Charly Westcott Semester 2

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Charly Westcott

Overview of semester two

Integral elements:


I feel in my work I try to use a lot of traditional methods, I’ve

Like I’ve mentioned before, I really enjoy traditional methods

used ink in two of my projects this semester as I felt it suited

and getting stuck in using messy medias such as ink, paints

the style of the project perfectly. I also enjoy using textures in

and watercolours. But my main interest is sewing, and I’m

my work to create a more 3D and interesting element to my

actually quite upset I never got round to introducing that

work. I tend to illustrate and design on paper first, then scan

into my work this semester, I feel I ran out of time and had a

and digitalise my work, I find it hard to design straight onto

chance to go back and re do the semester I would choose a

a blank art board on the computer. Research is a key part

brief that involved me showing off my sewing and textile skills.

of my design process, I will spend a lot of time researching

I love embroidering, creating my own fabrics and making dolls

into current designers that fit the brief, various histories of

out of odds and ends of fabric, I have also started making

the briefs subject and past examples (if applicable). I feel by

plush pins (something you would wear on a jacket) and have

educating myself on the topic I can produce a more thought

many interested in buying them. I am also really interested in

out response.

printing techniques, especially screen printing, and again I am quite annoyed at myself I haven’t explored that media in this semester. In the future I want to explore my textile and printing


skills and involve them into my graphic design, I feel myself the

I feel my strengths have been within my branding, with

most when I’m experimenting with inks or on a sewing machine

projects such as Harry Ramsden rebrand and the Gen II

or embroidering onto new medias.

rebrand. I had such a positive experience with my Gen II project as my work actually got picked to be in the final 7, which never happens! It gave me a boost of confidence with my branding work which I feel was reflected in the Harry Ramsden brief. I feel I was also quite successful with my iPad app Scribble, the finals looked convincing and the idea was original and creative, I would actually like to see how it would work as a working app and I personally would be interested in using the app myself.

Charly Westcott

Visual Project Summary

Gen II

Day Brief Posters

Outdoor Inquiries

Harry Ramsden

Scribble App

Street Treasure

Project - Gen II

Introduction to the brief: GEN II A competition for Gen II we were asked to rebrand the company, to show them in a more contemporary way, they required one logo but applied to the three aspects of the company; Apprenticeships, Higher education and the Corporate side. The communication problem was that the brand was outdated and unimaginative, it didn’t appeal to their audiences and the logo was too strange a shape. The target audience are young people regarding their apprenticeships and higher education schemes, but also adults regarding the corporate side to the company.

Charly Westcott

Project - Gen II - Source

Charly Westcott

Project - Gen II -Transform

Charly Westcott

Project - Gen II - Production

Charly Westcott

Project - Gen II - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Degree show posters - Day brief

DEGREE SHOW POSTERS DAY BRIEF: Create 4 posters for the university degree show, whilst sticking to the required guidelines. Limited use of photography, fonts and textures. The communication problem was having to stick to the specific guidelines whilst also designing something eye catching and creative. The target audience are parents, other students and potential employers.

Charly Westcott

Project - Degree show posters - Source - Transform - Production - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Degree show posters - Source - Transform - Production - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Outdoor Inquiries - Day brief

OUTDOOR INQUIRIES: Redesign the Toolkits for Teachers book series, choose one book from a selection and redesign the cover. The communication problem was the book was stuck in the 1990’s and looked uninteresting and unimaginative for teachers, the new design would hopefully bring fresh life to the book series and make it appealing for teachers. The target audience are Teachers

Charly Westcott

Project - Outdoor Inquiries - Source - Transform - Production

Charly Westcott

Project - Outdoor Inquiries - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Scribble iPad App

SCRIBBLE: “Find the big idea to promote having a “traditional” Pen Pal – one you write to, not tweet, wallpost or DM.” ⁃ The communication problem was that writing letters to each other is an outdated media, and no amount of nicely designed writing sets will change that. Pen pals needed to be re-imagined in a new way involving new medias and technologies. ⁃ The target audience are young adults and anyone who can read fluently and can work an iPad (and gestures) accordingly.

Charly Westcott

Project - Scribble iPad App - Source

Charly Westcott

Project - Scribble iPad App - Transform

Charly Westcott

Project - Scribble iPad App - Production

Charly Westcott

Project - Scribble iPad App - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Harry Ramsden Rebrand

HARRY RAMSDEN: “Re-brand and make them relevant again... celebrate their past but define their future.” ⁃ The communication problem was that the brand looked very outdated and cheap, the menu design was all over the place and they stuck to a red colour scheme. ⁃ Adults, couples - people who are interested in a unique dining experience.

Charly Westcott

Project - Harry Ramsden - Source

Charly Westcott

Project - Harry Ramsden - Transform

Charly Westcott

Project - Harry Ramsden - Production

Charly Westcott

Project - Harry Ramsden - Realise

Charly Westcott

Project - Street Treasure

STREET TREASURE: ⁃ Design a logo and promote the idea ‘Street treasure’ a collection of found handwritten notes. ⁃ The communication problem was that “Street Treasure” didn’t have a brand, I was unsure whether to promote them as a book, blog or exhibition. ⁃ The target audience are Bloggers, collectors, young adults.

Charly Westcott

Project - Street Treasure - Source

Charly Westcott

Project - Street Treasure - Transform

Charly Westcott

Project - Street Treasure - Production

Charly Westcott

Project - Street Treasure - Realise

Charly Westcott

Final words

WORK EXPERIENCE: A days experience in Southfield Technology College in Workington working alongside Allison Murphy head of the art department. Duties included helping the children with their art projects, also helping 6th formers with essays. Two weeks experience in Heelands Primary school in Milton Keynes, working in years foundation, 1 and 2. Duties included helping children with their key words, reading, spelling and sentence forming. BLOG APPEARANCES: None COMPETION WINS: None

Dissertation Question: Can the assistance of comic books and graphic novels progress a child’s reading and visual literacy abilities?

Charly Westcott

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