Type of brief: I prefer more open briefs and respond better with different ideas as an open brief forces you to think more about your final outcome rather than just drifting towards an already chosen format. I definitely enjoy it more when I can experiment with size and methods of production and presentation.
Integral Elements: I feel I create my best work when I can draw from inspiration and real life to then compose it into a more dramatic and narrative final piece. I can only imagine and sketch the idea to a certain point, I definitely need reference material to inspire a better piece. I enjoy working from my head and drawing the first things I think of but I find the outcomes are always better when I understand what I am illustrating. Success: I think my strengths are answering the briefs in a succinct manner with an effective and visually appealing final piece. I think I have been more successful when I can put my own opinions into the work and really understand it so that I feel confident giving my work the correct atmosphere and meaning. Problems: The biggest problems I have are when I can’t find the source of a good idea which I can then build on and develop. Another problem is when I have to make important decisions, such as media or composition and I get too hung up on one thing. I think I need to be more confident with my own decision making and visual judgements. Personality: I am interested in printing and creating zines that allow me to explore illustration, type and design. I also like to get some atmosphere and narrative into my work to give the piece meaning and more levels. I want to start using more colour and texture in my work and to finally find a style I want to work in.
Everything is broken Little white lies Occult crime Book jackets Reportage workshops Meltdown posters Collections Heroes
Everything is Broken
Little white lies
Occult Crime
Book Jackets
Reportage Workshops
Meltdown Posters
Develop and broaden technical abilities: To develop and broaden my technical abilities I’m going to start illustrating final pieces that challenge me more and push me to try something new or redo a skill which I have recently learnt. Develop and broaden knowledge of contemporary practice: I have got a lot better at developing and broadening my knowledge of
contempory practice by looking through design blogs and collective websites. However I want to start seeing more work in real life and making contacts with the people that inspire my work and use similar processes.
Nurture and develop current strengths: I think the best way to nuture and develop my current strengths is by constantly using every skill I have learnt and practicing the processes in every project so that it stays fresh in my head. The only way to stay good at something is by contantly doing it. Strengthen game and making this happen: The key things I need to strengthen are knowledge of photoshop and printing processes, drawing from life and increasing my web presence. I am going to achieve this by learning off peers and tutorials. I’m also going to get a new website and blog which I will update as often as possible and get into a roiutine of communicating and presenting new work. 07729785581