arab "Spring" can be directly traced to exorbitant food prices due to the green left's foolish food into fuel ethanol policies (one of BHO's core delusions). Obama snatching defeat out of victory in Iraq and then turning tail and running (not concluding a status of forces agreement); incompetent dithering in Syria; ditto re: Iran, their Green revolution; ditto in Libya both initially and in Benghazi; ditto Egypt; ditto Afghanistan. His loose lips after taking out OBL led to the sinking of Seal Team 6's airship and their deaths. He is a narcissistic traitor. His sin cajones, sin cerebro foreign policy has emboldened Islamists, and tyrants around the world and lead to these fires breaking out all over the world. Instead of speaking softly but carrying a big stick, he talks loudly and carries a limp d!ldo. 5 Thomas Falk Thomas Falk 18 hours ago This is a sad state of affairs. Personally, this has been one screw up after another for the Obama Administration and I think the President has been too focused on getting votes and ignoring reality. 20 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago Everything Obama and his party has touched turns to sheet. 19 Jerome Abernathy Jerome Abernathy 18 hours ago So-called conservatives and the GOP screwed up so badly that the country turned to a guy named Barak Hussein Obama! Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago The media screwed up by packaging and selling a lie named Barack (Insane) Obama a/k/a Pajama Boy. 10 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 17 hours ago @Maria Bonanno The compromised Media did not screw up. They were and are complicit in the lies!! 10
Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 17 hours ago Exactly! 2 Lee Gaffrey Lee Gaffrey 17 hours ago @Jerome Abernathy And the people who voted for Obama saddled all of us with this excuse for a President. 7 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 18 hours ago @Thomas Falk Obama, ipso facto, is the only 'reality' he recognizes! Our Government is only his instrument! 3 George Wickham George Wickham 18 hours ago @Aloysius Koller @Thomas Falk Like Nero and his fiddle? 2 Toni Mack Toni Mack 18 hours ago Heaven help 45, whoever that may be. We need a strong fiscal conservative who can put out Obama's fires, both domestic (ACA, students loans, EPA, etc.) and foreign. 8 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 18 hours ago I hope you folks have listened to Capt. Eric Stahl on "Special w/Bret Baier" this evening. If you have, I hope you understand, what you just witnessed, besides barren incompetence! 11 Lee Travers Lee Travers 18 hours ago @Aloysius Koller Watched that - devastating. Have to check to see if on Fox's website. 2 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 18 hours ago @Lee Travers @Aloysius Koller Already posted the URL!! 1 Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson 17 hours ago
@Aloysius Koller Amazing that during the attack the CIA was listening to the attackers talking with their leadership! And they weren't talking about a movie! What else don't we know about this situation? 3 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 16 hours ago @Lisa Thompson @Aloysius Koller Ask Hillary!! 1 Warren Hall Warren Hall 18 hours ago Our President. Barrack Disgrace Obama. 5 Aloysius Koller Aloysius Koller 18 hours ago "Let us repeat the most quoted passage in former Defense Secretary Robert Gates's memoir, "Duty." It describes the March 2011 meeting with Mr. Obama about Afghanistan in the situation room. "As I sat there, I thought: The president doesn't trust his commander, can't stand Karzai, doesn't believe in his own strategy and doesn't consider the war to be his," Mr. Gates wrote. "For him, it's all about getting out." " Getting out of all Foreign entanglements has always been his #2 Priority. Priority #1 has always been the diminishment of America from within and he and the SecularProgressives are proceeding unencumbered as they destroy our Judeo-Christian foundations and heritage and create a class of 'Dependent Lemmings' who are ignorant/blind to their 'Orwellian' situation. 9 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago From ObamaCare to Benghazi, from Fast and Furious to the IRS scandal, from illegal immigration to freeing terrorists at Guantanamo, to the massive deficit, to the collapse of Iraq and rise of communism, Barack H. Obama is historically, the worst president in American history 28 Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson 17 hours ago @Maria Bonanno don't forget the beginning of the end of our healthcare system 5 Peter Stimes Peter Stimes 18 hours ago I think you are uncharitable in your analysis, Mr. Henninger. Mr. Obama is actually doing quite a lot, given the circumstances. I understand he has actually cut
back on his golf game in order to spend much more time agonizing and hand-wringing. 16 Bruce Fernandes Bruce Fernandes 18 hours ago Obama cannot possibly believe he can build a progressive domestic agenda when he polls at 40% which is the percentage of this country that clearly hates everything about the USA. Otherwise, how can you possibly watch Obama set us on a course that will lead to future conflict(s) in the world that will have to be addressed by the next POTUS. Jim Walsh Jim Walsh 18 hours ago The Obuba mouth pieces are already giving their lemmings their talking points using the term "core" al Qaeda is has been destroyed. Just one more lie for his ignorant followers to eat up. 3 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago The left Ministry of Disinformation is now saying that Al Qaeda is not a terrorist organization. 8 Rae Lusk Rae Lusk 17 hours ago @Maria Bonanno according to Jackie Speier (D-CA), the Taliban is not a terrorist organization but part of the fabric of Afghanistan, part of their leadership.... 1 David Wruck David Wruck 18 hours ago This editorial is ridiculous, obviously just a hater of the president because of the color of his skin. After all, you cannot possibly expect the president to get out of bed before 9AM, or to skip any golf, or miss a critically important celebrity fundraiser, in order to deal with the world burning down, can you!?!? You should check your privilege and get over your racist self! 2 RALPH NIELSEN RALPH NIELSEN 18 hours ago @David Wruck Exactly right. And John Kerry will confirm that the fall of Mosul is all because of some anti-Islam YouTube video made in America. 12 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago They will blame the fall of Iraq as being caused by Americans eating pork. 4 RALPH NIELSEN RALPH NIELSEN 18 hours ago
@Maria Bonanno I thought the real problem was Americans eating school lunches containing white potatoes and bread. 6 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago Yes, King and Queen (or Queen and Queen) Obama want Americans to be on the North Korean diet. 3 MICHAEL H SERAFIN MICHAEL H SERAFIN 18 hours ago @David Wruck You got 5 likes for this comment? Holy smokes Wruck. 1 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 18 hours ago Six :-) 2 RALPH NIELSEN RALPH NIELSEN 17 hours ago @MICHAEL H SERAFIN @David Wruck I bet the WSJ editors will highlight it as their "Editor's Pick". 2 Lee Gaffrey Lee Gaffrey 17 hours ago @David Wruck I put your sarcastic piece over the top, David. Good on you! 2 JOAN SNOW JOAN SNOW 18 hours ago While in Venezuela, Christians are tortured with "Crown on Thorns" made with barbed wire by Cuba orchestrated paramilitary terrorists. Combined with Syrian, FARC, and Iranian directors, the nation, under Maduro, has become worse than it was under Chavez. This is not an Iron Curtain descending, but a Black Flag operation which is well funded by looted banks and ruthless terrorists. One refugee called it the Cult of Death. Pray. 6 George Lawrence George Lawrence 18 hours ago ...Barack Obama is now the President because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency.
We're still waiting 4 NORMAN HOSFORD NORMAN HOSFORD 18 hours ago It's not so bad. They will probably not murder as many as the kymer Rouge did in Cambodia after we pulled out of south east Asia. 2 SANDRA SHREVE SANDRA SHREVE 18 hours ago Obama should be hauled out of Our House in handcuffs. 11 Jon Shirley Jon Shirley 18 hours ago US drone attack kills six Islamists responsible for the Karachi airport attack I'm confident that the Iraq situation is being watched closely by the Administration and DoD, but we can't just invade Iraq...again. The Iraqi government needs to make a stand. We can't continue policing the world because the US military is stretched too thin already. Andrew Black Andrew Black 18 hours ago @Jon Shirley They announced today that they are willing to talk about the US doing air strikes for them. One day too late... 2 Mike German Mike German 18 hours ago Yeah, right. Al Qaida's decimated, and then quintupled by the poorly-bargained Bergdahl exchange. And, speaking of a pig in a poke ... 2 Carol Sandor Carol Sandor 18 hours ago If you could sum up all of Obama's lies and misdemeanors, surely it would amount to an impeachable offense. Of course, he didn't get there alone. 20 Harry Reid Harry Reid 18 hours ago The presidency that never was. 8 Tim Dolan Tim Dolan 19 hours ago More examples of the failed presidency. 8
XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 19 hours ago "Now if you want to vent about 'George Bush's war,' be my guest. But George Bush isn't president anymore. Barack Obama is because he wanted the job and the responsibilities that come with the American presidency. Up to now, burying those responsibilities in the sand has never been in the job description." Well said. It is truly mindboggling how this president has been AWOL to the point of dereliction of duty. 2 Harry Reid Harry Reid 18 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Ah come on - he personally has done battle on many occasions - assuming golf counts. 7 Robert Girard Robert Girard 18 hours ago @Harry Reid @XAVIER L SIMON It does count when he does those cute little dance steps after he hits the ball. Wiley Wright Wiley Wright 18 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON Obama has been AWOL so long, he is now a deserter. 4 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 19 hours ago While Obama fiddles the next major terrorist attacks on the US are being planned and orchestrated throughout the Middle East. And they now have a major base of operations in the corridor between Mosul in Iraq and the northern third of Syria. Thank you Mr. President. :( 16 Maria Bonanno Maria Bonanno 17 hours ago All a terrorist has to do is cross the Mexican border. It's wide open now because we have a lawless president in the Whitehouse ignoring our laws.
9 Richard Sullivan Richard Sullivan 19 hours ago " Peace in our time." ;-( 12 XAVIER L SIMON XAVIER L SIMON 19 hours ago @Richard Sullivan Sadly, which you do point out, it is more likely to be blood in our time. 19 Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson 17 hours ago @XAVIER L SIMON @Richard Sullivan Our own president has created the perfect storm of events, leaving us unprotected. 9 James Werley James Werley 14 hours ago @Lisa Thompson @XAVIER L SIMON @Richard Sullivan Exactly stated